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80.55% Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod / Chapter 29: Chapter 26

Chapter 29: Chapter 26

I heard Bianca's words... 

My bones were ash as my muscles died out. My brain decayed under the mental pressure of lifting the sky. My nose and eyes bled, trying to escape the pressure.

I raised my arms slowly. 'Ra, Tawaret, mother, father, give me strength....'

I lifted it higher and higher. Blood spewed from my eyes and nose more and more. Until finally, the sky was lifted and the titan's curse removed.

I felt my body go numb as I fell, holding on to Bianca and Zoe. I needed to get to the ground fast and what better way than falling.

I felt the wind rush past me as we fell. I needed to heal them now. I doubt that I can save both of them, but I will try. Please succeed...

"AHHH" I shout as the sunset rose, brighter and hotter. Like on a summer day in Arizona. I felt it give me strength, just enough. I began to channel my energy into Bianca and Zoe. I saw their breathing go back to normal, I saw the wounds close. I saw them go back to peak condition, well as peak condition as I can make it.

Their eyes were still shut. 


I knew I would die. I knew and I accepted it. I accepted that I could not confess my love to Atem. I knew it.

There were noting I could do, Atlas destroyed my insides. The venom from Ladon decayed away my blood. 

I wish that Atem will live and Bianca meets her brother once more. 

Would I accept life again? Maybe. I just want to rest. 

'That you will.' Bianca's voice sounded out.

'B-Bianca?!' I questioned.

'Yes, I am sorry.'

'For what and how are you speaking in my mind? And how am I still alive?' 

'Because I gave my life to save yours. Atem helped by giving me enough strength to do that but he couldn't save both of us. I was less injured so I was alive enough to trade my life for yours.'

'W-why would you do that?'

'You want rest,' Bianca stated, 'and you'll rest with Atem until you two die togeather. I won't need to worry that he will keep you safe. That's one of his fatal flaws. Wrath and the urge to protect. Quite the combination if you ask me.'

'How do you know this.' I ask after processing the information.

'I do not know myself but my father, Hades, might have granted me this. And so I grant you a gift before I pass.'

'What are they.' I could sense the determination just radiating off of Bianca. She wanted this and she wanted me, someone who indirectly killed her, to survive.

'You now are up to date with the language, just to be honest it got kind of annoying at times.'

I felt relief wash over me as she finished speaking.

'oh by the way, Zoe.'


'This wasn't yours or Atem's fault.'

I opened my eyes to see Bianca's unmoving body. I crawled over and chanted the spell Artemis taught to me oh so long ago.

I chanted the spell and Bianca's body turned into silver ash in my hand. I blew it and it flew up, sparkling, and vanished.

Looking up in the sky, I saw that the stars were brighter now. They made a pattern I had never noticed before—a gleaming constellation that looked a lot like a girl's figure—a girl with a bow, running across the sky.

"Rest well Bianca. For you have done well. Now rest." I turn my attention to Atem... I blushed and picked him up and began to walk to the city in hopes of finding an abandoned building to rest while Atem rests.

'Dam I finally found one.' I searched through the city, it had evacuated due to the mountain falling but they should repopulate in a day or 2.

One of the buildings I found was fenced off and had a "No entry" sign on it. The building was old and seemed to be rusted.

The building is 2 storied and the bottom floor seems to be a blacksmith of some sorts. The top floor must be the home.

I opened the stair doors and began to walk up the stairs with Atem on my back. And by the gods he looks like bronze and he must be made of bronze to be this heavy!

After 5 grueling minutes of walking I finally made it to the second floor. I was right in my assumption that this was the home part of the building.

The second floor was clean, untocuched and one of the doors was open to reveal a bed. I walked to the bed and placed Atem down on it.

I covered his bare chest with the blanket and went back into the living room to see a note on one of the couches.

I picked it up and read.

"Gift from Aphrodite and Apollo, the A duo!" Two of the worse people ever given me a gift, this is not good.

