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95.45% Plenty of Fish in the Sea / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Vivi stood on the royal palace's wall, looking out over the city of Alubarna. It was dark, with the occasional light flickering in the densely-arranged streets.

Neither her nor her father wanted to doubt Koza's word, but Chaka and Pell insisted on guarding against the rebel army. They were still camped at the city's outskirts, planning to return at dawn. If possible, she'd wanted to offer them hospitality, but food and water were in short supply.

She sighed. After her country's years-long suffering, everything ended just like that. It didn't seem real. She should've been overjoyed, but more than anything, she just felt tired. The following days would see her swamped with work.

Lost in thought, she didn't even notice someone approaching until they were right behind her.

"Why the long face, your highness?"

Turning her head, Vivi saw Jack leaning against a pillar. He looked like he'd just finished bathing. His long, black hair was still damp, and he wore a fresh set of clothes—a short-sleeved white shirt with tight leather pants.

She smiled at him.

"Is something wrong? Aren't you joining the party?"

Jack pushed off the pillar. In the faint light, she saw bronze studs glinting in his ears. They paired well with his dusky skin. Not for the first time, she noticed how much he looked like a pirate. Maybe he was trying to.

He stood in front of her.

"I stopped by, but I saw you weren't there. Nami said you went for a walk."

Vivi absentmindedly twirled her hair around one finger. She found herself blushing.

"I needed… a little fresh air."

Jack nodded.

"I'm not a fan of crowds either. Talking to all those people gets tiring."

She wanted to agree with him, but felt bad about doing so. Many of them were there for her, wanting to greet their princess after years abroad.

There was a moment's silence. She didn't know why she felt so shy tonight. Maybe because they were alone.

"Did you… need something from me?"

Jack's expression didn't change, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. He reached out, gripping her wrist and pulling her closer.

"Actually, yes… I was thinking, since I helped you out… and you haven't repaid me for before… I wanted a reward."

He held her tight against him, wrapping an arm around her waist. Their hips touched, her breasts smushing against his chest.

Vivi suddenly found it difficult to think. This posture was a lot more intimate than when they'd danced that night.

"What r-reward…?"

Jack didn't reply immediately. His hand travelled along her back. Up, then down. Slowly.


Her heart hammered in her chest. She was sure he could feel it through her skin.

"I d-don't know…"

He brought her hand to his lips. He kissed her palm once, and again after every pause.

"Something… like... this…"

Vivi's face burned with a fever. She didn't think she could get any hotter.

"Uhm… y-you…"

Jack took her hand, putting it on his shoulder. He brought his face closer to hers until their noses were almost touching.

Her lips moved, but only incoherent sounds came out. She didn't know what to say.

He met her still frozen gaze before smooching her cheek. Then the corner of her lips. Then moving closer…

Vivi bundled his shirt in her hands. Her head was like cotton. She was breathing, but it felt like she wasn't getting any air. Their bodies were stuck together. Everywhere.

It was a long while before the kiss ended. She hung limply from him, her cheek pressing against Jack's chest. Her airways were filled with the scent of mint, mixing with his soap and cologne.

Jack held her tightly. Not hard enough to hurt, but with enough strength that she could barely move. One hand rested on her hip, drifting lower. He ran his fingers across her butt, smoothing out the wrinkles of her dress.

A strange sound left Vivi's mouth. Embarrassed, she muffled it with one hand.


Jack stopped what he was doing, though he didn't let her go.


Vivi took a deep breath. She couldn't let this go on. They were out in the open. And more than that…

"I'm s-sorry…"

She put her hands against his chest, putting some distance between them—even if it wasn't much.

Jack tilted his head.

"I already have you in my clutches, princess. Do you think I'll let you slip that easily?"

Vivi's eyelashes fluttered. She had to put a stop to things before they went too far.

"…t-there's someone I like. T-That's why, I can't-…"

Jack didn't let her finish.

"Someone you like? Who is it?"

She stiffened. Was she lying? She didn't even know anymore. It had been so long since then. When she'd met with Kozu, those childhood feelings… had faded a lot.

"W-Why do you… want to know?"

Jack pulled her closer again. Her arms quickly gave out. She didn't have the strength to resist.

He spoke into her ear, his voice smooth.

"So I can beat him up, of course."

Vivi's eyes widened.

"You can't do that!"

"Haha, you're so cute. I just want to eat you up."

He kissed her again, his thumb trailing along her cheek, down her neck. This time, it was more brief.

"I know I'm not very good at stealing a girl's heart…"

His hand trailed downward, running down her neck to the swell of her breast.

"…since I can't have it, I'll just have to settle for your body."

Vivi squealed. She squirmed against him.

"P-Please Jack… not t-there-…!"

"Then what about here?"

His other hand was equally dishonest, cupping her butt. He massaged slowly.

Vivi felt like she could die of embarrassment. She didn't know what to do. Did she hate it, or did she like it? Did she want him to stop, or continue?

Jack laid claim to her lips, kissing her again. He was gentle, but firm—the sound of smooching mixing with Vivi's dove-like breaths. She clung to her dignity, suppressing the moans that threatened to spill out.

Her hand roamed his shoulder, feeling the muscles of his arm and chest. He was so solid, and so tall. He made her feel safe.

