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87.09% Did I become an Elf? / Chapter 53: Moon petal flowers

Chapter 53: Moon petal flowers

*clap* Lawrence clapped

"All alright everyone, let's all go down but I'll only bring 4 of you each time to be safe"

Lawrence then chose 4 random elves

Let's test this out first on these elves rather than my wives living at my house

They then all managed to reach the ground grounds safely

"It's so dark here warriors Lawrence" "We should have brought our weapons with us," the 4 elves said while holding each other's hands

"Please stay here and hold onto your moon crystal while I go and pick up the others, don't worry there are no monsters here I think," Lawrence said with a stiff smile

Lawrence then flew up to the cave opening leaving the four elves

"Please come back sooner Lawrence"

"y-yeah it's so dark here I'm scared" the elves said to the flying Lawrence

Lawrence then picks up, the chieftess, Aisha, Victoria, and Karthala. They later joined the other elves

He then repeated the same thing picking up the ones living with him first then the other elves.

Almost an hour later Lawrence picked up the last group of elves and landed down

"They are all here now chieftess" Lawrence said with a smile

Looks like I can continue flying for half a day with my stamina if I fly alone, surprisingly enough using my stamina to fight consumes way more stamina than flying.

"Thank you, let's go and drink the water now," the chieftess said with a smile

"wait chieftess I have something to say first" Lawrence said he then looked at the other elves

"my fellow elves, once your cores expanded, only use your nature energy in the Glade, do not use it outside. Because you might hurt or even accidentally kill someone. Do you understand? Lawrence said with a serious face

"and remember to stop channelling your nature energy once you feel exhausted, don't push yourself" Lawrence added

"yes" the elves replied with a serious expression

"my fellow elves please fall in line and drink a drop of it then step aside so others behind you can also drink it" Lawrence said with a smile

Soon after the elves started drinking a drip of the world tree's essence. One by one the elves started glowing green

"Hey, you're glowing green!" "Yeah, you too!" "We did it!" "yeah!" "Let's try flying like Lawrence!" the elves became ecstatic

"*Sigh*" Lawrence sighed after seeing the elves

this elves are too innocent, they can't go out like this without me

"Dear! Look I'm glowing" Freya said with a wide smile

"yeah I know dear, you look awesome" Lawrence said with a smile

"so brother, can you teach me how to fly now?" Claren and Miraen asked with expectant looks

"No, you might be able to summon bigger trees and slice small trees in half but it will take some more training before you can fly," Lawrence said with an apologetic smile

"but don't worry you're almost halfway there" Lawrence added while patting their heads

"looks like everyone is done drinking a drop now. I have a request for you my fellow elves, please scatter around this place and report to me if you find something" Lawrence said with a smile

"do it in groups and send someone back to report to me and the chieftess. Use your nature energy and hold the moon crystal so we can see where you are" Lawrence said with a smile

"ok!" the elves replied cheerfully

Time to work my little lambs, I hope you find something. But this cave is huge, they are scattered but I still can't see the walls

"you don't need to go out with them, let's wait for them to come back since they will be able to see us clearly if there are a lot of us," Lawrence said to the elves living with him

"Are they gonna be alright son? Your grandmother and aunt are with those elves so I'm worried" Karina said

Damn I forgot about them

"Don't worry Mother, why don't you tell grandmother and aunt to live with us later once they return?" Lawrence said with a smile

"yeah I'll ask them later since there are still a lot of unoccupied rooms upstairs," Karina said with a smile

"Lawrence, I think some of the elves have run out of stamina," Victoria said with a worried look

"yeah I noticed it too but don't worry, I'm sure there's nothing here that will harm them" Lawrence replied with a smile

Looks like the red echina herbs I've been mixing with the water well near our house is effective. None of the elves here with me have run out of stamina

"Lawrence! We found something!" A group of elves from a distance shouted

"Elder Aisha please come with me. I'll leave them to you chieftess" Lawrence said with a smile

Lawrence then flew off with Elder Aisha towards the elves

"Look, I know they are just flowers but there's just too many of them" one of the elves that found it said

"m-moon petal flowers! And there are thousands of them" Lawrence said with wide eyes

"What is that Lawrence? Isn't that a normal flower? I remember some humans wanted that as a gift for their loved ones before" Elder Aisha said with a questioning gaze

"wh-what the humans know about this?" Lawrence asked with wide eyes

"yeah, there are some of it that can be found outside the barrier before," Elder Aisha said

"I think I saw one just like that in our settlement before, outside the barrier," an elf said

"sigh" Lawrence sighed

"we're in trouble, these flowers can increase the lifespan of humans by 10 years, and they do not wither away, so they can keep it and use it once their lifespan is nearing its end it can also be eaten as many times as possible and the effect will be the same," Lawrence said with a worried look

"so? Isn't that just a flower, let's give it away to them, that's what me and the elders did before." Elder Aisha said with a smile

"We can't do that elder Aisha, there are too many humans and they have different leaders we will also need these for ourselves, this might also extend our lifespan", Lawrence said while shaking his head

"also the reason why the humans aren't attacking in force might be because their leaders are still young or they have managed to gather enough of this moon petal flowers, but once it runs out they will come here again," Lawrence said

Sigh we are in trouble, I thought those humans we're after the red echina that can increase stamina and strength but if they are looking for the moon petal flowers, even a king won't be able to resist the temptation. This is the most expensive herb back in the human kingdom after all.

"I understand you might be right, some of the elders also said that but we decided to let the humans take all of those flowers we even gave the humans all the flowers that look like that inside the barrier" Elder Aisha said while looking away from Lawrence

"huh? So that's why I'm only seeing this now, and about how many did you give them elder Aisha?" Lawrence asked

"about 100 from inside the village, but we let them pick all the flowers outside so I'm not sure it's been 50 years since then" Elder Aisha said

It's safe to assume those humans found 200 of them, then it means at least a hundred of them can live longer than the average lifespan of aura users and mages which is 120 years.

I might need to fight some old fossils if just a handful of them ate it all. I'm gonna spank this Elder later

"warrior Lawrence we found something!" a group of elves shouted in another other direction

"my fellow elves, please leave a moon crystal here so I'll know later where they are located. You can join the chieftess and the others, thank you" Lawrence said with a smile

"ok!" "Be careful Lawrence it's so dark here" the elves replied cheerfully

"Elder Aisha, where do we get the moon crystals?" Lawrence asked while flying towards the other group

"They get it from a cave at the edge of the barrier near the beastman territory, we usually get them with sticks or rocks but since you can use nature energy, you can get a lot of it," Aisha said with a smile

"let's mine some once we are done here elder Aisha" Lawrence said with a smile

"here Lawrence look!" the elves said cheerfully

Lawrence and Aisha landed where the elves are

"my gosh red echina and there are thousands of them as well," Lawrence said in a surprised tone

"We have a lot of those in the village, right? What's so surprising about it?" Aisha asked

"These flowers can help us increase our strength and stamina," Lawrence said

"I'll give all the warriors some while resting starting tomorrow" he continued

Looks like this is all we can find, I can see the other elves returning where the chieftess is at

"let's go back to the surface, please return where the chieftess is" Lawrence said with a smile

Lawrence then returned to where he left the ones living with him. He then started to carry the elves in groups of four outside the cave and they all returned home not long after.

Lawrence is currently inside his room along with the sleeping Freya and Aisha after a mating session with them

I'll start to explore outside for a few hours every day to gather information from now on, I wonder who I should bring with me

ElvenHero ElvenHero

Thank you for reading this chapter! ^_^

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