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Chapter 9

Adonis stood under the shower, allowing the warmth of the water to run down his entire body from his head. He closed his eyes, immersing himself deeper into his thoughts.


It's been days now, and he still hadn't gotten the perfect plan on how to get Delaney without getting her offended or angry at him. It's a card he needed to play with caution. He didn't want to lose her again.


He was ruthless in his ways; he was cold and unfeeling. He could just abduct her and take her to a place no one would ever find her, and even the authorities wouldn't dare interfere. He could also easily get rid of Blaine, but that would only hurt Delaney. He needed a perfect plan for this.


Adonis hasn't been able to look at Blaine the same way he had before. After discovering he was the so-called fiance of his dream woman, he'd grown such a dangerous hatred towards Blaine that he could kill him without blinking an eye. And to think that Delaney has been going through hell at the hands of the imbecile only enraged Adonis the more.


He stepped out of the shower, drying himself up with a towel before entering his room. Just as he was about to approach the wardrobe, the sound of his phone beeping halted his movements.

Curiosity piqued, he walked over to the table where his phone lay and picked it up, not knowing what to expect. It was an email. He quickly unlocked his phone and opened the email, scanning its contents. As he absorbed the information presented to him, a glimmer of realization sparked in his eyes. His suspicions had been confirmed.

A mischievous grin slowly spread across his face as he realized the significance of the information he held in his hands. His mind buzzed with the possibilities of what he could do with this newfound knowledge.

Adonis swiftly scrolled through his phone, navigating his way to the messaging app. With a sense of relief, he began composing a text message, his fingers moving swiftly across the screen.

"The show is about to begin," he thought to himself, a mix of excitement and satisfaction washing over him.



Days had passed, and Delaney had not heard a word from Adonis, nor had she received any news about him. She found herself caught between feelings of relief and unease, unsure of what to make of the situation.

Blaine had also been strangely silent about work. There had been no threats from Adonis regarding Blaine's job either. Delaney couldn't help but feel utterly confused and uncertain about the current state of things.

As Monday morning arrived, Blaine prepared himself for work, his attention momentarily caught by the beeping sound emanating from Delaney's phone on the table. He glanced at it briefly before looking away.

The phone beeped again, drawing his attention once more.

"Hey, Delaney, you've made some new friends now? Who's been texting you?" He asked, his tone tinged with a hint of anger, but Delaney remained silent, offering no response.

His curiosity got the best of him, and he strode to the table where the phone sat. Just as he was about to pick up the phone, Delaney rushed out of the bathroom.

"I'll take that," she swiftly said, snatching the phone before he could get a hold of it.

Blaine briefly stared at her before returning his gaze to the mirror, resuming his preparations.

Delaney unlocked her phone, and her heart skipped a beat as she read the text displayed on the screen. It was from Adonis. Her heart raced with fear. Just when she thought he had given up.

Adonis had sent her a copy of the photo he had on his phone the last time he was there. A picture of her sleeping naked on his bed. And below the photo, he wrote a caption. "I want to wake up to this sight every single day of my life, Dela."


Delaney quickly deleted the text and calmed herself down. She didn't want Blaine to have a clue about the whole drama she's been going through with his boss. It'll only put her in more trouble.


"Who was it?" Blaine's curious voice broke her stream of thoughts.


"It was nothing. Just some commercials from the internet." She lied.


"Why don't I believe you, Delaney? Some commercials got you looking like you just saw a ghost?" He'd been staring at her all along, but she hadn't noticed.


"Blaine, I said it was nothing," she replied flatly.


"Are you out of your mind? Did you just raise your voice at me?" He took quick steps towards her, grabbing her by the arm. "Do you have a death wish? Huh?"


"I'm sorry, Blaine; I'm just not feeling too well. I think it's my cycle." Her shaky voice came out in a whimper.


"Your cycle, huh?" He regarded her slowly, looking at her body like he had just realized she was putting on nothing but a towel around her chest.


"How about we do something about that?" The spiteful curl of his words sent shivers of dread coursing down her spine; his eyes burned with a lust that left no room for misunderstanding. His left hand extended slowly, steadily untieing the towel she held securely around her chest.

