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Chapter 3: Different Breed

[Kyle's POV]

I tilted my head in confusion when i saw that Shinx come out of that weird pokeball, wondering why Professor Oak kept a Shinx of all pokemon inside a specific pokeball, or why there was a Shinx instead of a Pikachu this time.

I turned towards Professor Oak and raised an eyebrow, expecting an explanation from him, especially after noticing that the Shinx, which i realized was a female, was afraid of him the most.

Before he could give me the answer, i slowly walked up to the scared Shinx, and got on one knee while holding out my hand to her, giving her a gentle smile.

"It's alright, buddy. I promise i won't hurt you." I reassured the Shinx, looking at her with a warm smile, which got even warmer when she slowly lifted her left frontpaw and put it on my hand, still really shy, but a little less scared.

"See? There's nothing to worry about" i told her softly, slowly moving my free hand towards her head after putting down her pokeball, unable to hold in the urge to pet her.

At first she reeled her head back, still a bit wary of me, but after seeing me not moving when she backed away, she slowly leaned her head forward until it met my hand. I then petted her head gently the moment she willingly put her head against my palm, making sure to be as gentle as possible while enjoying myself a lot too, finding her fur suprisingly soft.

To mine, Gary's and Professor Oak's surprise, Shinx jumped towards me, with me catching her and holding her in my arms, and started to rub her face against my chest, purring softly as i then started to pet her head again, not a single ounce of her previous fear present anymore, leaving the Professor shocked as he stared at Shinx with wide eyes.

After making sure that she calmed down, i slowly got up while holding her in my arms, letting her snuggle against me as i picked up her pokeball and put it in my pocket without her noticing.

"I'd rather not stick my nose into this matter, but i still need to ask this. Where did you get this Shinx from? Why does she look like this? And especially why is it so afraid of you in particular, Professor?" I asked while giving the older man a serious look, wanting to know more about Shinx, and especially what the hell happened to her to make her so....afraid of others.

"Wait a second, how are you sure it's a she? And what even is a Shinx?" Gary pointed out as he looked at me in confusion, mostly wondering if Shinx really was a female.

"Shinx is an electric pokemon from Sinnoh, and i know that this one is a female thanks to her hind paws. Males have black hind paws, while Females have blue ones, tho this one is different from normal Shinxes." I explained as i then glanced back at Shinx, seeing that she got a bit upset when i said that she is different from most of her specie.

Seeing this, i pulled her a little closer to my chest, which she snuggled into without any hesitation, to then look up at me, my eyes meeting hers. "I didn't mean it as an insult, or to offend you in any way. It's just that some of your features stand out more while also having things that other Shinxes don't. In fact, i actually like your different looks, i think you look way better than your typical Shinx. You get what i mean?" I reassured while she kept looking at me, wanting to give her some self-confidence too, which worked like a charm, as she puffed out her chest with pride while giving us smug look, looking absolutely adorable when she did.

Mine and Gary's attention then focused back on the professor, now implicitely demanding an explanation, as apparently Gary ignored the fact that i know what a Shinx is, and how to recognize if one of them is a male or female, more curious to know where his grandpa even found her.

"As you already pointed out, Ash, the Shinx you're holding isn't a normal breed. I found her near the Power Plant barely conscious and with an enormious amount of electricity flowing inside her body, way too much for various electric-types to handle without dying or getting permanent damage, i'm talking about stuff that even a Magneton or a Raichu wouldn't be able to handle without ending up unconscious and half dead.

It honestly puzzles me how she managed to not only survive an electric charge of that amount, but even absorb it all inside her body without it causing any kind of damage or long term repercussion, considering the fact that i had to make that custom pokeball because all normal ones either started melting or exploded after keeping her inside for a few minutes.

As for the reason why she looks slightly different, it's because she's not a 100% Shinx. I ran a few tests on her after i caught her, wanting to check her health conditions, and found out a few interesting things. For starters i found out that her genetic code contains a significant amount of DNA from another pokemon, Absol DNA to be precise, and that unlike what normally happens with cross-bred pokemon, her portion of Absol DNA isn't repressed by the DNA belonging to her specie, which is the reason why she looks like that.

