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19.13% Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return / Chapter 93: Chapter 93 Audrey: I know this one!

Chapter 93: Chapter 93 Audrey: I know this one!

Chapter 93 Audrey: I know this one!

Hastur's gaze also shifted, sizing up Susie.

Susie, lying on the ground with her fur tense, stood up, looked around, then shook her body and moved to the other side where Hastur couldn't see her, and continued to lie down and rest.

How keen, but why does it feel like Susie is afraid of me? I haven't done anything to her that would incur heaven's wrath and people's resentment, have I? Although I thought about finding her a male dog before, I eventually gave up on the idea and didn't act on it.

Hastur was slightly surprised, withdrew his gaze, and looked at Audrey tonight.

When Audrey first stepped into the study, he noticed that she had become an extraordinary person, a Sequence 9 Spectator.

A path that would affect the fairness of the game if not handled carefully.

"I've recently developed quite a few drugs beneficial to the human body, perfect for you to try."

Grelent said, opening the packaging box in front of him, which contained seven or eight bottles of unknown drugs.

Seeing everyone's gaze turn to him, Grelent straightened his back, with a confident smile, and began to introduce his recent findings one by one.

For example, the Body Strengthening Pill, which can be taken for fitness even without illness, effectively replenishing vitality and vigor.

The Alcohol Avoidance Medicine, a drug Hastur previously guided him to research, is a light green liquid with a pungent herbal scent.

There's also the Brain Supplement Pill, said to enhance memory and intelligence.

Then there are special-effect medicines that can be applied to wounds, effectively stopping bleeding and promoting healing.

Hugh was particularly interested in these kinds of medicines. In the process of carrying out arbitration, she occasionally had to get physical, and bumps and bruises were inevitable.

Audrey and fors were interested in a drug that could effectively repel mosquitoes and insects.

This substance is in powder form; just ignite it, and it will emit wisps of smoke. To crawling insects like mosquitoes, the smoke is like poison, quickly snuffing out their lives.

Hastur's heart stirred, isn't this just modern mosquito incense?

Unexpectedly, Grelent also possesses the spirit of a scientist's meticulous research.

If this product could be mass-produced and sold at a reasonable price, it should be very popular.

Perhaps this could be used to start a small business, adding a little extra income.

As the host tonight, Grelent was very satisfied.

He even gave Hastur a look, indicating he had more good stuff that he hadn't brought out yet.

Looking at Grelent's proud demeanor, Hastur immediately understood what the so-called good stuff was.

It must be a drug that could effectively maintain Grelent's masculine dignity.

Hastur thought for a moment and asked, "Is there a medicine that can treat middle-aged baldness?"

He was asking for Professor Wayne, who he recently noticed was showing tendencies in that direction.

"Not at the moment, but I'm sure I can develop it in the future," Grelent said, indicating it wasn't a big problem.

Hastur looked at him deeply, feeling that by the time Grelent developed this medicine, he himself would probably need it.

"The abilities of a pharmacist are really enviable," fors sighed.

In her view, the prospects for a pharmacist are great. As long as one is skilled, it's definitely lucrative. The life of making money by making medicines at home is wonderful.

"It's just average," Grelent said, seemingly modest, but his eyebrows were almost raised to the sky.

Audrey silently observed their subtle expressions.

Even if she wasn't a Spectator, she could get a rough idea of Grelent's character.

Ms. fors seemed to be in need of money, with a lazy posture, as if she wasn't very interested in anything.

She must be someone who likes to stay at home all year round.

Ms. Hugh, though small in stature, had a spirit that even men like Grelent couldn't match.

Her personality must be impulsive and irritable. It's said that she's an arbitrator, probably often getting into fights.

Mr. Hastur, well… he seems very calm, always maintaining a kind smile on his face, his eyes as if containing a pond of water, making it impossible to accurately gauge his depth, and difficult to read his thoughts through the windows to his soul.

Eh, it seems hard to discern anything from Mr. Hastur. Although he appears casual, upon closer observation, one can find that he hides himself tightly, making it hard to truly glimpse anything.

Could Mr. Hastur know that I'm already a Spectator, and thus, he's deliberately responding to my observations?

Then Mr. Hastur must also be an extraordinary person, right?

His Sequence might even be higher than mine, but he's not like Grelent, who likes to show off his abilities loudly.

Such a character fits the image of a true extraordinary person in her mind.

Faced with Audrey's subtle observations, Hastur remained calm on the surface but sighed inwardly.

Sitting opposite a Spectator is a very agonizing thing. One careless move, and your true thoughts could be seen through.

Especially since Audrey had just become a Spectator not long ago, she liked to observe others from the perspective of a Spectator.

Thinking about it, he prepared to throw out a topic to attract Audrey's attention, so she wouldn't keep secretly observing him.

