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100% Hunter X Hunter: Royal Guard / Chapter 12: It x Was x Gratitude?

Chapter 12: It x Was x Gratitude?

Elsewhere, in the north. Mindless. Obedient. Shaiapouf's makeshift military consisting of Yorknew's inhabitants stepped into that sphere of tension around Netero and the king. So, the humans did respond? But why now while their infiltration team is here? Observing from his perch mid-air, Netero's eyes narrowed. These are just civilians. But I'm interested in seeing how Meruem responds, not even my goading could push him. "It's your move. Little ant, have your fill." As though in the centre of a hive, the king stood motionless amongst the mobbing humans swarming the area. From the sky, his emerald tone was distinct. Count this my penance, and first trial. "Human, I don't know what it is you think I am." Even with closed eyes. Conducted through the air, the sheer harshness of his resolve. "But, I am that no longer." All the while, the king had been enduring blows from the crowd.

Thwip. Bullets rained on him. Instruments of malice. Fists shattered. Crunch. Ground into dust, the teeth of those zombies attempting to lay into flesh. So, this is what it feels like to be persecuted. "Justice, justness." Whispering under his breath. Somehow, even if just a little, I feel relieved of this weight. "Persecution. I wish to relieve this world of it and make it a thing of the past." Netero's face hardened. You became a philosopher at this moment? Displeasure. I suppose I have one more card. He seemed to care for that girl he handed over. "If you refuse to fight, the lives of everything in this city will be forfeit. Including the one of that girl you seem to cherish." Laughter. Unbridled laughter from the king. That confirms it. "You have such capability, yet you are wasting time with these games." Incorrigible. These individualistic humans. Judgement was cast with his finger that pointed toward Netero. "A mindless animal, that's what you think me." Eyes opened, the sight of Netero standing above him. It's like looking into a dirty mirror. "It's a shame you're so ignorant."


Big words from such an insignificant being. Netero's droopy eyes betrayed no conflict. "You speak as though you've journeyed this world." Stroking his beard, he pointed to the sky with his free hand. "You may be intelligent, but you are unwise. Reaching the pinnacle requires more than immature musings." His fingers curled into an okay gesture, he inverted them then arranged them such that they resembled a familiar numerical figure. "Ninety-Ninth Hand." There then there. A description of speed verging on instantaneous. Those people were dead long ago. Netero's hand directed the bodhisattva's hands downward onto the crowd around the king. There then there, a series of massive handprints imprinted into the cracked concrete dotted with patches of blood spatter. It was unceasing. Unforgiveable. He even forsakes his kind. Through the deafening sound of destruction. Through the smoke, a disgruntled voice cut through. "I understand that human ingenuity is not to be underestimated." Komugi's brilliance flashed in his mind. "I also understand that we cannot co-exist, peacefully that is." The king stood in the crater with an arm raised, blocking one of the many palms from going further. Netero repeated the act, driving him into the ground like a nail. On the final strike, disappeared. The king wasn't beneath his palm but darting toward him at speed.

Over the course of seconds, the king was swatted away an innumerable amount of times, careening from foothold to foothold as a blur each time afterwards whilst using every acrobatic move in his arsenal. I shall bide my time and find an opening. Through sheer brute force along with predictive ability rivalling a supercomputer's, the king broke through, entering a gap in Netero's offense. I've captured your rhythm, and your piece.. A severed leg hit the ground. Unfettered. Netero, with gritted teeth, propped himself on a single leg. "I won't be deterred by a slight wound like this." He smacked his leg, closing the wound with nought but muscle control. In that time, the king consumed the severed leg. No use in wasting such a bounty. His aura fluctuated slightly as power coursed through him. "I acknowledge your resolve, and sacrifice." The dull pain in his body faded somewhat. "It is not easy to let go." Netero's face became intense. "Don't lecture me with your ill-conceived ideal." Then amusement lit his face. "The battle has just begun, save that talk for the end cocky ant!" Demonic, the only way to capture the essence of Netero's face.

Starting with his arms outstretched, moving them inwards with a sweeping motion, bringing them up. Clap. Gratitude. "Third Hand" The afterimages of the movement only caught up after that utterance. Golden hands swept in from both sides, crushing the king between them. Blocking was best left something unconsidered, the king was brushed across the ground, the friction of his exoskeleton against the concrete kicking up ultrabright sparks as he was rag dolled. Its hands quaked, barely able to contain the king's resistance. Murky black aura poured out whenever the hands were parted for even a moment. The king's teeth were clenched whilst enduring the sheer weight of those palms, grimacing. Irritating. With a burst of power, he broke out. Forward he leapt. Swatted. Backwards he went. "Unfortunately, your martial prowess is your only redeeming feature." A chuckle. "Pity is something I feel for you in abundance." The king having the luxury to exchange words under the bodhisattva's pressure somewhat unnerved Netero. Even the slightest slip up against him, and I'm done. However, the uncertainty was suppressed by waves of excitement. The king stood up, taking on a relaxed posture. "I'll not play this game any longer." Holding onto the rim of his tortoise shell-shaped head with a palm and splayed fingers as his other arm hung loosely.

