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56.25% A Necromancer In Super Gene / Chapter 9: Identity Revealed?

Chapter 9: Identity Revealed?

Traveling for straight three days, we stopped at a grand canyon. Walking inside it for two hours, we saw a cave, it was pitch black.

"Be careful, although we have cleared the primitive beasts, everyone should be cautious and take precaution on their every step." Fist Guy's gang's Thumb said.

After traveling even deeper in the cave, the space suddenly became huge and we saw a big hall in front of us, unknown veins were covering the entire area, and in the bottom of the cave, we saw a black pangolian looking creature which was more than 6 feet in height, it has spikes all around and it's whole body was covered in crystal. At that time, it was drinking water from the pool.

Discussing the plan, fist guy instructed Han Sen to do his task. According to the plan, we all made some attack on its body, throwing iron balls at its crystal shell.

All those attacks did was just make some noise, they didn't even left any white mark on the scales. This thing must've irked the very soul of the creature, it was quickly angered to its core, it suddenly curled up it's body and was looking like a spiked snail all of a sudden.

The creature quickly rushed where we were standing, on its way to us, it tore apart even the rocks beneath it's body.

"Quickly, hide in one of the tunnels." I said and started to run towards one of the tunnel.

But it seems my luck wasn't with me today, instead of following Thumb, the creature start following me.

Without wasting any time, I quickly summoned my Obsidian Dragon and told it defend me from its attacks.


The Obsidian Dragon hissed at the spinning creature and deflected it with its tail.


A very heavy metallic noise was produced when the scales of Obsidian Dragon and the spiked snail were collided into each other.

But the rolling creature just didn't stopped there. Rolling, it made a heavy wound on the body of the big snake, blood gushed out of the snakes body and was suddenly vaporized into nothingness.

In the meantime, I quickly hid myself into one of the tunnel and recalled my Obsidian Dragon before he was Killed by the ruthless monster.

Its eyes on the side of its body twirled for a while and detected no danger. It then slowly spread its body and crawled around to chew on the black vines.

"You alright, Chéng? Said Thumb looking at me.

"Even though I'm alright, it's not same for my Beast Soul." I said with a distressed expression.

"I wonder if Ass Freak could finish the task." Little Finger watched the quiet pool and the creature eating the vines with a worried look on his face.

"I'm sure he can, I have seen his capabilities with my own eyes beforehand." I said with a wry smile on my face.

Just when we were thinking if Han Sen would be able to kill it or not. We saw the creature going near a stone slate and sleeping on it.

Han Sen's oxygen tank was obviously very small, and the creature was sleeping there like a dead pig.

Later, it somehow stands up started to drink the water from the pool. But, it was on the other shore. Just when we all were antagonizing about the fact that Han Sen can't even touch it from that distance, we suddenly heard a screech from the bottom, an arrow was stuck at the white jaw of the creature.

Seeing this spectacle, we all landed down there and started to corner the creature, even after being stabbed it was still fierce as ever. After fighting with humans for some time, the spiky snail noticed that it was losing its strength, the creature didn't dared to fight with its weakened body and suddenly started to go deeper into the caves

"Quick, follow it." Fist guy said and started to chase it.

Having chased for more than two hours in the tunnels, they finally saw the light as they had come out of the cave and entered a forest of hoodoos.

The ground was still stained with blood, so apparently the sacred-blood creature had fled among the hoodoos.

I just continued to follow them, knowing what was gonna happen, cold sweat began to form around my forehead

Suddenly, Han Sen stopped all of a sudden and confirmed that the scaled armadillo was killed, the whole gang was overjoyed and rushed deeper to find its body. More cold sweat began to form around my forehead, even though I have experienced this same felling a few days ago, this time it was different. It was like that I knew I was going to die.

After traveling for some more time, we saw the dead body of scaled armadillo, but the spectacle was different from what everyone had expected. On top of the dead beasts body, was standing a bird.

A gorgeous bird more than nine feet tall with silver body and ruby eyes was using its silver hook-like claws to tear the scaled armadillo's body and peck at its flesh. The scales that even a sacred-blood weapon could not break were torn apart like they were made of paper.

without wasting any time, I did the thing for what i have came here. "Extract" I said and heard a similar voice in my head. Hearing it, I was head over sky but didn't showed it in my face

"Sacred-blood Scaled Armadillo Devil Soul added in your Devil Deck. Devil Soul count increased by one."

"Fuck, its a sacred beast. Scatter y'all " I said and started to run, in this overhaul I summoned my Three-foot toad Devil Soul, it was even bigger than the bird.

The truck sized toad stand in the path of the bird, Just when I was thinking that it should be able to hold the super Creature for at least a few seconds, the toad meat was splattered apart from its chest and quickly disappeared.

Luck or bad luck, I was just running besides Han Sen, we both traveled outside of the hoodoos forest.

