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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Celebration

As a means to not lower the chances of those who take longer to understand their [melody], all those who have participated must stay in the ritual place until the end of said ritual. This is crucial to a point where it has been made a law in this country. If you are found attempting to leave the premises before the clock hits midnight, a "ritual absconder" mark is permanently left on your citizenship file. With this, you can forget about any regular job, much less a job as an [enlightened]. 

I observe my surroundings and notice that, among those who have succeeded, I am the last one to stand up. In the process of scrutinizing those around me, I realize something. Once you become [enlightened], recognizing other [enlightened] is quite easy. If I were to put it into words, I would say that it is like a dog knowing that it is looking at another dog. You feel a sense of familiarity with them that you do not feel with "regular" humans, as if you both are now part of an entirely new species. In reality, it was not necessary for me to manifest my ability for others to know if I had succeeded or failed, but once I do, I receive a variety of looks. Some congratulatory, some disinterested and I also receive some looks of extreme jealousy. Not everyone who is here managed to understand their [melody]. Despite all hailing from an academy of aspiring [enlightened], everyone's talent is different. Not even my good friend Ronnie succeeded. He gives me that same look of jealousy. I can tell at a glance that he has failed, and I know deep down, that this is where we part ways. 


The training we receive at the Lauderdale Academy gives us an advantage only once we have passed the trial. This is because no one is taught how to pass the [fracture] ritual. There are many reasons for this. The first reason is to maintain fairness for all and to ensure that natural talent is the only deciding factor in the ritual. The second reason is that rituals differ from individual to individual in the same way that melodies differ. Receiving incorrect guidance might have the opposite effect and increase the failure rate. The third reason, the one they do not say out loud, is most likely to reduce the number of unaffiliated [enlightened] and to keep power in the same hands such as those of the FullCastle family. 


The sun has long since set, and the ritual has ended. The professor observes us with a smile. 

"Out of the 500 students in their last year here at the Lauderdale academy, 25 have passed the ritual!! That is a whopping 5%, that is amazing! For those who could not pass, do not worry, with the training you have received here, you can lead fulfilling careers as part of the auxiliary divisions of the enlightened federation!" 

The professor is a 1st stage enlightened who did not have the ability to fully reach the 2nd stage. When his [melody] plays, he can manipulate the air around him and create gusts of wind capable of knocking an adult man over. He is in his 40s with an unsavory mustache decorating his upper lip. He may no longer be in his prime, but his training is evident simply by looking at the muscles adorning his figure. For people like him with a less than useful ability who cannot advance on the path of acceptance, teaching is one of the few options left if they want to make a living using their [melody]. He taught us hand-to-hand combat and gave us insight into the incorporation of one's ability into their fighting style by using his own as an example. If we look past him always picking Sylvia to answer his question, he never really showed any favoritism towards the successors of the great families. I respect him. He briefly looks at me with a proud smile and I nod. 


"Now that you have unlocked your abilities, it is time to enter the next chapter of your lives! Once you have made your preparations, you will all be heading to this country's one and only [enlightened] training facility, DaiKar! This is where you will spend two years honing your abilities alongside approximately 500 futured [enlightened]. In that place, you will learn to use your [melody] as easily as breathing. Some of you may even reach the 2nd stage during your stay there. In three days, we will meet in front of the main entrance of the Lauderdale academy where an officer will take you to DaiKar." 


Before we disperse and make our preparations, Sylvia FullCastle approaches me. 


"Congratulations on understanding your [melody], Alden. The shield you manifested was quite beautiful" 


"You know my name?" 


"Why wouldn't I? You always make sure I answer every question thoroughly, don't you?" 

"Haha.... Well congratulations to you too Sylvia. Though I'm not sure what your [melody] allows you to do since I was the last to finish" 


"You'll know soon enough Alden. See you in three days!" 


'Okay, that was weird. She has literally never talked to me before, did I become worthwhile in her eyes now that I'm [enlightened]?' 


After this strange interaction, I receive a few more congratulatory words, exchange platitudes with the others and then decide to head home. There, I already know that my little sister and my little brother are eagerly waiting for my return in hopes that I prevailed and attained enlightenment. They are both 15 years old and are attending the same academy I did thanks to the money we received from my mother's life insurance. Just like me and our mother, they have black, wavy hair and bronze skin. While my sister, Aurora, has long hair that reminds me of cascading waves at the beach, my brother, Asher, likes to keep it short. Whoever our dad was, his genes must have been weak, because we all look like carbon copies of mom. 


As I walk home, a mischievous idea strikes me. Why don't I play a harmless prank on my cute younger siblings? I step in front of our apartment's entrance, ready to put my acting skills to the test. Aurora is the first to speak as I walk in 


"Alden! How did it go??" 

My little brother isn't much better at containing his excitement.

"Did you, do it?? Are you enlightened?" 




I say nothing. I proceed to remove my shoes, set my coat on the hanger and sit down in the kitchen. Aurora speaks again. 


"Alden... I-It's okay! In 3 years, me and Asher will be able to participate in the ceremony and surely at least one of us will manage!" 


"Y-yeah, that's right bro, don't feel too down, only 1-2% of the population is enlightened anyways. The odds were against you." 


Asher rushes off to fetch me something to drink, in hopes of lifting my mood. That's when, as he is leaving the kitchen, he smashes his face against a hard surface. He has lived there all his life; he wouldn't just run into a wall because he was in a hurry.

In conjunction to Asher's predicament, a powerful song is playing in my head and the twins look at me. 


"Who said I failed?" 

As the manifested Aegis dissipates, leaving Asher with a bloody nose, I smirk. I then manifest it back into existence in front of me and cast a triumphant look upon my younger sister and brother. Aurora's excitement overflows and she jumps with glee. 

"O-omg omg omg omg omg!!!! You did it!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!" 


Once my brother regains his composure and sees the aegis in front of me, I am instantly forgiven, and he lets out a victory shout. 




We are all jumping, dancing, and celebrating. This lasts until the sun rises again. Three days slip by, and I have made my preparations. I am ready to return to Lauderdale. Before leaving, I imparted important instructions to my siblings; they must eat, sleep and study properly. I explained that I would only see them during the holidays for the next two years due to my training at DaiKar. Of course, they understood and wished me luck. Now that I am [enlightened], I automatically receive a salary from the state for living expenses. Add that to the savings I have amassed in the past years and my siblings should not have to worry about money until they reach the day of their ritual. 


I stand in front of Lauderdale's main entrance, alongside 24 other newly [enlightened]. The travel bus arrives, and we all board. In exactly 2 hours, we will reach DaiKar. 

Trichoplax Trichoplax

Alright, we will finally be learning about the world of the enlightened!

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