As my eyes open to only be met with someone else's blue face.
The feeling of familiarity caused my mind to race to the topic of anime specifically, Dragon Ball!.
"Why am i here?!"
I subconsciously blurted out my own thoughts.
There was also the fact lying would be pointless to an actual Angel.
"Oh, Oh, you're finally awake, interesting!."
The Angel did a full circle clearly observing my own body for what reason remains unknown to me.
Then he paused his movements.
We were both face to face once more like from the start.
In a joyful manner.
This familiar Angel ask with a glint of intrigue in his eyes.
"If you don't mind me asking you a personal question"
"What race do you call yourself?"
My mind momentarily paused at his words.
Isn't my race still human!.
I tilted my head downward while subconsciously bringing up both my arms to eye view,
-Isn't this a body of a Celestialsapien!,- I mentally thought of my favorite cartoon, Ben 10.
"I'm a Celestial Sapien, But!"
"What are you?."
"Who are you?.."
"Where am i?…"
I acted dense due to not knowing where I stood in this anime power scaling.
Though with new founded confidence that emotions should be hard to read on a creature such as a Celestial Sapien.
The man who has blue skin that I recognize as the Daishinkan stayed quiet.
We both stood there in a moment of silence.
A smile that could rival All might crept on the short but powerful man face, before he broken the silence.
"Well since you're here."
"I'll treat you as my personal guest"
"Since stuff like this don't happen at all, in the middle of the multiverse!"
The Angel floated away a few feet.
Then gave a quick bow of respect then soon after straightened up his posture.
"Welcome, to the Omni-King palace"
"The supreme ruler of the Multiverse"
"I am, the Grand Minister an Angel"
"Who serves as a close advisor to the king"
"Follow me please!"
I nodded at his grand introduction in a moment of speechlessness.
After a two minutes of walking alone the angel came to a stop at the realization.
I was still at the same spot of our original conversation.
"Ho,Ho,Ho, You seem to be speechless by my amazing introduction"
"Mr. Celestial Sapien"