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66.66% Naruto x Tower of God ~ Beyond the Stars / Chapter 4: Neither regular nor irregular, what AM I?

Chapter 4: Neither regular nor irregular, what AM I?

Evankhell's Mothership

Naruto, Anak, and Hatz had finished their test and teleported to the next area. Upon arriving there, they noticed that many other teams managed to survive the last test.

"It looks like many other teams also survived, "Hatz spoke, a bit surprised.

"Yes. I wasn't expecting so many after all that." Anak commented.

The two suddenly realized what they were doing, looked at each other, and then averted gazes.

Naruto sighed mentally. 'There they go again...'

"You two better get along well while I'm here. You'll be holding back your teammates if you go down that road." Naruto then, summoned a vortex from his eye, freeing Shibisu from his dimension. The man fell with his face limp on the floor.

"Aaargh!! What the hell!?" He whined, pained.

"Stop whining, be a man," Naruto spoke.

"Yo-you! What did you do!? What was that place!?" Shibisu asked as he quickly pulled himself back up and pointed at the blond accusingly. Anak and Hatz also stared at him expectantly for an answer.

"Yes, I was about to ask the same thing. What was that vortex absorption ability that you used? I've never seen anything like that being done with shinsu." Hatz commented.

"I used something called Kamui, he was inside its dimension. I had to do that otherwise, I doubt they would teleport a fourth team member," Naruto replied bluntly.

"And how exactly does that ability work is...?" Hatz asked.

Anak didn't say anything nor turned to look at her teammate but deep inside, she was also curious so she slightly turned her gaze in his direction, expectant of an answer.

"Complicated." The blond replied, disappointing the group. "Hey, tracksuit," Naruto spoke as he dragged Shibisu near him. "Can I ask you to be the mediator between these two? They don't seem to get along too well. You see, when I saw your performance from afar in the forest I was amazed. I can't ask that of anybody else." Naruto spoke in a low tone in Shibisu's ear, inflating his ego.

Shibisu pointed at himself proudly and made a pose, "Leave it to me! You're lucky to have the great Shibisu on your team!" He said as he started to kick and punch the air, attempting to look cool. Naruto sweatdropped. His antics reminded him of bushy brown sensei and Lee.

"Well, you guys excuse me for a moment, I need to have a little chat with a friend's team." The blond spoke as he left. While he stepped out of their presence. Naruto stepped once, and suddenly, disappeared from their view, and those who watched, thought he had teleported.


"Gator, you alright?" Aguero asked while staring at Rak who held his left ear in pain.

"Did you say something, blue turtle?" Rak asked, not being able to listen properly.

"Hello, Baam and his friends." Naruto greeted, them upon appearing before them. Rak fell backward, Aguero shot his eyes wide, and Baam widened his eyes in emotion.

"Mr. Naruto!" Baam spoke in glee.

"You know him?" Aguero asked.

"Well, yes, I met him before getting in here."

"W-who is it, who is it?"Rak asked, struggling to lift himself.

"Here, let me give you a hand." Naruto grabbed Rak's hand, lifting it in a heartbeat, which impressed Aguero with his strength.

"A whiskered turtle!" Rak immediately spoke upon looking at his helper's face.

"Turtle...?" Naruto asked while his eyebrow twitched awkwardly. He then noticed the alligator's ear bleeding and his expression changed to a softer one. Naruto scratched the back of his head. "Sorry for causing so much trouble, here, I'll taker care of that." Naruto's hand glowed green as he put it near Rak's ear. 

"What are you doing whiskered turtle....? Hmm?" Rak felt a comforting feeling in his left ear that made him calm his usual hyperactive demeanor. Within a few seconds, Rak no longer felt pain. "The pain, it's gone!" Aguero and Baam blinked in surprise upon hearing the claim.

"What did you do?" Aguero asked curiously. He didn't seem to be using any shinsu.

Naruto caressed the back of his head carelessly. "Everyone keeps asking me that, haha."

"Mr. Naruto is always full of surprises," Baam commented.

"And what did you mean by causing us trouble? This is the first time we meet for all I know." Aguero stated and Naruto suddenly stepped back slowly, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry. It's just that I wanted to measure the regulars' strength and I went a bit ahead of myself. Those three that attacked you in the forest were my doing. Sorry once again." The claim made the trio blink in surprise.

"What!? You sent that mummy turtle after us!?" Rak yelled as he pointed his spear at Naruto.

