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82.75% RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus) / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

As they travel beneath the canopy of tree leaves, Eragon and Saphira take in the majestic nature that surrounds them, breathing in the fresh air and observing the woodland creatures going about their day. The wind carries a variety of scents to their noses, Ildae warning them about keeping their mind clear and to not give in to their senses for they just might wander off, never to be seen again.

When they stop to eat, Ildae prepares meals made of an assortment of vegetables, berries, fruits, and mushrooms for Eragon and herself, the food being both delicious and nutritious even though it lacks any meat or bread. Saphira takes to the skies once they are past the wards so that she may hunt for prey in the woods.

Having advanced knowledge about cooking from his previous world, Eragon shares some tips with her, Ildae smiling brightly as they have an adamant back and forth discussion about various cooking ingredients and methods. 

Eragon knows about the elves' reluctance to eat meat but doesn't necessarily care that he won't be able to eat any during his stay. While staying with the elves, he will respect their customs. He can always eat some meat that Saphira hunts if he is feeling particularly peckish. 

By the end of the second day of travel, they enter the elven city of Kirtan. The houses are made by using magic to shape trees and plant life, making a diverse yet cohesive city that accurately shows how in tune the elves are with nature. 

Walking along the twisting paths, the group only catch a fleeting glance of some elves going about their day, their graceful forms fluttering from house to house with graceful strides. 

Ildae soon leads them to a large tree that has been hollowed out with magic to make a three story house with a porch that has vines draping down the sides with beautiful silver flowers blooming along their lengths. 

"This is my home, Eragon-Elda. I must gather a few items for our journey so would you wait out here for me to return? I shall be but a moment."

Eragon nods. "Of course, Ildae Svit-Kona. Take all the time that you need. 

Having his consent, Ildae runs inside, leaving Eragon and Saphira outside. 

Saphira turns to Eragon. "Eragon… Why is it that everywhere you go you find a new woman to keep you company? Are you trying to make me jealous?"

Eragon rolls his eyes at Saphira. "I am doing no such thing. It is mere happenstance and you know it." 


Eragon sighs loudly, his hands massaging his temples. They stand there in awkward silence for what feels like ages before Ildae walks out her door with a rucksack slung over her shoulder. 

"My preparations have been completed, let us make haste to Ellesmera, Eragon-Elda, Brightscales." 

Saphira looks at Eragon with a side eye before trudging off, leaving Eragon and Ildae to follow in her wake. 

As they make camp for the night, Ildae opens the bag and takes out a lyre, a U-shaped instrument that is basically a small harp. The lyre is made of a pale wood with dark blue flowers budding along the base. She sits down on a rock and closes her eyes, plucking a few strings to get a feel for it before playing a song, the calm notes seem to enrapture the entire forest around as the sounds of nature vanish entirely, her voice a soothing melody in these trying times.

Eragon sits across from her whilst leaning back against Saphira's leg, the two listen to the elf's music, feelings of warmth and tranquility suffusing into their spirits. 

Once her song is completed, Eragon claps in approval. "What a wonderful song Ildae Svit-Kona, your skills must have been honed by years of practice and dedication."

Ildae smiles at him after putting away her lyre. "Thank you, Eragon-Elda. I have been practicing for many moons to encapsulate my love for my homeland and the joy of living. With darker days ahead of us we must remember what we are fighting for."

Eragon nods humbly, his smile fading slightly. "It won't be long now, within the next few years, we will either defeat the mad king, or fall to his might. That is why I am here, to learn all that I can in hopes that I can acquire the strength necessary to defeat him." 

Ildae looks into his eyes, seeing the determination burning within. "And you made the right choice by coming here. I'm sure Queen Islanzadi will spare no expense to get you the best teachers and resources our people have at their disposal if it facilitates the removal of the betrayer from his false throne. When she commands it, all of Du Weldenvarden will be at your back, fighting alongside you."

Eragon looks up at the night sky, the stars glinting in the darkness. His destiny weighs upon him similar to how Atlas holds up the sky. Even now, he wonders why he was chosen. Why was he reincarnated here, when the former Eragon would have done a fine job on his own. The only answer he can come up with is that because this world is combined with LOTR, whichever gods or entities reign over this world have need of a champion to solve their problems for them.