"From Apollo, 


From one of my morning drives, I saw that Atem and you would be in a pickle after the whole mountain incident, and Aphrodite asked to volunteer to deck this building out for you two. Oh by the way their is nectar and ambrosia plus some mortal medicine to give to Atem"

"From Aphrodite" there was only one sentence on it and it made my blood boil.

"The eternal hunter, hater of men, falls for the monster of all man."

I ripped up the letter and threw it in the trash. I hate those two. I looked up at the cabin to see... another fucking letter.

"From Aphrodite." Ugh.

"There's a gift for you in your room. Because you given me such good matterial to talk about with Artemis. 

Xoxo Aphrodite."

I was fumming so I ripped the letter again, grabbed the medicine and headed to Atem's room.

POV Atem

I opened my eyes. My body felt like how it was when Typhon crushed me in my dream. Hurts all over and pain that can rival the worst venoms.

Where even am I? I looked around the strange room that I was in. I got up and walked to the door. When I opened it, I was welcomed by the nice aroma of food. I turned my head left and right, on my left was a door that was closed and farther down was a bathroom. 

I limped down to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to remove any drowsiness that I had. And since when did I have white hair that reaches my ears?

I grew my claws and- HOLLY when the hell did they become 4 inches long?! They were long and colored like celestial bronze but I was shell shocked.

"A-Atem!" A voice that I recognized to be Zoe Nightshade, lieutenant of the hunters. I barely had time to turn around before I was assaulted by a viciousness hug.

"Z-Zoe?" I questioned because this was just unexpected coming from Zoe. I mean it was welcomed greatly, but why?

She hugged me for another couple of seconds. Which felt weird to say the least since I still was half naked. 

"Zoe, you mind if I put on a shirt before you glue yourself to my chest.

She muttered a oh right then left while pointing at the drawer. When I opened it I saw that there were neatly packed clothes, which were my exact size.

After I slipped them on, I walked back to the living room where 2 bowls of mac and cheese were placed on the table.

"I am sorry for that." Zoe said while looking at the floor. I couldn't help but marvel at how much she changed.

"What happened?" I asked because why did she change so much.

"Bianca died and you were on the line of dying at any moment for 6 months stright. Monsters swarmed this building to the point that they broke in and I had to fight them off with a knife."

I widen my eyes at the fact she did this all by herself. "Wait did you say Bianca died?" I felt my heart drop when I realized she said that.

"Yes," She began and teared up slightly. "She gave her life to save me. She said you gave us enough energy for her to save me." 

I sat down as Zoe sat next to me. "I wasn't strong enough..." I muttered under my breath.

"No mere mortal could do that. Stop beating yourself over what you couldn't do something that gods couldn't." Zoe said.

"Guess so." I said, not convinced that I couldn't save both of them.....

"Have you made contact with Camp or the hunters?" I asked because I doubted Zoe would stay here with me.

"I cannot, no golden drachma to pay nor do I have contact with lady Artemis. In fact, the vow that I made 2 thousand years ago vanished." Zoe dropped a bomb shell on me.

"Wait so that means you're-

"Mortal" Zoe finished my sentence as I widen my eyes.

"We can talk about this later, but now we need more resources. Can you fly?"

"If I get enough energy I can get to long island in 5 hours, 7 max." I chuckled how big Zoe's eyes went.

"Y-you can go that fast?!" I remembered how in 1876, there was a Hermes kid who went 500 miles per hour to get his friend to the hospital. Sadly he passed in the same year due to running out of calories and his body killing him by starvation basically.

It was told at camp that no demigod ever went near that speed again. Until I came along.

"That's more than great. We will go to the store tomorrow and don't try to over do it since you body is still injured." Zoe commanded as I nodded and went back to eating the mac and cheese.


Have a third chapter today since it is the 4th of july! 

Sorry if it is kind of late rn but I was exhausted so I fell into zzzz. But enjoy whenever you read this.

I am trying to make it more emotion in writing so it doesn't sound like a robot talking. 

Drop some reviews and comments and see you next time!

Bye and have an amazing week 

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