 Aguero started at Naruto suspiciously and sweating. 'He sent it? Was that forest also his doing? I expect it to be the Administrator's doing strong is this guy?' He thought, surprised. "Hehe, did the mummy hurt the feelings of the awesome and strong Mr.Alligator?" Aguero asked dismissively.

"Of course not, you stupid puny blue turtle!"Rak cried. "I was about to turn that mummy turtle into my carpet when they suddenly vanished!"

"Don't feel offended, all that they stated about you and your team wasn't true. It was just a way to attempt to push you to your edges. You being weak isn't true, I can say that because I feel a latent power within you." Naruto spoke while using his finger to avert the sharp object to another direction.

Rak beamed in satisfaction. "Of course I do! What did you expect from me, Rak Wraithraiser!"

"You fell for that too easily, Gator," Aguero stated.

"I'm not lying, he does possess a high deal of power within him. I can feel the power of nature itself from here, it's almost like an earth bender... you can say that it's almost a sixth sense of mine although It seems to be dormant."

"And Baam, now that I can understand a little bit more of shinsu, I can safely say that you don't seem to have a limit of it within you; it is almost as if was infinite." Baam beamed in surprise. 

"M-me!?" He asked, pointing at himself.

"Yep. When I look at you, it feels like a river that flows indefinitely, with an unlimited potential to improve. I was surprised myself when I first felt it."

'Baam has hidden powers? But he looks so ordinary...' Aguero thought analytically as he stared at his teammate. "So... was the forest also your doing?" He asked.

"Yes, it was; surprised?" Naruto questioned, to which Aguero slightly nodded. 

"You're full of surprises. And what about me? Do I have some kind of mysterious hidden power or talent?" Aguero asked, although trying to not look very concerned.

"Hmmm...hmm...hmmm..." Naruto looked at Aguero but struggled to find anything.

"What? You didn't find anything?" Aguero asked, trying to hide his disappointment.

"It's not that. It is just that I struggle to find powers that are not too evident. But that doesn't mean that you don't have anything hidden." Naruto stated and the blue-haired boy's expression relaxed.

"I see... Are you from one of the ten great families? A lost child perhaps? What else you can do?"Aguero asked with curiosity.

"Ten great families...? I don't even know what that is. And I do possess many abilities but to be frank, If I was to show them all here, we would be stuck here the whole day" Naruto stated and Aguero gasped, looking at him as if he was an alien.

Rak shook his head violently. "Still! Bring back that mummy turtle here, I want a rematch!" Rak demanded while stomping his spear on the ground, ready for a fight.

"Well, hehe... you see..." Naruto giggled dismissively. "Hey! Want to see a lion turtle?" Naruto spoke, trying to avert his attention.

"Where, where!?" Rak asked while searching for the mentioned. 

"Look into my eyes." Rak did as asked and fell backward, asleep.

Aguero and Baam kept asking themselves how was he doing all that.

"Don't worry, he'll wake up soon. See you guys later, good luck with the next tests." Naruto was about to leave but was stopped by Aguero 's voice.

"Wait! There's one more thing I would like to ask. You said that you were testing the regulars back in the forest... what did you think of our performance?" 

"Hmm... you guys seemed very resilient to me but... you have to improve your teamwork and you, especially, seem to lack attitude when it comes to decision making; there will be times that your companions will need you and you won't be able just to stand there thinking too much over what strategy you need to use. Think of Rak and Baam as your precious gems, they'll be there to enlighten you when you're in the dark. In harsh situations, teamwork is essential; reflect on that." Naruto spoke as he disappeared in thin air, leaving behind a thoughtful Aguero.

"One lion turtle... two lion turtles... three lion turtles...Zzzzzzz" Rak mumbled while snoring. A bubble started to form from his nose which expanded each time he breathed until suddenly, it exploded. "Come back here!!" Rak yelled as he woke up abruptly. Aguero and Baam sweated comically.

When Naruto returned, he witness Anak and Hatz with arms crossed and distant from each other while Shibisu had a depressed aura around him. "Let me guess, you failed." The mentioned nodded slowly, ashamed.

"I was about to convince them..." Shibisu commented, trying to sound convincing.

"Uh-huh." Naruto nodded, trying to seem convinced. 

Their conversation was stopped midway thanks to a ruckus that two regulars were creating on another side of the ship.

Naruto had to hold back a snort."Never a dull moment in this place, huh?" Naruto asked as he once again disappeared from their presence.

