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66.66% Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent / Chapter 16: A Busy Night

Chapter 16: A Busy Night

( 3rd POV )

The night hung heavy over New York City, its skyline illuminated by the flickering flames that licked at the edges of buildings. The Statue of Liberty stood defiantly on her island, her torch casting a feeble light across the turbulent waters of the Hudson River. But tonight, the city was under siege.

The group of mutants known as The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants descended upon New York City like a storm. Their sudden assault and malevolent presence cast a shadow over the iconic skyline, and chaos erupted along the shore near the Statue of Liberty Island. Buildings smoldered, their windows shattered, and terrified civilians fled in every direction. 

"Captain Stacy," Officer Maria Rodriguez called out to her fellow companion, her voice strained. "We can't keep this up much longer. The mutants—they're too powerful."

"Hold the line!" Captain Stacy's voice cut through the chaos. His officers, equally determined, formed a human barricade. They evacuated civilians, guiding them away from danger zones toward the safe zones.

Captain George Stacy, a seasoned NYPD officer, stood at the makeshift command center near Battery Park. His jaw clenched as he surveyed the chaos unfolding before him. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants had launched a sudden all-out assault, and the city was paying the price.

The shore near Liberty Island was a battleground. Civilians huddled behind barricades; their terrified faces illuminated by the sporadic bursts of gunfire. Helicopters buzzed overhead, their searchlights slicing through the smoke-filled air. The scent of burning wood and scorched metal hung thickly, choking the city. 

But a few moments later he received another bad news from his other subordinate. "Captain Stacy!" Lieutenant Ramirez's voice crackled over the radio. "We're losing the perimeter! Sabretooth and Pyro are tearing through our defenses." 

Stacy's grip tightened on his pistol, feeling nervous about the whole situation but he is a leader, and leaders didn't falter, he can't let his subordinates saw it. He can't let the chains of command plunge into a more chaotic situation because of him. 

"Evacuate civilians to the to the subways. It's the only place they'll be safe from the danger for now." He instructs to his subordinates.

But officer Maria beside him try to refute his words. "But sir, the subways are—"

"I know they're not designed for this, Maria, but it's all we have. Coordinate with the MTA, get those trains moving out of the city. Relay this to every squad around, Ramirez." He addresses his command to them with a resolute tone. "Alright, Captain. Ramirez out." Replied his subordinate through the radio. 

The NYPD officers, their uniforms stained with the dust and debris of a city under siege, worked tirelessly as soon as they received the order. They ushered the frightened citizens into the underground sanctuaries, their voices calm and reassuring amidst the cacophony of destruction above. 

"Keep moving, folks! We've got you. Just a little further." One of the officers on the spot shout while guiding the civilians. 

As the evacuation unfolded, the perimeter was breached by an enigmatic figure—a man riddled with bullet holes. His wounds, however, closed instantly, defying the laws of nature. The officers, their ammunition depleted and need to reload, stared in disbelief as the man stood there, arms outstretched, a maniacal grin etched across his face. "Hehe, why are you weaklings running away now? My hunt is just getting started." 

Lieutenant Ramirez, overseeing the evacuation near the subway, barked orders to his men. "Damn freak, fire! Don't let him get close!" His command sent a hail of bullets toward the intruder. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man stood with his arms wide open once again, welcoming the bullets with a maniacal grin. When the police's ammunition was exhausted, and the firing ceased, the bullets were expelled from his body, and his wounds closed in the blink of an eye.

The police and civilians behind them wore expressions of sheer terror as the madman slowly approached, whispering ominously, "My turn..."

"Oh my god..."

"Quick! Run!"

Panic erupted, and chaos threatened to descend when a sudden motorcycle roared from the side. It collided with the madman at high speed, throwing him against a wall. The rider leaped off just in time, letting the bike slam into their attacker.

The man, his face shadowed but resolute, tossed his cigar to the ground. "I smelled something nasty, and it turned out to be you, Victor."

