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40% Of Ninjas and Games / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Pain was the first thing young Naruto Uzumaki felt as his eyes fluttered open. The night before had not been nice to him as memories of another beating from a large mob assaulted his head. He had somehow managed to get away from them, slipping away into his new hideout of a home before he felt an impact on his head and passed out again, right as the door shut. He didnt know who had built this hideout, only that they were a sick and twisted individual. When he had discovered it, there were body parts inside jars and medical equipment everywhere, along with scrolls filled with weapons, money and jutsu. A living section was tucked away on one side aswell as a training ground. Naruto stood about 4'11, with shoulder length red hair that was in dire need of a cut.

Taking a whiff of himself, Naruto headed for the shower. He may be a homeless orphan living in the red light distract, but he was atleast able to have a nice shower whenever he stunk. After a quick hot shower, he stood in front of the mirror and gasped in shock. "What the hell Dattebayo?!" In front of him was his reflection, but above his reflections head, it read Naruto Uzumaki, level 5. "The damned villagers must have hit me too hard last night, now im seeing weird things. It looks like on of those things from a video game whoever lived here last played, but that can't be." Deciding not to waste his time on whatever it was he was seeing, Naruto decided it was time to go find some food, if the rumbling of his stomach had anything to say about it.

Getting dressed, he went to go outside when a box popped up. 

'Gamer has been loaded, please say menu for a tutorial, host.'

"Great, now I'm seeing things again. whatever whats the worst that could happen. Menu."

Naruto Uzumaki

The Gamer

Level 5

Age 5












Gamers mind- The host is immune to all mind ailments and all genjutsus.

Gamers body- The body of a gamer. immune to scarring. Host will be full rested and Chakra restored after 4 hours of rest in a bed.

Stealth- Level 51. The ability to remain unseen by those around you.


ID Creation-Create a Instant Dungeon. With higher levels, time can either be slowed or boosted. The higher level, the better the dungeon. 

Level 1- an empty dungeon surrounding you.

Level 2- a personal dungeon you can live in and adjust the time flow at will.

Level 3- Zombie Dungeon

DING a welcome gift to the host you recieve One gift bag, located in your inventory. Every year you get a birthday gift. Inside your inventory are the previous 5 years worth of gift bags. To pull them out, just will them into your hand. To store items, again just will it. All 6 gift bags will be used now.

*Gift bag one- Full Restore. Removes malnutrition debuff.

*Gift bag two- Eidatic memory. Perfect memory. will never forget anything you read once.

*Gift bag three- perfect chakra control. Makes your chakra control perfect permanently

*Gift bag four- unlocks all chakra affinities

*Gift bag five- combines the sharingan and byakugan eyes prowress without changing your eyes. Able to see 360 degrees around user and copy any jutsu seen, with the exception of bloodline limits.

*Gift bag six- Mokuton. Gives the user the ability to create forests from the ground. dependent on chakra.

The host will now go into a forced sleep for 24 hours while changes are made. Good night, Host.

A day later when Naruto awoke, feeling sore from sleeping on the floor. Stretching out made some nice pops from his stiff joints. Deciding that what happened last night wasnt a dream, he started making plans. In the morning he would do laps around the village followed by push ups, sit ups, pull ups and crunches. Afterwards he would have lunch followed by sneaking into training grounds and collecting weapons and whatever he could, and maybe even spying on some jutsu training. After dinner he would do academic reading and go to bed. But for now, he would have to make a plan. He needed to get into the shinobi library and gain access to some lower level jutsu to help him out. He would also have to find time to level up his ID and learn how to use his new doujutsu. He couldnt exactly just ask so he would look up the info in the library.

He had a plan for his personal ID, and it would be lots easier with access to some earth andwater jutsu, maybe even a few fire. He would have to spy on some academy classes, as classes for his age group didn't start till 14 and end at 18. It wouldnt be the first time he had commited a crime like this. He had on numerous occasions had to break into shops to steal food and clothing as most shop owners would either over charge him or just plain blacklisted him. He might even have to get some weapons aswell if he couldnt find any in good enough condition.

Going over to his kitchenette, he grabbed a few of the tasteless ration bars and ate them. Looking at the clock, he saw it was early in the morning so he decided now would be a good time to go for a run. Figuring since he could now store stuff, he stored all the jutsu scrolls along with food, money and clothing scrolls he had incase his home was raided by those Uchiha Police pricks again. He also stored a map he had found showing a few other locations of other hideouts, why the previous owner made a map was beyond him, but he was thankfull all the less.

Setting out at a jog, he jogged around the village twice before picking up the pace to a run. After his third lap he slowed back down to a jog for another lap and walked one more around the village for a total of 7 laps around the village. By now the sun was almost directly above him, so he went and don 100 reps of each exercise in the woods near a training ground. Listening in for sounds of training and hearing nonw, Naruto snuck into said training ground and started looting around for abandoned kunai and shuriken. After a few hours, he had found a good haul along with a few more storage and jutsu scrolls. Everything went into his inventory, which seemed to be bottomless. Deciding it was time for dinner, he set out to catch a few fish. An hour later would find Naruto cooking 3 fish over a small fire by the river with a grin on his face.

Polishing off the fish he cooked, he made his way towards the area where the library was, which wasnt far from the shops. Looking around from the shadows of the building he was next to, he scoped out the library watching anyone who went in and out. Walking around the building, he looked for other infiltration points and looking for weaknesses he could exploit. Finding few things useful, he retreated back home for the day, deciding that tonight he would practice his ID skills and level it up to level 2. It would do good to have a place he could truly call home and not have to worry about it being ransacked or discovered.If Naruto had of looked back, he would have seen 2 sets of red eyes behind animal masks watching him, a weasel and a tiger.