I also found a few portions of ancient DNA of both species that supposedly disappeared over time to be replaced by other genes, meaning that her differences will be even more pronounced when she will evolve, more than i originally estimated. In fact, we can say that she will become her own sub-specie once she will evolve, which she partially already is since she's an electric/dark type." Professor Oak explained, making mine and Gary's jaws drop, but before we could recover, he continued to explain.

"Other than that, i discovered that she isn't just perfectly healthy, but that she even has a massive vitality, way more than any Shinx and most Luxios, and that her body managed to perfectly adapt to the sheer amount of electricity coursing through it, becoming incomparably stronger, and to make it its own; to put it in a few words, it means that she is a lot stronger than what she should have been, and that she will get stronger a lot faster and with greatly better results than most pokemons.

This doesn't mean that you can slack off, Ash, Shinx is still extremely young, and not that strong yet, but most importantly she's still way too shy and prone to be afraid of others, i'm sure you've seen how scared she is of me, and it's because of the scare she took when i caught her. It's honestly a miracle that she even opened up to you to this point, how do you think she will react around new people?" Professor Oak asked me in a serious tone after giving us the full explanation on why Shinx is the way she is, reminding me that i still have a lot of work ahead of me in order to prepare for my journey, but i didn't mind, because i will have an adorable electric lynx by my side from now on, and i sure as hell already love her a lot, and couldn't give a lesser damn if i will have a hard time to get her used to others and teach her how to battle.

"I know, Professor, i know, and i gladly accept the challenge, which is why i want Shinx to be my starter." I declared with a determined look, surprising Gary a little, who thought that i would back away from the extra work.

Professor Oak on the other hand looked a bit hesitant at first, but after taking one more look at how happy and at ease Shinx was around me, he then smirked, and walked up to me.

"Then she's all yours, Ash. Make sure to treat her well, i can already tell that you two will achieve great things in the future." He told me with a hint of pride as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"In that case i will pick Squirtle. A type disadvantage won't be enough to stop me from becoming from becoming the greatest trainer out there, or from wiping the floor with you two." Gary cheekily commented as he grabbed the pokeball that contained Squirtle, which emitted a bright white light as he opened it, letting the Tiny Turtle Pokemon out, who quickly climbed on Gary's shoulder and looked at me and Shinx, giving us a cocky look.

"Wow, it's already acting just like you. I can tell you both will get along quickly." I couldn't help myself to comment, giving them an amused look, Shinx doing the same.

"You two already look like seasoned trainers. But which seasoned trainer doesn't have an advanced tool of some sorts?" Professor Oak chimed in, smirking at us while taking out two small red devices which had some sort of blue lamp on the top left side, and an openable part which was closed on both devices.

Gary raised an eyebrow while he looked at the device, while i quickly snatched one from Profesor Oak's hand without a bit of hesitation, excited as hell and almost dropping Shinx, making her jolt up a little, while the other two gave me a deadpan look, causing me to sweatdrop a little in embarassment.

"Those are Pokedexes, they are electronic encyclopedias that contain informations about all the currently known pokemons in the world, and can analyze any pokemon you point them at, and tell you what pokemon it is, its typing, its gender, and its statistics, they also tell you the abilities and known moves of the pokemon you own. You're soon gonna find out just how useful they are the moment you start your journey, so good luck and be sure to catch them all!" He told us in a supportive way after patting our shoulders, to then look at us in confusion as i gave him an akward look, while Gary gave him a deadpan one.

"about that....."

[3rd POV]

One akward explanation later, Kyle and Gary were now heading back to their respective households, both followed by their respective pokemon, with the latter looking at Kyle, giving him a serious and annoyed look.

"Look, Ash. I get wanting to delay your journey as a trainer in order to prepare, but is it REALLY necessary to wait for 7 whole years?!" Gary asked frustratedly, clearly serious about the question as he used 'Ash' instead of 'Ashy-boy', making Kyle slightly nervous as he might actually be fucked with a capital f this time.

