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57.14% Six Paths of Reincarnation / Chapter 4: Entropy

Chapter 4: Entropy

Pain had arrived in front of the only sort of entrance to the castle town where there was a guard outpost where a few guards awaited. Pain tried to cross the guard's blockade to enter the town without a fuss but one of the men guarding the entrance interrupted him.

"Wait, wait!". The guard spoke.

"Is there something the matter?". Tendo asked.

"This is the road that goes to the castle, this is a restricted area. And you guys are wearing very strange attires... you look like you are up to something! therefore, you cannot enter if you're don't pass through an identity verification first ". While the guard was giving his speech an elderly couple crossed the gate without a problem.

"But they're a going through".

"Those are people who come from nearby towns to pay their taxes so they are allowed". With this statement, Pain already knew what he had to do.

"Is that so? but unfortunately I can't let you stall me any longer, I'm going through".

"What?! the scoundrels are here! Guards! huh?!". Without a moment for the guard to blink each one of the Pains had killed all the guards then, their bodies were thrown into the river's discharge channel. The guard tried to say something but he couldn't mutter the words because he was trembling in fear.

"Sorry, I believe I haven't identified myself yet have I?... know Pain!". Pain had crossed the gates into the town and the only thing that could be seen in the town's entrance was a bloody body hanging in the roof of the outpost that made anyone else that tried to enter the town run away without a second thought.

Castle town

"Work!". Shouted a soldier while whipping a group of citizens... or as the king's liked to call them, slaves. While sweating heavily, they were using their strength to lift a huge statue of the king in front of a monastery where common citizens were forced to pray for their king. "Work faster! work for lord Dong Zhuo! those who shirk their duties, beware!". the soldier once again whipped them but this time he hit them with much more strength making one of them fall of pain and exhaustion. "What did I just say!?". the man was about to whip the slave when he was sent flying from a punch from Asura making him collide with the statue's face, breaking it and inevitably killing him as well. The panic quickly spread through the crowd of slaves that didn't know what was happening and consequentially let go of the ropes that held the statue that fell and made a huge bang that alerted all the guards.

While all the other paths went to fight to quell the enemy attack, Tendo approached the group of peasants and asked them about their kingdom. "What is the exact situation that you're all living in this kingdom?" Pain asked calmly and the peasants were reluctant to answer not only because Pain's appearance intimidated them but also because they could have their tongues cut if they spoke anything. They looked at each other and came to an agreement that they would help the stranger that saved them so the one who seemed to be leading the group decided to spoke. "The King has changed!" One of the men said with a desperate voice.

"How is he any different?". Tendo asked interested in the matter.

"The look in his eyes, he swears, he is violent, and if he doesn't like you, he kills you in the spot! he went as far as kicking me, his chief counselor out to turn me into a mere slave having to work here tirelessly every day! It was like he was possessed by a demon. I don't know who you are and what is your situation but rumor has it that our late king was assassinated in a plot by the prime Minister Honest from the imperial capital and then, replaced by this demon. If it continues this way, this castle with its long history will be ruined, and our whole kingdom will be lost! the former chief counselor spoke in a very concerned tone.

"Not only that sir. Lately, the tax collecting has become very strict. No matter what happens they keep raising the taxes. Even we who have been working hard every day here are spared. It never used to be like this before Dong Zhuo ascended as the new King. It's always the little people like us who are hit the worst. Damn!" Another man said feeling extremely wronged.

"The money that is given to the King was supposed to be used for him to protect us but instead he makes us his slaves and leaves the people from other towns who come here to pay their yearly taxes unprotected. Their homes keep getting raided by criminals from all parts of this land. If we try to go against him, he commands his army to attack and kill anyone who opposes him!".Yet another man from the group said.

"I can see that you are very strong so I have a request. Lord Yukimura who works as the bodyguard of the King had planned an uprising against the tyranny of Dong Zhuo will you please assist us in this rebellion?". The former chief counselor pleaded.

Pain turned his back to the group. "Somebody has to understand the meaning of Pain. This God will bring peace to this insane world". He spoke and left floating towards the direction of the castle leaving the people astonished and thankful that a God has come to aid them.

