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46.34% Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess / Chapter 38: The Secret of the Evil Dragon!

Chapter 38: The Secret of the Evil Dragon!

Alright, let's set the stage a bit more vividly.

The once timid young dragon, now emboldened under the sinister wing of the evil dragon Lance, grew increasingly audacious with each passing day.

On her first day under Lance's dark tutelage, the young dragon could barely hold her gaze upon encountering the fearsome hellhound, her body quivering like a leaf in a storm.

By the second day, she had mustered the courage to brazenly pilfer a meatball right from under the snout of the bewildered creature.

And now, on the third day, all pretenses of civility had vanished. The young dragon nonchalantly ordered the hellhound to shepherd the sheep, and the tortoise, of all creatures, to tend to the cows.

"Am I next in line to rear pigs as some farmhand?" the dragon mused, half in jest and half in disdain. The idea of dragons, majestic and fierce, stooping to swineherding sparked a mix of amusement and indignation in his fiery heart.

Meanwhile, Marly, the hellhound who had once snarled menacingly at the young upstart, now found a grudging respect for her. After all, being tasked with shepherding was still more honorable than wallowing in the mud with pigs.

"If Lance, the master of our dark lair, consents to a barnyard on this desolate isle, I'd welcome the change," Ergouzi pondered silently. His bark, rough and ready, echoed this sentiment.

"Marly finds your proposal intriguing. Should the evil dragon Lance give his nod, he's ready to take on the sheep," the turtle translated diligently from canine to human tongue for Lucia's benefit.

Lucia, ever the adventurer, chimed in enthusiastically, "And I wouldn't mind overseeing the cows. I've long harbored a secret wish to nurture animals, and if Lance approves, I'll gladly embrace the role."

With a daring sparkle in her eye, she added, "In fact, I'm genuinely skilled in pig rearing."

Driven by the dual lures of culinary delight and pioneering spirit, Lucia envisioned herself as the first imperial princess turned swineherd. Unknown on this remote island, who would care if a princess muddied her royal hands? Such humble service could lighten Lance's burdens and ensure the islanders a steady meat supply.

When her true identity eventually came to light, perhaps even Marly and the turtle would laud her porcine caretaking.

Which princess, after all, would willingly tarnish her regal image for the sake of farming pigs? Yet, Lucia contemplated whether Lance would entertain the idea of a full-fledged farm amongst their ranks.

"Best to consult the evil dragon upon his awakening," she concluded.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Lance stirred from his slumber. Perched atop a craggy boulder, he nibbled on corn kernels, a thoughtful provision by the young dragon who also supplied a glass of water, lest their fearsome leader choked.

The young dragon set a glass of crystal-clear mountain spring water into his colossal purple clay cup, a marvel of craftsmanship molded from the purest dragon claws. This cup, one of three bespoke models, was crafted to accommodate his transformations. The smallest, a dainty purple clay vessel, was for his humanoid form, shrinking to a mere three meters. The second, larger and sturdier, was a regular companion to his dragon form. The last, an extra-large variant, could be adjusted in size to cater to the full grandeur of an adult black dragon, making it versatile enough to fit a baby dragon comfortably inside.

As he filled the giant cup, he quipped to Lucia, "This is merely for quenching my thirst. Please refrain from mistaking it for a bathtub."

Lucia, amused, retorted playfully, "Oh, never would I dream of bathing in your teacup! Though, it's so large, you could steep me in it like a tea bag."

Their surroundings were filled with items of equal grandiosity. At the Dragon Studio, where Lucia once searched for a brush, she found it almost as tall as herself, with bristles stretching two to three meters long. And then there was the hammer used by Lance, the head alone was half the size of her dragon form. A tool so massive, it could crush a young dragon or flatten a human into oblivion with a single strike.

Who would dare confront Lance, a fearsome dragon versed in the use of such monstrous implements? The thought lingered: Did Lance also wield weapons in his human guise, or was his arsenal limited to his draconic form? Curiosity piqued, yet Lucia hesitated, pondering if inquiring would lead her into further martial training under the dragon's watchful eye.

Lance had already enrolled her in two demanding courses: one to master the intricate Dragon Script, and another in combat training, which involved striking a resilient turtle to toughen her scales. A third lesson on farming loomed in the horizon, though Lucia felt oddly prepared, having already embraced her role as a pioneer in swine husbandry.

The trials of farming piqued her interest not just in agriculture but in the human condition itself, after all, who among princesses had truly borne the toils of the common folk like she had?