"Hey Saphira, I am fairly sure that gods were not very prevalent in the Eragon novels but what about LOTR? What gods does that universe have?"

"If I remember correctly, the main deity is named…"

Both Saphira and Eragon's eyes glaze over for a moment before they shake their heads.

Eragon rubs his head. "What were we talking about?"

Saphira has a contemplative gaze as she looks around in confusion. "I… I don't remember…" 

Eragon lays down next to her, Saphira wrapping her wing over him to protect him from the cold wind of night. "It must not be important if we forgot. Let's just get some sleep."

Meanwhile, the entity watching over them shakes his head in exasperation. "Focus on the present, my champions. All will be revealed in time…"

After a week and a half of travel through the expansive forests of Du Weldenvarden, Eragon, Saphira, and Ildae stride through the city of Ellesmera, the capital of the elven kingdom. Eragon can practically feel the energy permeating the air around him due to the nexus point of energies that seems to culminate here. 

Ildae leads Eragon to the royal palace, a massive structure composed of large interlocking trees and thick vegetation. Standing guard at the large double door are a group of six elves in silver armor, each having a sword on their hip, a quiver of arrows and a bow on their back, and a large silver halberd standing upright in their right hands. 

Ildae steps forward and addresses one of the guards for a moment, the guard signaling his partner to open the door with him. Ildae ushers Eragon and Saphira inside, the door being shut behind them. 

The inside of the royal palace is a wonder to behold. Rows of tapestries depicting the history of Alagaesia adorn the walls alongside works of art and various exotic plants, a grand showing of the culture of their people. 

Eragon and Saphira look around in wonder even as they are led to the far end of the hallway where even more guards are stationed. This time, the guards preemptively open the door and Eragon finally lays eyes on the queen of the elves, Queen Islanzadi Drottning. Standing next to her is an elf that he is all too familiar with. Arya Drottning, the queen's daughter and next in line for the throne. 

Eragon makes the elven gesture for speaking to royalty and speaks in the ancient language. "Greetings, Queen Islanzadi. I am Eragon Bromsson, and this is my other half, Saphira Brightscales." 

Queen Islanzadi uses the gesture for greeting someone of equal stature, also replying in the ancient language. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Eragon and Saphira. I welcome you to Ellesmera. I have heard a great deal about you from my daughter. The fact that you were able to best her in combat is a testament to your hard work and perseverance. Your father has been named elf-friend and so shall you. Ellesmera is open to you." 

Eragon looks at Arya with a knowing stare that lasts only a moment before he looks back at Islanzadi. "Thank you for your hospitality, Queen Islanzadi. During my stay, I wish to learn all that I can in the ways of magic so that I can fulfill my destiny and end the mad king's reign." 

Islanzadi nods. "And so shall it be. Follow me, young dragon rider. Your teacher awaits."

Islanzadi stands from her throne, Arya following close behind her as she leads them out of the royal palace. Arya is suspiciously avoiding looking at Eragon but he just shrugs his shoulders and Saphira snorts a puff of smoke out of her nostrils as she talks to him through their mental link.

The Queen leads them to the top of a large cliff face just outside the city, a small hut built near the edge drawing their attention. 

As if the scene was choreographed beforehand, Glaedr, in all his majestic, golden scaled glory, flies up from below the cliff and lands in front of them, his landing makes the ground quake in protest. His body is easily three times as large as Saphira's and his wingspan blocks most of the light of the sun before they fold up against his massive body. Seated in the saddle on his back is an elf with silver hair and calming gray eyes. He slowly slides off the saddle, landing with grace before making his way towards them. 

Even if they knew they were here, Eragon and Saphira still have their jaws hanging down at the sight of the massive dragon. Saphira instinctively paws at the ground as her hormones kick into overdrive. Eragon has to forcefully calm her down with his mind otherwise she might try to pounce on him, knowing exactly how that will go. 

Queen Islanzadi greets the elf with a formal gesture. "Oromis-Elda, Eragon Bromsson and Saphira Brightscales are here seeking your tutelage."

Oromis looks Eragon up and down as does Glaedr to Saphira. They both nod almost imperceptibly before Oromis walks closer to Eragon.

"Greetings, Eragon-Elda and Saphira Brightscales. I am Oromis, the mourning sage, or The-Cripple-Who-Is-Whole. The same as your father before you, I shall train you in the ways of the riders."