Inside the castle

The king was enjoying a good wine with a beautiful woman on his lap. He caressed her on the back with a smirk which forced the woman to fake a smile. She then gave a sorrowful look at the man that was guarding the king or rather, her former husband who had an uprising planned along with part of the royal guards who agreed to defect with the help of the peasants.

'Just a little more my love and we will be free of this pig's clutches. If the revolutionary army doesn't have time to help us, we will find a way out of this madness ourselves!'. He gave his wife a quick nod without the king noticing it, managing to relieve her a bit. However, as soon as they felt relieved, they were surprised by the tremors that came from outside.

"Huh...? what was that? what was that fuss out there?". The king asked, annoyed that his drink time was interrupted by a few tremors from outside.

"I'm sure it wasn't anything for you to be concerned about my lord. Leave the guards to do their duties". His bodyguard spoke. 'What is going on!? I'm sure that I was quite clear that once I gave the signal the rebellion would start so what went wrong? did the revolutionary army finally agreed to our terms?'. The man thought concerned.

Dong Zhuo tried to drink his wine again but there was a stronger tremor this time, it made him lose his balance, making the wine fall from his hand.

"Damn! What the hell is going on outside?! what are those incompetent guards are doing?!". Dong Zhuo got up and looked through the castle window and what he saw made him freeze. The city was total chaos the buildings were in flames, his statue was taken down and the peasants fought together with the guards to slay the ones that didn't defect. " What in blazes is going on her... aaargh!". The king was stabbed through his chest with a sword. It was his bodyguard who had betrayed him.

"Dong Zhuo I'll avenge my king, take that!".

"So you finally show your true colors eh? I was only asking myself why it took so long, Yukimura! you planned all this isn't it?".

"This is your last chance to surrender! your long rule of tyranny needs to end here! stop turning your back to the lives of the people! how many have died working for your blind ambition!?". The bodyguards now known as Yukimura shouted furiously.

"Oh, quite a performance... cunning just like your late king. But what you speak is nonsense, Yukimura. I'm the country, the Dong family is this land. I'm fit to rule over this country. It is filled with ignorant human animals, no different than the most simple Danger beast. The fate of everything, down to a single blade of grass, is under my control. Why should I care about the lives of the rabble that inhabiting my country?".

"Dong Zhuo, you're nothing but the evil that plagues this land. I'll rid it of you right now!" Yukimura was going to pierce Dong Zhuo's heart next but Dong Zhuo gave Yukimura a strong punch in the face making him impact against a wall.

'No, my love!' Yukimura's wife thought with concern watching the events unfold with impotence.

"Now, I'm the one who gets to ask... "The king opened a secret compartment, revealing a giant club weapon that the top looked like the head of a demon.

"It is such a waste to let such a powerful asset die. Yukimura, return to me, place your Spearmanship in my service again and your life will be spared. It is your only choice"

'Damn! I never thought he had a teigu on his possession. What do I do now...? is this it?' Yukimura thought in despair.

"I can sense your fear Yukimura. This right here is the teigu that Prime minister Honest entrusted to me to rule over this country, Akuma no Atama a very special and powerful teigu that has the power to smash anything into dust! If you don't return to me now your head will be turned into tomato soup soon enough, hahaha!". The king laughed devilishly.

No! this is not the end I can't give up the lives of the people like this!' Yukimura got up and pointed his spear at Dong Zhuo. " I control my own destiny... the path I walk is my choice alone!". Yukimura shouted with conviction.

"Wretched fool! you will do as I command! By my grace, all life is decided! If I say fight, you will fight! If I say die, you will die! My path! That is the path that the people of this country now walk!" Dong Zhuo shouted furiously but Yukimura didn't back down.

"Didn't you know? the people are free. Whatever choice we get, that is up to each one of us to decide". Yukimura once again spoke. The conviction was more explicit than ever in his words.

"Then it appears that the great Yukimura has decided to die". Dong Zhuo spoke seeing no other fate left for his former bodyguard.

"If that is what it takes to stop you, then yes"

"So be it. This is where you will fall!" Dong Zhuo shouted, releasing an enormous red aura thanks to his teigu. His eyes were now red and a red glow covered his whole body. The energy released was so powerful that the castle trembled. Dong Zhuo started floating and readied his teigu charging an enormous ball of reddish energy from the mouth of the Demon's head. "Feel the awesome power of a teigu!". Dong Zhuo then took a glance behind him. " You're very clever to stay here with me instead of your former husband which is falling..." He said directing his words to the woman behind him who got out of her stupor and looked at him with disgust.