On the far side of the room...

"I wear it! The next time I find that transvestite again, I'm gonna destroy its face!" Spoke an angered Endorsi as she cleaned her clothes of dust and dirt.

"If it wasn't for Akryung, we've been stuck under the earth. But Miss Endorsi, I've got a feeling that we won't be meeting that person again anytime soon," Rachel spoke as she cleaned her cloak.

"Why do you say that?"

"Take a look around you, there's not a single participant that looks like him or her," Rachel spoke as she took a look around the ship until something caught her eye. 'Baam!!' She exclaimed in her thoughts as she widened her eyes in surprise. 'So.... he survived the test...' She spoke mentally, almost with a feeling of concern as the chestnut might try to stop her.

"You're right... I wonder what happened to it...huh...?What's going on over there?." Endorsi asked, drawing Rachel's attention as they and everyone around witnessed a regular throwing a tantrum on the other side of the ship.

The commotion was caused by two regulars, one was being grabbed by the shirt and being yelled out by the other one who had a bandaged shoulder.

"You little shit!! You're dead!! Because of you, my arm had been chopped off!! How do you plan to repay it, huh?!" The regular with a bandaged shoulder asked furiously as he held the other by the shirt which only stared blankly at him.

"Don't know, maybe you should buy a new one and glue it on." The man bluntly replied.

"What!? You..." The regular's anger boiled as he tightened the grip on his shirt.

"Hoho, some regulars here are feeling a bit on edge, aren't they?" Naruto asked as he approached the two.

"Who the hell do you think you are!? Get outta here!!" The regular yelled furiously.

Naruto in the blink of an eye, gripped the regular's healthy arm with strength, making the prior clench his teeth, attempting to release himself from his grasp.

"I could break it, but I know you are more understanding than this," Naruto spoke ominously in a soft tone face-to-face while glaring at him intensively as he tightened the grip on his arm. 

The regular swallowed and started sweating bullets while shivering in fear. He simply walked back toward his teammates without speaking a word.

 Naruto's expression softened, he put his hands behind his back and kicked the ground dismissively. "Ahaha, he was a pretty comprehensive guy, wasn't he?"

"You... I didn't ask you to help me, idiot!!" The other regular stated angrily as he moved for a punch but just phased through Naruto's body, ending up with his face on the ground, surprising everyone who was watching the small quarrel.

"You were saying?" Naruto asked with a mocking tone as he left towards his teammates, leaving the regular mumbling to himself.

Rachel glared at the blond moving figure. "Mr. Naruto... you also passed the test..." She spoke softly as she watched him walk back to his team. 'Not only Baam but you too...' She thought as she clenched her fists and bite her lip in frustration.

"Something wrong? You know him?" Endorsi asked curiously as she watched Rachel's face flush and contort with indignation.

"It's nothing, forget it," Rachel spoke, dismissing the princess.

Endorsi then just shrugged it off. But something had caught her eye. The blond guy had used a very particular ability that she had never seen before. She hoped that she could talk to him later.

Lero Ro had watched enough. He intended to intervene as soon as he saw the two regulars start to confront each other but he saw himself forced to wait and watch the third party act. His appearance already highlighted him from the rest not to mention his speed and the strange capacity to seemingly turn himself intangible, all that and he didn't feel a single drop of shinsu being used; those were abilities uncommon and unheard of even amongst high rankers. That certainly wasn't something one would get from discovering its shinsu quality. He was intrigued to no end about the young man. 'Was he also the one who created that new environment inside the grassy plains in the last test? Just what in the world is he....?' He asked himself as he moved towards the regulars.

"Alright, that's enough. Any fighting is prohibited during breaks." He spoke as he called the attention of everyone in the room. "I'm your test Administrator, Lero Ro." He spoke, managing to shut any mumblings and talking in the room. "More of you passed than expected and even a certain group seemed to have broken the rules and bring more teammates than it should..." He spoke as he gazed at a particular team. "We have no choice but to do some culling..." He opened his palm, forming a shinsu orb and then releasing a water wave towards the regulars, sending them back from the barrier that was formed before them. "As some of you already know, shinsu is the source of the tower's power. We're able to breathe thanks to this water. Everyone within the tower uses this water to fight. Any team who manages to get through this wall without succumbing to the strength of the shinsu passes. Everyone else fails." He stated and some regulars gasped in shock.

"Team!? What if one of us can't get through?" One of the regulars asked.

