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Chapter 5: To Help

I was gently stirred from my sleep by a gentle rub of my back. Even if I was still tired I decided to see what's going on. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up to see my mother starring off into the distance.

Even now just looking at her it made my heart ache. Though it definitely felt more manageable. I decided to move not wanting to sit and think any longer. This has the consequenc of diverting my mothers attention from her thoughts to me.

"Hey Zechy, are you okay? You slept for the whole day yesterday. Even when I came to wake you up a few times you didn't even budge." That's strange I should have noticed her come in at some point, right? Was I concentrating that hard?

Speaking of that time, where is the Egg? I look around and quickly spot it near me in the bed. After confirming it exists I look back to my mother. She smiles at me slightly. Probably for my concern for the Egg. Slightly startling me she gets up from my bed and starts to speak.

"You must be starving Zechy. So get up from your bed and let's head to breakfast." She then heads to the door and leaves for the dining room. Once I'm sure she left I get up and grab the Egg. Now after putting so much effort to keep it alive, I should finally check out its status.

Poke Egg

Name: "Egg" None

Species: Unknown

Gender: Female

Potential: Undetermined

Condition: Weak but improving

The amount of unknowns is quite annoying. And it doesn't really help how I'm feeling currently. But at least the condition is improving. Now as I carry the Egg to breakfast I use the system help function to explain the unknown in the status.

"The species is marked "unknown" due to the use not encountering any form of the new species outside its current egg form." So if it was a ralts egg I would know because I met Toriel?

"Yes" That is good to know though do I have to scan them or is it just seeing them.

"The user must have attempted to use the system on the target in order for it to count." That puts a large restrictions on discovering new Pokémon if that's the case. Actually it wouldn't because the restrictions just apply to Poke eggs.

Then now I guess it time to continue with the other unknown. Though I quickly start to eat my breakfast as the explanation starts.

"Potential is currently undetermined due to it being new. The potential of the Pokémon will eventually settle. It will usually settle based on the potential of the parents. Though the process of solidifying potential can be influenced by others."

That's interesting I guess, but in this condition I'm not sure I should even be taking care of this Egg. It's not like after overcoming one emergency situation will change how hollow I'm feeling.

I used to think I had a strong will, but now not so much. I guess having support from family and friends even if it was inconsistent and small, was possibly the most important for me.

I know I had pushed my feelings away, it had never hurt me before. I would just solve the issue before the feelings came back. I thought I could do the same thing now. But all it took was a familiar face to break me down to my very core.

Now I also know depression is a condition and not just an emotion. It honestly impressed me how detailed the system I have is. It can even tell me the cause of my condition if needed, though that aspect isn't to helpful now.

Zechariah Erlanger

Condition: Depressed, exhausted

Condition causes

Depression: Entire reality shattered and loss of a bonds.

Exhausted: Depression

It might be useful in the future to know that one condition can cause another. Though, what does that matter if I don't do anything to cause it in the future. Like I just don't leave the house.

Wow I'm not helping myself at all by just sitting and thinking. If that's the case I might as well focus on the one thing I was given responsibility for, the Egg.

I look over at the egg gently resting against my chair leg. It seems to be lonely. Not sure how it could be, it is just an inanimate object. Though this is the world of Pokémon so I could be wrong. So I get up off my chair and gently pick up the Egg so I can move it to my play area. To my surprise a notification from my system apears.

"This Pokémon Egg is currently bonded to the user. To enhance the potential and keep the Egg alive the user must contribute energy. The regular energy intake would not be needed if the Egg had a parent bond. And due to the user being the Egg's first bond the energy must partially come from the user, or it will perish."

So that is worrying. It needs consistent energy "sessions?" In order to continue functioning. And to top it off I have to be apart of it.

So there goes my plan of giving up on being a Pokémon trainer. Though I guess it isn't all bad. I have someone to actually care for, I guess even to live for? Ehhh, too cheesy. But not a bad sentiment.

I look down at the large egg in my arms truly wondering for the first time. What does it mean to be a Pokémon trainer. I should probably check it's status to see how much energy it needs.

(Poke egg growth requirements)

User energy: Half of maximum user can produce per day. (0.00%) complete.

(Poke egg special growth requirement's)

It doesn't seem like much, but I'm assuming it piles up to alot eventually. I'm assuming that other option is for improving potential. Even though I expect I can't do anything for it most likely I decide to open it.

(Poke egg special growth requirement's)

(0.00%) Aura energy daily

(0.00%) Psychic energy daily

(0.00%) Ghost energy yearly

I find it interesting it isn't the same setup as the previous one. It probably because the requirements are hidden to most people. Though the worrying part is the last objective. It makes me question how long it takes for a Pokémon to hatch. The system thankfully is already prepared for the question.

