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43.75% A Necromancer In Super Gene / Chapter 7: Martial Ring Contest, Is It?

Chapter 7: Martial Ring Contest, Is It?

Going around searching for Son of Heaven, I found his gang, I stumbled into Luo Tianyang.

"Don't let me see you in my group, or you will be dead thousand times." Luo Tianyang said with a darkened expression on his face.

"F#*k off bi*#h." I said with an annoyed face.

Seeing my reaction, Luo Tianyang was ready to attack me at that moment but a hand stopped him, looking back he saw it was son of heaven.

Even though son of heaven isn't afraid of anyone, he still don't know my actual strength, maybe that's why he didn't attacked me till now.

Although I protected Han Sen that day, Son of Heaven hasn't dispatched any of his members to kill me, after seeing my sacred-blood mount, he must've thought that I was a tough opponent.

After picking a small fight with son of heaven's gang, I get off from there and teleported to planet Roca, chilling for a whole day in my small apartment, I teleported back to the god's sanctuary next afternoon.

Checking for my number in martial ring, I saw that I have to wait for another 10 minutes to enter my preliminary round. Waiting on a stand, I saw Qin Xuan and Yang Manli coming over where I was standing.

"Can you fight me without any of your Beast Soul?" That was the first thing Qin Xuan asked me after not seeing me.a whole month.

"Well, I certainly can't fight without my beast souls, but I can still give it a try, please wait until my preliminary match ends." I replied to her quickly.

"Good" she said and moved to another stand.

"That was all she wanted to ask? For real?" I murmured to myself.

I expected her to at least ask me where I have been this whole month or something like that. But I can already guess why she asked me that.

"Planning to hypnotize me, Huh? But even I'm not sure if I can dispel her hypnosis" I thought somewhat worried.

Suddenly, I saw that the ongoing match was ended and a blood colored human came out from the ring, all alone. He was the winner of that match.

Entering the arena, I saw 99 other contestants ready for a battle. They looked even weaker compared Su Xiaoqiao. Because all the strong people have already registered first, there was only weaker people to fight in the end.

After the fight started, some people came after me making a group. It wasn't like I had done anything to hold grudges with them. In the end, the conclusion I came was that they were people of either Luo Tianyang or Son of Heaven.

"He's trying to judge my strength?" I thought while summoning my sacred-blood Obsidian Dragon,ordering it to kill everyone of them.

The large beast didn't spared any human and either killed them or ate them as a whole, the people in the ring was literally no match for the sacred-blood creature.

Soon, the room became a death game, people were killing each other. And There, I stood on top of the head of the snake with a loaded bow in my hand, faraway from anyone.

In the end, only a single person left other than me. He was also colored with the color of blood, holding a machete in his hand.

Going over where he was standing, I pinpointed my loaded bow on his head.

"Brother, how about you get off from here?" I said in a calm tone.

But, he didn't listened to any of my words and swinged his machete in my direction. The moment he moved from his position, I shot my arrow, he tried to block it with his machete, but the arrow pierced his machete, directly reaching his head. Even though I didn't wanted to do it to an innocent person, I was left with no choice.

I have searched every bit of my memory and wasn't able to find anything related to him,so all I was able to think that he was a NPC character or something like that.

After he died, I moved out from the arena. But unlike Dollar, there weren't any fans chasing me.

"Well, it's just my preliminary match. Let's just wait until the next match." I thought and started to move out from there, only to get blocked by Qin Xuan.

"Let's start, shall we? Also, I won't be free till weekends, so let's do it now." Qin Xuan said with a serious gaze and ordered me to follow her outside the shelter.

Even though I was tired a bit, I didn't dared to not follow her. After all, this was my last chance to get in her gang.

After reaching the teleport station, I entered the combat room in it. In front of me, stood Qin Xuan with a white track suit while I wore a red one.

"Here, drink it and make the first attack." Qin Xuan said and passed me a water bottle.

"I'm not that thirsty, let's just start without it." I said and returned her the water bottle.

"..." Qin Xuan was left speechless, but she didn't dared to force it.

I haven't learnt any of single martial arts expect for the beginners on because I was too dependent on my Devil Souls. This fight was obviously gonna be a tough one.

Moving from my place, a made a swift leg kick towards her abdomen which she slightly dodged off from a weird angle. She made a heavy kick towards me, but unlike her I wasn't able to dodge it well. Having forced to take it head on, I protected my head with my arms, only to receive a lower calf kick.