"Blaine, you're hurting me," she whimpered as she strained to free herself from his tight grip, but her efforts were futile as he tightened his grip on her.

"That's the point, Delaney," he growled, a dark grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, "I love it when I hurt you. The pain... It's intoxicating." His hand traced a torturous path across her bare chest, closing in on her perky breasts that stood in firm defiance against gravity, her nipples a flushed red that screamed for attention. His gaze traveled lower to her thick thighs held tightly together, a tantalizing glimpse hinting at the hidden delights they concealed.

His eyes, already a rich pool of dark, lust-filled desire, drank in the sight of her, the tip of his tongue darting out to sweep over his lips in anticipation. And with a force that left her breathless, he shoved her backward onto the bed.

"It's been quite a while, huh?" His husky voice echoed in the quiet room as he laughed throatily. His laughter chilled her to the bone, devoid of any warmth or affection.

Delaney was helpless. This was yet another day of loveless sex. He didn't care about how she felt; as long as he was able to have his satisfaction, he was good to go.

He unzipped his trousers, releasing his erect arousal, and began to stroke it leisurely, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he savored the sight of her. "I just love how you look right now, Delaney. So vulnerable... It's intoxicating," he muttered in a tone that was nothing short of predatory.

Silently, she lay on the bed, her eyes swimming with unshed tears as she fixed her gaze on him.

With a swift movement, Blaine positioned himself over her, his heavy body pinning her down. His hungry eyes roamed her exposed body as if she were his personal feast as he positioned himself between her legs.

Summoning her strength, she spoke up, "You'll be late for work, Blaine." She hoped her words would prompt him to leave, but she couldn't have been more mistaken.

"Fuck work... Just the way I'm about to fuck you," he said, his voice dripping with malice. His free hand moved down to stroke her thigh, his touch burning her skin. "You know you want this too."


Blaine's harsh touch was like a physical manifestation of his lack of affection. Each sucking kiss he planted on her tender nipples seemed to echo his disregard for her feelings. Delaney closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out the feeling, the sound, the scent of him.

He ran his tongue around her nipples, sucking harshly on them until they became reddened and swollen, making her whimper in pain, tears already welling up in her eyes. He's always tempted by her beauty and charms, but...

"Let me in," he instructed. She knew what he meant. She parted her legs without protesting, her gaze fixed on the window at the other end of the room.

Blaine sighed in pleasure as the sight of her pinky entrance came into view. He leaned over her, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the length of her body, making her skin prickle with both discomfort and unwanted desire.

He positioned himself at her entrance, his heated gaze locked onto her face. Without a word, he pressed forward, his length rammed into her tight walls, eliciting a whimper from her lips. His hands found their way to her hips, holding her still as he began to move, thrusting slowly at first, his control threatening to shatter with each wave of pleasure that surged through him. His grunts echoed through the quiet room, filling the space with a sound that was as harsh and unrelenting as his movements.

"Yeah. That's it. Always feeling new..." He growled, his voice bearing intense pleasure as he thrashed in and out harshly, immersing his whole length into her quivering tightness without giving her a chance to adjust to his length.

A shiver of pleasure ran through him at the feel of her warm, tight center engulfing him, her body reacting instinctively to his invasion. He buried himself deeper, savoring her reactions and the tightness that gripped him so pleasurably. Her feeble attempts to squirm away only further inflamed his lust.

Each thrust sent waves of pain through Delaney, and each grunt of his pleasure was a grim reminder of her helplessness in the face of his desires. She bit her lip, determined not to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry, but silent tears streamed down her cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath her.

"You are so fucking tight...damn! And all mine…" he groaned as he pushed deeper within her with each stroke. His breathing became ragged, his moans louder, his thrusts harder, and his grip on her wrists bruising. His eyes were closed, lost in his own world, oblivious to her silent pleas for mercy.

The harshness of his thrusts was the perfect mirror of the loveless nature of their relationship - rough, painful, and devoid of affection. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, groaning in pleasure as he filled her with his fullness. His rugged movements were purely for his pleasure, not considering her comfort or satisfaction.

