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91.66% Hunter X Hunter: Royal Guard / Chapter 11: Spiders x Scarlet x Eyes

Chapter 11: Spiders x Scarlet x Eyes

Kurapika's Dowsing Chain swung clockwise. I'm outclassed, only physically. Infront of him, a four-armed being with the upper body of an ape and lower body of a crab. Clink. Each of his chain's impacts were followed by a spark. "Oi, human. You're way too weak. Since I'm feeling so sorry for you, I'll let you have one hit, eh?" It tauntingly gestured to its chin.

"Clench your teeth." Discretely, he positioned his Steal Chain between his fingers. The Ear canal will be the softest point. He spun then delivered a backfist, injecting the creature. "I don't expect to find much in here." Kurapika's chain extended into the creature's skull. Pop. Clear fluid leaked from its ear. "Since you were so fair, I didn't scramble your brains just then." The ape hybrid swung but hit air, staggering with each step. "What did you do to m-" Before it finished, "Emperor Time." Kurapika gagged it with his fist, shoving it down its throat. "You talk too much." Rip. Bloody entrails were clutched in his hand. Thud. The creature fell dead.

"Meleoron, you can come out now." Meleoron reappeared. "Let's get out of here."

Meanwhile, in the mall's surveillance room. Riesa sat with Zazan in lap, watching over the real time footage feed. "Useless things!" Zazan slammed her fist into a wall, crumbling it. Riesa swiftly grabbed her hand, polishing it with a handkerchief. "The queen shouldn't act so crudely." She glared at Riesa, crooked veins circling her eyes. Between her index fingers she held Riesa's chin. "Don't forget your place. Right now, you're merely a chair." Zazan stood up. "Petulant little one." Thwack. Riesa was smacked by her stinger. Riesa held his bruised face, barely concealing his sinful pleasures. "Tormented Lover." His aura fluctuated unnoticed. He removed that expression, wearily looking to Zazan. "Don't look at me like that, you look so pathetic Riesa." Her hand clasped his before she dragged him to his feet. "Come now, we have pests to deal with." Riesa eyed her stinger which wrapped around his waist, keeping him close. It's no fun if you do that. They moved out to the mall's main area on the second level.

Riesa was looking down from the railing beside them. On the first level, a trail of barely visible threads. Riesa tended to veer from Zazan's grasp. "Tell me what you're looking at, Riesa." Not turning to him. "It seems the other humans are making their way through. But we'll get to them, they're not going anywhere." Prior to leaving, Riesa initiated the lockdown system. Kurapika and Meleoron's eyes followed Zazan and Riesa as they moved across. They were standing just to the side of them, close enough to reach out and touch. "Meleoron, one of them is Zazan?" Meleoron nodded. "Engaging them isn't a thought I'm entertaining." Sweat dropped to the ground, Meleoron's, unbeknownst to Kurapika.

"Hmm?" Zazan eyed a trail of sweat droplets. She leapt into the direction of the trail, jutting out her knee. She couldn't feel the impact, but her body stopped mid-air. Kurapika's feet marked tracks into the ground due to being pushed back by the sheer force. Meleoron is more of a hassle than his ability is worth! Meleoron gasped, undoing his Perfect Plan. A short exchange ensued. Kurapika's winding chain against Zazan's stinger. They flickered in and out of existence, only appearing during the same instants as the sparks of their clashes. It wasn't long before she gained the upper hand. In the corner of his eye, a purple haze, Zazan winding back her leg. Boom. It warped Kurapika's body. I-Immense! And I thought Uvogin was ridiculous. Even with a raised guard his arms were close to shattering. Time to cough up blood wasn't given. With only her legs she followed up with unceasing brutality, painting the walls red. It ended with her shooting Kurapika off into a storefront with a sidekick to the stomach. "This is what dared to enter my kingdom? Such a weakling, but I suppose he has some merit." Hand to chest. "I'll redeem him with lifelong servitude to me."

Being escorted upstairs on an escalator, Chrollo leant against the railing on his elbows. "The festivities have begun. Let's observe this fight. Although, it looks to be one sided." Machi rested in a similar position to Chrollo. Crossed arms, and a raised foot. "It has to be said, this is suicide. Neither Shizuku nor I are combatants, but whatever you say boss. " Chrollo waved off her concerns. "Those creatures aren't our target, and you won't have to worry about dealing with them in any circumstance." Neck craned toward the sky, he entered reverie.

