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49.79% Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return / Chapter 244: Chapter 244: Audrey's Emotional Shock

Chapter 244: Chapter 244: Audrey's Emotional Shock

Chapter 244: Audrey's Emotional Shock

January 4, 1350

Two days before the New Year, Hastur took Aisala out for a stroll. They saw many interesting things, especially the animal taming performances from the southern continent, which were particularly enjoyable when experienced together.

Originally, Hastur planned to rest at home today, but Audrey sent an invitation. Earl Hall had agreed to let her visit the dock area, and she wanted Hastur to fulfill his promise to act as her guide.

To prevent any unexpected incidents, Hastur took a paper crane from the window and placed it in his inner pocket before heading out.

In Backlund, under Will's watchful eye, nothing unusual was likely to happen.

A few minutes later, Hastur arrived at the agreed meeting place with Audrey.

Soon, Audrey appeared in a carriage. Hastur boarded the carriage, which contained only Audrey and Susie.

"Mr. Hastur, thank you for taking me to the dock area today."

Audrey seemed to be in a good mood, her face beaming with a genuine smile, unlike the formal smile she wore at her coming-of-age ceremony.

"It is my honor."

Hastur responded politely and then turned to Susie, "Susie, did you receive the New Year's gift I sent you?"


Susie barked once and then looked at Audrey with a whimpering sound, indicating that she had seen the gift but Audrey had intercepted it.

Audrey's cheeks flushed slightly, "Mr. Hastur, Susie is just a dog and can't understand Emperor Roselle's works."

"I understand."

Hastur did not continue the topic, and Susie lay down at Audrey's feet, seemingly sulking.

The carriage traveled along the avenue, passing through the Hillsdon and Chawood districts, and arrived at the Belland Bridge.

Hastur asked the carriage to stop and led Audrey to the bridge to enjoy the scenery on both sides.

"We should walk the next part of the journey."

"Mr. Hastur is the guide today, so I will follow any arrangement."

Audrey didn't particularly enjoy sitting in the carriage for long periods. Walking along the Belland Bridge made her happier, and even Susie seemed more energetic.

The trio walked along the Belland Bridge towards the dock area. It was only three days after the New Year, and some ships in the distance still had red cloth strips on their masts, remnants of the New Year's celebrations.

There were many pedestrians on the road, especially young couples holding hands and enjoying the scenery on both sides of the bridge.

Audrey's beauty attracted many glances, and some couples almost had arguments because of it.

As they got closer to the dock area, the number of people walking with them gradually decreased. Many turned back, not wanting to enter the dock area.

One young man even ran up to Audrey, warning her that the dock area might still be affected by the plague and should not be entered casually. Audrey politely declined his good intentions and continued with Hastur into the dock area.

The expected hellish scene did not appear. Instead, they saw workers silently doing their jobs. Whenever a ship docked, they would move the cargo to warehouses or directly onto carts to be transported elsewhere.

Audrey blinked, feeling that there was nothing particularly wrong with this scene.

She thought for a moment and said, "Didn't the kingdom advocate for workers to have a seven-day holiday during the New Year?"

Hastur stopped and looked at the hardworking workers, feeling touched, "Laws are ultimately dead things and cannot truly benefit everyone. If workers can get one or two days off during the New Year, they are already lucky."

"Why is it like this?"

"There are many ways to make workers give up their New Year holidays. Factory managers can declare that those who don't come to work won't have jobs next year, or they can raise wages during the New Year to three or four times the usual rate. Many workers will voluntarily give up their holidays to work."

Audrey continued to ask questions as they walked deeper into the dock area.

After passing through the bustling dock, they entered a large, silent area.

There were few people on the streets, making it seem like an old man who had lost much of his vitality.

Some shops had started to open, but about a third remained closed.

Shop owners who saw Audrey and Hastur called out their wares, but seeing that they had no intention of buying, their voices gradually faded.

After passing through the less lively streets, they reached the residential area of the dock district, where most of the dock workers lived.

There were no corpses lying around, but almost every household had people crying in sorrow, and there were bodies wrapped in straw mats waiting to be cremated.

