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54.54% Lightning Devil Fruit In Marvel! / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Odin

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Odin

"Stronger? I see," Nick said, his mind racing with the consequences and ways to cover what Tony had done.

The world could not yet know that Iron Man was the real reason behind the Sokovia incident because he created Ultron.

Nick glanced at Tony and continued his thoughts, His intention may have been good but the reality is no one would care about his good intentions, Nick thought to himself.

"Can you take me to Elizabeth?" I asked, seeing that things were mostly wrapped up here.

"Wait a minute, who is this mysterious person we are talking about here?" Tony interrupted loudly, his tone dripping with confusion.

When no answer came from Nick even captain looked at Nick.

"Nick?" Captain America sent a glance at Nick, wanting to know more.

"You need to come with me to Asgard," Thor interjected, showing he had a different thought process entirely.

I glanced at Nick, wondering if he was going to say something because I knew I couldn't.

I didn't even know who she was.

Thinking about it was foolish of me to trust her so easily, perhaps it was my overconfidence but now I couldn't change the past, just had to be more carefull in the future.

As for Thor, I subconsciously ignored the idea of going to Asgard.

I didn't even know what it was or how long it would take to get there.

"I... am not sure," Nick hesitated. "She is just a really powerful person who has good intentions for Earth."

"Nonsense, there is nobody with a lot of power on Earth... Well, I mean..." Thor started confidently but trailed off, remembering the Ancient One.

He had heard about her on a trip to Midgard, recalling his father's mention of her abilities matching Odin's Powers.

She was the secret protector of Midgard, and her identity was meant to be kept secret.

"If she had such good intentions, why didn't she stop Ultron?" Tony asked cynically.

Looking at Tony, even Thor wondered why she didn't stop Ultron.

But right now, he was in an awkward position and didn't know if he should expose her.

"Thor, do you know something?" Captain America asked, creating a silence to defend in the room.

Everyone was looking at Thor, who stood there quietly.

His mind racing with what he should do.

After a few seconds, he sighed. "No, I do not," he said, deciding to safeguard her identity.

"We need her right now. We need her to make him stronger," Nick said.

"No," Thor interrupted. Midgard might have ended today, yet she didn't come to save it, he thought to himself in a slightly naive manner not realising the plan of Ancient One to let hero's emerge and gain power and teamwork to protect the earth when she is gone.

"You need to come to Asgard to meet my father Odin," Thor said, deciding that Wright meeting Odin would be the best course of action to understand his unique physiology.

He highly doubted weather the Ancient One was as well versed in matters relating to lightning compared to his father.

He still also didnt fully belive that she was as strong as his father the All father if the Nine realms.

"He is not leaving Earth," Captain America said seriously.

"We don't know if leaving him with this powerful lady with supposed good intentions is even a good idea," Tony added.

Nick Fury was stumped as well. He didn't know whether to believe Thor and let him take Wright away from Earth or leave it to the mysterious lady who had assured him of her goodwill towards Earth.

"My father needs to take a look at Wright," Thor said. "In exchange, I can ask him to get rid of the lightning." Thor said confidently.

"No way. Wright is a human being from Earth. I am not willing to just trade him away," Captain America said adamantly.

"Well, would you rather him go with someone we trust like Thor or some lady that randomly appeared?" Tony argued.

"GUYS!" I clapped my hands loudly. "I decide where I go, okay?"

"And right now, I want to go to the medical pod," I said, looking at Nick.

"You still have not explained your powers," Tony said. He remembered how easily Wright ignored the pressure produced by the blue laser pushing the land upwards.

His armor, made of metal and a blend of other powerful materials, could barely hold up against the pressure when close to it.

So how was it possible for Wright, without any protection, to be completely fine?

"I can control lightning. Not only that, I can transform my body into lightning," Wright said, avoiding talking about the fruit, the knowledge and his complete invulnerabilty brought upon by it.

"How is that even possible?" Captain America asked, wide-eyed.

I could only shrug my shoulders and avoid giving an answer.

"Come along with me," Nick Fury said as he began heading towards the door, leaving behind the three Avengers who were stunned into silence by my powers.

I quickly followed him as we headed towards the medical pod in silence. Only the sounds of our footsteps hitting the metal below us echoed through the silent hallway.

We made our way towards a metal double door that slid open, revealing a white room. The light was bright yet not unpleasant to the eyes. Thin curtains formed square boxes just like a hospital, with nurses and doctors walking around, the smell exactly like one would expect from a hospital.

Following Nick in, many of the doctors and nurses we encountered greeted him by calling him "Director Nick Fury."

We walked and walked in this massive room, almost half as big as the place where the citizens of Sokovia rested.

There were multiple floors, something I only realized after a small walk that led us to an elevator.

Nick Fury reached out and pushed the upper button as we waited. My eyes were on the numbers that started from 4 and began heading down.

"Who are you, Nick?" I finally asked the question that had been on my mind.

He looked back at me with an unexpected smirk.

"I am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the person who created the Avengers," he said.

"Wow... that's impressive," I said, shocked by his identity.

"What is S.H.I.E.L.D. then?" I asked. Everybody we encountered so far greeted Nick as the Director, which could only mean they worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. Looking at the impressive surroundings, I assumed that this jet carrier must have also belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D., which blew my mind even more—that such an organization with technology at this level existed.

Without the rest of the world knowing about it.

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