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33.53% Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return / Chapter 163: Chapter 163: Mr. Fool: Above your heads are the stars, 

Chapter 163: Chapter 163: Mr. Fool: Above your heads are the stars, 

Chapter 163: Mr. Fool: Above your heads are the stars, 

above the grey fog.

A new Tarot meeting is convened, and today Klein sits alone at the head of the bronze long table for a long time.

He ponders an important question: whether or not to go to Backlund.

With the conclusion of the Lanerus and Inz Zangwill incident, the captain of the Red Gloves squad extends an invitation, asking if they wish to go to Backlund, join the Red Gloves, or take up a post directly in Backlund.

Leonard doesn't hesitate; he chooses to join the Red Gloves immediately. He seems to despise his past self for not being ambitious, and now he can't wait to advance to a higher sequence.

Indeed, he has achieved this, and it is said that it won't be long before he can advance to Sequence 7 Nightmare.

The captain is unwilling to leave Tingen; he only wants to protect it forever, so he decides to give this opportunity to another team member.

And I am already Sequence 8 Clown, not far from Sequence 7 Magician.

According to his divination, Backlund is not only the city of hope in the eyes of the world but also his future city of hope.

For personal reasons, he is also willing to go to Backlund to witness this city of cities.

However, Benson and Melissa cannot follow him to Backlund in the short term. Melissa needs to prioritize her studies, and Benson is currently stressed and losing hair over civil service exams.

It will probably take them half a year to finish everything and go to Backlund.

Benson is very generous about this, insisting that he should not miss the opportunity to take up a post in Backlund and that he should settle down there first, waiting for their arrival.

Although Melissa does not stop him, the strong reluctance in her eyes speaks volumes.

"Miss Justice must be a noble lady living in Backlund."

Klein thinks for a moment and seems to find another reason to go to Backlund.

Lanerus and Inz Zangwill have also fled to Backlund. These two caused so much trouble in Tingen; they absolutely deserve death and cannot be let off!

"When I start to hesitate, it already means I've made a choice."

Klein lowers his head and chuckles, reining in his thoughts, and begins to summon Miss Justice, Mr. Hanged Man, and Little Sun for the meeting.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

No matter when, hearing Miss Justice's greeting always fills one with vitality, sweeping away any gloomy mood.

Mr. Fool's mood brightens as he flips through the empire Roselle Diary they brought.

This time, there isn't much useful knowledge in the empire Rosellediary. It seems that with Inz Zangwill taking 008 and leaving, these coincidences have come to an end.

He once suspected that Miss Justice might have a problem, but now, he is more inclined to believe that it was the coincidences created by 008 that led to the anomalies in the empire Roselle Diary that appeared in his hands.

After reading the empire Roselle Diary, they enter a free chat session.

Little Sun shares what he has seen and heard in Silver City, which greatly benefits Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man, and Miss Justice, who have been freeloading off him.

Algernon mentions that the South Continent has been quite unstable recently. The Seven Churches' joint operation aims to eradicate the cancer entrenched on the South Continent, but progress seems limited.

Except for the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, which is going all out, the other true god churches, citing their base not being in the South Continent, can only spare limited manpower.

Moreover, the cooperation of the Seven Churches has alerted the major powers on the South Continent, who have tacitly chosen to cooperate, preventing the Seven Churches from expanding their influence on the South Continent.

In short, it's a complete mess, utterly chaotic.

Audrey thinks for a moment and begins to share what she has seen and heard recently. She mainly talks about Backlund's search for the followers of the stars.

This is currently the hottest topic in the extraordinary world of Backlund.

Algernon sighs, "The search for the followers of the stars, the Seven Churches have already had specialized squads in action internally, but unfortunately, there has been little progress."

Audrey complains, "Recently, because of the apostles of the stars, Backlund has seen dozens of homicides, most of which are related to the extraordinary. Those hiding in the shadows seem to want to find the followers of the stars by killing all the suspicious extraordinary."

"This crazy and bloody method of doing things is somewhat similar to the lunatics of the Aurora Order; only they would dare to act like this."

"The Aurora Order? Right, there's an extraordinary who calls himself Mr. A offering a hefty bounty. Could he be from the Aurora Order?"

Algernon nods, "Very likely. You'd better stay away from them. They are madmen, killing without regard for the identity of the other party, even if it's a powerful noble, they dare to assassinate directly."


Audrey pouts slightly, clearly a warning to herself.

