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31.25% A Necromancer In Super Gene / Chapter 5: Wannabe Fly?

Chapter 5: Wannabe Fly?

"Now that I think about it, isn't my growth rate too fast? It's not like I'm here for a decade, I entered the first God's Sanctuary just a few months ago and my Sacred-blood Geno points are already at 38. Hilarious, isn't it?" I thought to myself while chewing my mutant meat jerky.

"Flesh of Iron-toothed Crocodile eaten. One mutant Geno points gained"

"What if people became suspicious of me of my growth speed? Even at this point, it's still possible for me to go back, doesn't it? But even if they were to send a special squad to kill me, they won't be able to do anything to me, right? Unless they are an evolver... Ugh, I have to become stronger quickly. Fuck their suspicion" annoyed, I packed up to go on a new hunt.

"Although, I can't fight super creatures, killing some sacred-blood creatures shouldn't be a problem for me now."

Diving deeper into my past knowledge, I remembered some sacred-blood creatures location.

"I can poke the ant nest now, while Devil Desert is a good choice too, or should I go to kill that armoured spear knight? But there are two sacred-blood creatures, although I can probably kill them with my Bloody Slayer and Obsidian Dragon..." Checking for their pros and cons, I came to a conclusion.


"Fu*k, all of these options are tempting, if I go to swamps, I will probably get a sacred-blood Devil Soul, while poking the ants nest will get me many mutant Devil and Beast Souls, Last but not least... Worm King Beast Soul is that of a pet, and I was just thinking to raise a pet Beast Soul too... And the next event is just in a week, so I can't go to all of those locations."


After checking all those available options, I choosed to not go there for the time being, as because the next event is just near.

[7 days later]

Almost a week has passed since then, and my weekly Quest are like they had completely disappeared, leaving only the special Quest to me. Today's the day when the famous gangs of our shelter will go to hunt a sacred-blood creature, the Purple-Winged Dragon.

"I do really want a flying Devil soul... Even a beast soul would work for me. Let's see if I can get anything from this hunt." I said while preparing to go on the hunt.


After reaching the agreed place, I saw Son of Heaven and his gang. In Son of Heaven's gang, I saw Luo Tianyang giving me and Han Sen a cold stare, in response I just shrugged off.

After the two groups partied up, Son of Heaven's gang led the way into the mountains, almost more than half a month had passed in our March. This time, I didn't summoned any of my Devil Souls as I planned to not show off too much.

After reaching the designated location, Yang Manli asked Son of Heaven for the Z-steel arrows. And as I thought, Han Sen wasn't able to get the 20 starlight arrows.

"Don't worry Sen, I know you are very strong. It doesn't matter if you don't have the starlight arrows, you are still formidable." Jumping out of nowhere near Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao, I said in a genuine voice.

"He's right." Said Su Xiaoqiao.

"Well, we'll see that." Han Sen said without a change in his expressions.

Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao found a comfortable spot and I joined them too, but suddenly Son of Heaven walked over and said."What are you useless scums doing here? Go away."

I knew that there was still some bad blood between me and Son of Heaven, I even wanted to settle it for once, but I didn't do it at that time because I prioritised the hunt more than this mere fight.

"Well guys, let's not pick up a fight here." I said while looking at Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao.

"They are going too far" Su Xiaoqiao said.

After going away from there, We began to discuss something about Z-steel. Suddenly, I heard a Dragon howl, picking up my bow, I saw a huge Dragon... Or lizard?

On the order of Yang Manli, all the archers started to shoot the flying beast, I also shooted 2 of my arrows, but all they left was some sparks on its body.

None of the arrows was able to penetrate it's purple wings, let alone the scales. Even though my archery wasn't as good as Han Sen, it was still somewhat better, one could say that I was at the beginner level.

After taking some attacks from both Son of Heaven and Yang Manli, the creature flew away and escaped.

"Follow it, it's injured so it can't go far." Son of heaven roared and summoned his Mount.

Suddenly Qin Xuan came from the valley and gave Han Sen a signal. Knowing it, Han Sen leaped onto the Mount of Qin Xuan.

"Fuck, I will have to get it's Devil Soul." I thought and summoned my Obsidian Dragon.

Although it's speed was reduced to that of a mutant as mount on the land, I didn't dared to summon Bloody Slayer, otherwise people would've attacked it first.

After chasing the flying beast for almost 8 hours, I saw Qin Xuan and Han Sen. Reaching there, I saw Son of Heaven and all the people who came with their mounts.

In front of me stood a huge mountain. On top it, stand the flying creature, still howling.