Vanished. Reappearing. Claiming. The king removed another of Netero's limbs. Squelch. An arm flew through the air. Killing him will allow whatever he has in store to unfold. Netero was now with only a right arm. "It seems I can't reach you through words, old soldier." Before the arm fell, Crunch. He consumed another of Netero's limbs, prompting another rise in aura. Netero stood, briefly staggered by the loss.  Not letting Netero breathe, the king waited for another gap to appear then tackled Netero before dragging him into the sky with a leap. It figured me out so soon? Netero was alarmed, but that alarm was undermined by the king's voice. "I don't know it, but I can feel it. You've been hiding your true strength." Intuition is all I can rely on for now.

The king's tail wrapped around Netero's torso, pinning his remaining arm. Netero tried to resist but to no avail. "I shall dismantle you, and we shall have a conversation." With economic motions, he amputated Netero's arm from the shoulder and the leg from the thigh. The king's body fell head first, spinning in a spiral. Using the momentum, he tossed Netero's limbless body into the ground with his tail. "Now we shall talk for however long you have left." Netero grunted upon impact, appearing to be drained and withered.

Well, I took a good stab at it, that's enough for me… Because I'm not alone. Netero flashed a toothless grin, then attempted to bite his tongue. See you in hell. Disallowed. "Don't you dare." The king reached into Netero's mouth, causing Netero's tremoring pupils to shrivel into a fine point. "I wouldn't like to rip out your tongue." He boldly sat cross-legged next to Netero, flicking his tail from side to side. "Is there any meaning behind that move? For you to have honed it to such an extent is bewildering. Nod if you wish to cooperate." Netero nodded to signal his cooperation, the king released his tongue but left his finger between Netero's teeth. I'm on death's door anyways. "It is gratitude. I'm grateful for having been able to have fought you." Netero turned his head. "I can't remember the last time I had to wait in anticipation for my opponent's next move." The king listened to Netero's slurred words. "That was it? All you derived from this mortal combat? Gratitude." Netero laughed. "You too are individual, ant king. Desire is known to you." By this point he was already blind, slowly being deprived of his senses.

Lengthy silence followed. "Meruem, are you still listening?" The king begrudgingly nodded with a scrunched face. "I'm still here." He softly patted Netero's shoulder, passing a wave of relief through him. "Tell me more, human. I'm intrigued." A wheezy sentence followed. "We are simple... that is not a shortcoming." The king's hand remained on him. "You are rather complex to me." No response. "Human?" The old fool chose to not stop the bleeding. He shook Netero's limp body. "I see." The king dusted himself off. "Let it be known, I bear no grudge." He picked up Netero's body. "Your time has come." The king opened his mouth. I haven't indulged for some time, but this is necessary. He brought his jaws down on Netero's neck, taking a chunk. It won't hurt to be thorough. At the same time, he pierced Netero's chest. A steel object… A bomb? No use in pondering. It was ripped out along with Netero's still beating heart. The heart must be the trigger, it hasn't gone off. I assume it goes off when the heart stops. The king released Netero's body, dropping it to the ground. Standing up, he wound his arm back, pitching the heart into the sky. Whistle. I'll not make the mistake of underestimating their ingenuity. It entered the highest reaches of the atmosphere, freezing. It stopped beating. The king put his hands together. "I'm grateful for your wisdom."

In Netero's faded consciousness, …They called it, the Poor Man's Rose. It went off.

Night became day for a microsecond.

Every time I see merit, I see another fault. Shockwaves ripped through the air. Disappointing. Birds dropped from the sky, visibly unharmed but afflicted with ailment. Poison too. I was naïve, I resign from this chaotic battle. The king's aura expanded. That technique my guards use, expanding one's aura. Light. Flash. Expanded. Dwarfing the brightness of the bomb. It's a simple motivation, but I'd like to do that. Taking her to the promised land. His En took on an amoebic form, with restless tendrils lashing out. A blip on his radar, one of the tendrils made contact with something. His eyes widened at the revelation while a hand covered his mouth. Neferpitou, since when?! Instantly, he appeared by Neferpitou's broken body. "My most loyal attendant, I was unworthy of your service." Must I consume her? "My apologies." It is all for the cause. He begun to feast on Neferpitou's sweet flesh. 'The'. My.  A crumpled piece of paper was on the ground nearby. It can't be that old thing. Unfurled, the paper revealed the photo of that day which felt like yesterday. He picked it up, a memento. Weakness, flaw is present in all things. Upon consuming Neferpitou, the range of his En increased massively. Komugi, where are you?

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