"Gary, i know that it seems unnecessary and that you don't want to wait for that long, but it's not about preparing as in training our pokemon, it's about preparing as in gathering all the resources we might ever need, training ourselves so that we won't get mauled by wild pokemons in case we don't have any pokemon in good enough conditions to fight, learning all the fundamental knowledge on how to take care of any kind of pokemon we may catch or how to handle any kind of environment, and so on. That's why i want to wait that long, that and because we're legally allowed to do basically nothing as 10-years olds, while we'll have much more leeway once we turn 17." Kyle explained, giving him his reasons on why he wanted to wait, surprisingly managing to shut him up, as he then found himself pondering for a little while, also making his Squirtle bump into his leg, causing Shinx, who Kyle decided to name Nyx, to snicker, pissing Squirtle off.

"Tch, you DO make a fair point, Ashy-boy. Fine, we'll do it your way then. I guess the world will have to wait before it gets to be graced by our skills." Gary proudly commented, before looking sideways, a little flustered "A-and that i will have to study hard if i want to become a pokemon researcher." He added, looking comically desperate, not wanting to study a single page if he got the choice.

"So now waiting doesn't sound all that bad, huh?" Kyle asked in a slightly mocking way, getting a glare from Gary. "But i digress" i continued while walking ahead, carrying Nyx on my back due to her being kind of too big for me to carry in my arms, which i somehow didn't realize at first.


A few hours passed, and Kyle was now sitting cross-legged on his bed, with Nyx sprawled over his legs, lying on her back as he gave her belly rubs, aimlessly staring at the ceiling, still processing the trauma of almost getting hugged to death by Delia because she found the Flash Pokemon adorable.

Kyle took out his Arc Phone, staring at with a serious look, having discovered that the godly device could emulate the Pokedex and gain access to all its data by physically connecing to it via a cable that could somehow fit inside the phone, having done so a few minutes ago.

While he was staring at it, the Arc Phone's screen suddenly turned on, displaying the notification of a new message sent by Archer.

[Greetings, my child. Now that you are alone, i can proceed to explain the remaining functions of your Arc Phone, or at least the current version of it.] That's what the message said, making Kyle click on it at the speed of light, opening a texting app which reminds Kyle of Whatsapp.

[So it IS you, Arceus. The alias you picked for yourself isn't bad, maybe just to obvious for those who know of your existence.] Kyle texted back, pointing out at the main flaw of Arceus' alias, or at least what he thought to be a flaw.

[I am aware of that, which is i why i chose it, so that you could understand that it was me, and know that i am here when you will need it.

Happy Birthday once again, Kyle.] Arceus replied, making Kyle smile softly, who felt touched by the Alpha Pokemon's simple yet sweet gesture.

[Thanks. I really appreciate it.] Kyle smiled while typing that, briefly pausing his belly rubs, getting Nyx's curiosity as she then looked at him, wondering what her new trainer was doing.

[Anyways, now i will explain to you the other features of your Arc Phone, which are the following:

-informations and tutorial videos on all the TMs, HMs, and any move a pokemon can learn

-A Pokemon locator that works just like the one in Radical Red

-A Pokemon linker which allows you to evolve Pokemons that would normally require a link cable or to he traded.

-access to Earth's online data and socials, with the limitatiom that you can't have any interaction or make any comments on the socials for obvious reasons.

-Pokemon translator

-an extremely advanced and intelligent AI ready to assist you on a moment's notice

-A tablet and laptop mode

-near unbreakable screen and case

And that's about it. These alongside the others i previously mentioned are all the features that this Arc Phone currently has.]

Arceus listed, making Kyle raise an eyebrow

[Wait a second, are you telling me that this pocket supercomputer will become even better later on?] The reincarnated boy asked, both in suspicion and a bit of disbelief.

[Indeed, at some points in your journey your Arc Phone will upgrade itself, namely after defeating each gym.] Arceus specified, making Kyle's eyes almost pop out of their sockets

'HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That's too op even for this world's standards! Not that i am one to talk considering all the powers i have access to- wait a minute. How do i even access them to begin with? Do i have to do some ritual or something? You know what, i might as well ask to god himself over here.' Kyle pondered, staying completely still for a few moments, confusing Nyx, who just tilted her head while looking at him.

