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88.88% Oshi No Ko: Duet of Destinies / Chapter 24: Crossroads

Chapter 24: Crossroads

December 3, 2019

The vibration of my phone jolted me out of my post-rehearsal daze. I glanced at the screen, expecting to see Ai's name, or maybe Takeshi telling me it's time for the music video shoot. But the number was unfamiliar, a string of digits I didn't recognize.

Curiosity piqued, I swiped to answer. "Hello?"

"Akira!" The voice on the other end was breathless, almost giddy. "It's Hiro, the fashion designer you modeled for. Remember me?"

I blinked, surprised. I hadn't heard from Hiro since that whirlwind photoshoot, what felt like a lifetime ago. "Of course," I said, a smile tugging at my lips. "How could I forget the man who made me feel like a high-fashion superstar for a day?"

Hiro laughed, the sound bright and effervescent. "Well, get ready to feel like that every day, because I have big news!"

I sat up straighter, intrigued. "Oh? Do tell."

"First of all, I had no idea you were a famous idol! I saw your debut with X-Factor - you guys were amazing!"

"Akira? You still with me?"

I blinked, realizing I'd been silent for too long. "Yeah, sorry. It's just... a lot to take in."

"I get it," Hiro said, his voice sympathetic. "But there's more. I want you to be my brand ambassador."

Ambassador. The word rolled around in my head, weighty and significant. It implied a level of influence, of status, that I'd never considered for myself.

"What exactly would that involve?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Hiro launched into an explanation, painting a picture of a life I'd never imagined. Photoshoots in exotic locations, rubbing shoulders with fashion elites, my face splashed across magazines and social media.

It was tempting, I couldn't deny that. The glitz, the glamour, the validation of being chosen, singled out. But it also felt like a step away from everything I'd been working towards.

"Hiro," I said, interrupting his enthusiastic flow. "This is incredible. Really. But I need to think about it."

"Of course, of course!" Hiro rushed to assure me. "Take your time. But Akira... don't overthink it. Opportunities like this don't come around every day."

We said our goodbyes, Hiro's parting words lingering in the air. "You're a star, Akira. It's time for the world to see that."

I sat there for a long moment, the phone growing warm in my hand. A star. It was what I'd always wanted, wasn't it? To be seen, to be known, to leave my mark on the world.

But as I pictured that billboard, my face towering over the crowds, I felt a flicker of doubt. Was this the kind of mark I wanted to make? Was fashion, modeling, the path I wanted to walk?

My mind drifted to the studio, to the music that flowed through my veins. To the stage, where I came alive in a way I never had before. To my members, my brothers in arms, united in our passion.

That was my world. The world of an idol, of a performer. It was what I'd fought for, bled for. Could I really step away from that, even for a dream as shiny as the one Hiro was offering?

I didn't have an answer. But as I sat there, staring at the cracks in the ceiling, I knew one thing for certain.

I couldn't make this decision lightly. I couldn't let the lure of the spotlight blind me to what truly mattered.

I needed to think, to really consider what I wanted, who I wanted to be.

A model? A fashion icon?

Or an idol, heart and soul?

Or do I do it all?

The path ahead had never looked more uncertain. But one way or another, I knew I'd have to choose.

And I could only pray that when the time came, I'd make the right choice.

The billboard offer hung in my mind as I made my way to the set of our "Dynamite" music video. It was a glittering promise, a glimpse of a future I hadn't even dared to dream of. But as I stepped into the controlled chaos of the set, the doubts and questions faded into the background.

This was where I belonged. Here, with my members, ready to pour our hearts into our music.

The set was a hive of activity, a whirlwind of camera crews, lighting technicians, and makeup artists buzzing around like worker bees. In the midst of it all, X-Factor stood ready, our stage costumes glittering under the harsh lights.

I took a deep breath, letting the energy of the moment wash over me. The air crackled with anticipation, with the knowledge that we were on the brink of something big.

"Alright, places everyone!" The director's voice boomed across the set, cutting through the chatter. "We're going in three, two, one..."

The opening bars of "Dynamite" blasted from the speakers, the beat pulsing through my body like a second heartbeat. We moved as one, our steps perfectly synchronized, our voices blending in a harmony that sent shivers down my spine.

I lost myself in the performance, letting the rhythm guide my movements, the lyrics pour from my soul. Every spin, every high note, every drop of sweat was a testament to the hours we'd spent perfecting our craft.

But it was more than just technical precision. It was passion, raw and unbridled. It was the sheer joy of doing what we loved, of sharing our hearts with the world.

Take after take, we gave it our all. The smiles on our faces weren't the fake, forced smiles of idols going through the motions. They were real, genuine, born from the unbreakable bond we shared.

As the final notes of the song faded away, I was breathing hard, my limbs aching in the best possible way. But more than that, I was filled with a sense of pride, of accomplishment.

We had done it. We had taken our first big step as X-Factor 2.0, and we had left it all on the stage.

The director came over, his face split in a wide grin. "That was incredible, boys! The energy, the chemistry... it's going to translate beautifully on screen."

Satoru let out a whoop, jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas morning. "We did it, guys! We totally nailed it!"

Kenji, ever the perfectionist, was already analyzing his performance in his head. But even he couldn't suppress a satisfied smile.

Hiroki and Daisuke exchanged a high-five, their eyes shining with the thrill of a job well done.