"Simple, you all fail." Lero Ro replied bluntly.

"Bullshit!! What kind of unfair test is this!?" The same regular complained, outraged.

"Unfair? What is?" Lero Ro asked, feigning confusion.

"The teams we were paired up with were made in haste!! Being disqualified because of them is unfair! What is this supposed to be, pachinko!? Russian roulette!? This is totally luck-based!!"

"Everyone... do you even know what is the most important factor in climbing this tower? It is luck; luck to be born with exceptional brains or brawn, the luck to be blessed with wealth or good friends, or the luck to possess extraordinary skills and unique abilities. You made it this far because of your luck..." Lero Ro's speech was seen suddenly interrupted by a youth s shy voice.

"Excuse me... It didn't push me back." Baam spoke shyly while drawing everyone's attention.

"It didn't push me either," Naruto spoke from the other side of the barrier, making Lero Ro, Baam, and everyone else turn their gazes toward him, leaving them doubly surprised.

"Mr. Naruto!" Baam spoke as he approached the blond.

"Looks like you and I were born lucky, Baam," Naruto spoke sarcastically as he stared at the faces of the other teams.

"Yes, I guess that could also be considered your luck, you guys pass." Lero Ro spoke, getting an indignant reaction from the other teams.

"That's my black turtles and the whiskered turtle for you!" Rak complimented while Aguero had his mouth agape in realization.

'This could only mean that what Naruto said was true... both he and Baam are hiding a great power...' Aguero thought astonished.

'Hmm... it looks like, two monsters now walk the tower...' Lero Ro thought, staring at the two with a humorless expression.

Baam and Naruto took a sit on the stairs. "So... did you find Rachel yet?" Naruto asked, although he already knew the answer.

Baam's expression grew somber. "No... not yet." He replied while bowing his head in distress.

Naruto giggled softly. The kid sure was clueless. "Don't look right now, but she's right at the right top corner of the ship," Naruto spoke and Baam immediately perked up in anxiety.

"Where!? Where!?" He asked anxiously as he tried to pinpoint the exact location.

"She's the smallest one dressed in a cloak... if you look intently, you can see the blonde bangs of her hair and her freckles under her hood." Naruto spoke and Baam's eyes slowly made their way toward the pointed location, ever trembling with anxiety, attempting to grasp a single glimpse of his precious star.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Lero Ro asked suddenly, surprising both the irregulars as he took a seat near the two.

"You seem to be looking for someone in particular. How about this, while we're waiting, do you want to play a betting game?" Lero Ro asked the two "Regulars".

"Huh, what kind of bet?" Baam asked curiously. Naruto also showed a glint of curiosity on the ranker's proposal.

"Let's guess which Regular will be the first one to pass through the shinsu wall. If any of you get it right, I will answer any question you have to ask. In return, if I guess it right, you two have to answer a question of mine." Lero Ro explained, in an endeavor to kill his curiosity about these two mysterious "regulars".

Naruto activated his Rinnegan covertly as he looked at the regulars trying to cross the wall."Anak, she'll get through first, I'm sure," Naruto quickly deduced, pointing to Anak who was approaching the wall. 

"Hmm, right, I'll pick the same." Lero Ro stated. "What about you?" The Ranker asked while turning his gaze at Baam. 

Baam concentrated his eyes, trying his hardest to win the bet; he wanted to ask the ranker something that's been bothering him since he entered the tower. He could see that there was something around Anak that made her stand out from the others so his choice was clear; he also chose Anak. 

"Hmm, we all picked the same. Is there a particular reason why you two chose her?" The ranker asked curiously as to why that was their choice.

"Well, since the moment I met her she seems to be a very short-tempered girl and very distant from others so she probably would be the first to want to stay away from the multitude not only that but since she seems to have a greater opinion of herself, a characteristic that seems to be present in all these princesses I've met so far so she would want to be the first to cross. I was also capable of telling her apart from the others for this peculiarity that also seems to be prevalent in these princesses; I think that they are simply more resistant to this shinsu than the others," Naruto answered while subtly deactivating his Rinnegan.

Lero Ro nodded, impressed by his analysis. "You?" He asked as he turned to Baam, awaiting his answer.

"Just instinct, sir," Baam replied simply.

'Instinct, eh?' Lero Ro thought leery. 'His answer wasn't so elaborate as the Uzumaki but yet intrigued him. They must be somehow capable of actually seeing the friction that is applied to weaker and stronger resistant objects and life forms upon contact with shinsu; that alone was unique, there must be something else that connects these two other than being possible irregulars.' Lero Ro thought, deeply interested.