"Well, my work is almost finished here. First of all, I only came here to get my hands on its Devil Soul, not Beast Soul. Han Sen's gonna get it anyways." I thought while Aiming my bow at the creature, upon shooting an arrow it didn't even touched it.

While Qin Xuan and Han Sen get up there, I remained on the land trying to act shooting when I didn't even shoot an arrow, Z-steel arrows are expensive...

"It's hard to see what's happening up there. Well, I will just take it easy then."

I thought while chewing my meat jerky, now everyone had gone up there expect for a few people, I wasn't even trying to shoot.

Just a few minutes ago, Son of Heaven also rushed to the top, so did the people with mounts. Just when I was thinking how much is it progressed, I saw a black shadow in the sky.

It started faint then grew larger until I was able to see what it was. Just as I thought it was the flying beast with an arrow pierced it's neck. The beast blasted itself on the land and made a small creater.

"Let me try my luck before they rush here." I said and extracted it's Devil Soul.

"Devil Soul of sacred-blood Purple-Winged Dragon obtained. Devil Soul count increased by 1.

"Fuckkkkk yeah." I Said aloud only to get some serious stares from the people around me.

"Ehehe, what a nice day it is, then please excuse me." Feeling somewhat ashamed, I quickly mixed into the crowd that had formed just now.

"After everyone up from there rushed down here, Son of Heaven cursed Han Sen, only to get a boink from Qin Xuan."

After packing up the dead beast's body, all of us returned to the shelter, all I got from that hunt was a small piece of sacred-blood meat. I didn't choosed two thousand dollars because I'm not really short on money, I have like 25 million dollars in my bank account. It's not like my luck so high that I will get a sacred-blood Geno point from it, but it won't hurt to at least try, does it?

"Not gonna lie, this hunt was surely a good one, for me at least..."

Special Quest - Obtain 3 sacred-blood Devil Souls.

Special Quest completion rate - 33.333%

"I'm tired..."


Liu Cheng: Not Evolved

Status: None

Life Span: 200 years

Geno points gained: 100 ordinary Geno points, 100 primitive Geno points, 37 mutant Geno points, 38 sacred Geno points.

Beast Souls gained: mutant iron-toothed crocodile, mutant copper-toothed, ...

"Hmm, not bad I guess. Now for the next hunt, let's go and poke the hornet's next, shalll we?" I thought while taking a shower.

After packing some necessities, I marched to the dark swamp, after asking people the direction of Dark swamp, I recieved the instructions and... A cold stare.

"They must've think that I was a suicidal bitch. Although, Han Sen is also going to enter the dark swamp in a few days, I have to complete my special Quest as quickly as I can..." Reaching a safe spot, I summoned my Primitive Black beetle armor and the Purple Dragon Devil Soul.

Climbing on its back, I instructed it to go in a certain direction. Because this rather big lizard was even more faster than a sacred-blood beast soul, it was easy for me to reach my destination in just a single day.

Although the tress were rather low in numbers, they were as big as a mountain in sizes and thier trunks alone would take many people to cover it up.

Driving my Devil Soul even deeper into the Dark Swamp, I saw a rather peculiar creature. It was a three-foot toad, which was as big as a truck. I actually wanted it's Devil Soul for real.

Summoning my Bloody Slayer onto the ground, I ordered it to kill that big fatass as fast as it could. Bloody Slayer ran through the muddy water, and cutted the large creature's belly flat open, The toad wasn't even able to counter attack before he counted it's last breath.

"Mutant creature Three-foot toad killed. No Beast Soul gained. Eat it's flesh to gain zero to ten Geno points randomly."

"Is my luck that bad in Beast Souls?" I said while extracting the dead creatures Devil Soul.

"Extraction failed."

"Extract" I said nervously because I really wanted it's beast soul, it was as large as a truck, so it can work as a decoy in various situations.

"Devil Soul of mutant three-foot toad gained. Devil Soul count increased by 1.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this." Before coming here, I had completely disintegrated some of my primitive Devil Souls from my Deck, so it's almost empty for now.

"So what if I can't eat it's meat? I still have my leapfrog squirrel." I thought and summoned my pet Beast Soul.

Suddenly, A beast as small as a foot appeared before me, commanding it to eat the mutant meat, it ate it in just a few minutes.

"How the heck? This small beast just ate a full mutant beast in just a few minutes? Let alone that it was a truck sized beast..." After it ate the whole toad, I recalled the small beast which still hadn't gone into its battle mode.

Around eight days has passed since the last incident, afterwards that I roamed around all the places I could, I still wasn't able to find the hornet's nest. In the meantime, I saw so many mutant creaures and even killed them, eating their meat was the last thing I did at that time. That was when I remembered it, I relied on my past knowledge too much that I forgot to even search the Dark Swamp forum on Sky Net.

