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93.75% DXD Issei: The Mind of Games / Chapter 45: Chapter 45 Artorias

Chapter 45: Chapter 45 Artorias

Issei was seen sitting down at his house, in the living room, on the large couch across from Rias and her family, who decided to follow. Luckily, Artemis wasn't here... if she was, the problem with having a superdevil and a Goddess in the same room... two powerful entities in the same from different factions would cause some more disturbances. Last time, Sirzechs simply forgot about Artemis being with him... Now, with Rias, Sirzechs, Zeoticus, Grayfia, and Venelana all in the same room... it would definitely cause some issues.

"This tea... is so soothing to the mind, especially when we got so exhausted with making Rias so flustered during class." Venelana broke the silence between the group.

"You should have seen the nervousness in Issei's face when we entered the room." Miki showed a video of Issei and his reaction to his parents showing up. "I just couldn't help myself and rush to him for a hug."

"I think it's our job as parents to make sure our children will always be embarrassed with us being there. We should tell some stories of our kids when they were young." Zeoticus chuckled when hearing that from Issei's father.

"I remember when we first visited Rias during family visits... It was the best day of my life. The sheer shock in her face when seeing us being on her campus and in her class was the best! She was so certain that we wouldn't show up to these childish events, but we made sure to come extra prepared because of that. We came with a camera, some candy for the other students, and some funny accessories to wear." Zeoticus continued laughing when remembering that moment.

Issei couldn't handle the embarrassment any further because the number of embarrassing things he has done during family visits are astonishing. From slipping on water during class to falling face first into the teacher, needless to say, family visits are something that he hated. He could never act right and Rias had a similar idea. However, Issei instantly received a quest.


Limited Event: Dungeon of Bosses

Details: A dungeon designed to have only boss enemies inside. You can click the exit button whenever you want. Also, the rate of which items drop will be doubled.

Recommended Level: 120


Issei widened his eyes and got another notification from the system...


Time left to enter the dungeon: 15 minutes


Seeing as though he didn't have much time, Issei rushed upstairs before Rias could catch up to him and immediately entered the dungeon without caring whoever was around him. He needed this opportunity.

Rias soon entered the room to see Issei gone. No one was in the room. Standing and pouting with annoyance, Rias was definitely going to nag Issei for doing this to her. Issei was her best friend with Akeno.

Finally appearing in the middle of a beautiful grassy plain with hills that covered Issei's sight of the land further ahead. The blazing sun shining down upon the plain to give the grass a golden tint. The trees stretched into the sky as the branches filled with leaves shook with the calm and soothing wind grazed upon them. Issei enjoyed the atmosphere of the area until he realized what type of dungeon he was in. Being on high alert, Issei quickly summoned his hammer and jumped into the sky. Soaring through the sky, Issei decided to get to the high ground before any sort of boss could get to him first. However, that was when he noticed a very large arena in the distance. The large circular arena, with large stone pillars that stretched to the height of the very trees that surrounded it, stretched around with an area to easily cover an entire football field.

The sun shined brightly onto the arena, giving the atmosphere to be brilliant. However, there was a problem with the arena being inside of a dungeon. A boss was certainly going to appear within that dungeon. Knowing this information, Issei was now paranoid about going into the area. Closing his eyes while he started descending towards the ground, Issei needed to take advantage of fighting as many bosses as he could. This was the perfect dungeon to obtain useful items.

"Partner, I sense a very powerful foe within that arena. Are you truly willing to go inside of that dungeon?" Ddraig already gave up asking his partner about information pertaining to him showing up to these random locations, but his partner wouldn't tell and Ddraig couldn't enter his partner's memories because something was blocking him from doing so.

Shooting straight towards the middle of the arena, Issei slammed straight into the ground with massive dust clouds blowing all around him. Standing up straight with his hammer on his shoulder, Issei was ready for whatever foe was within this arena. However, the moment that Issei landed, another foe had also landed. With a large dark, menacing aura blowing all around them, with their sword on one of their shoulders, with a screech that sent shivers down Issei's spine, the aura of darkness finally cleared, and Issei saw who his opponent was. Standing with a large slouch, with slim rusted armor and a sword oozing the abyss. With one of their arms being crippled, the knight screamed in corruption as the abyss continued circulating them.


