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Chapter 32: Zeoticus Ranting!

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As the band bounced off Zeoticus' forehead, and back into Rex' hand, the current Gremory Head gave a scream of pain, and held his hand up to the spot that had been impacted by the band.

'Motherfucker!' He thought, as Venelana jumped up and ran over to her husband. 'How can one little band have so much Holy Power? Wait a second-!'

"I'm going." Rex growled. "Zeoticus, let me make one thing very, VERY clear. I will NEVER become the Heir to this Clan. Even if you bribed me with all the lordship, prestige, riches and women that you can."

"Yes, you will!" Zeoticus, his hand still at his head, cried, getting up. "Rex-!"

"And what is more." Rex replied, tying his hair back up. "I know what route you're going down, Zeoticus. It's the same route you tried to pull me down. And I can't wait to see the look on your face when the next person you try to groom into your perfect Heir, slash puppet, goes against your wishes, just like I did. I can't fucking wait to say 'I told you so, dumbass!', when you see your plans for your next Heir crumble, right before your eyes! So, as they say in Canada, peace oot!"

Rex created a transportation-circle, and stepped into it. Once Palutena had done the same, there was a flash of silver light, and Rex and his wife were gone, leaving a very interesting scene behind them.

Zeoticus had collapsed back onto the ground from the pain of the flick, and Venelana, who felt very upset that the meeting hadn't gone better, was at her husband's side, trying to heal it with magic. 

Sirzechs and Grayfia were both calming down themselves, and Rias' peerage, with the exception of Rias and Isane, had gone back to eating.

Rias was feeling very confused right about now. She'd just witnessed someone knock her father, someone who she considered to be quite a powerful Devil nowhere near the level of Venelana, Grayfia or Sirzechs, but still a force to be reckoned with flat on the ground, with just a flick of a rubber band.

That aside, she was still confused. On the one hand, she was very shocked that Rex, a member of the Gremory Clan, someone with modern by Devil standards Gremory blood in his veins, didn't use the Power of Destruction, and didn't have any plans to start anytime soon. 

However, on the other hand, he seemed to have very negative feelings about Zeoticus.

Though she usually shared a positive relationship with her father, Rias' and Zeoticus' relationship was in a rather rocky phase right now, due to a few things that Zeoticus had dictated about the future of Rias' life, which he stated was 'for the good of the Clan'. But it wasn't for the good of Rias: no, it was not.

So, in a way, Rias thought, she and Rex shared some common ground. Common ground that, she thought, could be used to build a possible relationship with her nephew whom she acknowledged was more handsome than most male Devils and a few human males that worked in... certain professions that she knew?

Isane, on the other hand, was staring after where Rex had gone, and felt rather disappointed.

'Man.' She thought. 'I really wanted to at least talk to Rex.'

["Of course, you did."] Ddraig grumbled, under his dragonic breath. ["I'd want some words with him, too. Fucking host-killing bastard."]


A silver transportation-circle opened, and Palutena and Rex came out of it. Rex was seething.

"I fucking knew it!" he growled. "I should never have agreed to go to that fucking Manor! I should've known it was gonna turn out like shit!"

Rex sat down on the sofa, and took a few deep breaths, to try and calm himself down.

"I know, love." Palutena replied, sitting down beside her husband. "I had my doubts, but I was optimistic that it'd turn out well." She kissed Rex, and wrapped her arm around him. "But it wasn't Sirzechs' fault. Or Grayfia's."

Rex took a few more breaths, and seemed to finally calm down.

"Yeah, that's true." The silver-haired Nephalem replied. "And I know. I'm not angry at them."

"What about Millicas?" Palutena asked. "That cutie was the one who convinced you to stay, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, he was." Rex replied. "But he didn't know that things were gonna go south the way they did."

"How about Rias?"

"She's even less to blame." Rex replied. "She didn't do a shitty job in raising me, Zeoticus and Venelana did. On top of that, all she did was ask a couple of questions, and it isn't a crime to do that. It's on my grandparents, no-one else."

"Fair enough." Palutena replied, nodding. "Well, what should we do? I didn't have anything to eat at that Manor, did you?"

"Barely a few bites." Rex replied. "The food was shit, anyway. Let's just go out to eat."

Palutena was just about to ask where Rex thought it'd be best to eat out at, but she was interupted by the sound of two pairs of feet walking into the living room.

"Oh, Rex, Palutena!" Asia's voice sounded. "You're back already?"

Rex looked up, and saw Asia, along with Kuroka who was just wearing a black dressing gown, and looked like she was limping slightly, as well as looking rather tired

"Yeah. I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Asia." Palutena replied. "Things went rather... awry, at Rex' family's house, and we came back."

"It's okay!" Asia replied, smiling. "Do you want me to make some lunch for you?"

"Nah." Rex replied. "Pal and I'll just go out and get a bite to eat, or something."

"Where?" Palutena asked.

"How about Kyoto?" Rex asked. "They've got some pretty good food places."

Palutena considered for a moment.

"Yeah, Kyoto sounds good." The green-haired Goddess replied. "Shall we go now?"

"Yeah." Rex replied. "Asia, when Akasha gets up, asks her to just take one of the blood-packs from the fridge. It's her day today, and I really don't feel like giving her any blood right now." Asia bowed, and nodded. "Anyway, Pal."

Rex offered his hand to Palutena, which she took. The silverette Nephalem created a magic-circle, and two seconds later, Rex and Palutena had disappeared.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read chapters ahead by 20+ Chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.


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