Eragon takes a second to respond seeing as he is still a little starstruck. "I… It is a pleasure to meet you, Oromis-Elda. When my father told me that a teacher would be waiting here for me, I never expected one of the original riders…"

"My survival is a well guarded secret. If Galbatorix knew I was still alive, he would have come here to kill me long ago. I could not risk the knowledge of our order disappearing so I was forced to hide away from the world. Now that you are here, I will train you to harness your innate talent, honing your skills until you are ready to face the betrayer."

Oromis reaches over and places his hand on Eragon's shoulder, his comforting gaze turning to one of confusion as he seems to be looking over his body. His confusion is soon replaced with anger as he looks into Eragon's eyes accusingly.

"What have you done to your body? Brom should have warned you about body modification…" 

Eragon holds his hand up. "Let me explain… We only had a limited time before the urgals attacked Farthen Dur so I thought about what I could do to increase my strength. With my knowledge of the ancient language and how a body works I grafted specific materials to my bones and reinforced my skin and strengthened my organs for optimal efficiency. Then I made my body 'adapt' to the changes so that there would be no crippling side effects…"

Oromis pales and he steps back in shock when Eragon says 'adapt' in the ancient language. "How?... How did you survive?... Everyone that has tried has died. Everyone, single, one…"

Eragon tilts his head. "I just willed my body to adapt… is it not that simple?"

Veins start to appear on Oromis's forehead. "Simple?... So you're saying that you used wild magic to force the change? Do you even know the dangers of what you did?"

"Of course I did. I meticulously planned everything. And I don't quite like the term wild magic in this instance. Wild magic is when you don't use the ancient language at all to do magic. I used what I like to call 'intent casting'." I use a word or words in the ancient language along with a focused will of what I want to happen and the spell just… Works." 

At this point, even the queen and Arya are staring at him like he is some kind of exotic animal in a zoo. Oromis sighs exasperatedly and walks over to a seat near the edge of the cliff, waving with his hand for Eragon to sit next to him. Oromis takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down before looking at Eragon.

"What you call 'intent casting', is a technique that only the most senior of riders have the privilege to know, let alone use. It is very dangerous to use as one stray thought can alter your spell, causing you to die from your spell costing too much energy. If I may ask, when did you find out about this method?"

Eragon scratches his chin. "Before Brom started tutoring me in the ancient language, I found out I had the talent when I said Stenr (stone) and a rock floated into the air on the ground in front of me. Within days I was changing the shape of the rocks with only one word. You also have to keep in mind that this is when I was a farmer with no plans to leave Palancar Valley. I had no idea that Brom was my father until after I had been training with him for a few months."

Oromis sighs deeply. "I understand… I won't forbid you from using it as long as you promise me you will be careful. You are, quite literally, the only hope of an Alagaesia free from Galbatorix's reign."

Eragon looks Oromis in the eye. "I promise to be careful and make sure my spells are used as safely as possible."

Oromis's eyes soften. "That's all that I ask… Now, our talk has left out the queen and her daughter for long enough."

Islanzadi chuckles softly. "You need not worry about us Oromis-Elda. It seems that this one needs some early lessons. Come now, Arya. let us leave them for now…"

As Islanzadi turns around and starts to walk away, Arya looks at Eragon with the tiniest hint of a blush to her cheeks before turning away and walking in pace with her mother. 

Eragon watches them leave with a quizzical look on his face before turning back and seeing Saphira standing in front of Glaedr, her body vibrating as she inches closer and closer to him. With a tired sigh, Eragon slaps her thigh and tries to calm her down, Glaedr watching the two with amusement. 

Eragon and Saphira end up spending the entire day getting taught about the dangers of magic before they are brought to a large treehouse that will be their home for the foreseeable future. 

The building is three stories tall and made by expanding a tree and hollowing it out, making sure that it remains alive and structurally sound. On the second floor is a balcony for Saphira to land on so that she can get inside, the archway that she passes under to get inside has a membrane that can be pulled over and locked in place to shield against the weather.

While Eragon could sleep in the bedroom on the third floor, he would rather sleep next to Saphira so he just rolls out his cot and falls asleep to the rhythmic sounds of her heartbeat.

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