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Chapter 12: Hopeful

As soon as the stranger exited the room, Karina nearly sprang from the bed. However, the moment her feet touched the floor, she doubled over, clutching her waist in discomfort. Pain radiated throughout her body, leaving her bewildered and unsure of what to do next. It was as if every inch of her was protesting against the night's ordeal. For a fleeting moment, she entertained the thought of staying put, indulging in more rest—she doubted she could even make it to the elevator in her current state.

"It feels like I was put through the wringer last night... God, this is brutal," she muttered to herself, taking a deep breath in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain and summon the courage to move forward.

With painstaking effort, Miss Ashford staggered toward the black coat haphazardly discarded on the floor. Wincing with each step, she gingerly retrieved it, wrapping its thick fabric tightly around her shivering body.

Feeling oddly exposed with nothing beneath the coat's sheltering embrace, she shrugged off the discomfort. After all, her dress was ruined, leaving her with no other option.

Karina's gaze fell upon the blonde wig lying on the floor, resembling an abandoned creature. With little time to spare and the hour still early, she hoped she could forgo the need to conceal her identity. Opting instead for a pair of black sunglasses, she prayed the urgent disguise would suffice.

Standing before the tall mirror by the door, she assessed her reflection. Save for the absence of the wig, she appeared exactly as she had before encountering the stranger. Nothing had changed. 

Somehow, this realization left her feeling disheartened.

'Well, what did you expect, Karina? It's all just memories now. And maybe that's for the best. This way, it's yours alone.'

Glancing back at the disheveled king-sized bed, she released a long, weary sigh. She had envisioned a cinematic exit: rising early, slipping away unnoticed before her companion woke up. It was a pity she wouldn't get to experience that.

Karina's lips curved into a subtle smile as she nodded to herself.

"I suppose... it was fun."


Despite the early hour, a line of cabs already awaited outside the hotel entrance, poised to cater to the needs of wealthy clientele.

Karina wasted no time, diving into the first available cab. She buried her face in the comforting fabric of her coat, sinking into the plush leather seat as she issued her command,

"To the A Hotel, please," she requested.

The driver cast a curious glance at her through the rearview mirror before starting the engine, his voice carrying over the hum of the car.

"Another hotel? Is that your gig or something?"

Karina felt a pang of discomfort at his question, swiftly replaced by a flicker of irritation. Clearing her throat, she responded, "Actually, yes. I'm a... critic. My job entails staying at various hotels and reviewing them for a hospitality magazine segment."

The driver's demeanor lightened as Karina's response opened the door for him to share his thoughts on the matter. However, Miss Ashford found herself too drained to entertain his opinions. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her, and she silently urged the cab to hasten its journey to the hotel, craving the solace of rest before the day began again.

Following Karina's instructions, the cab stopped just shy of the hotel entrance. Expressing her gratitude, she gave a generous tip to the driver before slipping out of the vehicle and disappearing into the shadows of the restaurant adjacent to the building.

Though her departure lacked the cinematic flair she had envisioned, Karina was determined to make a dramatic return. With discretion as her ally, she aimed to re-enter her mansion unnoticed.

The Ashford residence lay within walking distance of the A Hotel. Originally intended as a twin hotel complex, Mr. Ashford, preoccupied with hotel development, changed plans when Karina's mother went into labor. Choosing to prioritize proximity to his growing family, he repurposed the second building into their new home.

The gate remained steadfastly locked, and with Selina's vigilant security measures—including a CCTV monitored by a security guard—Karina couldn't simply waltz back into the house as she usually would if she aimed to slip in unnoticed.

Fortunately, luck seemed to be smiling upon her this morning.

As she pondered her secretive re-entry strategy, Karina spotted a group of women approaching the front gate. Five figures, carrying large bags and foldable tables, made their way towards the entrance.

"The ladies from the hotel's spa!" Karina realized. "Ah, Selina must have scheduled her beauty procedures for this morning."

Channeling her inner spy, Miss Ashford bided her time, observing as the women interacted with the security system. When the gate swung open to admit them, Karina seized her opportunity, slipping in behind them unnoticed and only parting ways once safely inside the house.

"Phew..." Karina hurried into her bedroom, closing the door behind her with a heavy lean. "Good thing they're always so chatty and loud. I don't think anyone noticed me at all."

She collapsed onto her soft bed, sprawling across the blanket as if preparing to make a snow angel. Exhaustion washed over her; her body still ached, and, most importantly, she carried the unsettling scent of unfamiliarity, leaving her feeling dirty.

"My guilty conscience is getting to me once again... Gosh, I really can't rebel, huh?"

With great care, Karina lifted her heavy body from the bed, removing her black coat and concealing it beneath the mattress. It was evidence of her crime against her stepmother, and now it would be Lyra's responsibility to dispose of it.

With her legs trembling from both pain and fatigue, Karina made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the water, watching as it gradually filled the large bathtub. With a sigh of relief, she submerged her body in the pleasantly hot water, finally exhaling.

"Let's just try to relax and have a bit of rest before getting back to work. The rest of my miserable life will have to continue," Karina remarked with a sigh.

In the bathtub, Karina battled the urge to close her eyelids then and there—the hot water finally eased the tension and pain from her body, leaving her yearning for the sleep she had been deprived of all night.

Once wrapped in a soft cotton robe, she made her way back to bed, slipping under the warm blanket and resting her heavy head on the plush pillow. Though her eyes begged for closure, Miss Ashford, harboring no desire to resist her sleepy self, couldn't help but idly ponder.

"It's weird... I didn't take the sleeping medicine Selina brings me every night, and I skipped the hypnotherapy, yet I slept like a baby with that man next to me... It was the first time in years that I was able to fall asleep without Selina's help..."

Her mind was drawn deeper into the sweet embrace of slumber, yet each time she neared surrendering to sleep, she was abruptly jolted half-awake by memories of the previous night spent with the stranger.

Suddenly, she felt a pang of longing for his presence. His warm, sturdy body beside her, his peculiar musky scent, his deep, resonant voice, and even the rhythm of his breath—now that she was alone, his absence felt oddly unnatural.

"Maybe next time." This single sentence remained etched in Karina's mind as if carved by a chisel. The man seemed so sure, so hopeful in everything he did.

The thought elicited a regretful chuckle from her. Perhaps, she mused, she too wished to harbor such hope.

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