"You're wrong, everything about you always disgusted me. I'll stay with my love even if it means dying with him". She said as she rushed to Yukimura's side making him lean on his shoulder.

"Crazy witch! Now, your destiny is also death. Both of you will fall together!". Dong Zhuo released the enormous reddish energy towards then and Yukimura placed himself in front of his wife.

"It's too early for you to die here my love. Escape the castle. Please live for me!".

"Yukimura, No! I'll stay with you no matter what!" His wife shouted and tears started to fall from her face.

"Know your limits! Dieee!". Dong Zhuo put more strength into the attack and the energy started to consume Yukimura starting to disintegrate his arm's armor. The energy was about to consume the couple whole but someone appeared right in front of the attack putting his hands in front of it and as soon as he did, the energy was completely absorbed, surprising everyone present.

"Forgive my rudeness, but he didn't allow my passage so I had to deal with him". A voice from someone who was climbing the stairs was heard. five other figures emerged into the castle tower, it was none other than Pain.

"And who are these people? perhaps some barbarians, mercenaries, or are they from the revolutionary army who you hired out of desperation, Yukimura?". Dong Zhuo asked with sarcasm until he noticed a bloodied body being dragged by one of the individuals. "You killed Densuke! how could you... he was one of my best men!". Dong Zhuo said angrily.

"No, they didn't hire me. I actually invited myself to this party". Pain stated calmly.

"I don't know who you are, but please, save our kingdom, our late king was overthrown by this man years ago and since then we've only live in suffering through his tyrannical rule!". Yukimura pleaded while doing his best to bow to the strangers.

"That was my intention from the beginning now get out of here". Pain said while drawing a chakra receiver from his sleeve. Yukimura and his wife descended the stairs in a rush.

"Humph, whoever you are, you must be all very courageous to come here and start this insurrection against me! you and Yukimura all like to persist in your attempts to interrupted my rule. Foolish, truly foolish...".

"You're nothing more than the minister's lapdog aren't you? putting these people to work tirelessly so you can send supplies to the imperial capital. You feed on the fear and suffering of your own people. But it all ends today you're about to face your doom!". Tendo launched himself at the king trying to stab the bar into his heart but he managed to block in time with his club. The king tried to hit him but Tendo dodged effortlessly. 'That club is very durable... it's another one of those Teigus?' Tendo asked himself. He went for another attack by appearing behind his enemy and stabbing his back right in the ribcage but to his surprise, he couldn't perforate too far. Which made the king laughed maniacally.

"Gwahahahaha! you thought you could kill me that easily? my body was already resistant enough to damage but now that I got this teigu in my hands, it enhances body endurance to a point that It gives me an impenetrable armor to protect me while I can't defend myself!". The king gave another swing with his weapon to try to smash Tendo's head but the latter dodged again.

"Pitiful. It doesn't matter how many times you try to hit me. My source of power is limitless, I'm a God! It is only fitting for Gods to rule over the domain of men! The Emperor, the minister, and I are Gods that will issue forth a new Age!" Dong Zhuo shouted while trying to hit Pain with his club but he was much faster than him. "Curse you! stop dodging so I can hit you!".

'It seems that blunt attacks won't cause a permanent wound if I don't have enough strength. Very well I have to finish this quick anyway I'll switch places...' Tendo reunited with the other paths and Asura took a few steps forward signaling that he was the one who would finish this fight.

"So you decided to send your bald friend to fight while you cowardly hide behind the others?! haha! how pathetic you are!".

"Let me show you what a true God is capable of!".

Asura didn't play around he threw his hand towards the king's head like a cannon and Dong Zhuo defended using his teigu, leaving his front wide open for an attack. With a speed that could barely be seen with naked eyes, he punched through the King's stomach with a monstrous amount of strength, managing to open a large hole to the other side of his body.

"I-Impossible...! how...?! my body... was supposed to be impenetrable... this is impossible... cough... cough...". Dong Zhuo spoke while coughing tons of blood.

