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63.63% Adeptus Mechanicus: Machine Spirit be Damned / Chapter 7: 6.Gothams Finest

Chapter 7: 6.Gothams Finest

~Falcone pov~

Falcone followed the butler through the victoria-esk mana. He always found this place earie and would only visit if it was absolutely necessary.

He was led to a study where he was instructed to wait but not before being handed a cup of tea by an odd looking maid.

Having been left alone and not being in the mood for tea,he placed the cup away and strolled over to the shelf picking through the oddly named books.

"The power of faith…"Falcone murmured reading the title to one of the books.

Interested,he opened the book only to be disappointed as he couldn't read any of the words. Content with scheming through the pages looking at the well drawn pictures depicting battles and even others proven who resembled Ignatius though less enhanced in some ways .

Closing the book and placing it back in place, "I didn't pick him for one who is interested in writing science fiction story.."Falcone mindlessly stated

"I assure you that there are things in this universe that your feeble mind would refuse to comprehend ."

Falcone was pulled out of his thoughts as Ignatius responded clearly having heard what he had said.

Completely ignoring him,Ignatius walked past him and took out a book from the vast array of books.

"God's who aren't gods,juiced up humans with more pride than sense and a fanatic brunch of the church. Just imagine it ,a church filled with fanatics, the Ecclesiarchy is what they called themselves if I remember " Ignatius stated walking over and taking a seat by his desk gesturing Falcone to do the same.

"It was 3 years after the rebellion,I was imbedded in one planet that belonged to the iron warriors.My job was to manage the local group of tech priests and ensure the already fortress world could take punishment and still function." Ignatius stated as he paused seemingly lost in thought.

"We held back the imperium forces for months when it all just stopped, the insistent line charges and endless artillery all stopped, everything went silent. I and the captain of the iron hands thought that the imperium was done with us and planned to exterminatus the planet but we knew they wouldn't do it due to what the planet represented."

"One day the battle kicked up again but this time something unusual happened. Hymns and sermons from annexation-engines were played consistently."Ignatius scowled remembering the annoying day more vividly.

"Then out of nowhere we picked up something being dropped from orbit then a huge earthquake that shook the entire fortress.The battle field went quiet before the hymns were blasted even louder as battle crazed nuns charged out the drop ship that resembled more of a huge cathedral ." sighed ignatius as he shifted seemingly done with the story after seeing as Falcone held no interest in whatever he was saying

"What brought you here today then if it wasn't to enjoy a bit of musing with me."Ignatius asked eyeing the man.

Regaining composure Falcone sat up straight and with a serious face said, " Its about the bat…."



Meanwhile said batman was currently vaulting over buildings following a meat truck. Pulling out a grappling hook he shot it over the street to a two story building vaulting over to the next ledge nesting himself in the darkness slowing himself observe as the truck drove into a run down garage of a building guarded by heavily armed men.

"Sir,I still don't know why you've been so obsessed with the Falcone's as of late."a voice from Batman's earpiece chimed in interrupting the silence.

Batman remained silent as he observed the movement of the guards patrolling the area.

"They have grown too powerful too fast,they are disrupting the already fragile power dynamics and clashes between the families have increased,and I'm inclined to believe there is an outside factor involved." replied Batman as he jumped down from his vantage point landing behind a guard who had walked over for a smoke.

With a sharp kick he disarmed the guard before throwing a sharp jab at the guards neck leaving him unable to shout for help. Not wasting time Batman twisted his arm and put the man in a headlock before he silently moved back into the dark alley.

Releasing the almost past out man,Batman pushed him on one of the alley wall taking out a knuckle duster shaped in the style of the batman logo. Pressing a small button on its side the logo glowed red hot.

"I will only ask once,what's in the truck." Growled Batman nearing the dusters to the man's face who pressed himself further on the wall feeling the heat.

"Fuck you batman,I've seen worse things than you.." the man said as he shivered seemingly remembering something.

"Then I'll remind you who I am.." Batman clasped the man's mouth before branding the man with his logo who writhed in pain until he passed out from the pain.

Seeing as he was of no use anymore,Batman tied the man up making sure to gag him before scaling the alley walls using a nearby fire escape.

"Alfred connect me with the commissioner."

Seconds later..

"What do you want," came an old gruffly voice.