Name: Knight Artorias

Title: The Abysswalker

Race: Unknown

Level: 128

HP: 162500/162500

MP: 26000/26000

STR: 350 (+80)

AGL: 240(+30)

END: 500 (+150)

INT: 230 (+30)

Bonus:+100% Damage Reduction

 +25% More Damage Due to Abyss

 +40% Pierce Damage


Widening his eyes upon seeing the stats, Issei was outclassed by a land slide without the Balance Breaker form. Entering the Balance Breaker form immediately and boosted to the maximum. Artorias having 100% damage reduction meant only two things. Pierce damage would have to save Issei and being higher level would negate a certain amount of damage reduction depending on his level. With the Balance Breaker form, he would be able to negate 20% of the 100% damage reduction with levels alone.

[Boost x 32]

Using his hammer, Issei didn't even try to rush at Artorias. He waited for the knight to rush at him.

"You must stay away... Or you will be consumed by it."

Hearing the pained voice, the corruption within the voice, the instability within the tone, Issei couldn't help but question who was this knight? What was this "it" that the knight was speaking about?

With a screech, the knight released more abyss within the air before rushing at Issei with his sword. Issei watched as the knight replicated his Lion's Claw. Spinning in the air with his Great Sword, Issei swung his hammer up in hopes of intercepting the blow from hitting him.


Issei was shot back as this was one of the very few times his hammer itself wasn't able to completely nullify the knockback from his opponent. Artorias didn't stop there, rushing back at Issei with even more aggression, Artorias swung his blade once more, spinning in a horizontal fashion, Issei activated Speed Demon to only get smacked away into the walls of the arena. Spitting out a little bit of saliva, the damage that Issei received was pretty large... even through the large defense that he had.

"I must put an end to your curiosity from bringing you torment."

Artorias screeched again before throwing his blade at Issei, faster than Issei could get his hammer, and pierced Issei slightly with the blow. Issei noticed the instability within the knight... Every time the knight would shift, the darkness that coated him would explode around him.

Was the knight suffering from this darkness consuming him? Was this knight trying to save him from suffering from the darkness?

The speed that Artorias had was something completely different from any other monster he has fought.

What could Issei even do in this circumstance?

Activating Overcharge, Issei needed to be at his fastest to even react to Artorias. Artorias rushed back at him, grabbing his sword from near Issei, and swinging again. Issei quickly used a little bit of chaos manipulation to shatter the ground underneath.

However, Artorias didn't care and tanked the blow without flinching and slamming his sword right into Issei again. This time, this actually was able to cause Issei to cough up a little bit of blood. Just how hard did this knight hit? Swinging his hammer in time, Issei collided his hammer with Artorias, throwing him off of him and skidding across the arena. Catching his breath and composing himself, Issei watched as Artorias got up with only his right arm.

Rushing again into Issei, Artorias was trying his best to aim for the most lethal areas on Issei. The latter could only watch and swing his hammer in hopes of winning the collision between the two... Colliding their weapons, Issei placed his all into the swing and was able to slam Artorias into the ground. However, Artorias was quick to get up.

Swinging again, Issei could only watch as he was pierced four different times. He couldn't move fast enough. He just couldn't win. Artorias didn't give Issei any chance to come up with an alternate plan, he swung again.

And again.

And again.

Piercing through Issei and his immense damage reduction like it was nothing. Artorias's blade having huge pierce damage made someone like Issei just not being able to use his build effectively.

Artorias began screaming before continuing his assault. Issei tried his best to swing and hopefully hit Artorias, but the knight was just too fast. Cutting Issei hundreds of times, Issei was left a bloody mess, kneeling onto his knees as Artorias spoke once more.

"Don't let the abyss consume you."

Holding his sword in his hands and bringing it up to head level, Issei watched as Artorias's blade began being consumed by the abyss once more. However, before the knight could swing, Artorias stopped and looked back at his blade. He continued staring at the abyss that coated it.


Warning: If host is defeated and consumed by the abyss, host will lose all sanity and become an unstable monster.


Through his smallest bit of insanity left, Artorias turned around and began walking away. The abyss only coating him once more.

This knight didn't want to kill him with his blade in order to save him from the abyss. This knight wasn't here to kill him. No, he would have done so beforehand. This knight was here to save him from delving deeper into the world and encountering the abyss itself.

Artorias must have already been consumed by the abyss. He was just preventing anyone further from doing so with the tiniest sanity that he has left.

Issei purchased a bunch of health potions and chugged them. "Then who's going to stop you from being further consumed by the Abyss?"

"Run, before I lose all control. Run before it's too late."

Being brought back to his maximum health from seven health potions. Issei already went through nearly an entire silver coin. Using his chaos manipulation to cover himself once more.


