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Chapter 6: Desert Lands


"Thank you," I say to a merchant who is also a servant to a smith god as I walk through a city of gods in Egypt

Mortals haven't reached a point where they can be actively interacted with reasonably

The merchant is a golem with limited sentience constructed by the smith god 

This means that gods have their own cities on the 'mortal' realm that are interconnected within their home realm

I just finished purchasing some weapons from a smith god that he had laying around by trading some jewels

Nothing really special, but if I want to fill my weapon collection, I need to start somewhere

I wonder if I can get a domain-based around hoarding

Bidding my farewell to the merchant, I continue to walk around while looking around

This city that they made for themselves is not really as impressive as I thought it would be

I have been in a few cities before searching for Thoth but the cities themselves are not really that impressive unless you count the palaces here and there

What I wouldn't give for some fried chicken and a coke

I would even take a burger from McDonald's as thin as they got

I walk through the city itself making more and more purchases of various trinkets like jewelry, scrolls filled with information on practically anything, various foods

What I wouldn't give for some fried chicken and a Coke right now

I would even take a burger from McDonald's as thin as they got I would fight to the death for one right now

Walking through the city, I leave once the sun begins to set

I go a bit away from the city and into the open desert as I make my way to the middle of practically nowhere before using my divinity to teleport back to my ship which has served as my home for these past couple of years while making sure that no one saw me or sensed me

Arriving, I let out a sigh at another failure in my search for Thoth

Putting everything away, I head on over to my workshop to check on a few projects

"Not a lot of progress," I say after looking at some of the stuff in front of me

I have only managed to identify 16 elements of the periodic table so far

It is good progress considering that I have also been working on a few other things

Such as my own personal far

I have a room in my ship that is also connected to another pocket dimension filled with farmland that I have carefully tended for years with a crystal on top that serves as sunlight which is connected to the actual sun

I fertilize the farmland with crushed sea shells or whatever their equivalent is that I pulverized into powder to help the soil



I can grow my own food using my own divine powers as well as those that my Mother herself blessed me with

Yup, Mother once came to visit me and asked me if I wanted her full-on blessing

I agreed as there is no reason not to

The boost in power that I received was significant

Mother said that the power that I received was something an Avatar or host of hers would receive once they accepted the power if not more

She said that the power she gave me was mine to do as I wished with it

However one major drawback was that she wasn't able to give me the power as divinities due to me already having so many and if I were to receive all of them, I would be left in a coma for thousands of years until I acclimated to the power

Instead, she chose to empower my Asgardian side further by turning it into a magical power gift that I can grow further on my own

I narrow my eyes deep in thought

Asgardians are the gods that mostly resemble mortals that I am aware of

It makes sense that the magic would have similarities too

'Mortal' magic can be empowered by Divine energy increasing the potency of the magic being used severalfold

I quite frankly am completely and utterly unaware of what I can do now

I frown as I think about it more deeply

I need to find Thoth


"OPEN THE DOOR, A FELLOW IMMORTAL COMES SEEKING KNOWLEDGE," I boom out loud as I bang on the somewhat rundown palace of Thoth

The last one that remains

"I SEEK THOTH..." I stop as I hear the sounds of a crash 


I bring out my axe and slice the door along with the magic keeping them together easily and I burst through the doors to see who I know is Thoth fighting a figure dressed in black

Without thinking I throw my axe which is covered in lightning towards the black armored being

It slams into him but the figure manages to catch himself in time just as I draw out Mjolnir and spin it around as I fly closer 

My instincts practically scream at me to move and I do so in time to dodge the spears coming out of the shadows, each one giving me an ominous feeling

"You are, no, why would you be here?" Says Thoth in shock while holding his more sides while multiple spears are littered around his body

"No time, heal yourself quickly and aid me in slaying this foe, he must not escape," I practically order him

I launch myself at the figure with lightning surrounding me and blocking some more shadow spears coming from who I confirm to be Gorr

"DMAN YOU ALL," He screams as multiple figures come from his shadows as he attempts to escape

"What's wrong? Can't keep up with your meaningless fueled rage against the gods or you running away without avenging the death of your family," I taunt him which gives me an awkward feeling

Yes, gods can be monstrous to mortals, but mortals can be far worse to one another than gods ever could be

However, there is one key difference between me and those other gods

I am better than them and quite frankly this Gorr is beyond any hope of redemption

Gorr stops and turns slowly towards me with nothing but cold hatred in his eyes however he seems to blink at me for some odd reason and looks at me confused for a moment before he jumps towards me alongside his creatures

I decimate him and his pathetic army in less than a minute

I let out a snort as I looked at Gorr

"Answer me this, if you truly desire a universe without gods, why not help your people and be one that could help them in their time of need?" I ask Gorr who is now missing an arm

"What..." He says throwing up black blood

"You could travel the universe and didn't once think of turning your planet into a paradise that your family would have loved to live. You could have brought resources from other worlds into yours, preferably uninhabited worlds?" I continue to ask him as he looks at me

" are not like the gods that I have killed..." He growls out as he looks at me in the eyes

"Gorr, did you ever find out what happened to the gods of your world?" I ask him and he looks at me confused which makes me sigh out loud and I look at Thoth who is pulling out the barbed spears from his body with screams of pain

"You...are an idiot. You obtained your weapon from someone almost like yourself. One filled with hatred towards the gods as well. Did you not stop to think for a moment that the who wielded the same blade you do now was responsible for the deaths of your gods?" I ask him and he stays silent

I stare at him for a moment before suddenly cutting his head off which causes him to turn into black goo which I then do my best to destroy

After a few minutes of me just blasting it, I stop once as I hear Thoth walking over to me

Well, more like crawling over to me

"You knew him?" 

"I knew of him, one day, I will put him down, permanently," I say looking at the spot that of Gorr extension was

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