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62.55% Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return / Chapter 304: Chapter 304: The High-Dimensional Observer: Equally Targeting Every Outer God

Chapter 304: Chapter 304: The High-Dimensional Observer: Equally Targeting Every Outer God

Chapter 304: The High-Dimensional Observer: Equally Targeting Every Outer God

At night, in the Hall of Stars.

Hastur sat at the head, extending four chains of order to tether the Lamp God, the Mother Tree of Desire, the overlord of the stars, and the High-Dimensional Observer.

The Lamp God noticed the High-Dimensional Observer sitting below him but didn't say a word, completely ignoring His existence. 

Inwardly, he was thinking how fortunate he had been to shamelessly switch seats earlier. Otherwise, his position would now be occupied by the High-Dimensional Observer.

Imagining himself sitting alone on the opposite side, facing the High-Dimensional Observer, Mother Tree of Desire, and overlord of the stars, the Lamp God felt a mix of relief and fear.

Now, with his position above the High-Dimensional Observer, his previously gloomy mood improved somewhat.

The Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars were surprised by the High-Dimensional Observer's arrival. They deliberately glanced past Him to look at the Lamp God.

However, today the Lamp God remained silent, showing no joy at the High-Dimensional Observer's arrival. This was unusual, as normally the Lamp God would be arrogant and full of vigor.

Had they had a falling out?

The Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars exchanged glances but said nothing.

Hastur also remained silent, quietly observing this scene reminiscent of a love triangle.

"What's wrong? Are none of you welcoming my arrival? We've been neighbors in space for thousands of years, after all," the High-Dimensional Observer said with a smile. Then he turned to the conflicted Lamp God and said, "Weren't you always hoping I would ascend to the Hall of Stars to help you counter the alliance between the Mother Tree of Desire and the overlord of the stars?"

"Heh, I no longer dare to have such extravagant hopes," the Lamp God replied sarcastically, amusing the spectating Hastur.

Tsk, the love-hate relationships between Outer Gods and Great Old Ones.

The High-Dimensional Observer spoke frankly: "One should always have dreams. You never know when they might come true."

"You think I'd believe anything you say?"

"You will."

The High-Dimensional Observer's confident answer startled the Lamp God, but he quickly sneered, "I won't be fooled in the same place twice!"

"It's not like you haven't done that before."


The Lamp God struggled to suppress his anger and said irritably, "Did you come to the Hall of Stars just to dredge up old grievances with me?"

The High-Dimensional Observer replied lightly, "I can't deny that's one of my reasons for coming."


The Lamp God's face darkened completely. He no longer wanted to engage with the High-Dimensional Observer, having realized the nasty personality of this avatar.

The High-Dimensional Observer's main body and avatars were not the same concept. The avatars He created all had vivid, independent personalities.

Even if an avatar cursed at the main body, it would be considered normal.

This avatar of the High-Dimensional Observer that came to the Hall of Stars clearly did not inherit the main body's personality.

Seeing the Lamp God stop arguing, Hastur, the Mother Tree of Desire, and the overlord of the stars all felt somewhat unsatisfied.


The Lamp God noticed their gazes and let out a heavy snort to express his dissatisfaction.

The High-Dimensional Observer laughed, "How interesting. This is the charm of the Star Council meetings."

Hastur began to understand the High-Dimensional Observer's personality.

His stance was undoubtedly closer to the Lamp God's. If compared to playing a game, the two of them would be teammates.

However, the Lamp God was like a player who was bad at the game but loved to play, while the High-Dimensional Observer was a highly skilled player. Faced with the Lamp God as a teammate who dragged the team down, He always liked to mock and criticize Him, even taking pleasure in His awkward situations.

Hastur felt this mentality suited the relationship between the High-Dimensional Observer and the Lamp God.

Seeing the Lamp God fall silent, the High-Dimensional Observer turned his gaze to the Mother Tree of Desire and asked curiously, "Your followers are almost all dead, yet you don't seem to care at all."

The Mother Tree of Desire calmly replied, "They are all necessary sacrifices."

"Oh, is that so? Even that foolish son you worked so hard to give birth to can be sacrificed at any time. You truly live up to your name as the Mother Tree of Desire."

"What are you talking about?"

The Mother Tree of Desire sensed something was off about these words.

"Sacrifice. Dying for one's mother is quite a heroic way to go."

"Are you fear-mongering?"

"Do I need to?"

The High-Dimensional Observer leaned back slightly, his posture seeming to align more with the Lamp God.

The Mother Tree of Desire's tone grew heavy: "What have you seen?"

"Nothing much, just that the Seven Gods Church has locked onto that foolish son of yours."


The Mother Tree of Desire's expression changed slightly. Currently, her only truly useful followers were the Hedonist Faction led by the Divine Abomination Sieoa. Other followers could be sacrificed at will, but Sieoa was temporarily indispensable.

