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96.55% RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus) / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Sorry that this chapter took me so long. I ran through a draft of a R18 version and just didn't like it so I went with a PG 13 with sexual references. Hope you like the chapter!

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Saphira, in her new humanoid form, strides through the elven city with Eragon slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The few elves that they pass look at her with both confusion and intrigue but a warning glare makes them keep their distance.

Eragon links his mind with hers to try and understand what is going on and is nearly overwhelmed by the feelings of lust and longing that are radiating from her very soul. Having been completely caught off guard by his predicament and the implications of her transformation and emotions, he thinks to himself if he can reciprocate her feelings. 

And without an ounce of hesitation, his answer is a firm yes. He knows Saphira better than he knows himself, and she in turn knows all that there is to know about him. 

They share a bond that transcends race, and ties their very souls together. A bond that also includes the shared knowledge of his past life. There is no way he could ever tell anyone about his past life so a relationship with anyone else would be a bond filled with lies and half truths that would eventually fall apart. 

Eragon is brought out of his musings when he notices that Saphira is crouching, her leg muscles tensing in anticipation. He tries to turn his head to the side to see what is going on just as Saphira leaps into the air and lands on the second floor balcony of their home. 

Within seconds of her landing he is unceremoniously thrown onto his bed and Saphira leans over him, her beautiful face mere inches from his own. Before he can think too hard about his actions, he tilts his head forward and steals her lips. Saphira closes her eyes and enjoys the sensation even as her hands start to explore his body. 

With zero hesitation, they fully merge their minds, the emotions and sensations of their bodies mingling together in perfect harmony. When their lips finally separate so that they can get a breath of fresh air, Eragon looks into her eyes while running his hand along her cheek. 

"I love you, Saphira. Will you be mine until the end of time?"

Saphira leans into his hand, her face a picture of pure happiness and bliss. "Yes... I love you, Eragon. I want to be by your side for all of eternity."

Saphira seals their lips together once more as they revel in each other's warmth. 

And as the moon dips over the horizon, Eragon and Saphira consummate their vows and take the first step to a happy life together. 

Six days… Saphira had her way with him for six entire days. 

From morning to night, dawn till dusk, the pair of rider and dragon strengthened their bond through numerous sessions of intercourse. Saphira was especially feisty as she has been in heat for the past few weeks, trying her hardest to hold back her repressed desires. 

But once the floodgates were opened, there was no stopping her. 

Within the grace periods between 'sessions', Eragon talks with her about their future together, and what their plans will be moving forward. Saphira understands that having children is a daunting commitment, especially when there is still an evil dictator roaming free. 

They are still unsure if she will have children like a human would or if she would lay eggs, her transformation being a unique blend of dragon and human that has never been seen before in all of Alagaesia's history. most likely she will be the progenitor of dragonoids in this world.

Speaking of her body, Saphira had been experimenting with her new form, testing the limits of her durability and flexibility. She stands at a whopping nine feet four inches tall, nearly three feet taller than Eragon himself. 

Her muscles are lean yet compact, Eragon marveling at their structure as she proves that her strength far exceeds his own. Her tail is nearly six feet long and can wrap around objects, even being able to hoist Eragon into the air effortlessly. On her back are two grooves where her wings sprout forth, though they are currently folded against her back so that they are out of the way. 

On the morning of the sixth day, Eragon is currently sleeping, his body being wrapped by Saphira's making him the little spoon. Saphira runs her fingers through his hair before reluctantly getting up without disturbing him and heading downstairs. 

She enters the kitchen and makes an assortment of meals from vegetables and fruit, the lack of meat irking her considerably but she puts up with it for now. With Eragon not having any energy left to do anything after she is done with him, she has had to make their meals this past week. Though she doesn't complain as cooking is quite fun and a good exercise to learn how to control her limbs correctly. 

The first time she tried to make a simple salad, she somehow ended up with an inedible mess that had to be thrown out. It still bugs her to this day because she has no idea how she gave a salad such a nasty flavor with the ingredients she used, but through trial and error she can at least make passable meals. 

"I am not cut out for cooking. I'm definitely making Eragon cook for me from now on…" Saphira chuckles softly to herself. "My own little house husband… How cute."

While she is cooking, Eragon stumbles down the stairs, his everything still sore even after he heals himself a few times. He sits down gingerly at the table and watches Saphira cook with a lazy smile on his face. 