Ignoring the remark, "I'm sending you the coordinates of one of Falcone's garages,I'm going in.."Batman cut off the call before the commissioner could reply and with a few taps on his gauntlet he transferred the coordinates to the commissioner.

'4 guards at the front,two at the side entrance,no nearby building I could use to sneak on the roof and reinforced windows.'

'I guess I'll do this the old way.' he thought pulling out a couple of round shaped objects and with no hesitation threw them at the 4 guards casually chatting by the main entrance .

Before any of them knew what was happening a blinding flash of light covered the area stunning the guards.

In an instant Batman had glided over landing with a roll leveraging the momentum to transition to a kick to the head of one of the men dropping him in an instant. With a dash he was upon the other hooking his arm under his and executing a perfect Uchi-Mara throw sending the man crushing.

For the other two Batman quickly dispatched them with a flurry of jabs and ending them with hooks.All this was done under a minute a testament to Batman's skill.

Creeping closer to the door,he knocked twice and waited patiently and seeing no one came to the door he turned the handle as it rolled back with a soft click.

Seeing noone ,Batman creeped in sticking close to the wall,before tapping his gauntlet activating a visor that allowed him to see through the thick walls and floors.Moving directly under where two people were seated at, Batman added a special jell on the floor under them before moving back and shooting a taser on it causing a controlled explosion bringing that section down..

Coughs could be heard as they struggled to stand up but Batman was already on them incapacitating them. But just then the remaining two guys burst through the side door spraying bullets clearly not concerned for the safety of their compatriots. Using his cape to cover himself and the downed men Batman waited until he heard the distinctive click indicating the had ran out of bullets and with a swift motion threw two batarangs that exploded on contact with the two men knocking them out due to the small explosive charge he had designed for such situations.

Double checking as there was no one in the room with both heat sensors and the x-ray visors he turned his attention to collecting as much evidence as he could before the police arrived.

First he walked over to the truck opening the back only to find it empty.Slightly disgruntled he walked under the whole and using the grappling hook he pulled himself to the first floor.

Taking note of the lack of any amenities,he made a mental conclusion either this place wasn't made with any purpose for long stays in mind. Searching through the various rooms and finding nothing, Batman was at first confused before he sensed danger and without thinking twice he jumped out of the window as the next second the building blew up .

Batman was shocked at how Falcone had been so ruthless as use his men as bait just to kill him.Just then sirens could be heard as the police arrived blocking the street and stepping out pointing their guns at Batman.

"Stand down" shouted commissioner Gordon as he stepped out of one of the police cruisers walking over to Batman.

"Mind explaining.."asked Gordon with a curious tone gesturing to the burning building.

"It was a trap ment to lure me out,someone wants me out of the picture…" Batman said going silent in contemplation.

"Nothing new, half the city wants you dead, what's different this time.."asked Gordon.

"Just felt off,anyway you can find one in that alley,"pointed Batman , "the rest are obviously dead.." Batman added with a sigh before without noticed shot his grappling hook in the air and as the bat jet came swooping past pulling him away.

"Check the alley."said the commissioner to one of the cops as he watched Batman disappear into the night.

"Sir…"came a shout from the alleyway, "you might want to see this."

Gordon and a few other police walked in only to see a headless man tied up. A couple of the officers doubled over and vomited clearly disturbed by the scene.

" I thought Batman didn't kill" asked one of the shocked officer before Gordon replied, "This isn't Batman's work.."

From a high tower over a kilometer away a female looking woman stood up from her crouching position raising her needle rifle satisfied the hellfire round had done its job.

In an instant the camouflage system fitted in her suit made her disappear as her mission was complete




"So that's is the Batman.."Ignatius said in a bored tone as he observed the individual from a secret camera in the building Batman was searching.

"He doesn't seem that threatening," added Ignatius as he lazily played with a switch on his sit, making Falcone move in discomfort.

"Let's get rid of your problem then.."said Ignatius as he flipped the switch causing the camera to go dark.Just then a log was sent to Ignatius.

{Target Survived,authorization to neutralize.}

"Ohhh,he might actually be as good as you said." Said Ignatius to Falcone surprised the explosion hadn't killed Batman,he simply transmitted a mental message.

{Leave the bat ,kill the one he left alive though.}

"I guess I won't be as bored as I thought.."


Thanks to all of you good people…..Another chapter for y'all hope you like it..

Chilled_Cronics Chilled_Cronics

A new chapter,yes I know it’s kinda late but eyy,better late than never…

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