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51.85% Immortal's Omniversal Conquest / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Absolute Reunion

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Absolute Reunion

Since they were no longer needed, he tossed the Fallen Angel's corpse into the Garbage Dump alongside Baraqiel's arm.

"Ryuuga-sama…" Akeno shyly called out his name. When he glanced at her, she was wearing a maid uniform similar to the one Cleria wore. She squirmed uncomfortably, clearly not used to wearing it and feeling a bit shy.

"Nice." Ryuuga gave her a thumbs up, finding the outfit suited her well. Actually, it would suit any beautiful girl. This maid uniform was custom-made because he once wanted to have a group of maids around him too when he was just a normal human in his past life.

His fingers danced as lightning appeared around them, crackling in the air. Yes, this was the Holy Lightning he obtained after researching Akeno's body.

Since she was the daughter of Baraqiel, it made sense that she could use it too.

"Akeno, try this." he said, summoning a card onto his palm. The card resembled the Servant Card, but on its back, there was a symbol of a pair of black wings.

"What is this?" Akeno asked curiously, eyeing the card.

"This card is a new addition to the Infinite Vassals System that I created, categorized as a Racial Card. It's called the Fallen Angel Card. As the name suggests, it can alter someone's race to that of a fallen angel." Ryuuga explained. He had created this card after researching fallen angels the day before. In addition to this card, he had also created Devil Cards and Human Cards.

He could create other Racial Cards if he had the genetics of the targeted races as well.

"Fallen angel!" Akeno glared at the card as soon as she heard the words. She hated fallen angels to the core!

"Silly girl, if you want revenge, then you must use every means. Revenge is the strongest motivation to become stronger. I've given you one way, and this is another. If you hate fallen angels, why don't you exterminate them in the future?" Ryuuga smiled as he patted her head to calm her down, whispering in her ear. His words were like a devil whispering in her ear.

Yes! She must use every means to get stronger. Even though she also had the blood of a fallen angel, she hated them so much that she wanted to exterminate them.

Why not just exterminate them in the future and become the only fallen angel in existence? With that, she wouldn't need to hate anyone anymore.

"Hmm… but there are some fallen angels that I want to spare. Can you spare them?" As he thought about it, there were some fallen angels with good potential whom he wanted to add to his forces in the future.

It would be a waste to kill them just like that.

"... Please give me their names. I won't lay my hands on them as long as you want them to live, Ryuuga-sama." Akeno said, her eyes losing their hatred and taking on a ruthless gentleness. Was this the beginning of the cruel onee-sama?

Ryuuga smiled and whispered four names in her ear. Akeno nodded and committed the names to memory. She must bring them back to her master in the future.

"Activate." Ryuuga said, then activated the Fallen Angel Card on Akeno. This card was meant to change her race from half-breed fallen angel to pure-blood fallen angel.

"Hnn~" Akeno felt something strange happening to her body. It was as if her blood were squirming inside.

Ten seconds passed, and she succeeded in becoming a pure-blood fallen angel. With this, her potential and power would increase. She might be the first fallen angel to ever become a Land Immortal Realm powerhouse.

Ryuuga couldn't wait to see what kind of surprises she could bring him. This was another route he created for her. She didn't become Rias' queen as she was meant to be. As for Rias… well, let's prevent her from playing those weak peerage games and use the Infinite Vassals instead.

By altering the plot this time, he obtained a whopping 30,000 Destiny Energy. This might be because he prevented her from becoming a devil by following Rias, and also by destroying her relationship with her father.

He suspected that in the original novel, she didn't know about her father's behavior, and her father only appeared because she was still alive. He acted like he had just come rushing from work, which was why Akeno hated him.

Well, he wouldn't know for sure, because the future had already been altered, and there was no way for them to reconcile.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Nine months later.

Today was the day Lavinia would come back from Grauzauberer temporarily to reclaim her Sacred Gear. It had been a year since then.

"How time flies." Ryuuga said, feeling like an old man. Well, it wasn't entirely wrong. He had been researching Absolute Demise for almost a year and finished it a month ago, having accomplished his goal.

"Ara~ Good morning, Ryuuga-chan. Fufufu." A woman older than Cleria appeared in his sight. She was beautiful and had the biggest boobs in Arcadia… ahem…

"Oh, morning, Shuri-san." Ryuuga replied with a smile.

Yes, the woman was Himejima Shuri, Akeno's mother. Two days after Akeno received the Fallen Angel Card, Shuri woke up.

She had been depressed and wanted to kill herself, but Akeno stopped her, crying. When Shuri heard that Akeno would take revenge for her, she just smiled wryly and patted her head.

It seemed like Akeno was all she had left in her world. She begged Ryuuga to help Akeno, which made him feel a bit complicated. He couldn't just kill Baraqiel now, right? What if Azazel stopped him? He still couldn't beat him yet.

So, he proposed that Shuri join forces with Akeno to kill Baraqiel. This would also give her a reason to live.

In the end, she agreed and offered to become his caretaker too… Not that he minded, though, because her cooking was good. Besides that, he also gained another Caster.

