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79.26% Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess / Chapter 65: Going To Heaven!

Chapter 65: Going To Heaven!

The sea had transformed into a crystalline expanse of ice, wrought by the chilling might of the malevolent dragon, Lance. The scale of the frost was modest, yet it left the young dragon utterly astounded.

Lance had wrought this arctic spectacle without uttering a single incantation nor wielding enchanted artifacts. A mere flick of his tail upon the sea's surface had sufficed; the waters beneath his touch snapped and hissed, solidifying into a shimmering sheet of ice. As the transformation unfolded, a fleeting dance of snowflakes graced the air, vanishing as swiftly as they appeared.

The sight was breathtaking.

Back in the imperial capital, the young dragon had witnessed battles among beings of power. Though their clashes were fierce, none had ever struck her with such awe as Lance's effortless mastery over the sea.

It was inconceivable. A black dragon, not a frost dragon, had frozen the sea right before her eyes. The notion was as startling as it was spectacular. Even a frost dragon, upon witnessing such a display, would pause in bewilderment, she thought.

The icy reach seemed boundless, stretching as far as the eye could see. The young dragon speculated that, should Lance wish, he could encase half the surrounding ocean in ice with equal ease.

Shortly after the sea's surface had solidified, Marly, a mischievous dog, skittered onto the ice to frolic. He tested the firmness of the ice with cautious paws, retreating briefly before charging across the sand and onto the ice. Curling into his shell, he relished the thrill of spinning and gliding over the slick surface.

As his momentum waned, Marly extended his claws, beckoning the young dragon to send him swirling once more.

Understanding the turtle's gesture instantly, the young dragon bounded onto the ice and slammed into Marly with all her might. The impact sent him spinning wildly, while she herself tumbled from the recoil. As she struggled to right herself, Marly chomped down on her tail, attempting to drag her across the ice. In a flurry of panic, she kicked him away, sending both of them sliding across the ice in a chaotic dance.

From the shore, Lance observed the playful chaos and decided to join. He tread onto the ice, his presence commanding. With a swipe of his tail against turtle shell, he launched the turtle like a comet across the icy plain, where he vanished into the unfrozen sea beyond.

Turtle, seeing his own trajectory, scampered in alarm.

With a deft movement, Lance's tail came down on Er Gouzi, transforming him into a fleeting spark against the ice, whooshing him toward the sea.

Amid the ruckus, the young dragon called out in alarm, her voice echoing across the frozen tableau.

"Let me skate alone! Just let me skate! No more tail swipes, please!"

"What's the fun in skating alone? It's when we're all together that it truly becomes magical," exclaimed the young dragon, her voice echoing with the cheer of shared adventures.

Lance, wearing a mischievous grin, snatched the young dragon's tail with his formidable claws and spun her around in a whirlwind of glee. Releasing her abruptly, her shrieks of thrill pierced the frosty air, twinkling like stars in the night sky. Just as she steadied herself, the turtle, having recently clambered back onto the ice from its unintended swim, braced for impact. Inevitably, the young dragon collided with it, sending it tumbling back into the chilly waters.

Frantically, the young dragon clawed at the slick ice in a vain attempt to regain control, but soon she too splashed into the sea.

After a moment of struggle, both turtle and dragon managed to hook their claws on the edge of the ice, half-submerged, casting wary glances at Lance who squatted triumphantly on the ice.

Lucia, fluttering her wings, landed beside them, aligning himself with their aggrieved stare directed at Lance.

Playing alongside Lance and being a plaything for Lance were evidently two entirely different experiences!

It was clear that they had become mere pawns in Lance's game.

The turtle and Marly simultaneously turned their heads towards the young dragon, their expressions fraught with silent questions.

"Why are you both staring at me?" the young dragon inquired, a hint of defensiveness in her tone.

Marly responded with a series of barks, his paws animatedly pointing at the imposing figure of Lance.

"Are you suggesting we team up against Lance?" the young dragon whispered, her voice laced with incredulity. Marly nodded vigorously in agreement.

"But how can we? He's too powerful. The three of us together couldn't possibly outmatch him," she protested.

Marly then sketched two dragons on the ice, one markedly larger than the other, and emphatically tapped the smaller depiction with his paw.

The young dragon stared blankly at the drawings for a long moment before a spark of understanding ignited. "You mean to make Lance smaller, and then we all tackle him together?"

Both heads of Marly bobbed in agreement, proud of their clever plan.

"And what if Lance decides to retaliate?" the young dragon asked, a quiver of fear in her question.


"You mean if he dares to strike me, you'll dare to bite him?" she clarified.

"Woof," Marly affirmed with a bark that was as much a promise as it was a vow of protection.

"Are you sure you're not tricking me?"


"Alright then."

With a newfound pact forged, the trio, the young dragon, turtle, and Marly prepared to confront their daunting challenge.

The young dragon took the lead, stepping cautiously toward the formidable Lance. As his gaze fell upon her, she flinched and retreated, seeking refuge beside the turtle. Gathering her resolve, she spoke up, "You're too big; it's no fun for us. Could you become smaller so we can all play together?"

"Okay," Lance agreed, his massive form dwindling to a more approachable three meters.

Emboldened by this transformation, the turtle charged forward with newfound vigor, only to be swept up by Lance. The evil dragon, still powerful despite his reduced size, tossed the turtle into the air, spinning him with a practiced flip of his claw.

Witnessing this, the young dragon and Marly exchanged a glance of disbelief before turning to flee.

"Lance is too ruthless; we stand no chance!" they thought.

"Don't run; I'm just playing!" Lance called out, tossing the turtle toward them along the icy surface. The young dragon and Marly glanced back in horror to see their friend spinning uncontrollably towards them. Their efforts to escape were in vain as they were knocked into the sea by the hurtling turtle.

"Curse that Lance!" they muttered. "Is this happiness only meant for him, using us as his playthings?"

Back on the ice, Turtle, Marly, and the young dragon regrouped, sharing a mutual disdain for Lance's rough play. They resolved to ignore him and enjoy their own games.

Marly, eager to skate, positioned himself as the young dragon grabbed his hind legs. Mimicking how Lance had spun her earlier, she swirled around and released him, sending Marly gliding across the ice like a launched rocket.

The turtle, not to be left out, nudged the squatting young dragon, who spun and slid gracefully away.

Together, they then helped the turtle slide across the ice, pushing him into a smooth glide. All the while, Lance watched, his feelings hurt by their exclusion.

"We're all family; why leave me out?" Lance lamented, his voice tinged with sadness. "We agreed to play together, and yet you exclude me. How do you think that makes me feel?"

"Let's play together," he suggested once more.

In response, Lance received three pairs of unamused glares from the trio.

Just as he was about to resign himself to solitude, the air shifted dramatically. A pitch-black sickle emerged from the tip of Lance's horn, hovering ominously. Suddenly, a projection flickered into existence, revealing Solomon, the herald of the underworld.

"Lance, enough games. It's time for you to come with me. I'm taking you on a tour of the heavens," Solomon's voice boomed through the icy air.

"???" Lance's confusion was palpable, his previous desire to play forgotten in the face of this unexpected summons.

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