Silence descent for a while in the area before it was broken by a sound of someone groaning. The madman, Victor, who got hit by the bike suddenly stood up from the wall debris while tossing the bike aside. His wounds are slowly regenerating while he stares at his assailant. 

"What a nice greeting... And it's good to see you too, brother." He sneered with a grin on his face to the man who stopped him while patting away the dust on his body. 

"Shut up, you hound!" Logan, the man who had intervened, spat back, his tone dripping with hatred. "After parting ways with Stryker, I didn't expect that magnet guy managed to put a leash on you."

"Aren't you the same, Logan? Or maybe the baldman himself is raping your mind and making you sit like an obedient dog in his mansion." Victor replied to his brother sarcasm with another one, trying to tick off Logan patient. He is now slowly approaching his little brother while bringing out the sharp claws on each of his fingers. 

Logan sensing that their chit chat session is over also get in his battle pose while his iconic three metal claws emerged from his arm. He glances slightly toward the police officers behind him before addressing something. "Go! I'll hold him off!" 

The two mutants immediately rushed toward each other while growling like a predator on the hunt. Each of their strike managed to wound each other but all of their injury heals almost immediately, making this brutal fight into a long one. 

Lieutenant Ramirez watched the brutal clash, snapping back to focus as he issued orders. "What are you waiting for!? Get inside the station! We can't waste this opportunity!"

The civilians and officers, driven by his shout, resumed the evacuation, moving in an orderly yet anxious manner.

Grabbing his radio, Lieutenant Ramirez reported to Captain Stacy. "Captain, this is Ramirez. We've got help from The Wolverine. He's battling Sabretooth, and our evacuation progress is almost complete. How's the situation on your side, sir?"

The brutal combat continued, each brother driven by an unyielding determination. The clash of claws and growls of pain and rage filled the air as they fought relentlessly, their long-standing grudge fueling every strike and counterattack. Amidst the chaos, Logan and Victor's battle became a terrifying spectacle, a violent dance of regeneration and raw power, each knowing that the outcome could shift the balance of their world.

Meanwhile back at Captain Stacy location, Pyro danced among the flames, setting fire to anything in his path. Civilians screamed, their fear echoing across the road. Stacy's heart pounded as he shouted orders, directing officers to guide people to safety. The heat was unbearable, and the acrid smoke stung his eyes. But he pushed forward, fueled by duty and desperation.

Just as he was about to respond to Ramirez's radio call, another subordinate rushed up to him, breathless. "Sir, there's a group of vigilantes trying to stop Pyro. They're led by the red-masked vigilante called Daredevil, along with a man wearing a yellow mask with a dragon tattoo on his chest, and a black-skinned man with an unbreakable body who can withstand Pyro's flames. There's also a black-haired woman with superhuman strength helping us evacuate the civilians."

Hearing this, Captain Stacy felt a slight sense of relief wash over him. He had heard of Daredevil, whose operations were based in Hell's Kitchen. Although he didn't fully approve of the vigilante's methods of delivering justice, he knew they had good hearts. These vigilantes, despite their unorthodox methods, were trying to make a positive difference in the world, and Stacy decided to trust them.

"Good," Stacy replied, his voice firm. "Now let's focus on evacuating the civilians." But the reporting officer hesitated, his eyes darting nervously. "Sir," he stammered, "they're vigilantes. We shouldn't cooperate—"

"Silence!" Stacy's voice was firm, cutting through the noise of the chaos. "I know what I'm doing, but we also can't hold off much longer. I don't know how Magneto managed to gather so many mutants, but we don't have much choice either. Other locations are also under attack. So listen to me, son, we must do our job while they do theirs. I'll take all the responsibility." 

Captain Stacy's serious tone and the reassuring pat on the young officer's shoulder conveyed his resolve. The rest of his subordinates, standing nearby, seemed moved by his words and determination. 

In the midst of the chaos, Captain Stacy's team redoubled their efforts, directing civilians away from the burning buildings and towards safety. Pyro's flames raged, but the combined efforts of the police and the vigilantes began to turn the tide. Daredevil and his allies moved with precision, each using their unique abilities to contain the blaze and protect the people.