A Sequence 1 being could accomplish many things in the real world, after all. The highest Sequence in the Seven Gods Church was only Sequence 2, unless there was divine descent.

"Don't underestimate your opponents. If you're willing to descend some of your power, you might still have a chance to change fate."

Leaving the Mother Tree of Desire deep in thought, the High-Dimensional Observer turned his gaze to the overlord of the stars. After a slight exclamation, he said, "Your eggs have all been broken, yet you still have the mood to come here for a gathering?"

The overlord of the stars calmly replied, "That was merely a small interlude."

"Oh, losing your eggs yet you can speak so lightly of it. You truly live up to your name as the overlord of the stars."


The one laughing heartily was the Lamp God, who understood the extreme sarcasm in the High-Dimensional Observer's words.

But the Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars, who had long been secluded in the depths of space, likely didn't understand this statement.

"If you're trying to mock me with this, there's no need to waste your thoughts and time."

The overlord of the stars indeed didn't understand the double entendre, but He could understand the Lamp God's noisy, mocking laughter.

"Indeed, I've been underestimating you all along."

The High-Dimensional Observer withdrew his gaze, then gave the Lamp God a look.

The meaning was clear: I'm not specifically targeting you; I'm equally targeting all Outer Gods and Great Old Ones.

The Lamp God let out a light snort without speaking.

The High-Dimensional Observer then turned his gaze to Hastur sitting at the head, sighed, and withdrew his gaze again.

With the High-Dimensional Observer setting the tone for this Star Council meeting, the Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars began discussing how to resolve the crisis facing the Divine Abomination Sieoa.

Divine descent, and a double divine descent at that.

If the situation was as urgent as the High-Dimensional Observer described, they would have to descend part of their power to help Sieoa resist the possible divine descent from the Seven Gods.

Sitting across from them, the smooth mirror-like surface of the High-Dimensional Observer seemed to show a figure squinting its eyes, like a little fox that had successfully stolen a chicken.

At this moment, the High-Dimensional Observer, with a strong desire to share, kept trying to engage the Lamp God in conversation. But the Lamp God was clearly in a mood and responded indifferently.

Finally, the High-Dimensional Observer's gaze fell on Hastur again, but quickly shifted away.

Having come up with a plan, the Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars turned their gaze back to the High-Dimensional Observer.

The Mother Tree of Desire spoke, "Thank you for your warning this time."

The High-Dimensional Observer let out a light snort without speaking.

"You've been lingering over the sea without leaving. What exactly are you scheming?" asked the overlord of the stars.

"If it's a scheme, how could I possibly tell you? How foolish. Even those curly-haired baboons know to put on a smiling face when begging for food from humans," the High-Dimensional Observer replied disdainfully, then turned to the Mother Tree of Desire and said, "If you don't want to lower your IQ, you'd better stay away from Him. Stupidity is contagious, you know."

The Mother Tree of Desire glanced lightly at the Lamp God. "You need to consider this issue more than I do."

"That's true. Sigh, it's a bit troublesome," the High-Dimensional Observer sighed, appearing very weary.


The Lamp God, who had been caught in the crossfire for no reason, almost couldn't hold back. But seeing the High-Dimensional Observer's slightly playful gaze, He swallowed the words He wanted to say.

This gave the silently spectating Hastur a great sense of satisfaction.

Even the Lamp God had moments of being at a loss for words. Tsk, this was truly rare.

However, come to think of it, the Lamp God didn't seem to get along well with anyone. Even those He considered allies liked to take jabs at Him occasionally.

Ah, the consequences of poor interpersonal relationships.


At sea, aboard the Dawn, as soon as the Lamp God returned to the Wishing Lamp, He began cursing and swearing, sometimes cursing the Mother Tree of Desire and overlord of the stars, but mostly cursing the High-Dimensional Observer as a bastard.

He was definitely deliberately not letting Him out, and took pleasure in seeing Him in a miserable state.

The more angry and furious He became, the more pleasure the High-Dimensional Observer derived.

So in the Hall of Stars, He had been holding back the urge to curse at the High-Dimensional Observer, just to avoid letting Him see His impotent rage.

As the Lamp God vented His anger inside, the Wishing Lamp kept flashing with light.

In the room, Bernadette, who had been ignoring the Lamp God all along, coldly spoke up: "If you don't calm down, I'll throw you into the deepest ocean trench and never let you out again!"


A disdainful cold snort came from inside the Wishing Lamp, but the Lamp God did finally settle down, and the Wishing Lamp returned to normal.

"What kind of stimulation did He receive?"

Bernadette rarely felt curious about the Lamp God's experiences. This was the first time she had seen the Lamp God in such an impotent rage.

It must be related to that Uncrowned King.

After pondering for a while, Bernadette decided to report the current situation to the Stars and inquire about some matters.

(End of Chapter)

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