The fight taken place a few more minutes, I really wasn't a fighter type, so all I did was to make some light attacks and recieve her heavy attacks.

Huff* Huff*

"I give up." I said and made a peace sign with both of my hands.

"You are weak. With this level of strength, I don't think you will be able to join our Steel armour gang" She said and passed me the bottle of water from before.

This time, I drank it without hesitation.

Suddenly, I felt somewhat dizzy, but that felling went off after a few seconds.

I saw Qin Xuan looking at me curiously and then she said. "Hey, Liu Cheng. Do you think I'm preety?

"You are pretty, but not my type." I said and started to move out of the combat room.

"Come here." She said in a calm voice.

"I'm not in your hypnotism..." I said and exited the combat room, entering the God's Sanctuary once again.

"I guess I really sucks at close combat." I thought and entered my room.

After making some mutant meat jerky, I began to thought why I wasn't affected with her hypnotism.

I was able to think of some possibilities, like do I have a mental fortitude hidden skill? Or is the hypnotism didn't worked on me because my sacred Geno points tally is 38?

After giving it some thought, I was only able to think of a single solid possibility. It was what the rob said, that my mind is fixed in his body and can't be changed. So,have I gained some kind of mental fortitude? Well, only that omnipotent being knew what it was.

Travelling in the shelter, I stumbled upon Han Sen.

"Yo, Sen. Where have you been this whole time?" I asked Han Sen who looked like he just has returned to the shelter.

"Hunting some Black Stingers." Han Sen replied casually.

"Is that so? Ok then, let's meet again tomorrow." I said and exited from the sanctuary.

He must've thought that I taken him answer as a joke, but I didn't. I knew it already so without much of conversation I get off from there.

"Today was a boring day..." I thought and get in into an ice cream shop. It wasn't a VIP only so I ordered an ice-cream.

"Hey, see that handsome." A young girl standing three seats away from me said to her friend.

"Am I really handsome?" Just when I was thinking about why no one has noticed my Beauty, I saw a girl coming over where I was sitting.

"Umm, can I get your phone number?." She said and passed her phone to me.

It seems I'm indeed handsome.

"Sure." I said with a smile and passed her my phone number.

"Thanks." She said and get away from there with a slight blush on her face.


Qin Xuan.

Su Xiaoqiao.

Li Qing.

"I have three contacts... Well now I can really guess that my beauty is quite something. But it won't works on the people of sanctuary... Or did I have a bad reputation among the people of steel armour shelter?" I thought while eating my ice-cream.

Next afternoon, I teleported back to the shelter. It was my turn in just a few more rounds so I entered the martial ring. I had researched a bit on my opponent, it seemed that he was nothing popular and was just an ordinary person, his number was 25384 and mine was 75557, there was a huge gap for sure. Upon entering the martial ring, I saw Qin Xuan and her squad a few metres away from me, reaching them, I sat on one of a seat together with them.

"Hey, Qin Xuan." I said with a smile on my face.

"Come into the office once you complete your match." She said and looked away.

After waiting there for 10-12 minutes, I entered the arena, it was time of my match.

Apparently my opponent name was Li Hongtao. He was a spearmen and was somewhat famous in the sanctuary. Taking out my bow, I started to run all around the arena, that iron-clad spearmen still stranded at his initial position looking at me with a sharp gaze.

I shot an arrow towards his head. In response, he lifted his spear and drifted my attack on the other side.

"Not bad." I said aloud.

I was intentionally making a big distance between us because I was using a bow. Shooting three more arrows towards where he was standing, I saw him deflecting my every attack.

"Is it the limit of what you can do?" He said and started to move from his initial position.

Closing the gap between us in just a few seconds, he attacked my chest with his spear. I tried to deflect his attack with my bow, but was left with a bruise on my chest.

At that point, I knew that I really sucked at close combat.

Without wasting any more time, I summoned my Obsidian Dragon in front of me. Ordering it to apprehend him with his tail, I loaded my bow with my last Z-steel arrow and pointed it toward his head.

He tried to dodge the tail of the beast, but was left powerless.

",Do you give up?" I said, still pointing my arrow towards his head.

"No wait! Don't kill me, I'll quit." After confirming his approval, I then proceed to throw him out of the ring.


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