He felt like he had a mother in his house rather than a maid. But for some reason, Shuri really liked to wear the maid uniform he created.

Sometimes it made him feel giddy because her assets really stood out when she wore the maid uniform...

As for Akeno, just like he did with Lavinia, Ryuuga sent her to Grauzauberer. Thanks to her magical talent and her bloodline, plus being a heroine of the story, she managed to become Mephisto's direct disciple as well.

Meanwhile, Cleria hadn't returned since she left last time. She was still searching for talented individuals. But Ryuuga knew where she was and who she recruited because of the servant cards attached to her soul. He wasn't worried about her running away—she didn't have any intention to do so.

If she didn't bring back more than ten potential recruits when she returned, he'd spank her for being gone so long.

Ryuuga enjoyed his afternoon coffee while Shuri gave him a massage. It was heavenly...

As he relaxed, Lavinia and Akeno appeared at the door of the living room. Since they were his servants, they could create doors to Arcadia too, thanks to the permission he had given them.

Sometimes they'd return, sometimes they wouldn't, as Ryuuga told them to focus on their magic studies.

"Ara~ You seem to be enjoying yourself, Ryuu~" Lavinia teased as she entered the room. Ryuuga opened his eyes and glanced at them.

A while ago, she had changed how she addressed him because he disliked being called by formal titles. Just calling him Ryuuga was fine. Adding "chan" was cute, though.

"Welcome back." he replied with a smile before closing his eyes again.

"Mou!" Akeno stomped her feet, seeing Ryuuga still enjoying her mother's massage. She wanted to join in too.

"Fufufu." Shuri laughed at her daughter's reaction.

"Umm… who is she?" Lavinia asked, pointing to a woman standing beside Ryuuga. It wasn't Shuri, as they already knew each other.

The woman exuded an aura of icy elegance. Her light blue hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves, shimmering like the surface of a tranquil lake under moonlight. Her topaz blue eyes, sharp and piercing, contrasted starkly with her cold expression, giving her an air of aloofness.

Despite her overall demeanor, there was a noticeable softness that emerged when she glanced at Lavinia, and a slight, almost imperceptible smile graced her lips, hinting at a warmer side beneath her frosty exterior.

Lavinia felt a warm connection with her, as if their souls were linked.

"How can you not recognize her? She is your Absolute Demise." Ryuuga said with a smile as he stood up, eager to see Lavinia's surprised expression. This was the surprise he had been saving for almost a year.

"...How?!" Lavinia exclaimed, shocked. She didn't expect that the once-ugly ice doll had become a beautiful humanoid.

"This is my theory. Have you ever somehow used your power unknowingly and become scared of it?" Ryuuga asked, wanting to prove his conclusion about why Absolute Demise had looked so monstrous.

I mean, look at Regulus. He turned into a handsome young man in the original. Canis Lykaon even became a cute dog.

"Hmm… I think I did when I was six years old." Lavinia nodded as she tried to remember. Now, her trauma had dissipated, and she had come to terms with her parents' deaths. Acceptance didn't mean she wouldn't seek revenge, though.

"Well, did you see an ice monster on TV or in a book or something around that time?" he continued to ask.

"Now that I think about it, the ice doll does look like a monster from a TV series I used to watch. It was a horror story about an ice monster chasing teenagers." Lavinia said, a revelation dawning on her.

"It seems I was right. When you were scared of your power, you imagined that monster. That's why your Sacred Gear took that form—it's connected to the wielder's emotions. If you're afraid of it, it becomes something scary." Ryuuga explained, shedding light on why Absolute Demise had looked so frightening.

"... So, you imagined her as a beautiful woman?" Lavinia asked, a mix of understanding and teasing in her smile.

"Of course not! This is her true form!" Ryuuga replied, his expression serious. He had his integrity, after all.

How dare this puny human accuse him like that? Did she wish to see the power of the Infinite God King Immortal Emperor? Court death!


"Do you have a name?" Lavinia stood in front of the Absolute Demise and asked with a smile.

"Reni. Because I am a part of you." Absolute Demise replied with a nod and a smile. Tears streamed down Lavinia's face when she heard it. It seemed the doll had always cared about her, but she never realized it and even hated it.

"Reni… I'm sorry for hating you in the past." Lavinia said as she hugged Reni, tears still flowing. She felt really guilty, even though she had already apologized before.

"Don't mind." Reni gently stroked Lavinia's head with a smile and shook her head.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

After Lavinia and Reni finished their touching reunion, Ryuuga summoned a blue snowflake made of thick ice on his palm. This was the true form of Absolute Demise.

"As promised, take it back." he said, extending his hand towards Lavinia.

With a smile and without hesitation, she accepted Absolute Demise from Ryuuga's hand, and it was absorbed into her chest.

"Good to be back." Reni said with a smile. She could feel her connection with Lavinia had returned to how it was before.

"Hehe. Now, look at this!" Ryuuga smiled and summoned something similar to the Absolute Demise he had summoned before.

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