Turning to Lance, she revisited her earlier suggestion, "Lance, what do you think of the proposal I just made?"

Lance, momentarily distracted, raised an eyebrow, "What proposal?"

Raising pigs. I've already discussed it with Marly and Turtle," Lucia began, outlining her plan with enthusiasm. "If you agree, I'll take on the pigs, Marly will shepherd the sheep, and the turtles can oversee the cows. This way, we'll secure a steady supply of meat for the future."

Lucia's eyes sparkled with the prospect of her new role. Raising pigs seemed simple enough; they weren't picky eaters and grew plump with ease. The real question lingering in her mind was whether the evil dragon, Lance, might someday require her to administer some strange concoctions to the pigs as part of his experiments.

"Raising pigs? Have you ever undertaken such a task before?" Lance inquired, his tone laced with mild surprise.

"No," Lucia admitted, yet she couldn't suppress a mischievous smile. Back in the imperial capital, the nobility would surely scoff at the idea of an imperial princess mucking about with pigs. But here, on this isolated isle under Lance's rule, she could reinvent herself as the Pig Queen, far from the stifling etiquettes of the court.

"It wouldn't exactly enhance my reputation back home," she mused aloud, "but here, why not embrace being the Pig Queen?"

Her playful thought was interrupted as Lance teased, "I have a secret, do you want to hear it?"

Lucia's curiosity peaked instantly. "A secret? Of course, I want to hear it!"

She leaned closer, not wanting to miss a single word, her previous thoughts about pig farming momentarily forgotten.

"Actually, I have raised pigs before," Lance confessed, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"The evil dragon has raised pigs?" Lucia echoed, her brow furrowed in confusion. This revelation seemed too mundane to be the secret she expected. "Was that supposed to be your secret?"

"Yes, my secret is that I once raised pigs," Lance reiterated, a slight grin curling at the corner of his mouth.

Lucia, momentarily taken aback, struggled to see the significance. "And why are there no pigs on the island now?"

Lance's expression sobered as he explained, "I learned that pigs and dragons don't mix well. The pigs were terrified; just the sight of us could scare them to death. Besides, dragons are hardly natural pig farmers. And let's not even start on the environmental nuisance of pig manure, it's quite pervasive. The idea of waking up to that stench is less than appealing."

He paused, giving Lucia a meaningful look. "Perhaps it's best to set aside the title of Pig Queen and focus on other ventures. Why not watch the sunrise and set as a farmer? Farming doesn't always have to involve pigs."

Lucia sighed, a bit disappointed. "There goes my reign as the Pig Queen." But the possibility of a different kind of farming sparked a new interest. Perhaps there were other, more dragon-friendly ways to connect with the land.

After a refreshing nap, Lucia awoke to a peculiar assignment from the evil dragon Lance. He handed her a vial containing a mysterious potion. "Drink this," he instructed, "and you'll transform into a baby dragon, albeit a rather odorous one."

Hesitating, Lucia negotiated, "May I first clean the turtle's shell before I transform? I'd hate to fumble the task with clumsy dragon paws."

Lance agreed with a nod, allowing her the time she needed.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, its dying rays draped the sea in a golden shroud, transforming the waters into a shimmering tapestry of light. Amidst this breathtaking scene, the turtle bobbed gently on the radiant surface, serving as an unlikely platform for Lucia who, still in her human form, diligently scrubbed its shell with a brush.

Nearby, on the sandy beach, Lance was engrossed in an artistic endeavor of his own. He crouched over an easel, upon which a blank canvas awaited the stroke of his brush. Around him were scattered pots of natural pigments he had mixed by hand, their colors vibrant against the muted tones of the sand.

The scene before him was picturesque: the setting sun casting a gilded glow over the sea, and Lucia, transformed into a diligent caretaker, standing atop the turtle, her motions graceful as she cleaned. It was a moment of serene companionship between the creatures of land and sea, illuminated by the golden light of dusk.

Captivated by the harmony of the scene, a spark of inspiration rekindled in Lance. He contemplated titles for a potential painting, each capturing a different essence of the moment: "Golden Friendship," "Dragon and Turtle," "Young Dragon on the Back of a Turtle," and "Turtle at the Feet of a Young Dragon."

As time slipped by unnoticed, the air filled with the salty tang of the sea and the quiet focus of their tasks, Lance felt a profound connection to his surroundings, stirred to capture this tranquil interlude on canvas.

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