Is her noble background that obvious? But she still thanks Mr. Hanged Man for the reminder.

After some discussion, Audrey and Algernon turn their gaze to Mr. Fool, seated at the head of the table, asking if he knows what the stars represent? This question is difficult to answer, but also easy to answer.

Klein, who has been listening, anticipated this kind of consultation with Mr. Fool, so he has already thought of a strategy in his mind.

According to the information he obtained from the empire Roselle diary, the starry sky is extremely dangerous, with a danger coefficient of at least five stars.

The stars, just the title alone is impressive.

He once heard a terrifying prophecy: "When the stars return to their places, chaos will rise from the earth's depths, and the great original will awaken."

The so-called followers of the stars are probably believers in this terrifying prophecy. In his previous life, many also believed that 2012 would be the end of the world for Earth.

But in the end, nothing happened.

Of course, in this world with extraordinary powers, the stars may have a stronger symbolism.

After some deliberation, he smiles and says, "Above your heads are the stars."

This statement is absolutely correct and has a high level of sophistication, enough to dispel Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man's thoughts of further inquiry.

Above your heads are the stars?

Audrey and Algernon instinctively look up, and even Little Sun follows suit.

They are suddenly terrified, an indescribable fear seems to crawl over their entire body in an instant.

Audrey and Algernon lower their heads simultaneously, putting away their speculations about the stars.

As Mr. Fool said, above their heads are the stars, a symbolic meaning even more terrifying than the seven true gods.

After all, the Eternal Blazing Sun is just a star.

Algernon finally understands why the Seven Churches are unanimously searching for the so-called followers of the stars, out of fear, because of the unknown.

Little Sun takes another look at the grey fog overhead, not understanding why there should be fear.

Grey mist is better than complete darkness, right? As for the stars?

They can't even see the sun in Silver City, let alone the stars.

He does hope that the light of the stars can shine over Silver City.

But now with Mr. Fool, he believes that Mr. Fool will bring light to Silver City in the near future!

Klein sees that a single sentence has quieted the three of them and smiles, "Let's call it a day for today's meeting."

After sending the three away, Klein also looks up, thankfully feeling nothing special.

Humans, out of ignorance and their own insignificance, are always filled with fear of the starry sky.

But the dazzling starry sky always attracts attention, making one wish to immerse in it for a lifetime.

If he didn't know the starry sky was exceptionally dangerous, he would also like to see the starry sky of this world, to see how it differs from the starry sky of his original world.

After all, humanity has not yet found a second planet that gives birth to life.

He is very interested in what kind of stellar environment can create a second life-bearing planet.

Perhaps he could even find a shape similar to the Milky Way in the star charts.

Klein indulges in his thoughts for a while before stopping his reverie, as such things are too far away from him.

He logs off, leaving the grey fog.

Klein straightens his attire in front of the bathroom mirror, then walks out.

He pulls out his pocket watch to check the time, then snaps it shut.

It's still early, so he decides to go out for a stroll, buy some ingredients, and prepare a sumptuous dinner.

The last time he made beef stew with potatoes, it was very well received, except Melissa was concerned about the excessive use of oil.

Hmm, he'll buy a larger pudding for Melissa, so she can eat her fill at once.

After shopping, he dons an apron, and the mysterious and great Mr. Fool begins to chop vegetables, light the stove, put the pot on, and cook.

When Melissa and Benson return, they are stunned by the lavish dinner spread before them, then they understand.

Benson offers his blessings and encouragement, Melissa's eyes well up with tears, and she whispers a blessing.

Klein raises a glass of ginger beer and laughs, "We're only parting temporarily; we'll reunite in Backlund. Here's to the upcoming reunion."


Benson also raises a glass of ginger beer, and Melissa carefully holds a lemon pudding, twice as large as usual.

The next day, Klein goes


Benson also raises a glass of ginger beer, and Melissa carefully holds a lemon pudding that is twice as large as usual.

The next day, Klein heads to the Blackthorn Security Company to submit his application for a position transfer to Backlund to his captain, Dunn Smith.

Dunn Smith picks up the official seal and stamps it down, smiling, "This is a very wise decision. Tingen is small, but your future is vast. You should take advantage of your youth to venture out."

"No, Tingen is not small at all. It will be great because of the captain's protection."

Klein smiles, reminiscent of the smile he had when he received his first paycheck as a night watchman.

(End of Chapter)

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