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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

As soon as I entered the house, Flora flew into me like a bludger into a hapless gambler, also knocking all the air out of my lungs.

- Draco, you're back! Hurry up and show me your wand! - she looked at me with shining eyes.

- Kha, Flora can you not do that anymore? - I wheezed, and then I pulled out my wand and showed it to her.

- It's so pretty, can I hold it? - She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

- Sure. - I held out the wand to her, however, as soon as Flora touched it, she pulled her hand away sharply with a small shriek.

- What happened!? - I asked her worriedly.

- The wand, it stung me! - She showed her hand with a red mark resembling a burn.

- Apparently, my Draco has gotten a truly amazing wand. - Mom came over to us to watch our interaction, and then with a wave of her wand she healed the wound on Flora's arm....

After talking to my sister some more, I went to my room to study my textbooks and the rest of the things the elf had already delivered...



Once in my room, I immediately ran over to the stack of books and excitedly picked up the one that interested me the most. The Cursic Book of Conspiracies and Spells.

Collapsing on the bed, I began leafing through the book. There were many spells in it. From simple ones that only required spells to be cast, to more advanced ones that also required a certain swing.

I already knew a few simple spells. One of them was Levioso. I had managed to use it with someone else's wand, so I hadn't even tried to use its improved version, Wingardius Levioso, until now. The difference between the two was that the first spell simply lifted objects into the air, and then you had to move them by pushing them with your wand. But with the second one, you could completely control the object from a distance. 

I couldn't wait to learn everything as soon as possible. So I started to study the textbook. When I opened the first page, I saw a rather useful spell "Alohomora". It was incredibly simple, all you had to do was bring your wand to the lock and cast the spell.

Jumping up from my bed, I went to the door of my room and locked it. Next, just as described in the book, I brought my wand to the keyhole and said: "Alohomora." 

*Click* - there was a quiet click of the lock. Turning the knob, I was pleased to notice that the door was no longer locked. So I tested the spell a few more times, and then moved on to another.

Within twenty minutes I had learned five different spells of simple level, and after that I reached Wingardium Leviosa.

This one was a bit more complicated. To successfully perform the spell, you had to make a small semicircle with your wand, and then sharply lower it, while remembering to say the spell itself.

Done and done...

- Vingardium Leviosa! - I said, making the proper motions. A violet beam of light flew out of my wand and hit the target. The vase I was pointing at rose into the air and, to my joy, began to fly in time with the movements of my wand....

After practicing magic a little more, I put the spell book aside and switched to "Magical potions and potions"....


I did it so that there would be some variety in the materials I studied. And also not to get in trouble if some professor wanted to ask questions about his subject. I was motivated by the fact that once, when I was only three years old, a man came to our house. I didn't see him, but I still remembered that cold evil feeling, full of power, that came from him. Now, of course, I realized now that it was Voldemort, 'he who must not be named'. One of the greatest dark wizards of all time, the one who had threatened to take over all of Great Britain, but was rumored to have died at the hands of Harry Potter's one-year-old baby. It was pure nonsense, but the wizards revered this "hero" and praised him to this day, even though almost nine years had passed since those events.

Though my parents were silent, I wasn't stupid, and I knew perfectly well that the Dark Lord couldn't just come here. There was a huge possibility that my parents were his supporters. I didn't deny the fact that a powerful dark wizard like Voldemort could leave himself various ways to return, in case of demise or other accident. And if he returned, he would probably turn on his supporters again, and possibly kill many of them, blaming their incompetence for his death. And to prevent that from happening, I needed to become strong, so strong that, if anything, I could crush him like a bug....




August flew by in the blink of an eye, and finally the day of my departure arrived. I'd read all the books a couple times during that time, and now I had a better idea of what I was going to face at school.

At ten-thirty we stood by the fireplace, and then we took turns going to King's Cross Station. First to go was my father, followed by Flora, then me and right behind me my mother.

As I left the fireplace, I found myself on a crowded platform with a long scarlet-colored steam locomotive standing beside it. The sign on the scoreboard read: "Hogwarts Express. 11:00". Turning my attention to Flora, I noticed that she was looking at the platform with interest, just as I was. There was an incredible eagerness in her eyes, and I understood her perfectly. After all, I was impatient to see Hogwarts with my own eyes, and my sister had to wait two more years.

- Well, son, here we are. - Father spoke loudly, trying to outshout the voices of many people, the squeak of carts and the unhappy hooting of numerous owls.

- Yeah, I can't believe I'm finally going to Hogwarts. - An involuntary smile appeared on my lips.

- Yes, and I hope that you, like everyone else in our family, will get into the Slytherin faculty.

- Don't worry father, I'm more than sure of it. - I said confidently, causing a proud smile to appear on his face.

- Draco, sweetie, if you have any confusion, don't hesitate to ask Severus Snape for advice or help. I've already sent him an owl, and besides, he is the Dean of Slytherin. - Mom quickly clarified to me, trying not to show how worried she was about the upcoming separation, but I knew her well, so I noticed it easily. 

- Okay, mom. Don't worry, there's no way I'll disgrace our clan. - I proudly replied, and then turned my attention to Flora, who had already stopped looking at platform number nine and three quarters and was looking at me sadly without taking her eyes off.

- Flora, don't be sad. I'm not going away forever, especially since I'll be home for Christmas. I am sure that you will quickly get used to my absence, and there is nothing to prevent us from writing letters to each other. - I hugged her. After standing like that for a few seconds, I quickly said goodbye to my family and, grabbing my suitcase, went towards the train.

The first few cars were already packed with schoolchildren. They were leaning out of the windows to have a last word with their parents, or fighting for free seats. Their behavior was rather silly, for there was no way that the school could not accommodate all the students, so some of them would have to ride standing up. Moving on, looking through the windows of the carriages, I soon found one where there were still free seats. So without much thought, I climbed into it.....



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