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32.35% SON OF DUNE

I see it now

The dinner was pleasant, the food was great, and many people were drunk, but not Krelln; he never allowed himself to be intoxicated. Later on, after dinner, there was a party in the cafeteria; people brought out their instruments and played them for the crowd. 

Krelln had long left by then. All that was on his mind was getting his work done. He left quietly so as not to make a scene and walked down the long hallway now shined with orange lights. 

On the very end of it was the metallic door of an Elevator; he clicked a button, and the elevator door opened. He walked in, but the mask he wore analyzed anything in his way, and it showed footprints that were not his or Jamis'. They were smaller than a man's foot and skinner. At once, he took his crysknife from his back. 

The Elevator door opened, and he was greeted by a woman who stood in the middle of his lab. She wore all black, and when she heard the elevator ding, she looked back with her blue eyes. She smiled at him as if she had been waiting for a long time. 

She opened her mouth, and her voice traveled to his ears. The world felt blurry, and he stood before the woman, his body moving towards her involuntarily. He could only think of his stillsuit, but it was not on him. 

" Do not fear. I have come here to speak with you." said the elderly woman. " you have a funny way of speaking to people." said Krelln. he now realized he could speak. 

He stepped away immediately. "Speak. What does the Bene Gesserit want with me?" You could hear a hurried breath when he spoke; his heart was beating rapidly. 

" Bene Gesserit." she said. " I am no Bene Gesserit; I am simply a woman who has drank from the water of life and saw her destiny, and it is you. I Have waited for you, honored one." 

" Honored one?" asked Krelln." Let's stop right there, old woman. I don't know any honored one. The only type of honored one I know of is..." he stopped himself. 

" You are bene Gesserit," krelln accused. He pointed his blade at her. 

"No woman is supposed to see through the male line, but when I drank, I saw you," she said as she moved her hands to her pouch and showed Krelln the blue liquid in the glass bottle. You must drink to see the truth; you must drink to become who you are."

" No, I don't think so. That thing you hold will most likely kill me. I don't even have the training to drink such lethal drinks." krelln looked around, trying to find something to help him escape, but nothing came up. As soon as he heard the voice, it affected him.

" Calm yourself. Young leader, calm yourself. It is the first lesson of the Bene Gesserit." she said 

" I was sent here to Train you, young master; I have never seen clearer than now; in my visions, I saw two hawks, one black and the other red, dancing in the sky. And I was to serve the black hawk.

Please calm Damon." 

At once, Krelln froze. That was the name his biological mother gave him. This woman was somehow related to him, and she truly wanted to serve him and was telling the truth. 

"Who are you? How do you know that name?." you could see her tense shoulders begin to calm down. She could command him and control him to do her bidding, but the man who sat on the throne had asked her to do this; the king had asked her to follow this path that was filled with gold. 

" You will know who I am in time, but to do so, you must drink from this flask. It would be best if you allowed yourself to see the path," she said 

Krelln was about to reply, but a silent voice carried in the rather convincing wind came to him, and he stood before her once again with his hands on the flask. This time, he did not show fear; instead, he was calm in her presence, as if he knew her. At once, he opened the cap and drank from the flask until it was empty. 

The woman was surprised. Before her, the young leader drank a dangerous amount of liquid. He did not have Bene Gesserit training. The woman once drank the liquid, but it was a small portion, less than he drank. 

Krelln, when finished drinking, fell forward but was caught by the woman. He was not breathing; his heart rate became dangerously low; it beat once every thirty minutes. In Krellns mind, another case was occurring. 

He stood naked in the Vast dunes of Arrakis. All around him was sand, and he saw the Great SHAI-HULUD in the distance. He felt something looking at him, a feeling of his skin crawling with bugs. He looked further down the road and saw what was looking at him. 

A being on a throne, his face was covered, he wore a white pelt on his shoulder, and his shirt stuck to him like glue, showing his muscular body. His eyes were a deep blue all around. " you are not ready to Meet me, but you shall walk our path." said the being, and at once a suction force sucked Krelln like the vacuum of space.

