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Chapter 3: New Discoveries

I woke up from quite a nice sleep. It was quite nice. In my previous life I was used to sleepless nights of pain, or fitful sleep when I did get it. Though I guess that it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm not even in the same universe.

That makes me wonder how the changes to me affected me. Could it have altered my personality. I know that even now just being a child is slightly interfering with my body, what if it also effects my thinking. That makes me wonder on what about the powers I get in the future could do to me. What if training now reveals to my parents I'm more than just a child! It could end in disaster. What if they send me to some lab!







I take a second to take a deep breath. It helps calm me a little, but it still feels weird. Then the memories of my new life come up. Even the small amount of memories I have of this world seem to ground me back to reality. They don't soothe me but it helps reaffirm myself of my new permanent situation.

I need to do something. Getting lost in thought sucks. I get up from my small bed. It barely sits above the ground in my room. It is definitely comfortable but at this point I can't sit still any longer.

Finally leaving my bed let's me notice a few things. First of all, I am smoll. That means it is going to take a considerable amount of effort to go places. Second, I think my room is the only carpeted room in the house.

I take my hand and touch the carpet. It's very soft. Probably best carpet I've ever touched. It's a basic beige color, but it has a very pleasant look. It must have been incredibly expensive. But at first look it just like any run of the mill carpet.

That makes me wonder what my Mom does for work. I know she isn't just a trainer. She has something she actually causes her to regularly leave the region even.

I know this because when she doesn't leave the region she always makes it home for the night. She has Toriel that usually stays with her. Toriel being a psychic Pokémon can obviously use teleport.

That doesn't really matter right now I guess. So future me problem. With that settled I continue looking around the room.

It has the same dark wood theme as the rest of the house. Though some of the sharp corners on my bed frame and dresser are padded. I touch the padding and find it completely normal.

It's nice to my parents took the proper precautions for child safety. A slight grimace crosses my face on remembering it not protection for any child, but for me.

I quickly move on after that to the only window in my room. That's when I again realize I'm smoll. I can't even see out of it standing up.

So that avenue of exploration in a no go. This leads me to my only other option, the closet. I walk over to the Woden sliding door and try to push it to the side. I barely move it a few inches before I gets stuck on something. I try wiggling it this way and that but it doesn't budge.

I can't get it open, but it's open enough that I peek to see what's inside. Though what's in there wasn't all that special. Just some basic kids toys and books.

At this point I have to leave my room to explore further. So that's what I do. My door is much easier to open compared to the closet. I look around the hallway and see My parents door. I also see the guest bedroom door and the guest bathroom door.

I'm at the end of the hallway. The other side I can see the kitchen Island. I assume there's nothing in the guest bedroom and decide that going into my parents bedroom wouldn't be the best idea.

The kitchen it is! I make my way down the hallway into the kitchen. The kitchen Island has a dark wood base with a marble counter top. To the right is the rest of the kitchen all with same dark wood and marble counter top combo.

Other than that it has a basic fridge, sink, oven, and stove top. There doesn't seem to be a microwave though. It's not to terrible if this world doesn't have microwaves, it will just make reheating food harder.

I look over to the living room. There's a short step down from the kitchen to it. It's pretty basic with just a couch, TV, and a coffee table in between them. Behind the couch further back from the hallway is the dining room. It has a hardwood table and chairs. The wood looks less dark compared to the rest of the house. The seats have basic cushions. Though my chair has a booster seat. Seemingly there just to remind me I am smoll.

I suddenly hear what sounds like grunting from outside. Before I look through the sliding glass door I am suddenly blinded by a bright light. Not only that I feel an immense pressure pull me to the ground.

When I can finally get up I feel to familiar arms wrap around me. I look and see my father hugging me gently. I then notice he is drenched in sweat and his breathing is heavy. He then gently sets me on the ground looking at me in worry. He then decides to voice his thinking.

"Zechariah what are you doing up this early? You seem to be fine. What caused you to fall? Was it Benjamin?." At this point it seems like he is talking to himself rather than me. Also who is Benjamin? I look up to my father and interrupt his muttering to ask.

"Who is Benjamin?" That quickly gets his attention on me. After looking at me for minute asks me a question.

"Can you keep a secret little Zech?" By his name for me being used I know this isn't something super important . Otherwise he would have My full name. Knowing that I reply simply.

"Yes" with that I am quickly swept up into my fathers arms. He then brings me outside. And as soon as I take in my surroundings I know who Benjamin is.

I look back to my dad and point to the figure laying on the grass and ask to make sure.

"Is that Benjamin?" My dad nods looking extremely proud. I don't think he is proud of me this time. How do I know that. Because of the Mega Lucario laying peacefully on the grass 10ft away from us.

The mega Lucario also known as Benjamin doesn't seem to be returning to normal even though it is clearly unconscious.

I look up to see my father's face and see nothing but pride and satisfaction. I can almost feel his sense of accomplishment and pride.

At this point I'm at a loss for words. What could I even say in a situation like this. Before I even get a chance to think of something my father looks down at me with a mischievous look in his eye. He then reveals quite a lot of useful information.

"Me and Benjamin have been working on his Mega evolution for quite a few years now. Your Mom and Toriel have also been working on it for probably even longer then us. But because I've been at home taking care of you I and Benjamin have been able to train together more often." To emphasize his point he pokes my nose with a gentle touch. He then continues his explanation.

"The thing is I need to keep this a secret from your Mom. That's because me and her made a special bet. Whoever was able to permanently Mega evolve their Pokémon first would have to take the other to their favorite restaurant for half a year. Though she gets super competitive that could cause her to get discouraged from training with Toriel.