Upon reaching his hideout, Naruto read over the description for is IDs, and with a mental thought, formed his first ID. Looking around, it was his hideout, but empty, so he stepped outside to find a empty Konoha. It was then inspiration struck him and he decided another test was in order. Once outside, he cancelled his ID and found himself outside his hideout, with the door shut and locked from the inside, which he locked from the 9inside. There was no door while his ID was active. Chuckeling softly, he thought of all the ways he could better himself with this simple skill. Putting up another ID, he went back inside and sat down, cancelling his ID and decided tonight he would grind this skill out to a higher level.

Morning came and Naruto discovered he was neither tired nor hungry, which he found odd until he remembered his Gamers Body skill. Smiling to himself, he done his morning laps around the village, followed by his exercises before he went and showered. Remembering his interface, he pulled it up to see what all had changed since yesterday.

Naruto Uzumaki

The Gamer

Level 5

Age 5












Gamers mind- The host is immune to all mind ailments and all genjutsus.

Gamers body- The body of a gamer. immune to scarring. Host will be full rested and Chakra restored after 4 hours of rest in a bed.

Stealth- Level 51. The ability to remain unseen by those around you.


ID Creation-Create a Instant Dungeon. With higher levels, time can either be slowed or boosted. The higher level, the better the dungeon. 

Level 1- an empty dungeon surrounding you.

Level 2- a personal dungeon you can live in and adjust the time flow at will. Time flow must be altered before entering.

Some of his stats had gone up and his Chakra Control had apparently MAXED out. Not yet knowing what Chakra Control was for, he was happy but not too concerned about it. Going out he snuck to a training ground by the Uchiha compound and overheard some people talking.

"Alright kids today we are going to working on shurikan and kunai throwing aswell as seeing if we can get any of your sharingans to unlock. The first thing that you need to do is unlock your chakra, but since all of you kids is already unlocked, we will proceed to step 2. Next i want you to focus chakra into your eyes and see what happens." Deciding to try this later, Naruto silently booked it out of there, fearing another beating if he was caught. The Uchicha Police had been some of the more rough ones when dealing with him, and he didnt like them very much at all, bunch of stuck up pricks. Going to other training grounds, Naruto scavenged for more weapons, but had little luck. He did however find an academy textbook nearby. Deciding to give it a look through later, he went to the stream and caught some more fish.

After his lunch he went back home to read the textbook. Going through the textbook, he discoverd a multitude of skills young ninja should know like the henge, and jutsu that allowed you to take another form, the kawarimi, a jutsu that let you switch places with another object to avoid a nasty hit, and the clone jutsu, and jutsu that casted incorporiel clones. Deciding to learn the henge first, so he could get around easier without all the hateful glares of the villagers, he did just that. Focusing his chakra and imagining what he wanted to look like, he performed the jutsu until he recieved a notification.

*Ding* Skill learned, Henge.

Henge- Level Max- Allows the User to alter his or her form into another. Due to the user having so much Chakra, the users henge can't be dispelled by others.

'So i have alot of chakra that gives me something called a true henge. maybe i could henge into an animal or something, but i run the risk of being eaten by other animals. Cool!' A few hours later he had learned the other two jutsu along with a plethora of "wilderness survival" jutsu, like the campfire jutsu, which was a small flame that lit a campfire, or the breeze jutsu which surrounded the user in a gust of wind to cool off. There was also a water jutsu to bring up drinking water, a earth jutsu that made a hole in the ground to "do your doody" in and cover it back up aswell as a lightening jutsu that acted like a tazer. 

Next was attempting to get his dojutsu to work for him. Pushing chakra to his eyes, he felt a heat before everything became super clear and he could see all around him in a perfect circle. 

*Ding* User has acquired a new skill, Sharingan 3 tomoe.

*Ding* User has acquired a new skill, Byakugan (perfect.)

Getting up and looking in the mirror, you couldnt tell he had any dojutsu activated, only Bright Blue eyes were to be seen. "This is good. No one will be able to nitice if i copy there jutsu and no one will ever be able to sneak up on me again. now i just need to bring my body up to a good level while also practicing my weapon skills. tonight i will raid a weapon store and empty them. They want to refuse service for no good reason, well fuck em" Naruto chuckled with a shit eating grin. Hours passed and it was around midnight or so when Naruto created an empty ID and went to a weapon store. Disabling the ID after henging into a mouse accross the street from the store, he looked around. 'No ones around and the store is closed, nows the time.' Raising a new ID, he scurried into the store and again, hid in the shadows before cancelling the ID again. Noticing his observations to be true, he dropped the henge and began storing everything. Thousands of kunai, shurikan, senbon, hundreds of different sized blades, training manuals, clothing, ration bars and whatever else he coulkd get his hands on. He was even lucky enough to findm a scroll labeled Mystic Palm Jutsu and another labeled Fuinjutsu for beginners. Walking to the back of the store, he found literal crates upon crates of extra weapons along with ores and everything hed ever need to make his own weapons plus books on blacksmithing, he even found some shiney ore that the inventory labeled as Chakra Metal.

Throwing up another ID, he quickly ran back to his hideout before going over his spoils for the night. '30 thousand kunai, shuriken and senbon each, around 2000 bladed weapons, 30 cases of ration bars, and a couple tons of ore. Thats enough for one night. After this, security in the village is gonna go way up.' With that, Naruto took a shower and went to bed, looking forwards the chaos of tomorrow. 

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