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15.78% HOTD: Aerion Targaryen / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Following a day of feasting at the Red Keep, the royal family prepared to depart from King's Landing the next day. The anticipation of their journey hung in the air—a mix of excitement and weariness.

A grand carriage, resplendent in its opulence, stood ready for the journey. Its polished wood gleamed in the sunlight, and crimson velvet cushions adorned the seats. Accompanied by a formidable entourage of guards and attendants, the carriage was set to journey toward the King's Wood.

Inside the plush confines of the carriage, the royal family settled comfortably. Viserys, the patriarch, occupied the central seat, flanked by his two children—Alicent and Rhaenyra. Alicent, her gown embroidered with delicate silver threads, was attended by a milkmaid who fussed over her every need. On the opposite side, Aerion sat, trying to manage the energetic two-year-old Aegon.

"Aegon, could you please rest for a bit?" Aerion implored, his eyes reflecting his exhaustion as he looked at the lively toddler. The child squirmed, his tiny hands reaching for anything within reach.

"He's still getting used to the carriage ride," Alicent offered, her voice filled with understanding. She adjusted her jeweled necklace, casting a glance at Aerion.

Aerion sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "So much for a peaceful journey to enjoy nature. Even baby dragons aren't this noisy."

Viserys found amusement in Aerion's struggles, his laughter echoing within the carriage. Aerion shot his father a reproachful look. "You find this funny, don't you? I'm certain you planned this carriage ride just to burden me with this little rascal," he grumbled.

Viserys, his gaze steady on the path ahead, responded calmly, "Aerion, I assure you, such a thought never occurred to me."

Aerion scoffed, his displeasure clear. "I find that hard to believe. I'll be riding horseback on our return. You can have the carriage to yourself," he declared, suspecting that his father had intentionally assigned him the task of looking after Aegon due to his ability to soothe the child and Viserys's enjoyment of watching his children interact.

Aerion's gaze hardened as he looked at his father. "Father, do you see me as nothing more than a caretaker for this brat?"

Viserys chuckled at Aerion's indignation. "Aerion, don't be so harsh. He is your brother, after all. I didn't bring you along solely to look after him, did I? After all, I promised you could join the hunt," he teased, not bothering to meet his son's gaze.

"I wouldn't put it past you, Father," Aerion retorted, clearly unhappy with his babysitting duties.

With a shift in conversation, Viserys probed, "Aerion, you were conspicuously absent at the banquet. What kept you away?"

Aerion, with a hint of disdain in his voice, retorted, "Father, you know how I loathe these aristocratic assemblies. They're nothing but a drain on my time. I prefer to invest my hours in pursuits that yield more fruit."

Rhaenyra, seizing the moment, chimed in, "And by 'fruitful pursuits,' do you mean idling and dozing off under the Godswood, dear brother?"

Aerion shot Rhaenyra a look of mock betrayal, which was met with peals of laughter from Viserys and Alicent.

Unfazed, Aerion retorted, "Well, sister, sleep is a vital tonic for the body and mind, fostering growth. Observe me—I'm four winters younger than you, yet our heights are nearly identical. If you're not vigilant, soon many might confuse me as the elder sibling," he jested.

"Like that's going to happen," Rhaenyra said as she glanced at her brother with caution.

Turning toward his father, who was still chuckling, Aerion added, "And Father, you too could benefit from sleep. You look like you desperately need some rest; you're beginning to resemble an old man."

Viserys, who had been laughing heartily, abruptly choked on his mirth at Aerion's words, shooting his son a stern look. Despite the fleeting tension, Viserys and Aerion shared a bond that transcended the conventional father-son relationship, often resembling camaraderie more than kinship.

Aerion's existence had significantly contributed to mending the strained relationship between Viserys and Rhaenyra following their mother, Aemma Targaryen's demise.

As the banter between Aerion and Viserys continued, the ambiance within the carriage transformed, becoming noticeably more congenial, making the journey considerably more enjoyable. Although it was clear that Rhaenyra and Alicent were still at loggerheads, they managed to keep their differences at bay, maintaining a semblance of peace, at least for the moment.

The carriage, like a steadfast soldier, continued its unwavering journey towards the King's Wood. As the sun ascended to its highest point, bathing the world in its fiery glow, Aerion's eyes fell upon a bustling camp in the distance. The sight of tents dotting the landscape and knights standing guard painted a picture of organized chaos. The tantalizing aroma of barbeque wafted through the air, hinting at the lively atmosphere that awaited them.

As they neared the camp, Aerion's keen eyes took in the sight of noble lords and ladies, their retinues flitting about like bees around a hive. Rhaenyra, his sister, had maintained a calm facade throughout the journey, interacting amicably with Viserys and Aerion. Yet, Aerion knew that beneath the surface, the undercurrents of tension between his sister and father ran deep.

Aerion's mind, filled with fragmented memories from the TV series, couldn't recall every detail of what was to come. However, he was certain of one thing - a storm was brewing that would strain the father-daughter bond even more. He could sense Rhaenyra's growing anxiety, knowing that the impending cheers for Aegon would only add fuel to her inner turmoil.

As they entered the camp, the coachmen expertly reined in the horses, bringing the carriage to a graceful stop under the claps of lords and Ladies. "Finally, we have arrived," Viserys declared, his voice tinged with both relief and anticipation for the royal hunt.

Viserys scooped up Aegon in his arms and turned to the others. "Let's not keep them waiting," he announced. Alicent, her smile mirroring Viserys's enthusiasm, rose from her seat and joined him in stepping out of the carriage.

Aerion, noticing Rhaenyra's troubled expression, approached her and gently took her arm. "Is something bothering you sister?" he asked softly. Rhaenyra hesitated before responding, "No, I'm fine," her gaze meeting Aerion's reassuring smile.

"Then let's join our father. We wouldn't want to keep the lords and ministers waiting, would we?" Aerion suggested, guiding Rhaenyra forward.

As Viserys, Alicent, and Aegon emerged from the carriage, they were met with a roar of cheers, with many voices calling out for Viserys and Aegon. Rhaenyra's expression wavered as her emotions threatened to overflow, but Aerion quickly advised her, "Stay composed, my dear sister. Don't let your emotions rule you."

Rhaenyra swiftly regained her composure, her expression once again under control. As Aerion and Rhaenyra stepped out of the carriage, they were greeted with enthusiastic cheers. Though the applause for them was overshadowed by the cheers for Viserys and Aegon, the atmosphere was undeniably vibrant.

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