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53.65% Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess / Chapter 44: The Amiable Evil Dragon!

Chapter 44: The Amiable Evil Dragon!

Muffled murmurs of uncertainty rippled through the air as the scene unfolded on the projection. Within the confines of the Bronze Guild's hall, seasoned bounty hunters, well-versed in the subtleties of swordsmanship and ancient lore, watched intently.

In this guild, understanding the profound essence of the sword, known as sword skill, was a mark of true mastery. A swordsman who grasped this concept could effortlessly overpower those yet to achieve such insight. Such a swordsman, wielding his intent, could even fell a mage in the blink of an eye, a testament to the sheer power of his will.

This formidable concept of sword skill was not merely a legend; it was epitomized by one of the most powerful swordsmen in history. On the day of his birth, he audaciously declared, "Henceforth, swordsmen shall be known by two distinct types: those who have seized the essence of the sword, and all others." This bold proclamation divided the swordsmen forever.

Thus was born a new echelon within the ranks of sword wielders, the Sword Master. Positioned above the common swordsman, the Sword Master had achieved an intimate realization of his sword's deeper truth.

The title "Sword Master" was swiftly embraced by the community. Those who ignored this new distinction were quickly defeated by these superior warriors, who emerged as a new force in the realm of swordsmanship, making the art more illustrious than ever before.

This evolution transformed the aspirations of every swordsman. No longer were they solely focused on the duration and intensity of their sword's energy. Instead, their ultimate goal shifted to achieving enlightenment of the sword's essence and ascending to the status of Sword Master.

This pivotal moment also delineated four distinct stages of swordsmanship that every practitioner should aspire to transcend:

1. The First Stage: The sword and the swordsman are one; should the sword perish, so too does the swordsman.

2. The Second Stage: The hands may be empty, but the heart holds the blade.

3. The Third stage: Beyond merely wielding a sword, the swordsman and the sword merge, there is no distinction; they are one and the same.

4. The Fourth Realm: Transcending even the unity of swordsman and sword, this stage embodies the essence of oblivion, where both the weapon and the self are forgotten, existing in perfect harmony.

This revolutionary swordsman not only mastered these realms but also formalized them, sharing his insights broadly. Consequently, swordsmanship surged forward at an unprecedented pace, giving rise to a new era where geniuses within the art were continually elevated to the esteemed rank of Sword Master.

The notion that "looks can kill" is no longer dismissed as mere hyperbole, especially within the realm of swordsmanship. Indeed, a swordsman who has mastered the essence of the sword can, quite literally, deliver a fatal glance.

Among these formidable swordsmen emerged a figure so powerful and enigmatic that he was posthumously named the Evil Dragon Sword Ancestor by the generations that followed. He dubbed himself "Evil Dragon," a moniker that spoke volumes about his ferocity and disruptive force within the world of swordsmanship. Like a mythical dragon descending into the midst of mere mortals, he challenged and bested the greatest sword masters, reshaping the very foundations of kendo.

The legacy of the Evil Dragon Sword Ancestor was profound. He forcefully imparted the knowledge of the four realms of kendo to the world, which had a lasting impact on the discipline. His daunting presence instilled a specific aversion among swordsmen towards anyone who dared to claim the title of "Dragon Slayer" without true merit.

Swordsmen of high honor and skill would challenge any self-proclaimed "Dragon Slayer" who seemed to boast without substance, although they spared those genuine warriors who fought dragons to protect humanity. This distinction was critical in maintaining the integrity and respect within their ranks.

The phenomenon of sword intent further complicated the mystique of swordsmanship. Unlike source energy, which could be infused into scrolls for preservation or enhancement, sword intent was an elusive and intangible force. It was said to be an extension of the swordsman's very being, impossible to capture or confine within mere parchment. Rumors of sword energy being contained within a blade circulated, yet the idea of sealing sword intent in a scroll was unheard of and considered implausible.

Moreover, even if such a scroll existed, the prevailing wisdom questioned its utility. Could a scroll truly embody the power of a swordsman who had actualized his sword intent? Skeptics argued that investing in such a scroll was futile; it would be more prudent to hire a swordsman who had mastered this profound skill.

Even if the scroll offered by Mr. Lance held some measure of sword intent, it was widely doubted whether its power could match that of a holy light scroll, let alone the direct application of a skilled swordsman's force. Thus, the debate continued, rooted in the mystical and the practical elements of sword mastery.