On the battlefield, a blur streaked through the air. Daredevil, agile and relentless, leaped onto the buildings before he land near Pyro. His billy club swung, disrupting his enemy concentration. "You're not the only force of nature here!" he said.

Pyro eyes blazed. "Fool!" he spat. "I'll crush you!"

As flames danced around them, the other two vigilantes also enter the brawl. "We've got this, Danny." The black-skinned said to his partner. But apparently his friend seems annoyed by his word. "Damn it, Luke. Call me by my hero's name next time." He said while whispering to him.

Daredevil, with his agility and sensory power, darted through the flames, disarming Pyro's fireballs with his batons. The man with the dragon tattoo, channeled his inner energy to his palm and strike at Pyro with punches that extinguished the flames. The black-skinned man, with his unbreakable skin, shielded civilians from the heat while occasionally help punching Pyro, while the black-haired woman, used her superhuman strength to clear debris and carry people to safety. 

Captain Stacy watched as the vigilantes worked seamlessly together, their synergy providing a beacon of hope amid the destruction. Despite the danger, a sense of determination filled the air. With their combined efforts, they began to push back against the chaos, giving the evacuation efforts a fighting chance.

George picked up the radio on his shoulder, ready to respond to Ramirez's earlier report. "We've managed it to some extent, but I need your squad to move and help the other locations who are still under attack once you're done there," he instructed. Ramirez's quick reply crackled through. "Roger that, sir." 

Sighing tiredly, George scanned his surroundings, the flickering flames and chaos casting eerie shadows. He glanced toward the dark sky, a wry expression on his face. One of his subordinates voiced their main concern. "What are we going to do about that thing in the sky, Captain?"

George thought of his beloved wife and daughter, waiting for him to come home just a few hours earlier. They had planned to go shopping and prepare for Christmas, but those plans now seemed like a distant dream now.

"Helen and Gwen are going to be so pissed at me..." he murmured under his breath, ensuring the others couldn't hear his quiet lament.

Steeling his resolve, George addressed the pressing question. "We're going to hold the perimeter here! We can't let Magneto and that metal stadium pass. We're the last defense this city has." His gaze swept over their faces, each one reflecting a mix of determination and fear. "I know you're all afraid—it's normal. But if we fail here, imagine what will happen to your families behind. So, I'm asking you as a fellow human to stand with me in this chaotic night, to protect our family and our city!" 

"Of couse, Captain!"

"My grandma would slap me with her sandal if she knew I was cowering now, so count me in, Captain."

"It's our duty to serve, Captain Stacy."

"Relax, Captain, we're all here with you, and I managed to inform the military. They responded positively."

Their voices merged into a chorus of commitment. George nodded, heart swelling with pride. These brave souls would fight alongside him, even when hope seemed scarce.

"Captain, Daredevil asked me to relay a message. He says you should consider calling the X-Men for help."

"Captain, several jet fighters carrying missiles are approaching Magneto in the sky."

"Captain, there's a report from the other side of the city. The Brotherhood mutants have been immobilized by a woman wearing ancient red samurai armor with a katana. She's currently chasing a red mutant called Azazel, leaping between buildings at supersonic speed."

Reports flooded in from all directions, painting a chaotic picture. George could only pray that this event would end quickly and in their favor. He fervently hoped to avoid more casualties.

"God, please be on our side," he whispered, a silent plea for divine intervention.

As the night dragged on, George's mind raced with the weight of responsibility. He could see his officers fighting valiantly, their determination shining through the smoke and fire.



A/N: Please donate your power stones and leave more reviews for my story, I appreciate it and thank you for your support!

I only finished this chapter today, and I don't have any chapters stacked for later. As you guys know, I'm writing this out of boredom. So, I was wondering if I should create a patr3on for this story, of course with the reader's support.

Xeviouzzz Xeviouzzz

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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