"I'm not fucked up, Am I? I said while flying in a very high speed on the purple-dragon's back. I saw a peculiar sight that lighted up the bulb in my mind, going into the direction, I saw dollar making something with his Shura Katana.

"You?" He exclaimed in response so did I "Dollar?"

"Hey brother, let me hug you." I said and jumped of from my purple-dragon's back, almost sobbing."

He also knew that I doesn't have any bad intentions, but still he quickly flew away from there, while I almost hit the rock hard surface.

"Ouch. Anyways brother. What are you doing here? I asked while looking at the direction of the not-so-large pond, containing golden and silver fishes.

"That's what I should be asking you. What are you doing here? And your mount, it's very familiar to me for some reason, mind explaining it? He said to me with a cold stare.

"No need to be tensed up, I know that you are suspicious of me, but believe it, I'm not here to cause you any harm. I just wanted to hunt some sacred-blood creature so I came here. And as for your latter question, it's not the same beast as the Purple-Winged Dragon. It's a sacred-blood mount that I hunted in a place called Life Lotus." I said it all in a single breath.

Even though Han Sen wasn't buying it, I didn't mind as long as I was able to hunt some Black Stingers.

"Anyways, no need to explain why you are here, I can already get an idea as for what are you here for. Black Stinger, isn't It? To be honest, I have roamed around all the places I could but wasn't able to find them." I said in response Han Sen didn't said anything.

"Well, you aren't alone then."

"Anyways brother, wanna exchange your pet Meowth?" I said looking at him to which he instantly said. "No way."

"Ok then, take it. Pay me next time with a stinger beast soul." I said and transferred him my mutant copper-toothed beast soul (crescent spear).

"What for... Ok, well don't expect anything too good from me though." Even I knew that Han Sen was in dire need of this, so I transferred him.

After summoning his newly received crescent spear, he flipped his wings and hovered on the pond, killing those fishes effortlessly.

"Hey, wait for me at least lemme kill some of them." I said signing him to least let me kill some of them.

By the time I get there, I saw that he had killed four mutant sawfishes. Although, I can kill all of these fishes by summoning my Obsidian Dragon into the water, It's best to not reveal my identity this soon.

"Want some?" Han Sen asked while looking at me. Even he also knew that he can't increase his Geno points by eating a same type of fish.

"Just give me two." I said.

He had killed 15 of those in a whole day, so I just asked for two of them because I didn't actually wanted to eat right now.

Suddenly, I saw Han Sen with a golden spear in his hand, after seeing his spearmen ship, I got an idea of how bad I was when it came to using any other weapon except a bow.

After that, we both continued our march to the forest. Like I have thought, this area was a little too dangerous for anyone without a flying type beast soul. After finding some clean water, we both stopped there for the time being while I washed up, Han Sen began to cook his snake king meat in a pot.

"A snake king? I heard that they move in groups?" I said while looking at the still boiling meat of snake king.

"I killed it in a single shot." Han Sen said casually.

"Yeah, yeah, you did." I said, annoyed.

Just when we both were talking about something, a rather large bird came in our way, and a young man with a black-clad armour jumped from its back and came over where we were eating.

"Boys, I will buy these meat." Said the young man while throwing a piece of cow thigh like thing. And moved to eat what Han Sen had coocked.

Eating what Sen had coocked in under a damn minute, he became silent all of a sudden. Suddenly, he whistled and the bird started to hover in top of my head .Lu Weinan held a knife made with 5% Z-steel in his right hand.

"Do you want to trade? Or let me beat you up before I eat your stuff? Lu Weinan said to me.

"Umm, I'm not the one who killed this meat, so I can't really share my opinion you know?" I said innocently

"Hey you, you heard what I say right?" Say fast before I beat you up. Lu Weinan asked Han Sen to which Han Sen responded. "F*#k off."

"Alright you asked for this, said the young man before rushing onto Han Sen, he must've thought that we both were weak. Poor guy...

"Alright, time to pack up." I said and summoned my Purple-Winged Dragon commanding it to attack the Bird.

The lizard like dragon was almost gonna ate the small bird but I stopped it before it really did kill it. On the other hand, after getting a beating from Han Sen, Lu Weinan began to use his family martial arts, dodging every attack from the golden spear and coming back here only to see his Bird on death door.

"No wait, don't kill it, that's my only beast soul." He said in a almost crying voice.

"Who said I'm gonna kill it? I said with a darkened expression on my face.

2757 words

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Author here. sorry for the late chapter. it's because I'm out of station so I can't really make a draft here, will try my best to upload as soon as possible. Thanks.

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