Their choice proves to be correct as Anak crosses through the shinsu wall with little to no difficulty.

"It seems like it's a tie, but since I'm a Ranker, I'll answer your questions." Lero Ro noted as Baam's face lighted up with hope.

"Please, tell me about irregulars!" Baam pleaded. Lero Ro gave him an inquisitive stare but decided to answer the boy.

Naruto looked at his team, seeing that Hatz had also crossed the barrier without difficulty but noted that Shibisu was still struggling to get across. He sighed and got up. "Mr. Lero Ro, you can answer Baam's question first, I'll go have a little chat with my team." He spoke as he left their presence.

"Damn it!! This makes no sense!! Why it doesn't work for me? You two were able to pass, why not me who mastered the killing arts!?" Shibisu cried comically as he fisted the wall irritated.

"What do you think you're doing?" Anak asked, annoyed by his yelling.

"Pitiful," Hatz spoke bluntly, witnessing his failed attempts.

"It looks like you're in quite a dilemma, tracksuit. Now that I'm here, could you stop the yelling? It's getting on my nerves you see," Naruto spoke, arriving at the scene.

"Naruto!" Hatz spoke surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Whiskers..." Anak spoke, witnessing his arrival, which made Naruto sweatdrop from the nickname.

"What did you just call me...? Why do some people insist on calling me that?" Naruto asks a little annoyed.

"Naruto Aniki! Give me a hand here with that whirlpool thingy will ya? I can't stand this old hag here anymore!" Shibisu pleaded and the woman beside him had the veins on her forehead throbbing.

"What did you just call me you geezer!?" The woman, Serena, asked, extremely annoyed by the choice of word.

"Hmm, I might give you a few hints so pay attention alright?" He spoke and he nodded.

Naruto had an idea of how to manipulate shinsu since the cage confrontment with the eel but he needed to confirm it first. He needed a test subject and Shibisu could be perfect. But first, he needed to give him a little push...

Naruto crossed to the other side of the wall and touched Shibisu's abdomen with his finger and Shibisu made a face of confusion, not understanding what he was doing. Naruto had released the flow of his spiritual energy through the chakra concentrated in the pool on the abdomen so he could see if his guess was right.

"Trying to go against the dense shinsu in this wall might feel like trying to go against the tide. There's this little trick I know, try to use both your arms to manipulate the shinsu in front of you to open a path. It will seem like you're trying to push and pull the tide, you'll become its flow and bend the tide to your will." Naruto explained and Shibisu seemed to give it a thought momentarily. In a few minutes and a few attempts, Shibisu managed to open a "door" in the shinsu wall with mid difficulty, astonishing everyone who was watching. 

Naruto smirked proudly. "See? That wasn't so difficult, wasn't it?" Naruto asked and Shibisu who was panting from the many attempts inclined his head to reply.

"That... that was awesome!! Where did you learn that!?" Shibisu asked while shaking Naruto with his hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, stop already! It was just a theory that I need to confirm." Naruto spoke and Shibisu's s expression became leery.

"So... you were using me as a guinea pig?" Shibisu asked with a shadow over his face.

"...yeah..." Naruto replied wearily a bit worried that he might have upset his teammate.

"That was awesome!! Teach me more!" Shibisu pleaded as he raised his hands and ran at Naruto, starting shaking him again, annoying him once again.

Lero Ro who had finished explaining to Baam what irregulars were, was surprised, to say the least. The Uzumaki seemed to somehow give the guy in the tracksuit the capability to manipulate shinsu even without an Administrator's contract or at least, that is what seemed to have happened. He now, more than ever, wanted to find out his identity. He got up and went towards the blond; he simply did not know what to think at this point.

"Well, that was impressive although I must ask you to not do that to anyone else otherwise we'll have trouble, haha." Lero Ro advised nervously as he scratched the back of his hair sheepishly.

Serena who was watching just lowered her head, disappointed and frustrated."That's not fair..." She said and Shibisu showed his tongue to her mockingly, making her flush from anger once again.

However, their moment of playfulness was seen stopped by a tall man with an angered expression who started yelling furiously, drawing everyone's attention.

"Dammit! Why must I fail at such a ridiculous test?" The tall man yelled angrily "I don't care what this blue wall thing is made of, but I am plenty strong without having that kind of skills!"

