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16.25% Beast Master Legacy / Chapter 13: CHAPTER 13 - The Criminals Hideout 2

Chapter 13: CHAPTER 13 - The Criminals Hideout 2

"What kind of men did you send?! — pussies?!"

The boss roared in befuddlement as he wore his bathrobe in haste.

The death-row gang — which was their name — was established by his father ten years ago.

Their headquarters which was located at Los Angeles — was a behemoth of various crimes and atrocities — ranging from kidnapping, drug dealing, assassination, smuggling, human trafficking and terrorism.

They had three major branches — which were located in Mexico, Alabama and Kentucky.

Their branch here in Kentucky which was built in the woods had been operating for years without the knowledge of the state police.

Brody was given charge by his father over the Kentucky branch — while his sister took charge of the Alabama branch.

As for the branch in Mexico, it was taken charge by his father's right hand man.

Brody couldn't believe that when he was about to take a time off from the stress of gang operations — such an unbelievable occurrence would arise to bother him.

"How many guys are available right now?"

He asked as he glanced at his bushy haired lackey.

That glance was more or less like a glare — which made his lackey to shiver in fear as he responded;

"We have forty-five men currently in the premises"

"In that case, station Twenty-five guys around the facility and order the remaining twenty guys to surround and kill — or if possible — apprehend the lady and the teenager"

"Yes boss" the bushy haired lackey said as he began tapping on his iPad.

"And also give me visual on the assault team — I want to see for myself if the woman and the teenager are made of metal!"

Brody said as a deadly glint flashed past his eyes.


"I just asked you a question kid!" The police woman raised her voice as she stared at Peter suspiciously.

"Why are you here in the woods?"

"What kind of question is that?" Peter retorted.

"Is there anything wrong with my being in the woods? — moreover I could ask you the same thing!"

"I am in the woods due to a police investigation — as for you — what's your excuse?"

'Is she being serious right now?!'

Peter thought as he gave the woman an incredulous stare.

'Is she branding me as a suspect? — for what?!'

"Well am waiting!" The police woman was unrelenting as her gaze sharpened.

Peter felt anger well up within him — after being unfairly accused by the lady — as he yelled;

"Hey I just saved your life b**ch!"

"" The police woman was taken aback by the fact that a teenager just cursed at her.

While they both argued back and forth, a voice called out to them;

"What the heck are you both doing?!"

Startled — the police woman instinctively raised her gun and pointed it at the sudden intruder.

"Whoa take it easy — don't shoot!" The intruder said as he lifted up his arms in surprise.

The police woman glared at him as she still kept her gun raised.

"I will give you one minute to tell me who you're and what you're doing here — or else don't blame me for what happens next"

"Am a cop!" The man said as he quickly brought out a badge and showcased it.

"You're a cop?!" The police woman exclaimed in surprise as her arms lowered.

"Yes my name is Geoffrey — Kentucky Police"


Master Chang found himself in a very tight spot as he wavered in between two decisions.

First, he could decide to sell off his martial school and let go of all his students.

Or he could decide to stand and fight to save his school and keep his students — but there was a major problem with this choice.

He knew that the difference in strength between his school and that of the dragon fist was too big.

He had no exceptional fighter among his students — due to the fact that he stopped believing years ago that martial arts could be used as a weapon or for battle.

His later trainings only used martial arts as a form of tempering the body for a healthy living.

So if he accepted the dragon fist school's challenge, he and his students would only end up being humiliated.

Which all leaves him with only one option — give up and sell out his school.

As he was about to make up his mind...

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get"

A voice spoke out — which made everyone to turn towards the source of the voice.

"Huh?" Master Chang was quite surprised as he stared at Mocheda — whom came towards the group in confident strides.

"Who the hell is this?" Master Feng asked in confusion as he stared at Mocheda.

"My name is Mocheda and I am master Chang's student"

On hearing that — master Feng scoffed and glanced at master Chang with contempt.

"So you've stooped so low as to take in foreigners as your students?"

Master Chang didn't know how he should respond as he glanced at Mocheda — not being sure of what she was up to.

"My being a foreigner has nothing to do with this" Mocheda said as she glared at master Feng.

"But instead it would be quite shameful for you to be beaten by a foreigner"

After she finished speaking to master Feng — she gave him the same look of contempt that he gave to master Chang.

"How dare you speak to master Feng in such an insulting manner?!"

One of the students of the dragon fist dojo said as he glared at Mocheda threateningly.

"Apologize now!"

"And if I don't?" Mocheda shot back with a smile of disdain.

"You...." The student gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

At that point, he looked as if he would pounce on Mocheda without hesitation.


Master Chang quickly yelled and came in between both of them in order to prevent things from going out of hand.

"Master Feng all I ask is that you give me sometime to think about it — for old times sake"

He pleaded with the stone faced master Feng.

"Oh master Chang — I would have been quite lenient if your so called student hadn't chosen to be so insolent with her words"

Master Feng said as he smiled with a wrathful expression on his face.

"But now I won't be so kind — you have three days to surrender your dojo to me or watch me take it by force!"


"So you also work for the Kentucky police department?"

Geoffrey asked in surprise as he stared at the police woman with a certain look of recognition in his eyes.

After he was able to convince the police woman of his identity — introductions were made as he discovered that she was a detective investigating the case of the missing children.

But at that point, his eyes grew wider as he exclaimed;

"Wait aren't you detective Catherine whom — together with agent Tom — solved up to a hundred cases in the past two years?!"

"Y-yes I am"

The police woman — now known as Catherine — said with an awkward look on her face.

"Whoa you are amazing! — we officers have idolized you both as our role models!"

Geoffrey exclaimed as the look of excitement was very much evident on his face.

Well he couldn't help it — because Catherine and her partner Tom were the superstars of the Kentucky police department — due to their near flawless record of cases solved and criminals arrested.

"So if you're here — then where is agent Tom?"

Geoffrey asked still staring at her with a gaze full of respect and admiration.

"He's dead" Catherine simply replied with a complicated expression on her face.

"What?!" Geoffrey asked with wide open eyes.

"W-what do you mean by 'dead'?"

"What else do you think 'dead' means huh?! — I don't have time for this — there are children in danger who still need saving!"

Catherine raised her voice at Geoffrey — which was laced with anger and agitation as she began walking away.

Meanwhile Geoffrey was greatly taken aback — first by her sudden outburst — and second by her declaration of agent Tom's death.

While he was still in shock — Peter approached him and said;

"He was shot in the face — her partner"

In the face!

After hearing what Peter said — Geoffrey recalled seeing the dead body of a man — in close proximity to the four criminals that were tied up.

So that was agent Tom!

Geoffrey couldn't recognize the dead man's identity due to the fact that his face was completely pulverized from gunshot wounds.

'No wonder'

He thought as he shook his head in sadness.

'No wonder she couldn't control her emotions earlier when I asked about agent Tom'

She had to watch him get killed in such a gruesome manner and couldn't do anything about it.



Hey guys thanks for your views and collections...also please don't forget to vote and share your comments.

Also I would like to thank my fan [Jess Elms] for their votes.

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