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Entering Adulthood


"It will take a while," I say looking at the sampling of my own Golden Apple tree with no signs of even a single one appearing

"Quite frankly, it is a good sign that it is like this at all," Mother says trying to cheer me up

"Huh, I suppose it is," I answer smiling looking at it

"Are you excited?" Asks Mother while looking at me

"You know, I am," I answer with excitement

I am finally going to leave the island

Nothing bad about it

Its my home

But, I have already explored every nook and cranny of this place and I have very little to do anymore

I have been training, learning about what I am sure will be my future enemies, and rediscovering(discovering) several technologies for myself but, I have recently hit a big wall, that I am not sure how to overcome, and in terms of magic, I have to say, I am sort of adequate, then again, I am comparing myself to my Mother, who is Gaea

Being adequate in terms of magic in my mother's opinion is a good thing

"Now, come here Thor, I made a little something for you," She says as I nod with a smile and follow behind her to the great hall

Over the many years of teaching myself more about technology in general, I have modified the castle with my own 2 hands a lot

"What is-oh," I stop looking at an armor stand in the middle of the Great Hall

The armor on it is a red-brown color and through my many years of living and experimenting with it, I know what it is made of at a glance

Dragon Leather makes up the majority of the upper piece of the armor, while some of the scales are littered around it, short pauldrons for added protection and bracers are made of a golden material, which I know are made from Adamantine...

"Why..." I begin but my mother just smiles and I stop and smile back

We don't exactly have to hold back with what we make

"Merely will it and their appearance will change to hide itself. Otherwise, gods will wonder where you got them," She says warningly and I nod at that

If any gods learned that I have anything made from Adamantine, they would do their best to get it from me, even if they can't actually use it for themselves thanks to Mother enchantments, they would also try to figure out where I got mine

My axe has a similar enchantment to it

I turn to look back at the armor and see that it is also lined with Adamantine in certain areas

"Mother, did you..." I begin but my Mother smiles and I go give her a big hug which she returns eagerly

"Anything for you," She whispers into my ears and I smile while using my divinity to hide the fear creeping up at those words

She means it

She really fucking means it

I...have to be really careful about what I say around her

"You have your training, weapons, and tools, son. Be careful out there," She says as I touch the armor and it quickly replaces my current outfit sending it to my personal vault which thanks to my mother's teachings on divine magic and my persistence, I learned to make pocket dimensions, and connected it to Mjolnir

Mother told me to take anything and if I wanted to take everything from the treasure room I was free to do so

Which I did

I took every precious metal from there, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Bronze, Copper, alongside jewels, like rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, garnets, and also some jewelry as well, necklaces, rings, crowns, bracelets

Of course, I left some of those for Mother but she didn't really care if I took them too

I didn't just stop at that, I also took some magical artifacts that were gifted to mother from different pantheons

Some of them were really interesting though

Like a cup that was enchanted by Poseidon to draw in water from the atmosphere and then make it into drinkable water. A ring that when in contact with sunlight, stores it in it and uses it to heal the wearer's fatigue and heal them if necessary, which is one of the things I am wearing right now

"I am ready Mother," I tell her as she nods a bit sad but I give her another hug to comfort her

"That doesn't mean I have to like it," She says as we go out of the castle down a road that I made by hand all the way over to the docks, that I also made by hand

"Thor remember what I said, you are stronger than all but the strongest and the Skyfathers, oh, and also the Skymother. Keep in mind that they are also aware of the issue about Ragnarok," She reminds me

"I will Mother thank you," I say while I think about that tiny little fact

In terms of sheer raw power, there aren't many beings on Earth that can defeat me one-on-one, at least ones that would bother with me anyway

The Skyfathers plus the Skymother are true threats to me, if I gain their attention, and learn that I am not truly part of the Norse Pantheon, they will try very hard to get me into their pantheon

Also, Odin might try something, he can't come to Earth himself anymore, but he can still send his army through

As we get near the docks, I see the only ship anchored to it

I did not hold anything back with my ship

It took me 20 years to teach myself how to make one and it took me 80 years to make this one while enchanting it

I got the wood from trees I grew and tended to myself and sometimes I would use my blood to 'water' the trees, I had to wait for them to grow even longer as I experimented with how to enchant wood and when I finally got it down I enchanted every single plank of wood and make them work in sync, but I didn't stop there

The nails are made from Adamantine and were tempered and cooled in my blood as well and with the enchantments, they help to further reinforce the ship

Blood is a very powerful magical catalyst/ingredient, the blood of a god at my level, well the results speak of themselves

A small crater in the middle of the ship which is very slowly mending itself from where I threw Mjolnir from the sky with the smallest flicker

"Take care, son," Says my mother as we walk onto my ship which I still haven't named yet

"I will Mother, I love you Mom," I say to her as I give her a hug which she returns eagerly and I can tell she doesn't want to let me go

"Love you too son," She says with a small sniffle and I have to admit, I am sort of emotional myself

Ever since I 'arrived' here, she has fed, clothed, and sheltered me here

I have been living with her for 2000 years

She has given me a mother's love, something that I will treasure forever in my new life

"Goodbye for now," I say as she nods with a smile and I watch as a small tear begins to form in one of her eyes

"Goodbye son," She says as I get on my ship and my hands touch the steering wheel of my ship, with one last look at my Mother

The sails unfurl by themselves as with my divinity, I command a wind to take me from the island that has been my home for 2000 years

It is time to begin my journey

I stare back at my mother as her body begins to turn to dirt and is blown away slowly by the wind and I catch her teary smile

Turning in front of me to watch the ocean, I mentally command the ship to take me to my first destination 

I let out a breath as I look towards the horizon as my mind goes through my future

I need to access my domain of Magic, Mother herself was a huge help, but I need the help of a god who has the same domain to learn from, I don't want to stumble around in the dark for quite possibly eons until I manage to learn to access its true power

Which is why my first destination is Egypt

There is a god of magic there that according to my mother is not exactly popular 


He is a very powerful deity of the Egyptian Pantheon, one of the strongest even without being a Skyfather it can be argued that in terms of power, he ranks among them

Mother said that Thoth is not the most well-liked god due to his view of preserving and spreading knowledge freely even against the objections of the other gods

If I can get him to teach me, I will not only be able to learn how to 'access' my domain of magic, but if all goes well, he might even teach me about my domain of Healing

A domain that I am lacking in

Granted Thoth is also a god of medicine but he may be able to point me in the right direction with my domain of Healing

I sigh as I think of what will come after that

I thought of leaving Earth in search of the Infinity stones, particularly the Power, Mind, and Soul stones but that would be a fool's errand as I would be searching for them blindly

No, I will wait for them to reach Earth as I establish my own power base here

What I will be doing is taking over the realms and bringing Odin down

I will not be truly 'safe' until I do

Watching the sunset, I go to my quarters for the night as even though the journey to Egypt will be long

I still have my projects to work on in the meantime

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