He screamed as he was flung around in the vast realm. Krelln found himself in the middle of a training room. He saw a boy his age fighting a man with long hair and a tan. The man fought the boy, but the young man was having a hard time.

This intrigued Krelln, and he said out loud. " go for the sternum," at once, the boy Obeyed and almost killed the man. But the man known as Duncan Idaho moved aside and kicked the young lord. 

Paul stood up and said, "Did you hear that?"

" hear what?" said Duncan Idaho. Paul surveyed the room. The feeling he got from this was when his mother was training him in the ways of the Bene Gesserit. He looked in a far corner and saw a boy the same age as him, with long hair that reached his back.

"You see me." said krelln. Paul looked at him once and saw the similarities they both shared. They had similar faces but different eyes. The young man's eyes were a deep blue, covering his scleras. " Who are you? " Paul asked. But Krelln was flanged once more.

To the side of Lady Jessica and Duke Leto as they overlooked the whole of Caladan and its oceans. Krelln at once said, " Mother." Lady Jessica turned around, but she did not see anything. 

Krelln was flung once again as he stood on a green plain. He knew this was Arrakis. Trees populated the surface, and so were many people. The scenery began to change as he saw the holy war, two brothers fighting side by side, billions left dead in their wake. 

Krelln turned around and saw a mass grave; at once, skeletons broke from the graves, and they all pointed to him, "Why, why did you forsake us?" A hand grabbed him from behind, and it was a skeleton with black hair on top, like a black sheep. 

" Stop him, take Arrakis, begin the cleansing your way, don't be swayed by them, be our king, be our Dune." 

Krelln opened his eyes and mouth. Gasping for air, his white scleras now turned dark blue. " Calm yourself, my king calm yourself," said the old woman who stood before him. 

Krelln stood up from the marbled cold ground of the warehouse. In the distance, a chair stood empty. He was about to lose his balance, but his hand stretched out, and the chair came to him.

He sat down, looking at his hands, fascinated. It all felt second nature as if he had done this many times, and he knew he had done this before; he knew how to improve his control. The old woman who once stood over him bowed to the ground, almost kissing the floor. 

" My king," she whispered, but Krelln heard her. "Yes, Arrakis is mine, and as such, you are mine. You will serve me, Karni, no." 

She looked at him as he sat on that chair that one day would become a throne to be admired and feared. " Yes, I serve you," Karni said. " Then rise, rise, and live again as my Voice on Arrakis." 

Karni stood up. She was old, but her vigor came to her when she heard those words. They say the Bene Gesserit do not hope; they plan. And that is what has come to Arrakis. Krelln has plans. 

" I see now my golden path, one where I am the emperor of all that is known to man." A chuckle escaped his lips." Come, Karni, we have things to do." 

The two walked toward the elevator. Krelln's face had a smile, but he had a confidence that was never seen before as if everything was within his grasp. The world showed itself to him.

Years passed, and all this time, the Exiled did not show themselves to the Harkonnens in Arrakeen. The northern seitches did not see them for many years, either. Some even believed they were dead. 

 Especially the Harkonnens, the exiled were known as nightmares on the Battlefield. In their fighting style, they surpassed the Sarduakar. Back in the Deep South, Krelln was amassing weapons and vehicles; he had made even more crawlers to gather spice. 

He had finished his spaceship and created even more; the man and woman were trained to the extreme, and life was good in the King's Mountain, the name they called it. He was indeed their king, and they now bowed to him when they met him. 

The population increased as time went on. Many Fremen from other seitches came after the Harkonnen attacked them, and some escaped to the south. The exiles found them and took them in, but all that went south never came back. Many now believed the land in the south was uninhabited. 

They did not see that they had played into their enemy's hands; an army was coming and, with it, a great cleansing.

Krelln, now 15, stood on a balcony atop the mountain. He overlooked the sun as it set and saw the moon rising; for a moment, the two entities shared the sky. 

" Tomorrow, the plan begins, and the false emperor has given me a good reason to attack him. krelln said as he swirled the wine glass in his hand, " Checkmate I say checkmate."

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