So just because I won doesn't mean I can let your mom and Toriel get distracted by my success. And that's why I need you to keep this a secret. Promise?" Instinctively I respond to his question.

"Promise" My dad smile's brightly at that almost blinding me. He the hugs me tightly and pats me on the back. His stubble slightly scratches my face but at this point I don't care. At this point I'm left with only one thought, my family has got to be the coolest one to ever exist.

After that adventure my dad balls His newly Mega evolved Lucario, in what I think is a luxury ball. Sadly I don't get a very good look at it. He then takes me inside to make breakfast.

After that the day proceeds normally. The only abnormal thing is that Toriel comes back around lunch. My dad tells me that she had been training while he had watched me.The day eventually ends with me just trying to unlock my abilities.

The next morning I wake up nice and refreshed. I immediately get up to go explore more. I have to hope I can maybe see more of the outside today. With that I head to the living room.

Once I make it there I immediately notice something I didn't expect. Through the glass sliding door that leads outside I see my Dad, that's not the surprising part. The surprising part is my Dad is currently wielding a laser sword.

First a Mega Lucario now a laser sword, what can't my Dad do. At this point I'm not sure I want to know the answer. Now though I need to figure out what he's doing.

I use all the strength in my little body to open the door as I then rush out to my Dad. I make sure to call out to him before I get to close. He thankfully seemed to notice my presence even before I called out to him.

He quickly makes the laser sword disappear before he starts to talk to me. But before he can even get a word out I ask him my burning question.

"How did you do that?" As I say that I point to where the laser sword in his hand used to be. He gently laughs at my enthusiasm before sitting down to my height to explain.

"Alright my little Zech, what I just did was make an Aura blade. It is a sword made of pure aura energy and is incredibly hard to produce. This is because Aura, which is the special energy I am using, Is hard to manifest outside the body in a physical form. Did you get all that Zech?" I quickly nod in agreement. As I'm about ready to ask my next question my Dad continues to speak.

"You can do this to Zechariah. Only though if you train very hard. Not just with the energy either but your body too." I look at him slightly confused where he is going with this.

"What I'm going to do though if you really want it. I can help train you in the early stages. That is until you have to head to Aura school." He gets a far off look in his eye at the last statement. I'm slightly confused why he is so readily offering me this but I can't really complain. So I then voice my answer with all the enthusiasm I can give.

"Yessssss Pleaseeeee!!!!" Making sure I don't forget my manners even though I'm excited. My dad seems to reciprocate my sentiment as he replies.

"Hell Yea!!" He then stops for a second looks at me face barely being stopped from twisting in horror. I look back with pure innocence shining in my eyes. And to his relief say nothing. All the tension fades from his form as he slumps down in relief. I now have the ultimate blackmail.

Now back to the topic at hand my Dad stands up to starts my first actual training session.

He starts me off with basic stretches for until we stop training. I wasn't expecting to much so the training seems about right. The problem is because my body is that of a child my muscles aren't that strong or controlled yet. So during exercises where I have to balance I end up falling most of the time.

My dad made sure to check on me every time I fell and he would correct my form when needed. Even if it wasn't super cool like creating a laser sword. It was nice to do something with my Dad.

After a what I think was a few hours of training I was impressed with how much endurance I had. My dad didn't seem like it was anything abnormal though. Maybe it was just the standard for people on Lunerth. Without warning I suddenly hear a loud feminine voice ring through my head.

"Arther Erlanger, What are you doing with Zechariah!? He is still way to young to be training, especially by you and your ridiculous training methods." Before I can even recover from the voice I am swept up by familiar arms. I strain my neck and confirm my suspicions when I see Toriel.

Before I know it I'm already inside and being sat on the couch. I then hear the feminine voice go through my head again.

"Are you ok Zech? Arther didn't push you to hard did he? He didn't for…." Before she finishes she seemingly remembers something. I look at Toriel who I assumed was the source of the voice. Her face has several different emotions run across it none but worry can I identify.

Toriel suddenly looks at me like she had just did something terrible. But her seeing that I'm just fine seems to relive her worry. She then collapses onto the couch next to me.

My dad the enters the house with a very worried look on his face. But when he notices that I look completely fine he relaxes a little. He then sissy's next to me and starts asking me questions. Things like "how's your head feeling?" Or "Do you feel funny or foggy?" I answer no to them wondering why he was asking these questions. After a few minutes of questions he finally relaxes. Not sure what's going on I ask.

"What happened?" My dad takes a moment to sit up, then he looks at me and the semi catatonic Toriel before answering.

"Toriel is a psychic type Pokémon. This means that she uses her mind for her powers and to talk. This can be harmful for young children. So even talking to you with her powers could have hurt you, even if she didn't mean it.

That's the main reason you never heard Toriel talk before. Thankfully you seem to have a good head and are perfectly fine." I sigh in relief at the last part. That makes a lot of sense now why Toriel has never talked to me before. That makes me wonder why she could send me feelings just fine. So I decide to bring that question up.

"How could Toriel send feelings and not hurt me?" I put as blunt as a child could. My dad seems a little surprised at the question before responding.

"That's because emotions are much simpler than words. This means that it is really easy for you to receive unlike words. This is further helped by Toriel being a Gardivoir, which are known for being able to send and receive emotions like breathing."

I nod in understanding before hugging my dad and Toriel. My dad takes it with open arms while Toriel is a little shocked. She must have been really stuck in her thoughts to not notice me go for a hug.

After that debacle my dad and Toriel have a conversation between the two of them. The conclusion of it being that Toriel will continue to not use her psychic powers to talk to me, and that she will be watching my morning training with my Dad. I have no problems with either decision.

The day then goes on like normal. That goes the same for the next few days. That is until an entire week goes by since regaining my memories. That's because my Mom is coming home.

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