[Uhhh, question. How exactly do i use any of my new powers?] He asked curiously, intensely staring at the screen as he waited for a reply, which thankfully came quickly.

[All of your new powers can be accessed to the same way, by mental and spiritual focus. Since you're just a beginner, you will need a huge amount of focus to achieve even the smallest results, not to mention that you will have a harder time than anyone else due to the fact that you have multiple powers to begin with, meaning it will take you lots of practice to be able to concentrate on one power while ignoring the rest.

I also want to specify that your aura and draconic powers are heavily influenced by your emotions, while your psionic powers are heavily influenced by your mind, and that your nature related powers will be the hardest to locate within you, due to their focus on the environment around you instead of your body.

The method i suggest to unlock them is to relax your mind and 'feel' the energy within you, once you do, focus on that feeling whenever you want to use your power, and direct it towards what you want to use your power on. I recommend to think of things that give you strong emotions when you try to unlock your draconic and spectral powers, namely anger for the former, and sadness or other negative emotions for the latter. On the other hand with your nature powers, i heavily recommend to try to unlock it outdoors, and to concentrate on your environment instead of your subconscious.

That's about it, the only other advice that i can give is to do lots of practice and to get creative once you do learn how to use your powers. You might be amazed by some of the things you'll be able to do, and how versatile any power can be with the right mindset.] Arceus explained, giving some really basic yet still useful advices and tips on what to do, which Kyle was thankful for, since this was a good start.

"Here goes nothing" Kyle muttered after putting down the Arc Phone on the nightstand in his room, closing his eyes and focusing his breath as he got into a meditative position, trying his best to locate his 'inner energy', which was a lot harder than he thought.

'focus, damnit' Kyle mentally told himself, trying not to get distracted by Nyx, who was still lying on his legs while staring at her trainer's face, now really curious on why he was completely silent and still.

After staying immobile and trying to feel his own powers for a few minutes, Kyle eventually 'found' something within him, a sort of energy that was slowly becoming stronger and spreading inside his whole body, leaving him with a weird sensation, as said energy felt calm yet chaotic, peaceful and aggressive, and 'dead' yet 'alive' at the same time.

Now Kyle understood why Arceus said that he would have an especially hard time as a user of multiple powers at once, because all of his powers were constantly mixing and interwining with eachother, forming a huge amalgam inside his body.

About 10 long minutes later, Kyle finally managed to 'separate' one of the powers from the rest, and maintain his focus on it. He then put his full focus on that power, which he guessed to be his psionic one from its calm signature, and tried to use it on an apple that grabbed from the kitchen earlier as a snack.

A soft purple aura slowly enveloped the apple, and for the first few seconds nothing happened. But after Kyle put in quite a bit of mental effort, the apple started to levitate slowly, rising a few inches above the plate it was on, startling Nyx a little, who now looked at the floating apple with wide eyes, to then look at Kyle, becoming shocked when she saw that same purple aura on the apple cover her trainer's hands.

Kyle slowly opened his eyes while maintaining his mental focus, doing a significant amount of effort too, and stared at the object that he managed to lift with his psychic powers, somehow looking both excited and disappointed at the same time, excited because he did manage to pull it off, but also disappointed because he had to do quite a bit of effort to lift a single apple, which is of course way more struggle than what he expected or hoped for.

"This will take a looong while...."


Yuishiro Yuishiro

Third chapter's already here! I'm sure that at least some of you didn't expect Nyx's origins to be what they are, and if you did, then i want to congratulate you guys for your analytic and guessing abilities.

Jokes aside, i will be patiently waiting for your opinions on which idea out of the ones that i proposed in the last chapter should become my third fanfic. Be sure to leave lots of them! I'm really curious on what you all think of my creative process, or my intrusive thoughts, i guess XD.

Regardless, stay safe and have a good one!

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