"Out of all the regulars here, I am the strongest!" The guy boldly declared, making Naruto just stare at him, slightly annoyed. It was obvious that this guy was the all-talk archetype.

"And not passing this stupid test means I'm disqualified?! Nonsense! And some kind of wimp passed by a fluke?! And who that blond thinks showing off like that!? Big deal! Even a stupid lizard bitch and a silly guy who plays the part of a happy-go-lucky maverick in a tracksuit managed to get through the wall! Even if I am much stronger than them I am the one disqualified?!" At this point, Naruto's face was covered by a shadow; his anger boiled from the insults this man was throwing at his comrades.

The moment Lero Ro was just about to stand to teach the regular a lesson, Naruto simply blocked his path with his arm. "Allow me. I've got an intolerance when it comes to these subjects. Some people can't be convinced by simple words of mercy or kindness." He spoke with a warped expression on his face as something was triggered within him. His eyes were now crimson once again as he directed his arm up front and opened his palm. "So... you want to pass badly, don't you? Then allow me to give you a hand." A black sphere morphed into his hand, starting to pull its target toward the shinsu wall which immediately crashed against it with an impact.

"Aaargh!!" The tall man cried with the pain he felt from the strong crash.

"Already crying from this little amount of strength? We still got ways to go." Naruto increased the gravitational orb pressure to pull the target harder, and now the sound of the creaking of his bones and teeth was about to become audible. The man's face contorted with the extreme agony and pain he was feeling. The witnesses watched frightened, seemingly to share some of the man's pain.

"What's the matter? Those high spirits you had, where did they go? Won't you mock my companions again!?" Naruto asked angered. 

Lero Ro noticed that he didn't seem to be understanding what he was doing, he seemed warped out of his mind. If he continued to smash the man against the wall like that, he would eventually be crushed; he needed to stop him now.

"Alright, that's enough!" Lero Ro stated as he plummed his hand into Naruto's shoulder, bringing him back to reality.

"Huh...?" Naruto asked confusingly as he stared at the pained man in front of him.

"I think you went a bit too far with your punishment, Uzumaki." Lero Ro spoke nervously with a drop of sweat falling across his cheek.

"S-Sorry... it's just I couldn't stand his words to my companions..." Naruto excused.

"You just humiliated that tall man! You almost made him cross the shinsu wall by force!" Shibisu stated while raising his hands to give more emphasis to his claim.

"Yeah..." The blond spoke with a bit of regret.

"Yes, you seem to be keeping many secrets from us, Whiskers," Anak spoke while approaching the blond Uzumaki.

"You got me stunned by your actions back there, Naruto. You continue to surprise us," Hatz spoke while crossing his arms but Naruto was lost in his thoughts.

'I felt such a surge of power within me and I couldn't control it... this had never happened before. Wait... back in the cage, I couldn't control the amount of shinsu and I ended up obliterating that eel. It looks like shinsu is indeed a very volatile and tremendous power with great and infinite possibilities, I need to find a way to control it...' Naruto spoke mentally, fearful that this could happen yet again.

"Hey! Naruto!" Baam yelled, getting his attention.

 Naruto approached Baam and told him everything Lero Ro knew about irregulars to him in thanks for telling him about Rachel but he still felt bewildered by Naruto's previous actions so he kept a little distance from him which made Naruto a little sad.

After Baam's explanation, Naruto could only ask himself one thing, 'Regular, Irregular, just what am I?' He asked himself as he stared at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He need to understand what was happening to his shinsu otherwise, this could come back to haunt him later.

"Oy! Baam!" Aguero waved from afar followed by Rak, drawing the irregulars' attention.

"Mr. Khun ." Baam perked up with glee. "Mr. Naruto, Mr.Lero Ro, I'll be going now."

"Alright, see you later, Baam," Naruto spoke.

"After the end of the test, I hope we can meet again Baam." Lero Ro spoke and Baam was about to leave when he was stopped by the ranker's voice. "And one more thing, Baam." He spoke, calling his attention once again. "Your teammate, Khun, I suggest you don't get too friendly with him, he's from a dangerous bloodline, be careful" Lero Ro noted, warning the boy.

'Is he really the one we should open our eyes for?' Naruto asked mentally as he glanced at a blonde-cloaked girl and her team. 

Naruto returned to his teammates' side and they readied themselves for the next test that awaited them.

Lero Ro watched the teams leave with extra care with a certain blond. Whatever he was, he would find out...

Chapter End

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