"I also became an extraordinary person a while ago."

Audrey, fors, and Hugh were not surprised by this; they had guessed as much.

Grelent reacted more strongly, asking, "Hastur, what extraordinary path did you choose?"

"I am now a Sequence 9 Lawyer. I just opened a law firm in the Hillston area a while ago."

Grelent was stunned for a moment, foolishly asking, "To become a lawyer, do you have to open a law firm?"

I know this one!

Audrey's heart leaped, and a miniature version of herself couldn't wait to raise her hand, fearing she wouldn't be seen, and even stood up, shaking her arm.

At the second gathering, Mr. Fool had told her and Mr. Hanged Man.

"It's not about mastering, it's about digesting."

"It's not about excavating, it's about playing a role."

"The name of the potion is not just symbolic, it's also an image, and even more so, the key to digestion."

Taking Hastur's becoming a lawyer as an example, a lawyer is not just the name of the potion, but also the key to digesting the potion.

Opening a law firm is to better play the role of a real lawyer, thus accelerating the digestion of the potion.

This is very high-end mystical knowledge. Even the experienced Mr. Hanged Man was shocked by this and thus owed Mr. Fool a favor.

Mr. Hastur even knows such high-end mystical knowledge; his knowledge is truly profound.

Hastur said with a smile, "My teacher is Professor Wayne from Beckland University, a professor of law. I learned a lot from him, and that's why I took this opportunity to open a law firm."

"I think being a lawyer can deepen my understanding of the extraordinary path of a lawyer."

He didn't directly mention the play method, just hinted at it.

"So that's it, no wonder when I first started making medicines, my head would be particularly clear, very comfortable, without headaches or hearing strange whispers anymore."

Grelent had a sudden realization.

Audrey really wanted to tell him that this is the key to digesting the potion, the key to ascending to a higher Sequence, the play method!

But she still tried to restrain her impulse, pretending to be curious, "So the lawyer's path requires becoming a lawyer, does the pharmacist's path require becoming a doctor?"

She looked at fors and Hugh, letting them think for themselves.

Hugh thought for a moment and said, "I've also been strictly demanding myself according to the identity of an arbitrator."

fors frowned slightly; her Sequence 9 is an apprentice, does that mean she has to become a real apprentice?

Being an apprentice, isn't that too hard?

She, a novelist who often goes out for material, is familiar with the life of apprentices at the bottom of various industries, and that life is simply too hard.

Grelent asked again, "Hastur, why did you choose to become a lawyer?"

"In my view, the lawyer profession is about understanding and mastering rules and order. They have the interpretive authority over the law. Grelent, don't you think such people are cool?"

Hastur took the opportunity to hint at Grelent, fors, and Hugh again.

Whether they could understand was their own business.

fors and Hugh seemed thoughtful, and Audrey put on an innocent face as if saying, "What are you talking about? I don't understand anything."

As for Grelent… he didn't realize the message contained in that sentence at all.

Instead, he laughed loudly, "I still think the abilities of a pharmacist are cooler."

"The abilities of a pharmacist can be used to help others treat diseases, and you don't look like a doctor who heals and saves people."

Hastur still specifically pulled Grelent aside, after all, he was the one who led him in. Although Grelent was a bit slow on the uptake, Hastur wasn't about to give up on treating him.

"I'm not short of money, there's a doctor in my family, and I'm more interested in researching new drugs."

Seeing that Grelent's problem-solving process was wrong, but the result was somewhat correct, Hastur didn't say

Hastur sighed, "I still think the abilities of a pharmacist are cooler."

"The abilities of a pharmacist can be used to help others treat diseases, and you don't look like a doctor who heals and saves people."

Hastur specifically pulled Grelent aside again. After all, he was the one who led him in. Although Grelent was a bit slow on the uptake, Hastur wasn't about to give up on treating him.

"I'm not short of money; there's a doctor in my family. I'm more interested in researching new drugs."

Seeing that Grelent's problem-solving process was wrong, but the result was somewhat correct, Hastur didn't say anything more.

This topic passed, and Hugh began discussing some things she had heard or experienced recently.

Among the five present, her experiences were the most extensive. After all, she was an arbitrator who worked on the front lines.

She also mentioned A's extraordinary gathering, saying that A had suddenly disappeared, causing the extraordinary gathering to be postponed.

But a few days ago, news came out that A had returned and was preparing to hold the extraordinary gathering again.

Audrey was intrigued. She wanted to witness what other extraordinary gatherings were like and how the extraordinary individuals there compared to Mr. Fool and Mr. Hanged Man.

Grelent also muttered that he wanted to attend. Last time, he hadn't been able to go with Hastur, and he had been wanting to make up for it.

Hastur kept his distance from this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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