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32.55% Cultivating in this Wonderful World / Chapter 28: Invitation

Chapter 28: Invitation

It was as if another Milcar had struck the real Milcar.

Milcar smiles before adjusting his nose to return to its original position, although this isn't recommended; Milcar is a Qi cultivator, and this wound can easily heal in a few minutes.

Milcar raises his hand to claim victory; several silent spectators stand up and begin to chant Milcar's name.

After a few hours...

In a grand castle, Milcar enjoys a dinner at a large table; here also his group and Alderp is present.

After winning that battle, Alderp presented himself to Milcar and offered to gift him a large castle. Although, of course, it's obvious that Alderp has hidden intentions.

"Lord Milcar, the truth is that... well, I won't hide anything, hehehe, those who massacred the neighboring villages are none other than the Rainbow Kobolds...", Alderp's face becomes serious after he says that.

"I think what you'll say next won't please me...", Milcar takes a piece of meat to his mouth, watching Alderp.

"Hahaha, no, no, no, Lord Milcar, perhaps you don't know, but in Axel, I can be quite helpful in many terms. In fact, half a year ago, I recruited a talented girl in magic. After Seresdina, she's the second most important woman in Axel, umm, I think her name is Wiz. She also has an apprentice named Yunyun", Alderp murmurs cunningly, his voice almost resembling that of a salesman presenting his products.

"Well, you know, we, the men, are quite curious, I can introduce them to you and, I mean, you can see how the merchandise is", Alderp says before smiling pervertedly, Alderp's intentions are clear to Milcar, there was a slight moment of silence in which Milcar was simply listening to Alderp without saying a word.

Milcar, who was drinking some red wine from a wooden cup, freezes in his place.

"Excuse me, What the fuck are we talking about?"; Milcar suddenly asks; he doesn't seem able to process Alderp's words.

"Those names, Yunyun and Wiz, Aren't they the two girls praised for their incredibly huge breasts in this wonderful world? Ah, fuck…" Milcar quickly analyzes Alderp's previous words.

Why does Yunyun seem to be Wiz's apprentice?

Why is Wiz under the command of this perverted fat man?

Several questions pass through Milcar's mind at this moment; his knowledge of this world seems to serve only as fond memories.

In fact, Milcar is really thinking that the Wiz and Yunyun that Alderp has as subordinates may not be the Wiz and Yunyun he knows, although maybe that's just Milcar overthinking things.

At this moment, Aqua, who was enjoying some red wine, quickly moves the chair she was sitting on to Milcar's chair. Aqua looks at Alderp with a malicious face before lifting a glass filled with wine and gently pressing it against the lips of a Milcar lost in his thoughts.

"What?, What does this mean?", Milcar thinks inside his mind when he notices Aqua's movements, a slight feeling of joy and pride passes through Milcar's heart, after all, Aqua is not a girl who knows hide her feelings, and her previous actions are obvious, Milcar is proud to be able to make a goddess act this way.

"This...", Milcar murmurs a few words before simply drinking the wine.

Aqua smiles at this; her heart previously agitated by the fear that Milcar would accept Alderp's invitation calms down slightly, her eyes shining slightly, one of her hands slides under the table to caress Milcar's leg.

"Milcar, Milcar, I mean, it's already a bit late... Hehehe", Aqua licks her red lips while gently pushing the glass against Milcar's lips.

"Well, maybe we should cultivate more often; after all, it's always good to gain some power", Aqua smiles widely, showing her white teeth; Aqua's hand goes from caressing Milcar's leg to heading to a dangerous place.

Eris silently chokes on her food upon seeing this; her mind can't process Aqua's attitude at this moment.

"Is this the goddess of ignorance and greed acting like a kind wife?"

Eris can't help but think of this with horror; after all, this is the goddess who had been bothering her because she used padding for her breasts in the celestial realm.

The image of Aqua in Eris's mind breaks at this moment; she only swallows the food in her mouth while looking at Aqua with horror.

"This, this, Lady Aqua...," Eris murmurs between her teeth for a moment before calming down slightly.

Eris squints her eyes, calming her thoughts, and looks at Milcar with curiosity.

Why can this man make Aqua behave in that way?

Eris observes Milcar closely before blushing slightly; after all, seeing Milcar, she can't help but remember how Milcar emerged naked from the forest when they took the mission to kill goblins.

If Milcar can make Aqua behave like that, Who is Milcar really?

Eris thinks for a moment before setting a mental goal.

"Maybe I should spy on Milcar to see what his true intentions are with Lady Aqua", Eris thinks with determination, "Thats it, Lady Aqua is important to the celestial realm. Hehehe, Milcar, Milcar, What are your true intentions with Lady Aqua?", Eris smiles; her thoughts seem to bring her back to reason.

"After all, I can't leave Lady Aqua alone; I definitely don't do this because I have any interest in this man. I'm not interested in his marked body or his big...", Eris opens her eyes with surprise after thinking; she clenches her teeth before discreetly pulling her hair.

Darkness watches this scene with a perverted smile; no one knows what she's thinking, but she seems quite interested in Aqua and Milcar's relationship; after all, her eyes are red because she's not blinking, her sight completely focused on Milcar.

Kazuma takes a sip of wine and feels how life is cruel to him; Aqua, the girl who had been mocking and bothering him, now acts like a beautiful and affectionate wife.

Kazuma must admit that Aqua is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his two lives, and her acting like this is truly charming.

Megumin watches everyone at the table and slithers like a snake on the prowl, silently stealing meat from Kazuma and Darkness's plates; a smug smile adorns her face as she thanks Milcar and Aqua for distracting everyone at the table.

Alderp watches this with a pensive face.

After a moment, Aqua places the empty glass on the table and leans her head against Milcar's shoulder; she brings her body closer to Milcar's and smiles happily.

"Ahem, I, well... maybe next week...", Milcar apologizes to Alderp with a slight bow.

"Oh, Is that so? Hahaha, I didn't think that Milcar with all his power would be that kind of man...", Alderp smiles and says with some hidden disdain in his voice.


Milcar's eyes open dangerously; Milcar stares at Alderp's fat body for a moment before squinting.

"Are you suggesting I'm a submissive man?", Milcar smiles slightly, letting out some malice, "Lord Alderp, perhaps you're the king in Axel, but... well, who knows... some accidents can happen", Milcar lets out a slight threat from his lips.

A slight and uncomfortable silence spreads across the table; Alderp watches Milcar with a smile, his white teeth visible as he strokes his mustache with his right hand.

"Is that so?, then we have nothing to talk about, Lord Milcar, you can keep this castle, take it as my gift...," Alderp pauses.

TGThegood TGThegood

Hi, P*atreon.


* (+13) Ahead Chapters for the moment.

* 10 Chapters per Week.



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