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Chapter 15

Gabriel appeared above Kouh Town and looked down at it, she had the same smile since she left the heaven and her eyes was looking at every nook and cranny in it until her eyes flickered with gold looking at a certain direction and her smile became even more beautiful that it could steal the hearts men and women in a moment.

'I've found you~' She muttered inwardly before she vanished from her place entirely. No one could sense her magic signature because she hid it so no one could detect her.

After all she didn't want anyone to bother her and make her late to meet him, besides, it will make those supernatural beings who will sense her think that Heaven had something to do in Kouh Town and start to build their theories with a mind that had BOUNDLESS imagination.

She finally could meet him, the day she had waited for for so many years had come.

On the other side at the mansion beside the forest.

Suddenly, a woman appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of it. She had long curly blonde hair and green eyes that had a hint of gold in them. Her body was very voluptuous and sexy that no one could get his eyes away from it. But if one dared to come close or show any lust toward her, he would be in a great pain that he would wish death.

No one could look at her like that or touch her except him.

And now, in front of the gates, Gabriel had her heart beating very fast and loudly that she could hear it.

It was so loud in her ears that she didn't notice the defense system being activated when she first appeared notifying the master of the mansion about the arrival of a strange person that was dangerous.

But the master didn't care about any of that because at this moment, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his heart.





'What is this feeling?! And that strange attraction,' Daniel who was at the living room drinking some tea, suddenly his heart started to beat so fast and hard that he could hear its sound. It felt like it wanted to jump out of his chest and run at a certain direction.

And then he received a notification from the defense system that there was a strange person in front of the mansion that had a very strong aura coming out of it, although it seemed suppressed, but the system still could detect it.

But Daniel ignored it and focused on the feeling he was feeling right now and that strong attraction coming out of the living room— was coming out of the mansion.

Immediately, Daniel stood up and vanished from his place, then in the next second he appeared in front of the closed gates.

In front of him, an extremely beautiful woman with a long curly blonde hair and beautiful green eyes that a hint of gold in them.

The said woman looked at the man that arrived in front of her. A man with a tall and toned figure. He had a jet black hair and grey eyes that contained power and calmness in them mixed with a hint of anticipation.





The sounds and the speeds of their hearts became even harder and suddenly their energies flowed out of their bodies running toward each other as if they didn't meet each other for a very long long time.

The energy blended with each other creating harmony, a gold energy with a hint of green and pure purple energy. A rather completely unrelated colors but at the same time fit to each other.

Gabriel was looking at Daniel with warm eyes that suddenly started to water and her body began to shiver uncontrollably.

When she saw him, she immediately knew who he was. She recognized him from the first glance and the blend of their energies was even more of a proof but she didn't need that.

Just one look and she understood, she felt it on a whole spiritual level.

Daniel was the same, his hand was shaking when he touched the gates that were separating him from her. That feeling of attraction went to the maximum when he saw her, he understood who she was for he spent hours, days, weeks, months and years searching for her like crazy to the point of invading the underworld with his shadows to gather information for him about her beside the human world.

That was his only purpose. Nothing else mattered.

Both their hearts didn't stop beating and the sounds of them were so loud in their ears.

Daniel didn't want to wait anymore so instinctively, the gates were surrounded by deep darkness before they disappeared into nothingness and now nothing else was separating them from each other.


"DAN!" Before he could say her name, she screamed his name first and dashed at him at an incredible speed that not even Michael witnessed before. Normally with such speed she will crash into something or someone sending him to the afterlife, but Daniel wasn't a normal person, so something like that was nothing to him.

Gabriel or Lily hugged Daniel tightly with a force that could choke someone, but he didn't care about such a thing and hugged her back.

She was shaking in his embrace while tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall as she was crying. She finally found him, the one who she loved so much and was very sad to leave him due to her illness.

Her worst nightmare was a life without Daniel.

On the other hand, he himself didn't believe what was in front of him. He even felt like he was hallucinating for a second but the feeling in his heart and the longing and attraction he felt told him that everything in front of him was real.

Tears fell from his eyes as he finally for the first time since a very long time he cried but not due to sadness but due to happiness.

Their energies blended further and further and was in a perfect harmony that no one ever witnessed before.

That was the proof of their love for each other that was endless and immortal.

The 12 wings on Lily's back were fluttering in happiness as well. (A/N: As long as she is alone with Daniel I will call her Lily, other than that I will call her Gabriel.)

Lily was clutching on his clothes so hard that it was nearly torn apart due to her force. She felt like if she let him, he would disappear.

'Finally, finally I met you my dear~ you don't know how many years I've been searching for you. But it deserved it as I finally met you and now holding you in my arms. I won't let you go never ever again, it was once and it hurt me so much, so I don't want got through something like that again.' Liliana muttered inwardly while burying her face in Daniel's chest, feeling so comfortable.

Her nervousness eased and her fear disappeared, and now she could relax in the arms of the man that she had been searching for for many years.

Daniel felt the same, as his mind now eased and became calm. Although it didn't appear on his face most of the time, but he didn't enjoy sleeping at all or feel at ease as long as the woman he love wasn't beside him. It's like they were made for each other.

Light can't exist without darkness, they create perfect harmony once they blend with each other like what's happening now.

Calmness washed over them and they relaxed.

Slowly, Lily raised her head from his chest and looked up at him at his handsome face. The eyes that were looking at him were filled with boundless love and affection. A love that was so deep that no one could imagine.

During those years that Lily was searching for Daniel, her love for him grew even more to unimaginable levels. The longing to see him again and every memory of him in her head made her heart flutter and feel like butterflies dancing in her stomach.

While Daniel went through the same but not as intense as her because she was here in this world before him. She died first and he died later.

But everything was worth it, they finally met each other again.

"Missed you so so so so so soooo much my darling~" she said with a tone filled with love and happiness making Daniel's heart beat faster and a very loving smile adorned his face making her smile even more.

"Me too, I missed so much honey~ I finally got to see you and touch you that I couldn't even believe myself." He exaggerated a little but it was true.

Which made her laugh softly, it was a laugh that no one would even believe that Gabriel or Lily the most powerful woman in heaven could laugh like that.

Not even Michael would believe that.

"Let's go inside darling, I want to talk to you about my days here in this world while remembering our old memories."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea, but before that," He said as he suddenly kissed her lips much to her surprise but in the next second she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss even more.

They enjoyed a very passionate and loving kiss that made their hearts flutter in happiness.

The kiss ended with a trail of saliva connecting their tongues together while panting with flushed cheeks.

"Hmmm~ that was my first kiss here in this world and it's the best kiss ever~"

"Me too, it's my first as well, come on let's go inside." He said as he took Lily who was still clutching to him from the beginning and walked back inside the mansion.

Regarding the gates, after they left, a new ones similar to the previous ones appeared in place of them.

The two couple who were separated by time and distance finally met each other and now nothing could separate them.


A/N: Thank you for reading this far guys, it was a good time writing this story with you. Your suggestions helped me to make it better.

Thank you till the end.







Just kidding 😂

I even wrote the scene where they met each other when I was at the metro.

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