After they finish their meal, Saphira puts on some clothes that Eragon made for her a few days before, a simple covering for her chest and private areas made from leather that do not hinder her movement whilst protecting her modesty. Normally she wouldn't worry about such trivialities but Eragon insisted that only he can see her private areas, a comment that was preceded by another intense 'session'.

They soon leave the house and walk to Oromis's hut, finding him practicing with the ancient language, making complex spells that he hasn't been able to use since the rider's war. He senses their arrival and turns to face them, a big smile on his face that sort of unnerves Eragon for some reason.

"You're finally back, Eragon-Elda, Saphira. Now that you have finished your business, can you heal Glaedr before the blood oath celebration tomorrow?"

Eragon and Saphira share a look. 'Crap… We forgot!!!' they both say to each other at the same time. 

Eragon looks back at Oromis with a sheepish expression. "Of course, I can restore his lost limb right now. Then we need to quickly think of something to bring to the celebration."

Oromis waves his hand in a dismissive manner. "You needn't worry about that anymore. The gift you have given us will be more than sufficient. Every elf in this forest will be celebrating our recovery. The queen especially wants to meet and thank you personally for your efforts."

Eragon strokes his chin while Saphira takes a step forward.

"It has been awhile since we have seen or talked to Arya so we would of course be honored to visit. Shall we go and see them before the celebration?"

Saphira's voice is deep and gravely while still sounding feminine. She has been practicing how to talk like humans do and has mostly gotten the hang of it. 

Oromis listens to her words intently, marveling to himself the wonders magic can accomplish. He stands there for a moment before shaking his head. 

"Sorry about that. We should be able to arrange a visit at this very moment if you wish…" Oromis looks between Eragon and Saphira.

Eragon nods. "Yes, let us go talk to the queen. There are a few things we need to discuss before the war starts."

Oromis's smile turns to a more serious expression. "Of course. But let us not keep Glaedr waiting any longer shall we?"

Right on time, Glaedr glides into the clearing, his landing causing the ground to shake in protest. He looks at Saphira's new form with curiosity whilst Eragon gets to work restoring his leg.

"The wonders of magic will never cease to amaze. This new form suits you, Saphira."

Saphira stretches her arms above her head. "I do admit that a human body is quite convenient in most cases. Though I have found out that I can change my form between the two whenever I want, it just takes me a few minutes."

Glaedr shakes his head and is about to say something before Eragon interrupts them. 

"Glaedr… In order to fix your leg, I will have to cut off the part of the stump that has healed over. From there I can regrow your leg with ease."

Glaedr grimaces but nods in affirmation. "Do what you must, I can handle a little pain."

With his permission, Eragon casts a spell to numb the nerves in his leg so that he won't feel much pain before taking his sword and swiftly cutting the healed over stump, a fountain of blood gushing from the wound. Eragon quickly starts to speak in the ancient language.

"May this limb regrow to its natural state."

With the spell taking effect, the blood that was pouring forth starts to flow back into into the blood vessels while the bones that are exposed start to grow back followed by the muscles and scales. 

Glaedr tenses as even though the pain has been minimized he still feels a strong tingling sensation that asks him to scratch his growing appendage. He holds strong as a mere itch will never overcome his hardened resolve… That is, until Eragon finishes his spell and he immediately scrapes his new leg along the ground in a frenzy. 

Eragon and Saphira laugh heartily, Oromis trying his best not to laugh even as the sides of his lips start to curl upward. When Glaedr is finally finished with his scratching, he looks at them all with narrowed eyes. 

"You will tell no one about this, ever…"

Eragon tries to put on a serious face but fails spectacularly, his laughter echoing through the clearing. Saphira chuckles to herself but quickly turns to the side and whistles when Glaedr's accusatory gaze is aimed at her.

Oromis walks forward and holds up his hand. "Alright, that is enough." Oromis turns to Glaedr and starts to examine his newly regrown leg. "How is your leg? Any pain or discomfort?"

Glaedr looks down at his leg, stomping it into the ground a few times to test it. "It's strange… It feels just like my other leg but the muscle memory of the stump still exists so I am getting some conflicting signals but otherwise it's perfect."

Oromis smiles, a look of triumph in his eyes. "We have finally been cured. We are no longer The Cripple Who is Whole." Oromis turns to Eragon. "I thank you with all my heart and soul for what you have done for us. Whenever you are in need of assistance we shall answer your call. Now let us head to the palace. The queen and Arya await our arrival."

Oromis walks over to Glaedr and they seem to have a mental conversation for a moment before he jumps onto his back and they start walking towards the palace. Eragon and Saphira look at each other briefly before they follow behind the golden dragon and his rider.

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