Audrey stopped, trembling slightly. She didn't need to look to know that the sky here was filled with sadness and despair.

Mr. Fool had said that the dock area was the best breeding ground for evil gods.

Reality confirmed this. In a place filled with negative emotions, it was exactly what evil gods desired.

Audrey, holding back her emotional shock, followed Hastur deeper into the residential area.

She saw children around four or five years old leaning against doorways. At an age when they should be laughing and playing, their faces bore the silence and loneliness of old people, devoid of vitality.

She saw a family of five living in a makeshift shack, with three of them lying on a bed, suffering from incurable diseases, while two children around ten years old busied themselves caring for them.

She saw a lady who wanted to greet her with a smile but could only manage a forced smile before bursting into tears and running away.

Audrey saw many such scenes along the way. Her initial excitement about visiting the dock area turned into increasing silence.

Seeing such suffering firsthand in Backlund made her heart ache, as if it were being crushed by a heavy weight, making it hard to breathe.

She instinctively reached out to grab Hastur's coat. Hastur silently extended his arm, indicating that she could lean on him for support.

Hastur chose a shorter route, leading Audrey through the residential area to the street outside.

The truly hellish scenes were deeper inside. If those with houses lived so miserably, how much worse must it be for those without shelter or savings?

It was imaginable, but for Audrey, what she had seen was enough.

Why had Earl Hall agreed to let Audrey visit the dock area? He must have known the situation here.

Was it to show Audrey the real world after coming of age?

So, this time, Earl Hall didn't let her personal maid accompany her but only entrusted Hastur with protecting her?

Earl Hall must really trust him.

After a long silence, Audrey stopped and looked up at Hastur, her voice trembling, "Mr. Hastur, I..."

"Innocence and naivety are not faults; they are blessings. You don't need to feel guilty."


"There are no 'buts' in life. You are who you are, Audrey Hall, the daughter of Earl Hall, the jewel of Backlund, and a kind and gentle Miss Audrey."

Hastur interrupted Audrey's words because the tragic scenes in the dock area were not her burden to bear.

These were the crimes of the Despair Witch and the result of the Ruen Kingdom's failure to provide timely relief.

"Thank you for your encouragement, Mr. Hastur." Audrey forced a smile.

"Shall we go back?"

"I want to see more. Will you accompany me, Mr. Hastur?"

Hastur didn't answer but extended his right arm again, and Audrey naturally placed her hand on it.

Leaving the dock area, it was almost dusk, with the setting sun gradually being swallowed by the sea.

The shimmering water surface reached its most beautiful moment.

Hastur and Audrey walked back along the Belland Bridge. Audrey, who had been silent, felt her mood lighten slightly at the sight of the beautiful sea, and even Susie barked twice in cooperation.

"It's truly beautiful."

Audrey sincerely praised, the evening breeze ruffling her hair, making her look like a painting bathed in the sunset glow.

Some young men in the distance were completely captivated until their female companions slapped or kicked them, forcing them to look away and awkwardly explain.

"It's time to go back... Susie, let's go."

Audrey led Susie towards the carriage. As they approached, Hastur grabbed Audrey's wrist, his gaze fixed on the coachman of Earl Hall's carriage.

"Mr. Hastur, what's wrong?" Audrey also sensed something amiss.


Susie barked at the coachman.

Realizing he had been exposed, the fake coachman tried to drive the carriage away.

As he turned the carriage, Hastur caught up, grabbed the carriage base, and forcefully tipped it over, causing the carriage and the horse to fall.

This was the strength of a barbarian.

The coachman, seeing the carriage fall, quickly got up and tried to escape.

He wasn't fast and was soon kicked in the back by Hastur, causing him to fall forward.

When he tried to get up again, Hastur's right foot was already on his neck.

Under the barbarian's strength, he couldn't get up and could only turn his head slightly.

"Who sent you?"

"Hehe, Baron Hastur Campbell, we've been watching you. You are a follower of the Stars!"

"How come I didn't know that myself?"

With those words, Hastur exerted force with his foot, breaking the man's neck.

Leaving a witness was for others. For him, as long as someone appeared in his fate, he could trace their information and find the organization behind them.

(End of the chapter)

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