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54.87% Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess / Chapter 45: Never Fall in Love!

Chapter 45: Never Fall in Love!

The evil dragon, known as Lance, had a penchant for grandeur. "There are precisely two species of black dragons, and two of us who embody true evil," he declared with a smirk, his scales shimmering under the twilight. Lucia quickly surmised that boasting was Lance's favorite pastime.

A dragon who thrives on boastfulness invariably craves admiration, Lucia mused. She ventured a compliment, "Lance, your scales are as dark as the night sky, truly a majestic sight!" The dragon's grin widened, a clear indication of his delight.

Yet, as quickly as his mood brightened, it soured. "Handsome? You barely grasp its essence. Praise my amiable nature instead!" he retorted with a snort. Lucia stifled a laugh. 'Amiable' was hardly a term one would use for a dragon, especially not one as notoriously wicked as Lance.

Lucia pondered this from a safe distance, grateful for the space between them. A closer encounter might have ended quite differently. She silently vowed never to presume she could predict Lance's mercurial thoughts again.

Despite his flaws, Lance wasn't cruel for the sake of cruelty; he simply didn't tolerate insubordination from the younger dragons. During a virtual assembly with the Bronze Guild, Lucia had once queried, "Lance, why not assume a human guise for these meetings?"

The dragon had considered it, his enormous form casting shadows over the assembly. "Why should I conform to a human form when addressing humans? Today's world respects diversity far more than in ages past," he explained, remaining in his draconic form.

The members of the Bronze Guild were no strangers to Lance's appearance and took his presence in stride. "In this era, the towns and cities of men are welcoming to all manner of beings; from succubi to the lesser vampires, as long as peace is maintained," Lance continued, his voice echoing around the chamber.

Lance's wisdom was clear: in times of peace, humans showed little hostility towards other races. However, he cautioned, "Should conflicts arise, human authorities will inevitably side with their own."

Lucia listened intently, absorbing Lance's insight into human-alien relations, especially the vulnerabilities faced by non-human beings in the human world. Lance's guidance was invaluable; navigating these complexities was crucial for any who ventured beyond the familiar confines of their realms.

Lance's warning to Lucia carried the weight of ages, "Should you venture into the human world and encounter those with nefarious designs, remember, they will not hesitate to harm you. But fret not, for I will always be there to shield you."

He had no intention of allowing the young dragon he nurtured to fall prey to human exploitation. "As a dragon, you must be cautious around charming humans," Lance advised sternly. "If a suave human male showers you with flattery, be wary. Such men might deserve a lesson, perhaps just enough to beat their faces or incapacitate an arm or leg, not to maim severely."

Lance had devoted considerable effort to raising his charges, teaching them to defend themselves against anyone who might try to deceive or hurt them. "Instill these principles in the younger ones when you have the chance," he instructed Lucia, emphasizing the importance of preparation for when she was older and exploring the human world on her own.

Once matured, Lucia encountered a handsome human who, despite being struck in self-defense, did not flee, a sign, perhaps, that his intentions were genuine. Yet even with such determination, Lance remained skeptical of any human's ability to commit long-term, especially given their shorter lifespans. "I cannot have my descendants become young widows," he lamented, hoping instead that Lucia might find a worthy dragon suitor endowed with noble virtues.

"But isn't this harsh? To strike those who mean no harm and merely compliment my appearance seems excessive," Lucia countered, struggling with the moral implications of Lance's advice.

Lance remained firm, "Defending oneself against the ill-intentioned is not cruelty. It's necessary." But Lucia found herself at an impasse. Although she wasn't averse to rebuffing advances, the idea of harming someone without just cause was something she could not reconcile with her own values. This internal conflict underscored her gentle nature and her reluctance to adopt Lance's more ruthless teachings wholesale.

The protocols of human society and her royal upbringing forbade Lucia from adopting such ruthless methods.

"You're still naive," Lance warned her. "Remember, those who are attractive and charming are often the most skilled at deception. Clever girls who frequently interact with human males sometimes end up exploited for their wealth or affection, let alone a young dragon like yourself."

"Consider this," he continued, his tone growing more intense. "Can you claim the beauty of the human world's fairest maidens, or the wealth of its noblest dames? Without beauty, wealth, or a notable lineage, why would human males seek you out? Their compliments and pursuits likely conceal darker motives."

Lucia, her voice quivering, asked, "What do they want from me?"

"What do they want? They covet your dragon blood, your flesh, your sinews, and bones. Your horns, scales, eyes, and even your teeth, all the treasures a dragon's body holds. Imagine a human slaying you and then proclaiming to the world that he vanquished an evil dragon. He'd gain notoriety and wealth, becoming a celebrated dragon slayer. How many naive human girls would then be drawn to such a man, admiring and adoring him?"

Fear crept into Lucia's vertical pupils as her slender dragon form shuddered.

"No, no, no," she whimpered, the thought unbearable. "I don't want to be dissected, and I don't want to fall in love."

Her fear escalated to a soft wail. "I never want to fall in love with a human male again; it's too terrifying for a princess."

How could someone be so malicious? It was simply too much for her to fathom.

Lance's warnings resonated with a harsh truth. Those who praised her might not be sincere but rather seeking to exploit her trust for their own gain. "To love, to be loved, it's a dangerous game for a dragon," she thought to herself.

No, she was no naive hatchling. Why should she let fear dominate her?

She was a princess. And with that realization, Lucia knew she must navigate the world with both her heart and her heritage guiding her, ready to defend herself but open to understanding the complexities of the realms beyond her own.

Who would dare harm her?

To even think of harming her was tantamount to rebellion.

The fears Lance expressed seemed overly dire, a strategy perhaps to deter the young dragon, Lucia, from the dangers of falling in love. "Well, just to be safe, I should tread carefully with love in the future," she mused. After all, if she returned to the imperial capital and ascended to the throne, her romantic entanglements, or lack thereof, wouldn't matter much.

Her ambition was clear: to be a devoted ruler, dedicated wholly to the welfare of her kingdom and her subjects. Love? It seemed a distraction, an emotional entanglement that could cloud her judgment. It wasn't fear instilled by Lance's warnings that deterred her; she simply prioritized her future responsibilities.

Curiosity piqued, she turned to Lance, seeking to understand his own reservations about love. "Is that why you avoid love, Lance? Because you fear betrayal so deeply that you worry a princess might dismember you in your sleep?"

Lance paused, considering her words. "You might say that. The more charming and intelligent a person, the more dangerous they can be. We dragons, despite our strength, can be quite straightforward and thus, easily deceived."

Lucia stared at him skeptically. "Really now? I find that hard to believe."

Lance chuckled, acknowledging the irony. "Other dragons might be easily fooled, but not me, Lance. I have more cunning than a deep-sea siren has suckers on her tentacles. If anyone's going to be duped, it's hardly likely to be me."

Lucia smirked. "I don't believe you. It's more plausible that someone would end up being tricked by you rather than the other way around."

The conversation illuminated Lance's complex personality and the intricate dance of trust and deception. It underscored Lucia's growing wisdom in navigating the complexities of relationships, be they human or dragon, personal or political.

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