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Chapter 223: Primordial Hunger  and the Ring of Fate

Chapter 223: Primordial Hunger and the Ring of Fate

This place is the Holy Mountain, the Divine Kingdom, where only the most devout and favored believers of the Lord can appear!

Mr. A trembled, his legs naturally sliding into a kneeling position, floating above the black ocean.

His eyes were bloodshot, his body trembling uncontrollably as he kowtowed heavily towards the inverted figure on the Holy Mountain.

This is the Holy Mountain recorded in the scriptures, suspended far away in the vast sea. Apart from the beloved angel of destiny, Lord Ouroboros, who can often accompany the Lord, few believers can see this Holy Mountain. This is the Divine Kingdom of the Lord!

"O Lord, the creator of all, the Lord of all living beings..." Mr. A muttered almost deliriously.

After an unknown period, Mr. A gradually regained his sanity. He looked up at the Divine Kingdom of the Lord, still kneeling in place.

The black ocean began to surge, and from the shadowy curtain of the night sky, the Lord's gaze descended.

With just one glance, Mr. A felt as if his entire being, flesh, bones, and even his soul, was thoroughly scrutinized.

He was willing to offer everything to the Lord, including his life and soul.

"Cease cooperation with the witches."

A divine command descended into the depths of Mr. A's mind. Before he could ponder it, the world before him shattered, and he returned to the real world.

In front of him was still the statue of the Lord.

"Only obedience to Your divine command."

Mr. A knelt before the statue, not rising for a long time.


In the Hall of Stars, Hastur recalled the feeling of peering into Mr. A's secrets.

Under his gaze, all of Mr. A's secrets were laid bare, even knowing the mole on his right buttock.

Under the gaze of the stars, nothing remains secret.

This was a phrase Hastur used to deceive people, but now, he could truly achieve it.

The devout believers were willing to offer everything to their gods without reservation.

Hastur saw Mr. A's life and the recent cooperation between the Aurora Society and the witches.

The original Beckland smog event was supposed to happen before the New Year.

Hastur naturally did not want it to happen; he wanted a peaceful New Year.

He tried to give Mr. A a divine command to terminate the cooperation with the witches.

This way, the probability of the Beckland smog event happening at the end of the year should be halved.

Even if it did happen, it would only involve the witches, making it easier to handle and less harmful.

Hastur thought for a while, then turned his gaze to Adam's area, curious about Adam's devout followers.

There were not many devout followers of Adam, only a dozen or so, similar to the number of followers of the Mother Tree of Desire.

This was understandable, as believing in Adam and the true Creator were two different concepts.

What he could see were Adam's devout followers, not the followers of the ancient Sun God.

Although in a certain sense, the two were equivalent, they had not yet merged into one.

The Aurora Society created by the true Creator was mostly composed of His devout followers, unlike Adam.

The Twilight Hermit Order created by Adam absorbed people from different fields, not just believers.

Even someone like Roselle, who did not believe in gods, could join the organization, so the loyalty and faith of its members were predictable.

More than half of the people who joined the Twilight Hermit Order were ambitious or undercover agents.

Adam never cared about their faith, nor did he care about their little schemes.

In this case, there were very few who truly believed in Adam.

After observing the true Creator and Adam, Hastur turned his gaze to the Lamp God... pitiful, not a single devout follower.

Hastur sighed and turned his gaze to the star of the Mother Tree of Desire.

He saw the divine offspring Sear and knew His hiding place.

It was a black tree that could cover the sky, with a small sun floating at the top, trying to emit its light.

The divine offspring Sear's body was integrated into the black tree, seemingly using it to recover from past injuries.

On the outer edge of the vision was a large mountain, and beyond the mountain was an ocean.

It turned out that the divine offspring Sear and the indulgent extraordinaries were not on the southern continent but on an island in the nearby sea!

No wonder the Eternal Blazing Sun Church couldn't find their whereabouts; they had been looking in the wrong place from the start.

Bernadette also hadn't found the right location, still searching deep in the primeval forest.

"No wonder the Mother Tree of Desire and the Overlord of the Stars are so fearless; they had already arranged a retreat for the divine offspring Sear and others."