The room was filled with the agonizing sound of her stifled cries, muted by the thick blanket of Blaine's self-indulgence. Delaney's fingers clutched the sheets beneath, her knuckles turning white from the strain.

Delaney felt a numbness creeping through her. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip, trying to will herself into another place, another time, somewhere far away from this moment. But the rough and cold grip of reality was relentless.

She was jarred back to the present when he forcefully flipped her over, placing her on her belly. He positioned himself behind her, pulling her hips towards his hardness. His grunts echoed throughout the room as he resumed his thrusting, more brutal than before. "Take it all in, Delaney," he grunted, picking up his pace. Delaney held her breath, enduring the harsh intrusion of her body.


"Blaine, please," She cried out, trying to free herself from him once more; her voice was barely a whisper, her words almost lost in the sounds of their labored breathing and the harsh grating of the bed against the floor. His pace quickened, his grip on her hair tightening as his other hand found her hip, fingers digging into her soft flesh to steady her for his brutal thrusts as he neared his climax. The room filled with his grunts and groans, drowning out her whimpers.

"Oh, fuck... Delaney! Fuck!" He groaned, pulling out of her swiftly, denying her the warmth of his seed inside her. That would have been the only warmth she could have felt from this cruelty, but he denied her that too.

He spilled his release onto her bare back, his hot seed splattering against her cool skin, leaving a wet, sticky trail. Seeing his release on her brought a cruel smile to his lips. His chest heaved with heavy breaths as he collapsed beside her on the bed, exhausted from his pleasure.


"That was relieving," he said after heaving a loud sigh. And without sparing her a glance, he stood up and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes, he was out and ready to leave for work.

Delaney just laid there, feeling sad and used. Her entire body ached, and her hair was a total mess, with a few strands littered on the bed. She took her hand to the part of her neck where she felt a stinging pain, and there she was, bleeding slightly.

For the first time, she found herself longing for Adonis, longing for the kind of desire he ignited in her, longing for the tenderness and warmth she felt the two times he was around her. But she was too ashamed to admit it, too embarrassed to confront the truth.

For a moment, she lay still, savoring the bittersweet memory of Adonis, but the sound of Blaine's voice quickly pulled her back to reality.


"Go clean up yourself and get something to eat. I'm out." He said casually as he left the room.


She closed her eyes, wishing she could just die and end this misery.




As soon as Blaine arrived at the office, he was greeted by an urgent summons to Adonis' office. Fear coursed through his veins. He knew he was in trouble for arriving an hour late, especially considering the boss had already arrived.

Summoning all the courage he could muster, Blaine lightly tapped on the transparent glass door of the CEO's office and was granted permission to enter.

"Good day, sir," he nervously greeted, deliberately avoiding direct eye contact with Adonis.

Adonis scrutinized him intently before responding. "Why are you late?" His gaze remained fixed on Blaine, unwavering and piercing.

"Forgive me, sir; I had some personal matters to attend to at home. There won't be a repeat of this; I promise," Blaine hastily explained, his voice trembling slightly and his composure faltering. Adonis could see through his lies; Blaine's attempt to conceal the truth was futile.

Adonis carefully observed Blaine's disheveled appearance, noting that he seemed hastily dressed for work as if he had less than five minutes to get ready. His gaze shifted, and he noticed a strand of hair on Blaine's sleeves. It was a strand of hair he could recognize anywhere, anytime.

Just as he was about to delve into more questions, his eyes caught another detail near the button on Blaine's sleeves—a blood stain.

Adonis could feel his blood boiling in his veins. For the sake of life, he wished Blaine hadn't done something to hurt Dela; otherwise, he wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through his head.

"Blaine, you might be messing with something way bigger than you." He said through gritted teeth, his piercing gaze peering into Blaine's eyes.

"Sir, I..." Blaine's never been so puzzled in his life. Was it because he arrived late to work? But that doesn't warrant such threats. He was confused.

"I hope I don't meet your absence by the time I return." That was a fair warning. Adonis angrily picked up his phone and stormed out of the premises, leaving Blaine to wallow in the sea of his confusion.

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