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18.75% Beast Master Legacy / Chapter 15: CHAPTER 15 - The Criminals Hideout 4

Chapter 15: CHAPTER 15 - The Criminals Hideout 4

The South Park forest.....

Peter — Catherine and Geoffrey cautiously moved forward — as Catherine kept looking at the tracking device in her hands.

"We're almost there" Catherine said.

"What if we meet a bunch of armed criminals when we get there?" Geoffrey asked.

"Don't you think now is a good time to call for backup?"

On hearing this, Catherine glanced at Peter with eyes that were deep in thought.

"No.....that won't be necessary" she said suddenly.

On hearing this, Geoffrey's eyebrows were raised up in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"I just have a feeling that those guys won't be a problem"

Catherine replied while still staring at Peter — whom was oblivious — as his eyes were focused ahead of him.

Attack ~~~ [0]

Strength ~~~ [0]

Agility ~~~ [0]

Perception ~~~ [0]

Mana ~~~ [0]

Skill (1) ~~~ <Additional info>

Soul Tribute ~~~ [3/100] <Additional info>

Soul Resent ~~~ [5/100] <Additional info>

{You have received the legacy of Yukon and you're now a participant in the contest of might and magic}

{You'll be shortly summoned for training when the given time elapses}


Peter had noticed slight changes to the second panel of his stats info.

For example — the row of words that stated 'soul tribute' — had increased their numerical value from zero to three.

Also — the row of words that stated 'soul resent' — had increased their numerical value from zero to five.

And he remembered earlier when the ethereal voice informed him about receiving some soul tribute and soul resent essences.

'But what is the use of the soul-whatever essences?'

Peter thought — as he was about to browse through his stats for more information — when the ethereal voice sounded in his head.

_{Incoming hostiles approaching}_

_{Twenty hostiles analysed}_

'Twenty guys!' Peter was quite surprised.

Where the heck were these criminals coming out from?

'Don't tell me that this forest was actually the criminals headquarters'

If it weren't for the power of the golden staff and the timely warning of the ethereal voice — Peter was quite sure that they would have been killed or captured ten times over.

Meanwhile — the captain and his nineteen guys squad advanced forward — fully armed.

The captain — whom was with a binoculars — quickly raised up his arm as the nineteen men squad came to a halt.

"I've sighted them"

The captain said as he put down his binoculars and signaled to the sniper guy — who in turn spoke to the squad;

"Grenadiers get ready"

The captain's plan was simple and straightforward — first they would use grenades to throw the three intruders into confusion and panic — then followed by gunshots to maim and incapacitate them.

The captain had made up his mind not to kill the intruders — but to torture them — which would satisfy him better.

As the grenadiers got ready for the first assault — Peter was already a step ahead.


He knew that there was no point in wasting anytime with these criminals — especially due to the earlier surprise attack that they received from the unknown shooter.


Chinatown southern district.....

Mocheda and master Chang stood few meters apart — in the top floor training room — while facing each other.

They had both changed their clothing — and were dressed in the traditional martial arts attire.

After they both bowed to each other in greeting — which was one of the principles of martial arts — they simultaneously took their battle stances.

Master Chang raised his eyebrows slightly — due to surprise — at the flawless battle stance of Mocheda.

Master Chang first met Mocheda at a charity fundraiser in New York — four years ago.

And his first impression of her was someone whom was chased away from home — an outcast.

Beneath her amazing beauty and charm — he could see that she was in need of direction and companionship.

And though — he never told her this — she reminded him of his dead daughter.

"You ready master?" Mocheda asked with a smile on her face.

"Come" master Chang smiled and beckoned.

But at that moment — the smile on Mocheda's face vanished — as her eyes became cold.


She dashed forward — dragging a gust of wind with her — as she arrived in front of master Chang in no time.


Master Chang was taken aback due to the Mocheda's unexpected agility.


Her fist slammed into his palm — which he used to block the attack — but master Chang felt his entire arm vibrate greatly due to the sheer force of that punch.

But that was not all...

While he was coming to terms with her attack — Mocheda did a stylish spin — as her legs swung forward instantly.


Master Chang felt his connection with the earth broken — as he was quickly swept off his feet.