"The small sun floating at the top of the black tree should be the backup left by the Overlord of the Stars, absorbing the power of the Eternal Blazing Sun to grow."

"This is the real reason for the Eternal Blazing Sun Church's madness. If left unchecked, their god will be replaced and fall completely."

Hastur pondered all this, then turned his gaze to the star of the Overlord of the Stars.

To his surprise, the Overlord of the Stars also had a devout follower!

How long had He been in this world, and without actively spreading His faith, how could He have a devout follower?

Hastur zoomed in for a closer look. It was a pale young man lying on a hospital bed, with bandages on his hands and an IV drip beside him.

A patient?

Outside the hospital bed was not a hospital but a large courtyard, judging by the architectural style.

This should be the Republic of Intis.

"Could the Overlord of the Stars have secretly developed His faith in the homeland of the Eternal Blazing Sun?"


The more Hastur thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. In a while, the faith of the Overlord of the Stars might spread throughout the Republic of Intis.

For ordinary believers of the Eternal Blazing Sun, they couldn't distinguish between the Eternal Blazing Sun and the Overlord of the Stars.

Only the Pope and the favored ones of the Eternal Blazing Sun Church could truly tell the difference.

After scanning around, Hastur turned his gaze to the two newly appeared stars.

One of the stars was an outer god Hastur had seen while traveling the starry sky with the High-Dimensional Overlooker, a planet with an open mouth.

When the mouth opened, the entire planet split in two, with a light spot at the center.

Every time the mouth opened, nearby meteors or gas clusters would be swallowed.

Primordial Hunger ?

Hastur had a guess but couldn't be sure. The information revealed by this planet with a big mouth was that it occasionally ate things.

When Hastur kept watching, the planet with a big mouth suddenly closed its mouth, disguising itself as an ordinary planet.

From the outside, this planet, surrounded by blue and yellow rings, was not much different from other nearby planets.

This scene was like a Venus flytrap, looking like an ordinary flower but opening its mouth to swallow prey when it approached.

Hastur observed for a while, seeing no other reaction, and turned his gaze to another star.

It was a huge yellow ring floating in the depths of the starry sky, hollow in the middle.

The planets around it were insignificant in comparison.

The huge ring kept rotating, without a solid form, like mist, flowing from one end to the other.

It formed a closed loop, the Ring of Fate.

With just one glance, Hastur recognized its identity.

This feature was too distinctive; it could only be the Ring of Fate.

The Ring of Fate was truly magnificent, with the grandeur of a cosmic wonder.

As Hastur kept watching, the yellow mist around the Ring of Fate seemed to accelerate for a moment.

Was it using fate to spy on him?

Hastur was not afraid. If the Ring of Fate could find him, the Fallen Mother Goddess would not be helpless.

The Ring of Fate, after a turn, seemed unable to spy on him through fate, but it remained calm, flowing in its original rhythm.

A closed loop, endlessly repeating.

Hastur thought of Will Auceptin and Ouroboros, the two serpents of mercury and fate, who often bit their tails to form a ring when using their powers.

Forming a closed loop of fate was the characteristic of the path of fate?

But it seemed different. If Will took the uniqueness, became a true god at the right time, and fused with the essence of the Key of Light, he would become an ancient god of fate.

His final form should be different from the Ring of Fate.

Because the essence of the Key of Light did not come from the Ring of Fate.

It was a similar essence.

This was why the Ring of Fate was spying on the real world, wanting to devour and fuse with the Key of Light.

For this reason, Hastur temporarily excluded it from the gathering of stars, not wanting to bring a great enemy to Will.

If necessary, the planet with a big mouth that could disguise itself was a good choice.

After seeing all this, Hastur felt his head heavy, a sign of his spiritual power nearing exhaustion.

He had planned to tell Bernadette about the hiding place of the divine offspring Sear, but now he had to postpone it.

Perhaps postponing was a better choice. If the hiding place of the divine offspring Sear was discovered too early, the war would break out sooner.

He still wanted to have a good New Year in Beckland.

(End of this chapter)

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