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50% Eclipse of Eternity: A Reincarnate's Journey to Divinity / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Farewell Under the Stars

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Farewell Under the Stars

The mage's name, I learned, was Eldarion. As the night deepened and the festivities reached their peak, Eldarion elaborated on the rumored academy. It was called Aethelgard, a secluded institute nestled amidst the treacherous Dragontooth Mountains, far to the north.

According to Eldarion, Aethelgard welcomed those with the spark, regardless of their social standing. It was a place of rigorous training, where students honed their magical abilities under the tutelage of powerful mages. It was a daunting prospect, but the thrill of a new beginning outweighed my fear of the unknown.

As the celebration wound down, Eldarion took me aside. "The journey north will be long and arduous," he said, his voice serious. "You must prepare yourself, both physically and mentally. Tell no one of your intentions. The road to Aethelgard is fraught with perils, and attracting unwanted attention could prove fatal."

Understanding dawned on me. Magic, it seemed, wasn't just a source of power, it was a secret society with its own rules and dangers.

Eldarion spent the next few hours instructing me on basic survival techniques – how to build a fire, identify edible plants, and defend myself against wild animals. He also hinted at the fundamental aspects of magic – the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water – and the potential for a mage to manipulate them.

My mind buzzed with information overload, but I soaked it all in, yearning to learn more. As dawn approached, painting the sky with streaks of pink and orange, Eldarion placed a weathered leather satchel in my hands.

"Here," he said, "you'll find a few essentials – some dried meat, a waterskin, a simple map, and a cloak to help you blend in."

The weight of the satchel, meager though it was, felt reassuring. It was a tangible reminder of the path I was about to embark on.

Finally, as the first rays of sunlight pierced the horizon, Eldarion placed a hand on my shoulder. "Remember, Elian," he said, his voice low and intense, "the journey to mastery is long and arduous. There will be moments of doubt and despair. But never lose sight of your desire to learn, to control your power. And if you ever falter, remember the spark within you, the potential waiting to be unleashed."

Tears welled up in my eyes. In Eldarion, I had found not just a source of knowledge, but a mentor, someone who believed in my potential. I squeezed his hand, a silent vow of determination burning in my chest.

With a final goodbye, Eldarion vanished into the morning mist. I stood there, clutching the satchel, feeling a whirlwind of emotions – fear, excitement, and a deep sense of responsibility. I had a choice to make.

The village was just waking up, smoke curling from chimneys as villagers began their daily routines. The life I knew, the only life I had ever known, lay before me. But the call of magic, the promise of Aethelgard, resonated louder.

There was no turning back. With a deep breath, I turned away from the village, the rising sun illuminating the path ahead. My journey to Aethelgard, the academy of magic, had begun.

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