Lewis, Dalton, and Bazelle grimaced in dismay. Facing the daunting prospect of battling the Lich, they realized they would have to depend solely on their own prowess.

"Why not swap out the sword skill scroll for a source energy scroll, old man?" Dalton queried with a mixture of hope and skepticism.

"No, I can't afford it," Lance replied curtly. Source energy scrolls were a luxury in the human world, their prices escalating with their power and quality. He knew crafting his own energy scroll would not only be more economical but also sufficiently potent for their needs.

Lance considered boasting about the efficacy of the Sword Intent Scroll he had created but decided against it. Flaunting its power would only breed skepticism among the trio. "Try it for yourselves. Once you see its quality in action, you'll understand its value," he suggested quietly, his confidence in his creation unwavering.

"Head into battle without fear," Lance advised, handing over the scroll. "If you find yourselves outmatched by the lich, use the scroll immediately."

"If we're torn to shreds, old man, make sure you avenge us," Bazelle half-joked, the gravity of their mission weighing heavily on her.

"Of course," Lance responded, his tone grave.

"That reminds me... pay ten psychic gold coins upfront, otherwise we can't even afford the transmission fee," Lewis interjected, his practicality cutting through the tension.

Lance sighed and ended the projection call. He was abruptly reminded of his own financial straits. Without a bounty from Solomon, the God of Death, he had only sixty-eight gold coins to his name, hardly enough for the transmission fee.

With urgency, Lance summoned the dark death sickle from the dragon's horn, activating its projection call feature. Soon, the imposing figure of Solomon, the god of death, materialized on the light screen.

"Such expedience! You are indeed the most admirable trainee Shinigami I've mentored," Solomon praised. "The bounty will be transferred to your Death Scythe momentarily. I'm tied up right now, so we'll talk later."

With that, Solomon ended the call. Moments later, Lance's Death Scythe chimed, indicating a deposit of thirty-five gold coins from the depths of hell, a modest but necessary sum that brought a faint smile to Lance's weathered face.

Lance carefully counted out fifteen gold coins from the depths of hell, their eerie glow shimmering in the dim light of his workshop. With practiced hands, he then extracted two scrolls, each embossed with the formidable seal of [Evil Dragon Sword Skill], from the bracelet on his dragon horn. He placed these precious items into the ancient bronze token that lay on his workbench.

Activating the transmission function of the Bronze Token, he watched as the gold coins and the scrolls vanished, their destination the Bronze Guild. Moments later, a message projected in ethereal script appeared before him:

"Grandpa Lance, your bounty mission has been accepted by Lewis, Dalton, and Bazelle. The fifteen psychic gold coins you dispatched have been received, along with the Sword Skills Scrolls. To facilitate their preparations, Lewis has temporarily exchanged the coins for 600 gold coins. They plan to depart for the Kingdom of Nord via the teleportation array at dawn. Rest assured, I will update you promptly upon the completion of their mission. May the goddess of luck watch over you tonight. Sweet dreams."

With the mission underway, Lance shook his head in amusement at the efficiency of the guild's operations. His thoughts wandered to the legendary Evil Dragon, a mythical creature known for its cunning and a rare mastery of sword intent that rivaled that of any human swordsman.

"It's truly incredible," he mused aloud. "If all the legendary evil dragons were as shrewd as this Evil Dragon, they wouldn't be mere symbols of [evil greed] in our tales."

The very idea that an evil dragon could grasp sword intent was astonishing. "Imagine the uproar among the swordsmen if they knew an evil dragon had achieved what many of them could not," Lance chuckled, picturing the disbelief and envy that would stir within their ranks.

He continued his contemplation, the image of the dragon blending with thoughts of his own versatility and cunning. "Living with an evil dragon who knows a bit about everything, from managing people to mastering swords, must be incredibly stressful. Yet, it's an invigorating challenge," he reflected.

A playful grin crossed his face as he remembered a recent compliment about his own 'handsomeness' which had taken him by surprise during a light-hearted moment. "If you don't write a short essay, what will I do?" he had joked with a young apprentice who had suddenly blurted out, "No, no, nothing. I just suddenly thought you were a bit handsome, Lance."

"I've always been so," he had responded with mock arrogance. "Why am I so handsome? Do you even understand what handsomeness means at such a young age?"

Lance's laughter echoed softly in the workshop, his spirits lifted by the playful banter and the exciting mission unfolding under his watch.

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