And me? I just stood there, soaking it all in. The camaraderie, the triumph, the sheer, unbridled joy of the moment.

This was what I had worked so hard for. Not just the fame, not just the accolades. But this feeling, this sense of purpose and belonging.

The adrenaline of the shoot was still buzzing through my veins as I made my way to Ai's apartment. The sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, but it couldn't compare to the warmth blooming in my chest.

We had done it. We had taken our first step into a new era, and it felt like flying.

I knocked on the door, the familiar rhythm a comfort after the chaos of the day. It swung open almost immediately, revealing a beaming Ai.

"Akira!" She pulled me into a hug, her arms wrapping around me like coming home. "I watched the behind-the-scenes clips online. You guys looked amazing!"

I grinned, squeezing her tight. "It felt amazing. Like everything was clicking into place, you know?"

She nodded, understanding in her eyes. "I know that feeling. When everything just flows and you're in the moment, fully present."

We stepped into the apartment, the scent of homecooked food and the sound of Ruby's laughter enveloping me like a warm blanket.

"Akira! Akira!" Ruby came barreling towards me, her little face alight with joy. "You're here! You're here!"

I scooped her up, spinning her around as she giggled. "I sure am, munchkin! And I heard a rumor that there might be some delicious food waiting for me..."

Ruby nodded vigorously. "Mama made your favorite!"

My stomach growled on cue, making Ruby laugh even harder. I set her down, ruffling her hair fondly.

Aqua emerged from his room, his usual serious expression softened by a small smile. "Welcome back, Akira." He held out a hand for a fist bump, which I happily obliged.

"Good to be back, little man. How was your day?"

Aqua shrugged, but I could see the excitement shimmering beneath his cool exterior. "It was alright. The director praised me for my acting today."

I whistled, impressed. "My Man! You'll have to show me a little snippet sometime."

Aqua's smile widened a fraction. "Maybe after dinner."

We gathered around the table, the conversation flowing as easily as the food. Ai regaled us with tales from her latest script read-through, her eyes sparkling as she described the complex emotions of her character.

"It's a challenge," she admitted, "but that's what I love about acting. Pushing myself, discovering new depths."

I reached across the table, squeezing her hand. "You're going to be incredible. I know it."

She squeezed back, her smile soft and warm. "Thank you, Akira."

As the plates emptied and our bellies filled, a comfortable lull settled over the room. Ruby, fighting valiantly against drooping eyelids, curled into Ai's side.

"Mama," she mumbled, "can Akira tuck me in tonight? I want a bedtime story."

Ai glanced at me, a question in her eyes. I nodded, my heart swelling. "Of course, sweetheart. I'd love to."

I hoisted Ruby into my arms, her little body soft and warm with sleep. She nestled her head into the crook of my neck, her breath tickling my skin.

As I lay her down in her bed, her eyes flutter open, hazy with drowsiness. "Akira," she whispered, "are you and Mama going to get married?"

I nearly choked, a startled laugh escaping my lips. "Whoa there, munchkin. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

But Ruby was already drifting off, a smile on her lips. "I think it would be nice," she murmured. "To have you as my papa."

"Sweet dreams, Ruby," I whispered. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

When I returned to the living room, Ai was waiting for me, a soft smile playing on her lips. "She loves you, you know," she said quietly. "They both do. And so do I."

I crossed the room, pulling her into my arms. "I love you too, Ai."

She sighed, melting into my embrace. We stood there for a long moment, just holding each other, soaking in the simple perfection of the moment.

Finally, Ai pulled back slightly, her eyes meeting mine. "Akira, I was wondering... would you like to come to the movie set with us tomorrow? To see what it's like?"

My heart leaped at the thought. To see Ai in her element, to watch her bring a character to life... it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

But then I remembered the packed schedule, the grueling rehearsals and recording sessions. My face must have fallen, because Ai rushed to add, "But I totally understand if you're too busy! I know you guys have a lot going on, with the album and everything..."

I shook my head, a slow smile spreading across my face. "Actually, we have the day off tomorrow. Takeshi was so thrilled with the music video, he decided to give us a little break."

Ai's eyes widened, delight dancing in their depths. "Really? So you can come?"

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away."

She laughed, the sound pure and bright. "Well, that's good. Because I have a feeling a certain little girl would be very disappointed if you didn't show up."

I grinned, already picturing Ruby's excitement, Aqua's quiet happiness. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

As we settled onto the couch, Ai's head resting on my shoulder, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. This, right here, was what mattered. Family, love, the simple joys of being together.

Tomorrow would bring new adventures, but tonight, in the warmth and comfort of Ai's home, I was exactly where I needed to be.

Ai shifted, her hand tracing idle patterns on my chest. I could feel the heat of her touch through the thin fabric of my shirt, igniting a slow burn in my veins.

"You know," she murmured, her voice low and sultry, "I'm really glad you're here Akira."

I hummed in agreement, my fingers tangling in her silky hair. "Me too, Ai. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

She tilted her head up, her lips brushing the underside of my jaw. A shiver ran down my spine, my body responding to her nearness with a suddenness that stole my breath.

"Is that so?" Her words were a whisper against my skin, a teasing promise. "Because I can think of somewhere else I'd like you to be..."


Ai sat up, her eyes dark and smoldering in the low light. She swung a leg over my lap, straddling me with a boldness that set my blood on fire.

"Akira," she breathed, her lips a hairsbreadth from mine. "Bedroom. Now."

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