He would have crashed heavily to the floor — but for his many years of experience — which kicked in his lightning quick reflexes as he shifted his body sideways and stopped his downward motion with his left arm.

With this swift action — he was about to bounce back on his feet — but unfortunately for him, he underestimated whom he was fighting with.

Mocheda quickly threw a front flip and landed behind master Chang — whom was in the midst of stabilizing his feet on the ground — as her fist connected with his unguarded behind.


Master Chang felt pain and his body trembling from the blow to his back — as he stumbled forward.

But Mocheda was not yet done — as she dashed forward and threw a kick at her unbalanced master.


Master Chang couldn't believe he had been successfully attacked twice in a row — as he went flying and crashed against the wall of the training room.


South Park Forest...

"Wait" Geoffrey suddenly said.

"What is it?" Catherine asked while staring at him alertly.

"I thought I heard something" Geoffrey said as he cupped his ear.

At that moment...


A series of explosions erupted ahead of them.

"What the...?!"

Geoffrey and Catherine instinctively crouched on the ground — as they trembled in shock.

Even Peter was quite shook — as he didn't expect the bad guys to come with explosives!

Were they that desperate to capture them?

Meanwhile the captain of the squad was so horrified by what he was witnessing as he watched his squad fall to disarray.

When he earlier gave the order for his grenadiers to launch their assault — they advanced forward — only for one of them to suddenly be sent flying into the air.

It all happened so fast — as the grenadier that was sent flying subconsciously pulled the pin of his grenade — and the result.....

It was a chain reaction — as the other grenadiers were caught in the explosion and their grenades ignited subsequently.



Pitiful cries rose up among the squad of criminals — as the captain tried to establish orderliness.

"Spread out! — don't stay huddled together!"

The captain watched in terror — as his squad members desperately sought for safety — while his grenadiers burned to ashes.

_{Hostile has being permanently neutralized.... you've gained one soul resent essence}_

_{Hostile has being permanently neutralized..... you've gained one soul resent essence}_

The messages kept popping up in front of Peter's eyes as he stared at the commotion ahead of him.

Geoffrey stared at the scene before him in shock as he glanced at Catherine and said;

"What the heck is going on?!"

Catherine didn't reply — but fixed her gaze on Peter — as if trying to see through him.

The golden staff was unrelenting — as it carried out the order it was given — by striking at the members of the criminal squad.

As it attacked the criminals — all they saw was a golden glow flying around the air — which aggravated their fear and panic and brought forth such reactions like...

"I see it!..."

"Shoot it down!..."

"What the hell is that?!...."

The captain was helpless on the battlefield — as he couldn't take control of his squad anymore due to the fear inducing chaos that had pervaded his squad.

He watched as his team members were struck flying by an unseen force — though he saw what was attacking them — he couldn't make sense out of it.

It was just too spooky and bizarre!

At this point — there was only one way out of this madness...

"Retreat!! — everyone return back to base now"

At this point — he felt that the safest place was in the four walls of their hideout — for it seemed that a terrifying entity existed out here that was too much for them to handle.

Now he knew why the first squad of fifteen guys was eliminated easily.

For if this is what they had to face — with the limited weapons that they carried — then they never stood a chance.

As his chaotic thoughts swarmed in his mind — he saw a golden glow heading for his direction.

"No don't come closer!.....stay away from me!!"

The captain roared in panic as he raised his gun in haste and fired.


He felt pain all over — as he was sent flying and crashed against the floor — while rolling few meters away.

The bullet he fired earlier — struck one of the criminals whom was holding a bazooka — few meters opposite to the captain.

In his dying attempt — the criminal released the bazooka missile — in order to destroy the golden glow that hovered in the air few meters away from the captain.

Unfortunately — his aim was off — as the missile veered off it's intended target.

The captain whom was not yet unconscious — tried to steady himself — as he sat up from the floor.

Raising up his eyes, he saw the bazooka missile headed straight for him.

"Oh for f**k sake"

He muttered in helpless exasperation — as the missile engulfed him in a resounding explosion.




So what do you guys think about the criminals' demise....?

Most especially...what do you think about Mocheda's duel with master Chang?

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