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91.25% Harry Potter :Magic injuries / Chapter 73: chapter 73

Chapter 73: chapter 73

Carefully he then used his wand to draw a thick black line down the centre of the wall, effectively dividing it into two halves. With more careful wand work, he wrote, again in black, ink, the word "Complaints" at the top of the left hand side of the wall. Then at the top of the right hand side of the wall he wrote "Suggestions."

He then divided the complaints half of the wall into four parts, the first being for complaints against teachers and other staff, the second part for complaints against prefects, the third for complaints against other students and the fourth for complaints against the school in general.

Without reading any suggestions, he didn't know how best to divide that side of the wall just yet and so he left it until he could get some kind of idea as to how to go about it.

He returned to his desk and picked up the first sheet of parchment once again. Again using his wand, he cut the parchment into smaller pieces, one piece for each issue that the writer had raised. Then he picked up each piece and carried them over to the wall where he began to read them.

The first issue read: Snape is biased towards the Slytherin students and gives them house points for no reason and takes house points from others for no reason.

Harry nodded his head in full agreement with this statement. He pressed the piece of parchment against the wall in the section for complaints against teachers and staff then used his wand to stick it there.

The second piece of parchment read: He once gave me a detention for being twenty seconds late, but when a Slytherin turned up five minutes later he didn't say anything.

Harry sighed. Again this was all too true and he stuck it to the wall just below the previous one.

The next five issues were all complaints about Snape, something which led Harry to suspect that before long he would have to further divide the area for complaints against teachers and staff onto "Snape" and "Other."

The next complaint was against Mr Filch, the caretaker, and suggested that he was not of a suitable mentality to work around children. The one after that was a complaint against Professor McGonagall, accusing her of favouring the Gryffindors too much.

The tenth issue raised was actually a suggestion, one that Harry, personally, thought was a very good one. It read: The library in the castle contains hardly any works of fiction. Some of us like to unwind with a good bit of Sci-Fi or a fluffy romance novel.

Harry now suspected that this student was most likely a Muggle born. He thought about the suggestion for more fictional books for a few moments before creating his first sub-section in the half of the wall for suggestions. At the top of the section he wrote "Suggestions for leisure activities" and stuck the piece of parchment beneath it.

The next complaint read: We never go on any school trips. It would be really nice to visit places like the Ministry of Magic and Godric's Hollow or to get a look behind the scenes of a Quidditch stadium or the place where they brew butter beer. It would help us get a better appreciation for the world.

Again Harry found himself agreeing and created a second subjection of suggestions, this one being titled "Ideas for improvement of education."

The next suggestion went into the same sub-section as it suggested that the school get in special guest lecturers, either as a supplement for what they were studying or to inform the students about subjects that were not usually on the school curriculum.

Harry could see the logic behind that. Care of Magical Creatures class could be enriched by a guest lecture from someone who worked for the Dragon Preserve that was located in Romania. Alternately a talk from the man who invented the Wolfsbane potion was sure to interest some. And then there were the possibilities brought about by having lectures about subjects not taught at Hogwarts, such as Alchemy or how broomsticks are manufactured.

This suggestion was then followed by a series of complaints, the first about the behaviour of several Slytherins, including Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson, sentiments that Harry shared.

Then there was a complaint about Hagrid. Not necessarily against the man himself, but more the fact that this particular student did not feel entirely safe in his lessons. Given the situation the previous year with the Blast-ended Skrewts, Harry was forced to grudgingly agree with this one as well.

Next was a complaint against Cormac McClaggen, a boy in Gryffindor who was in the year above Harry. According to the writer of the complaint he was an odious buffoon and the way he spoke to girls was abhorrent. Again Harry agreed. That time he had loudly suggested to Katie Bell that they find a broom closet together so that he could go motor-boating sprang immediately to mind. Needless to say a half second later her foot had connected forcefully with his bollocks, causing him to drop to the ground like a sack of dragon dung.

It was a memory that made Harry both smile and wince. From that day on he had vowed to never get on the wrong side of Katie Bell!

The final point on this one list read: There really should be more common rooms available within the school. As things are it is very difficult to socialise with students from other houses as talking is not allowed in classes or in the library and any students gathering together in a corridor are soon shepherded along. Only when we go outside are we really able to socialise with those from other houses, however between the months of October and April, the last place anyone really wants to be at Hogwarts is outside. Yes there are Hogsmeade weekends, but these are too infrequent. This segregation only allows things such as the Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry to continue. Year based common rooms where students from different houses can mix would go a long way to reducing these kinds of problems.

Once more Harry found himself agreeing with this students' reasoning. There were plenty of disused rooms around the castle, be they classrooms that had fallen into disuse or staff offices or accommodation that had no one to occupy them. There was absolutely no reason why these could not be turned into year-based common rooms.

He considered putting this one under the category "Suggestions for leisure activities" before deciding to make a new category "Suggestions to encourage inter-house cooperation."

Then after a moment's thought he used his wand to make a copy of the last suggestion and placed the copy under the leisure activities section.

Harry stepped back from the wall and admired his handiwork. He rather liked it. Everything was organised and in its proper place.

Well, that was the first student done, along with his or her sixteen complaints having been read and categorised. He decided he would have to get on with the next student.




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