"Of all the six paths of Pain, Asura is the strongest in terms of brute strength". Tendo spoke while approaching the scene with all the other paths now all united together standing over the falling body of the king their Rinnegan shining bright purple giving him an imponent look just like a God.

"Just who are you...? you're not using a Teigu are you...?". Dong Zhuo coughed more blood he suffered more internal damage than he had thought. 'Is this how I die? my dreams of wine women and song, fading...'. Dong Zhuo thought while being lifted by Asura who threw him across the roof of the castle tower and then started to charge his arm cannon. The roof destruction caught the attention of everyone in the city soldiers and peasants alike who stopped what they were doing to pay attention to their soon-to-be-former lord's demise.

"Look! that's Dong Zhuo who's flying into the sky!". A peasant commented.

"Who could possibly do such a thing? Lord Yukimura...?". One of the guards who rebelled commented.

"No, I'm right over here". Yukimura who had already left the castle said while approaching the guards and peasants.

"What? but if you're not the one who defeated Dong Zhuo, who was it?". A peasant asked.

"I'm not really sure myself. He appeared out of nowhere. But one thing I'm sure of is that today heaven is on our side". Yukimura spoke heartedly.

"You asked who I was? we are Pain we are God! Now farewell, miserable worm". Pain spoke while releasing a huge beam from his mechanical arm that thundered across the sky leaving the people baffled by the scene. The once impenetrable body of Dong Zhuo was reduced to nothing but ashes. The sky was cleared, the sun who once brought suffering to people while they had to work under the corrupt rule of Dong Zhuo now shined hope into people's hearts. And right atop of the remains of the tower the people could see the figure of the one who released them from their torment. Pain raised his hand into the sky and infused his own chakra into the atmosphere he was using the Rain Tiger at Will technique that he used back when he commanded the hidden rain village. Water droplets started to fall from the once sunny sky giving Pain a God-like figure at the top of the tower.

"What is this...?". A peasant who got out of his stupor said while touching his shoulder. "It's water! It's starting to rain! It's a miracle!

It quickly started to rain in the kingdom, washing the blood-stained roads, putting out the fire that was burning the houses and buildings. Everyone laid down their weapons and fell to the ground, bowing to their savior.

"All hail God!". All of them shouted. Pain just observed everything calmly. This kingdom would be the place where his new hidden rain village would be reborn. A place where his figure as a God would take shape and spread throughout the world as an example to all corrupts that he would have to put down.

A few days later...

An envoy arrived at the imperial capital rushing to the throne room on the palace immediately to speak with the emperor and the minister. He kneeled in front of the emperor and spoke desperately.

"Your highness, the Kingdom ruled by Dong Zhuo in the southwest was taken down by rebels together with the help of someone called Pain! and all people connect to lord Dong Zhuo whether his family or allies have been killed there's no one left!".

"Whaaaaaaat!? what was that!?". The minister who was quietly eating a piece of meat shouted from the surprise and starting to sweat from fear.

"What should we do minister?". The current emperor Makoto, who was a mere ignorant child asked for advice from his manipulative advisor. He was also surprised by the turn of events.

"Immediate execution! let none stain your name, your highness! whoever these traitors are they must be burned into the ground!". The minister spoke angered.

"You're right, minister but who we should send? General Esdeath is occupied with a war in the north and General Budo can't leave the capital or it would be left unprotected".

'Damn, he's right... if Budo leaves the capital it would be unprotected, and if this Pain individual is strong enough to defeat Dong Zhuo, common soldiers won't be enough to detain him! drat, we already got enough problems with the revolutionary army and night raid in our hands why is there yet another threat to the empire rising into the scene?!' Honest asked himself while sweating.

"Is there something wrong minister? are you nervous? is there nothing we can do?". Emperor Makoto asked while looking at the minister's concerned sweating face.

"No! it's nothing to worry your highness I already have something planned! we will first take care of the enemies who are threatening the capital If this Pain becomes a major threat we'll deal with him as well!". Honest said while giving a confident smirk.

"Wool, impressive as always minister! we'll go with your plan".

'Hmph, it doesn't matter how many of them come, I'll destroy anyone who stands in the way of my ambition!'. Honest though giving out an aura of arrogance and superiority.

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