"Fuck my luck." I Said and started to run as fast as I can.

"Brother, are we going to die here?" I asked Han Sen while running as fast as I Can

"I don't know, just run with your life." Han Sen said and suddenly summoned all of his sacred-blood Beast Souls.

"Dollar?" I said acting surprised.

Without wasting any more of his time, Dollar started to run on all of his four legs, only I was left behind then.

"Fuck, if it's gonna come to this..." I said and summoned my Primitive blood armour which was better than nothing along with all of my Devil Souls.

Jumping directly on the back of Bloody Slayer, I commanded it to follow Dollar as fast as it can, instructing my Puple-Winged Dragon and Sacred-blood Black Stinger, I saw Dollar in front of me. He was running without even looking back what was happening behind him.

"Sacred-blood Black Stinger is slained. Returning it to it's cooldown period."

"Sacred-blood Purple-Winged Dragon is slained. Returning it to it's cooldown period."

After deploying my units, I heard the notifications of them being killed seven minutes later.

"At least they were able to hold it back for seven minutes." I said, still running towards the direction of dollar.

Catching up with him, I saw him running on all of his four. Returning my primitive armor in my sea of soul, I showed the Bird behind me a middle finger, I thought of a plan in this meantime, but for it to work, I have to provoke the Silver Bird behind me. I didn't knew if the middle finger worked or not, but the beasts speed was surely increased.

In front of me was the big River and on the back was a terrifying flying monster.

Han Sen wasn't even aware of my presence at that time, reaching the river, he jumped in it without looking back. One second later I also jumped into the river, looking back I saw the silver eagle almost catches up to me and was about to make an attack on my back.

"Summon" I thought and summoned my mutant Black Stinger behind me, the attack was delivered into its body, splitting it apart on impact.

Summoning my Obsidian Dragon which had almost healed from his wounds by that armadillo, I quickly commanded it to go near Han Sen.

"Quick." I said while giving my hand to Han Sen, which he quickly grabbed.

Diving deeper and staying for a minute underwater, I quickly rose on the surface.

Huff* Huff*

"Fuck, I legit thought I was gonna die." I said panting.

"you didn't." Han Sen said sarcastically.

"Anyways, How were you able to escape that monster? I mean like didn't you said your Obsidian Dragon beast soul isn't ground type? And what were those shrill noises from behind? Han Sen asked.

"Well, I actually have another ground type sacred-blood beast soul that I have prepared for myself as a hidden card. Like you did with your Bloody Slayer and golden armor. As for the latter, there were some other beasts fighting the big eagle. I also just have taken a quick peek so i don't know much." I said in a neutral tone.

I somewhat knew that Han Sen wasn't buying my lie. But he didn't said anything because he didn't have enough evidence.

After that conversation, a pin drop silence was created between the two of us.

Sniffing the smell of blood, some weird looking fish came near me, I commanded Obsidian Dragon to eat them or sway them away, because we were slightly up from the water level, those fishes weren't able to bite me. I would've been done for sure if I got poisoned by some mutant fish.

"You alright, Sen?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Do you seriously think I'm alright?" Answered Han Sen, annoyed.

"Let alone that, but to think you are dollar... Hilarious, isn't it?" I said in an amused tone.

"Don't tell anyone that I'm dollar, because you are the only one who knows my circumstances." Said Han Sen.

"Well, I know it even better than you." I said in a hushed tone.

Seeing one of the strange fish that was still alive there, I quickly stabbed it with my crescent spear.

"Primitive creature black lantern fish killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten primitive geno points randomly."

Cutting it's flesh, I quickly taken out the stove from my inventory and putted a part of the fish in the stove.

"Your Beast Soul is actually quite convenient at times like these." Han Sen complimented.

"Well, it's a mutant beast soul." I said casually.

Because the only meat I have in my inventory is mutant meat that I have hunted in the Dark Swamp, I didn't ate it in front of him.

"But how come I haven't seen it's information on Sky Net?" Han Sen questioned.

"Well, it's a new type Beast Soul that I have gained after hunting a void crocodile." I answered.

After eating adding some spices in the fried meat, we both ate the meat which was somewhat better than eating it raw.

In the meantime, I had already ordered my Obsidian Dragon to go where the flow of water was going. The next event area should've been near.

Obsidian Dragon was in it's own league in water, even it's speed was next level, but I didn't dared to command it to drive it in it's max speed.

After traveling about half an hour, I saw a sea shore. Next to the shore was a grove of trees. Upon looking around it, we saw no creatures around it.

Before climbing the shore, I quickly putted the stove in my inventory and recalled my Obsidian Dragon.

I quickly sat on one of the tress and checked my system panel while Han Sen sat on top of a tree, checking how many wounds he got.

All this time, I was itching to check my Special Quest reward, what could it have been for it to have that type of difficulty.

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