She knew that, if it wasn't for him, Alabasta might not have been saved. The others helped, but it was his plan.

And he stopped Crocodile's bomb… when she heard about it from Pell, she almost fainted from shock. She didn't even want to imagine the consequences if it detonated.

So… how could she deny him his 'reward'? Wasn't she the one that got the better end of the deal? The safety of her entire kingdom was invaluable. Something like this was insignificant in comparison.

Her body relaxed against his. Her lips parted, giving him easier access. And when he released her butt, his hand circling her waist, stroking the inside of her thigh… she didn't resist.

In the heat of the moment, Vivi almost missed a quiet sound, coming from behind them. It was a familiar voice, gasping in surprise. Their lips separating, they turned their heads in unison, making eye-contact with the… new arrival.

It was Nami.

Her mouth rounded into an 'O', she took in the sight of the two of them, stuck together. Jack's hands had moved, holding Vivi to him by her shoulders and waist. His leg was between her thighs in a very… intimate posture.

Nami spluttered, spitting out half-formed sentences.

"Huh…? You two-… I didn't-… Why are you-…?"

Vivi was equally stunned. She tried to separate from Jack, but he was holding her so tightly, she couldn't move.


"I w-was worried since… you were gone…but…"

Nami's expression changed, going from embarrassed to sullen.

"…you were here. Hmph. You're being taken advantage of, and you don't even look like you hate it."

She suddenly turned, putting her back to them.

"I'm just being a nuisance, aren't I? I'll leave you two to it. Just don't play around for too long. People are wondering where you are."

She was about to leave when Jack reached out, grabbing her wrist. He and Vivi were standing by the corner, which Nami had rounded. There wasn't much distance between them.

Her eyebrows furrowing, she looked at him crossly.


Jack simply smirked, pulling on her arm. He twirled her once, bringing her close to his chest, holding her there together with Vivi.

Said princess could only look on with wide-eyes.


Nami was different. She was only momentarily surprised before smacking his chest angrily.

"What do you think you're doing? Let go of me!"

Jack shook his head.

"I don't want to."

"…you can't do this! What about Vivi? How's she supposed to feel?!"

The gears were gradually turning in Vivi's head. It was as she suspected. She remembered Nami's past words, and how the two of them acted together. There was indeed… something going on between her and Jack. But if so… why was she acting like this?

Wasn't she mad at her for stealing her boyfriend? There couldn't be any doubt about what she and Jack had been doing.

Vivi glanced at Nami's face, seeing anger, but directed at Jack, not her. Instead, her occasional glance revealed concern.

She thought about it again. Nami was fine with her and Jack… doing stuff. But she was mad at him for involving her.

Did they have that kind of relationship? Vivi'd seen a few things during her time in Baroque Works, but it was still a little odd…

Maybe Nami thought she wouldn't be comfortable with it. Which is why she acted the way she did.

But was Vivi even uncomfortable in the first place?

She looked at Nami and Jack, seeing them waiting for her response.

"I… as long as it doesn't bother Nami, then… I guess it's okay."

Nami's eyes were as round as dinnerplates.

"Huh? No, Vivi, what are you saying-…?"

Jack didn't give her a chance to finish. Right in front of Vivi's eyes, he kissed Nami on the lips. He pulled back, pecking her on the cheek before switching to Vivi.

Despite what she'd said, when they made out with Nami right next to them, she wanted to crawl into a hole. It was so embarrassing.

When they separated, she glanced at Nami. The other girl looked like her soul had left her body.

"…it's no good. You're mad at me after all…"

This seemed to bring Nami back to reality.

"What? It's obviously him who's a lecher! Why are you apologizing?"

Vivi smiled, relieved.

"That's true…"

There was a weird silence. Eventually, Jack gave them one last squeeze.

"This is a lot of fun… Sigh, if only the time and place were different, we could've done a little more..."

If Nami had a knife, she probably would've stabbed him to death then and there.

"I don't want to hear that from you! And don't try to sound responsible all of a sudden!"

Vivi giggled.

"You're two get along so well. I'm a little jealous."

Directing her gaze toward Vivi, Nami looked like she was seeing a stranger.

"Me and him? No way! You-…! You did something to her! Vivi, don't let him corrupt you!"

Vivi shook her head.

"…no, he didn't do anything. I was… f-fine with it."

Jack smiled at Nami.

"See? I don't know why you always assume the worst."

"It's obviously because of you! I'm telling you right now, I won't let you get away with it. If you like her, then you should treat her right. Don't do stuff like this from now on-…"

"I like both."

Nami grit her teeth. From beginning to end, her blush hadn't receded.

"Well, I don't like you! Don't think you can mess with me!"

Not having let go yet, Jack ran his hand up and down Nami's back. His gaze was directed toward her breasts, barely restrained by her skin-tight top.

"I told you before. You don't have to like me."

Her face twisted, looking toward Vivi for help. When none was forthcoming, she clicked her tongue, shoving him away.

"I thought you said you were going back? If you aren't, then I'll go on my own."

A smile was audible in Jack's voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Can't have you ladies walking around without an escort. There might still be a few bad guys lurking around."

Vivi looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"You're the only bad guy here."

"Hmph, it's a little too late for you to be saying that, Vivi. But at least you understand."

"It's fine if you girls gang up on me, but please wait until we're in a more private place-…"


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