"Pokémon depending on the species and environment hatch at different rates. Some other factors include parental bond and if the egg was damaged. All these factors will cause the egg hatch time to vary from 3 months to several years."

That definitely helps a little. Though that means I technically won't have a Pokémon for at least a year. I guess I'm in for the long hall then.

Though this brings up how am I going to get the daily special requirements for Aura and Psychic energies? I really don't think I'll be able to pull of unlocking those energies like I did the Ghost type. I'd also like to not do that process again even if it could work for the other energies.

So the question still remains where would I get those energies from? I sit on the ground in silence holding the Egg closely. Eventually I am interrupted from my thinking by my Father.

"Hey little Zech, I know we didn't do it for long but do you think we could train together again? It would make Dad and Mum really happy if you did."

That's when it hits me the perfect way to get the energies I need. My dad and Toriel. I didn't need to make the energies myself, I could just ask them. Suddenly an even better idea comes to mind. That's when I decide to respond to my Dad's question.

"I will go do some training with you, but only if you use some of the Aura stuff on my Egg." I tried my best to make myself look cute and adorable to help my chances.

Once he fully understood what I asked his expression changed from slightly downtrodden to more of a mischievous smile. And after a quick moment he replied to my offer with his own.

"I'll agree if you promise me to train with me every day no matter what." It takes me no time to come back with my response.

"I'll agree if you promise to do the Aura thing every day." He seems to think about his answer, before he quickly holds out his hand saying.


I set down the Egg gently before grabbing the outstretched hand. As soon as our hands meet I'm wrapped into a bear hug by Him. The sudden show of affection, made that hallow feeling felt that much easier to manage. I then felt another join the now group hug.

At this point I was pretty much trapped, but the sheer warmth it provided more than made up for it. I also realized that even if everything I knew was pretty much gone, I still have people who love me unconditionally.

For a couple weeks after that I still struggled with the depression an exhausted conditions. Thankfully after two weeks the exhausted condition stopped appearing. Though the depression didn't leave me so easily. Neither did the thoughts associated with it. Though taking care of the Egg and training helped with that.

The training has gotten much easier after the exhausted condition left. Though in turn my Dad has increased the difficulty.

Speaking of increased difficulty my Mother has decided that my education needs to be improved. Especially when it comes to history. Thankfully the history is the thing I'm most interested in. And a lot of the calendar system is based on the legendary Pokémon.

Fist of all, there are 12 months like usual. But the day count is around 60 compared to Earth's 30 day month. And instead of weeks it's cycles. They are 10 days in a cycle, each day with there own name.

Fist day of the week is Arcday, then followed by Mewday. The days order can change depending on what region you're in, though usually Arcday if first. The next 7 days go as follow, Dialday, Palkday, Grouday, Kyoday, Xerday, Yevalday, and Zyday.

Interestingly enough Xerday, Yevalday, and Zyday are days of rest. This is due to a religion surrounding these Pokémon about how each represent Kay parts of what life is so the must, be prayed to for those three days. Further more this religion became very predominant for several centuries before being slowly destroyed by extremists in their own faction.

This event was know ironically enough as the great awakening. This is due to how the faction was stopped by their "Deities" when they confronted them and showed them how to make poke balls.

The interesting thing is that this is different in another region such as Kanto. In the Kanto region they fallowed a religion based on Arceus as the main god. Ad such their method differs greatly to ours. Even to the point of them being the ones to grant the Kalos region the ability to make poke balls.

To me it doesn't matter which religion is right. All that is important is their impact on history and the Coulter of today. Otherwise it's just mubojumbo to me.

Other more recent history is how humans created the internet. This allowed for long distance communication of anyone. And it only was created 100 years ago. What surprising to me is that there is research on what the internet even is. This means that technology is not as simple as it was in my previous world.

Though the main issue of humanity today is a lack of resources. Not in the sense of them just not being there but more due to how hard to get more land is. Pokémon of varying power roam the untamed lands around the human populations.

And due to how strong wild Pokémon can get humans have a hard time sometimes just keeping what they have. That's why routes are established between cities instead of roads. Because just trying to upkeep a trail is incredibly hard.

An entire section of the military is dedicated to just protecting the routes. Speaking of them the rangers aren't technically apart of any one Region. Same goes for all other forms of major military. The only thing that is apart of the Regions military is the trainers and the gyms.

Every other major military group is apart of the U.H.R otherwise known as the United Human Regions. In which anyone who wants to explore and protect new lands joins.

I personally find it quite the interesting governing concept. And it seems to be working perfectly for many years now.

I currently am sitting across the table from my Mother as she goes over how the different energies interact with each other. I and then startled by a huge knock at the door.

My mother stops the lesson and gets up to open the door. When she does she gasps in surprise. She the rushes out to greet the person outside. It makes me wonder who it is.

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