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6.66% Reborn As a Pirate / Chapter 11: Pearl of Fertility!

Chapter 11: Pearl of Fertility!

On the sandy shores, Ryan sensed the surge of power coursing through him as he attained Level 2.

"It seems the gains are proportional," he murmured to himself, his voice barely louder than the whisper of the waves.

Initially, Ryan's physical prowess was baseline; however, upon reaching Level 1, his capabilities had escalated to approximately 1.3 times that of an average man, a notable 30% enhancement. His speed, although affected by the sandy terrain and other environmental factors, improved by a solid 20%.

Now, at Level 2, the surge in his physical fitness was exponential, soaring to a staggering 1.69 times his original strength. The thought of such exponential growth was daunting yet exhilarating.

"If this pattern of increase persists, by Level 10, my overall physical fitness would scale to an astounding 13.79 times that of an average adult male," Ryan calculated, the potential of his power unfurling in his mind like a banner in the wind. To put it in perspective, the average single-arm strength of a man might hover around 50 kilograms; at Level 10, Ryan could manage a herculean 700 kilograms with just one arm. Such strength would easily allow him to hoist a car overhead, rivaling the feats of superheroes from comic books.

"And what then beyond Level 10? Levels 20, 30?" he pondered, the possibilities sprawling endless and untamed before him. The mere thought fueled his ambition, stoking the fire of his determination to ascend through the levels.

Even now, at a fraction of his potential, if his strength could be just a fifth of what it could be at Level 10, he would possess nearly triple the physical fitness of an ordinary person. Such prowess would be more than enough to fend for himself, to protect not just his own life but perhaps others' as well.

Ryan's gaze drifted to the horizon. "Perhaps it's time to explore beyond this southern beach," he thought, his mind teeming with plans. The island was vast, and its peripheries stretched to the north, west, and east. Somewhere, amidst the dense foliage and lurking dangers, the [Anchor] awaited him, either a formidable force in itself or zealously guarded by spiritual monsters of incredible power, likely nestled in the heart of the island.

With newfound determination and the promise of untapped power beckoning, Ryan set his sights on uncovering the mysteries that lay ahead, each step forward a stride towards a destiny unimaginable.

The depth of the forest was still beyond his reach, considering Ryan was only at Level 2.

He knew that before venturing deeper into the island's heart, it would be prudent to enhance his capabilities as much as possible.

Having already scoured the southern beach in search of beach crabs, Ryan realized that no other spiritual creatures roamed there. To ascend further in power, he would need to explore the other three cardinal directions.

But first, a thought struck him.

"I should revisit the Beach Crab's Nest."

The last time he had entered, it was a stealth mission to ambush an injured Beach Crab, leaving no room for thorough exploration. Now, with all five Beach Crabs defeated, the nest was his to investigate.

"I hope I find something valuable," Ryan mused, optimism fueling his stride as he approached the rocky pile that hid the nest along the beach.

Under the clear sky, the nest was bathed in more light than before. Ryan had improvised torches by skillfully drilling into wood to start fires, a task made simpler with his enhanced physical strength. Surrounded by towering coconut trees and dense shrubs, materials were plentiful.

Navigating the lair's deep cave once again, the unmistakable, briny scent of seafood wafted through the air, causing Ryan to wrinkle his nose.

He began his search along the damp stone walls, his eyes scanning thoroughly. It wasn't long before his diligence paid off, his eyes sparkled as he spotted something extraordinary.

Three pearls lay nestled in a nook, each glowing with a soft luminescence and as large as a thumb. These "Pearls of Fertility," as they were known, were introduced by the system panel to have formed over years within the shells of powerful sea creatures and were highly prized as potion ingredients. Additionally, gathering ten could significantly boost one's physical recovery and strength.

Ryan's heart leaped as he picked up the pearls. The joy in his expression was palpable, a promising reward for his ventures and a potent resource for his future challenges.

Ryan was not entirely sure of the specifics behind the magic imbued within the "Pearls of Fertility," but the promised benefits, enhanced physical strength and accelerated injury recovery, were undeniably attractive. Integrating these effects into his body required 20 spiritual points per pearl, a detail that weighed heavily on him, considering his current reserve of 470 points after defeating five beach crabs.

With a torch in hand, he scoured the nest thoroughly, and soon, thirteen shimmering "Pearls of Fertility" lay gathered in his grasp. He hastily ripped strips from his clothing to securely wrap the precious pearls, slinging them across his back as he prepared to leave.

Finding nothing else of value, Ryan exited the nest, his mind already on his next move.

Outside, the beach offered up tough, resilient rattan, which Ryan used to string together ten pearls into a makeshift necklace. As he draped the "Necklace of Fertility" around his neck, a subtle warmth radiated through his body, instantly invigorating his spirit and lightening his physical burden.

With the remaining three pearls safely stored, Ryan set his sights on the western edge of the island. His choice of direction was strategic, aiming to methodically clear the island's perimeter in a clockwise fashion.

As he stepped beyond the southern reaches, the cool sea breeze brushed against his face, and the rhythmic sound of the waves seemed almost musical, crafting an illusion of tranquility on this isolated island.

Ryan's expression turned stern as he ventured into the unknown western peripheral area. The presence of other spiritual creatures besides the beach crabs was a mystery, compelling him to tread with heightened caution. "It's like pioneering uncharted territory," he thought to himself, ready for whatever challenges might arise.

As he followed the coastline, Ryan noticed a distinct change in the landscape. Unlike the sandy stretches of the south, the western area featured dense clusters of coastal reefs, hinting at new challenges and possibly new encounters.

From afar, Ryan spotted a colossal silhouette dominating the reef. A beach giant crab, unmistakable with its formidable pincers, seemed to be locked in conflict. However, due to the awkward viewing angle, Ryan couldn't discern what the crab was battling against.

Curiosity piqued, Ryan altered his approach, opting for a stealthy arc that brought him to the rear of the skirmish. From this new vantage, the opponent was startlingly clear, a silvery-white shark, beached and beleaguered. Its form was reminiscent of a great white, but it was marred by grotesque, corrosive wounds oozing pale silver blood, and its once formidable fin was now a tattered half-remnant.

This was less a battle than an opportunistic assault by the beach crab, exploiting the shark's vulnerability. The silver shark, despite its impressive five-meter length and inherent strength that dwarfed the crab's, was grievously injured and stranded, virtually helpless against the crab's intermittent attacks, hindered only by fear of the shark's thrashing tail.

"Interesting," Ryan murmured, an intrigued glint in his eyes. The potential rewards for defeating such a large shark danced through his mind, stirring his ambition.

His gaze then shifted to the giant crab, scoffing internally at its audacity to prey on such a formidable beast. After scanning the area to ensure no other threats lurked nearby, Ryan gripped his sword and charged at the beach giant crab.

The crab, sensing the sudden movement, whipped around in alarm. Yet, strength dictated the outcome, and its reflexes were insufficient to alter its fate.

Ryan quickly dispatched the crab, his level and spiritual value ticking upwards: Level 2 (64%), Spiritual Value: 570.

With the crab no longer a threat, Ryan approached the beleaguered shark. As he drew near, a gray text floated into view beside the creature:

[Silverback Shark: This shark is dying because it witnessed a very private secret. If you save it, it promises to guide you to secret waters.]

Ryan weighed his options. The promise of new territories and possibly untold riches hinted at a decision that could extend far beyond mere survival.

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