Chaotic Manipulation --> Flames, Grant me Strength

Details: Evolving with your build, Flames, Grant me Strength allows for the host to obtain 20% more strength and damage dealt, 20% more flame damage dealt, 15% damage reduction for 1 minute.

Cost: 500 MP per use


Issei quickly brought a burning flame to his chest, empowering himself with the flame itself. Feeling his power increasing immensely, Issei bought a mana potion and drank it while Artorias rushed at him. Activating Crystalized Frame and using Titanic Slam, Issei met Artorias, even through Artorias's immense speed, Issei slammed his sword straight into Artorias, tanking Artorias's blow, and slamming him with such force that Artorias actually had to take a second to get up.

Issei didn't stop there... Screaming while exploding with his fiery aura, Issei jumped into the air and slammed his hammer again, missing Artorias but still able to burn him through the immense power that Issei held with each swing. Issei didn't stop there. Turning around and swinging again, Issei missed but didn't stop there. He was stabbed by Artorias once more but he pushed through and caught Artorias off guard and slamming his hammer again. This time, Issei was able to stun Artorias. Taking this chance, Issei spun in the air and slammed his hammer. If he couldn't hit his opponent then he would get his opponent's weapon to be stuck in his body and swing his to demolish his opponent. With all his buffs up, Issei was easily soaring past 500 strength. His titanic slam was far more demolishing with Flames, Grant me Strength.

Artorias was still able to get up but with far more wounds preventing him from moving as fast as he could. Artorias swung his blade fast, cutting Issei again deeply with the abyss, but Issei screamed in frustration and swung his hammer again. Missing again, but Issei summoned his two Ultra Great Swords and threw them at Artorias, catching the knight off guard and swung his hammer again and pancaked the knight again.

Doing so much damage thanks to the level difference and all his skills, Issei drank another couple mana potions and noticed that Flames, Grant me Strength ran out. Activating it again, even seeing Artorias coming at him with his sword. Piercing Issei once more, Issei didn't care and swung his hammer over and over again.

The two would become bloody as Issei had wounded Artorias to the point where he could barely stand and Issei ran out of coins to use for potions. However, it became clear that Issei had won... at the end.

Breathing heavily, Issei stood in front of Artorias with his hammer up high.

"Before you kill me... Before you end my suffering... Proud warrior...please... defeat him... defeat Manus."

Issei could only respond with, "I will... I promise... Rest... warrior."

With a swing of his weapon, Artorias quickly began disappearing. Leaving a bunch of items for Issei to receive. However, Issei simply sat down thinking of what happened. The first boss that he fought is already someone that has caused Issei to give up. He didn't have anything else ot save him from the enemies to come ahead.

He leveled up twice from winning that... Finally, deciding to pick up his rewards.


Armor: Helmet of Artorias

Rarity: Legendary

Attributes: +25 Endurance

 +25% Damage Reduction


Armor: Armor of Artorias

Rarity: Legendary

Attributes: +25 Endurance

 +25% Damage Reduction


Armor: Gauntlets of Artorias

Rarity: Legendary

Attributes: +25 Endurance

 +25% Damage Reduction


Armor: Leggings of Artorias

Rarity: Legendary

Attributes: +25 Endurance

 +25% Damage Reduction


With the entire set on, there will be a bonus applied.

Bonus: +20% Endurance

+50 Endurance

 +10% Damage Reduction

Details of the entire set: The legendary helmet of one of the very few knights of Gwyn. He was tasked with defeating Manus, the father of the abyss. However, he had failed in doing so, but was able to save his partner, Sif.


Seeing his stats, Issei was extremely happy with his new defense stats. Even if he lost the two bonuses from having the enchanted armor that Sirzechs gave to him, Issei thought that having this armor was better.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Title: Hero of the Devil Faction

Race: Shadow Colossus

Level: 127

HP: 23468/127310

MP: 40/742.5

STR: 262.8 (+102)

AGL: 153.4 (-5)

END: 359.24 (+150)

INT: 156.5 (-8)

Bonus:+140% Damage Reduction

 +20% Pierce Damage

Skills: Crystallized Frame

 Titanic Smash

 Chaotic Manipulation



Issei's damage reduction was so high that the only way for him to begin taking damage is if he was to be attacked by someone who's five levels above him. Combine his skills, Issei was basically only going to be beaten by someone who's nearly seven levels or above him.


Before anyone gets confused, damage reduction decreases by 10% each level the opponent is higher than the other. I added this in to begin allowing Issei to become immune to some opponents higher leveled than him. I want Issei to become a true strength/tank build. He wouldn't be called a tank if he couldn't face tank attacks from stronger opponents than him.

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