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Chapter 035

A white light came out as the puppy pokemon appeared before me. I smiled as it yipped looking around before spotting me and rushing to my side. It barked cutely and wagged it's tail, I smile as I bent down and scratched it behind the ear, pleasing the dog.

It's funny, last time it saw me I was stabbing it in the back with daggers, guess it really did forget once it entered the pokeball.

"Alright Flamer, you ready for some training?" I asked.

"Growl!" it cried out.

Just then the bushes began to rustle as a Rattata came out, potting Growlithe and immediately began charging.

'It's on!' I realised as I jumped back, "Growlithe! Doge and use tackle!"

The pokemon obeyed as it jumped away from the Rattata before tackling it into the ground. I reached around into my shuriken pouch and flung it at the pokemon causing the metal star to cut into it's side, though I was aiming for it's head, damn it! Guess shurikens don't work the same way as kunai.

-4 HP!

And only four DMG, damn that's bad. I looked at the Rattata;

HP- 36/50

"Famer! Ember!" I cried out.

"Growlithe!" the pokemon cried out sending out a small fire blast that light the rat's tail on fire;

HP- 16/50

'Nice,' I reached into my kunai holster and took one out throwing it at the rat. This time the weapons flew true and hit it right in the head;


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-25 HP!

HP- 0/50

The pokemon died on the spot. I smiled, "good job Flamer!" The pokemon growled happily. I opened his status and looked at his EXp seeing if he gained anything;

Flamer EXP: 5/1000

Hm, so he got half the EXP from the Rattata, that means I got half, since I assisted. Hm, so maybe I shouldn't do that anymore until he can properly level up.

"Alright Flamer, for the next one I want you to handle it on your own okay?" I told the dog pokemon as I picked up my ninja tools and the loot, one pelt and one fang.

"Growlithe!" he cried out nodding.

"Right," I quickly climbed a tree, grumbling as I had to bend in odd angle to reach the branches. I so need to learn the tree walking exercise. I sat there and waited, Flamer looking at me funny, I sighed and shooed him away, the pokemon confused but obeying my order.

I looked at my map and found around…..fifty enemies there, with no giant red dot which would indicate a boss. Meaning we had to defeat enough opponents before we could move on. I watched as two dots came towards us, "get ready!"

Flamer waited as suddenly two more Rattatas came running out, charging at him. He growled and waited, I called out, "doge, tackle and ember!"

"Growl!" it cried out as it did just that managing to burn on Rattata while the other escaped. That thing tried to charge my pokemon from the back, but one kunai from me that cut into it's head stopped it right in it's tracks.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Thanks to stealth, your critical strike is doubled!

- 55 HP!

I watched as Flamer slowly beat down the Rattata until it's HP came down to zero. And then only loot remained. I smiled from my hidden positions, yeah, this was going to be fun!

Flamer and I went around the forest, the pokemon behaving marvelously in battle. I had him take on every pokemon in the forest and if they tried to double team him I would be there to help make sure he survived.

My kunai and stealth skills did improve;

Kunai techniques, Lv- 8 (39%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 46%

Bonus- 5% to DMG

Stealth, Lv- 8 (2%)

Your ability to hide in plain sight is crucial for being a ninja.

Chances of not getting spotted- 20%

For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you

And I finally got a skill for handling shurikens;

Shuriken techniques, Lv- 2 (90%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 25%

Bonus- 1% to DMG

Obviously I was better at handling kunais. I kept to the shadows most of time and let Growlithe fight the battles. He was really good with the Moths, which made sense since he was a dog and they were cats.

In the end of the long grinding session I ended up with 21 Rattata fangs along with 45 pelts, 6 of which I used to make fang daggers. Meaning I now had 20 fang daggers.

And with so much free time I now had used to simply observe Flamer, I could now spend it actually looking around the forest, paying attention for any random loot items. And my lack of focus payed off.

Hidden in the trunk of a tree was a blue spray bottle, I immediately recognized it;


Spray on injury to cure it. Regenerates 200 HP. Single use.

YES! I got a pokemon loot item! Oh I can't wait to find a rare candy! I can use it to automatically level up! But...if I took so long to find a simple potion, I can only imagine how much time a rare candy would take to find.

I also gained 7 gold coins from each Meowth and happened upon another fake tattoo, this one again I put away for storage.

And of course came the EXP points. Out of the fifty opponents we faced, 32 were Rattata and the rest 18 were Meowth's. I helped with most of the Rattata, since they were at the moment too fast for Flamer. But the Mouths the guy could handle himself, with a few exceptions.

Growlithe ended up with 745 EXP points while I got 475 EXP. Not a bad haul for the day.

Flamer- EXP: 760/1000


You have leveled up!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 5 (70/1,800)

HP- 250/250 (+20)

SP- 125/125

CP- 200/200


Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 2

VIT- 9

DEX- 5

INT- 11 (+2)

CHA- 16

CC- 21

LUC- 7 (+5)

Points- 5

Money- 385,000R

Sweet! I barely did any work, Growlithe got in a lot of training and I still leveled up! Fucking awesome!

With all the small time pokemon taken care off Flamer and I now turned to the boss of this level, which was another Growlithe, this one with the same base stats of my own, so lamer couldn't do this alone.

We waited and I used the same methods to draw it out, and casted a genjutsu on it. The pokemon began to act like a mad man, growling and scratching the air, Flamer recognized this tactic and knew to wait until the thing was knocked out.






👌The novel is available in PDF format, you can visit my Patreon store for said content👌


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