Shizuku was off in her own world, keenly poring through the pages of yet another book. "If all else fails, I can always suck them off with Blinky." Machi side-eyed Shizuku. That's right she can. Machi choked, doing a double take. "Oi, what did you just say?" Chrollo seemed amused, shuddering slightly. Shizuku didn't miss a beat, unblinking as always. "I said I can chase them off… with Blinky." She didn't knock on her head this time. "Right." I must've misheard or she's fucking with me. At the same time, her foot met with the second floor. "I'll set up some traps." She plucked a needle from the needle cushion on the back of her hand.

Kurapika lied in a pile of shattered glass, his legs resting over the frame of the storefront and sticking out. "E-Emperor Time." Green aura washed over his brittle body, mending it. Keeping up with it for long isn't possible. Damaging it, also impossible. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Perfect Plan." Meleoron came to his aid before Zazan and Riesa came over. "Geez, you're really a monster, recovering from that beatdown so quickly. Come on, get up." As he got up. "Meleoron. Just now, I was tempted to leave you behind." Meleoron gulped at the sight of his scarlet eyes. "Hey! Don't joke around like that." Is he joking? I hope so.

They arrived and saw an empty spot where Kurapika should've been. "Meleoron is willingly helping the human. It's unlikely that he's being forced to since he can just disappear." Riesa leant against a wall. Next to him, a fire alarm. "The honour is yours, my queen." Zazan brought their intertwined hands to it. "Ours." Shatter. The fire sprinkler system was engaged. "Give me your other hand." Riesa obliged. "I do think this mood is most fitting." Hand in hand, mirror to mirror. Movements in such sync you'd think they were one and the same. Beneath that glistening hail of rain. Amongst the destruction. They danced a tender waltz, spotlighted by the moonlight streaming in through the broken skylight. Cruelty and love are one and the same to you. "Zazan, I-" Hiss. Sprinklers were the score to their crooked affection. "Don't you dare ruin this for me with your naysaying." Words interspersed between subtle movements, steps, twirls. A misstep. "Really, you're unteachable Riesa." She smirked. "That's why you always need me to guide you."

I misstep only for you. "It seems I am clumsy when it comes to matters regarding you." Choppy layers of curtain style hair, Riesa's, clung to his soft face. Fuchsia lengths of slick hair clung to Zazan's hard face. "The response of a lovestruck fool." Pause. "However, I'll grant you a pardon this once." Riesa leant in, leaving mere centimetres between their lips. "I'm humbled by your magnanimity." Even though it was raining, it was warm. "Don't overstep. I'm not merciful enough to grant two pardons in succession." Trickle. The sprinklers stopped, leaving dense pools of water on each floor. End scene.

 Zazan looked at Riesa. "Just flooding the place won't catch Meleoron." Riesa unclasped their hands. "We're going to flush them out. Each store has a motion sensor alarm. If you permit it, I'll be in the control room resetting the alarms after they go off to avoid confusion while you chase them." Zazan unwrapped her tail from around him. "Go." An uninterested look. Hurry up and return to my side.

Kurapika and Meleoron were inside of a store. "I'll be blunt, this is an impossible situation. I assume the one besides Zazan is of equal or similar strength." Before they moved. Beep, the motion sensing devices in all stores activated. "Shit." Meleoron shrugged. "What? If it's just a camera there's no issue." Kurapika stopped him with a glare. "Don't move. It detects changes in temperature, you'll be invisible, but it'll still pick up the temperature change and go off."

I can't underestimate them. If we decide to go for the ventilation shaft that's definite death if caught. They can probably control it too. "We're taking this place down." If the ventilation remains off, that's ideal. "No choice but to make a break for it." Kurapika stood up, triggering the alarm. He's grabbing my hand? No time for petty matters of preference. They ran out of the store, leaping over the railings of the second floor. Kurapika latched onto the railing with his chain, swinging them down to the ground level.

In another store, Chrollo took note of the sudden shift in atmosphere. "We're being watched closely now. It can't be us who makes the first move." Moments later, Beep! An alarm went off somewhere. "Let's go." Whilst moving, "Boss, you can at least explain why you're still chasing down the Chain Bastard." Chrollo was more focused on what lied ahead. "I'd rather not discuss my motivations." Machi was perplexed. Does he want vengeance for Uvo? It was almost a smirk, almost a grimace. Always between two phases. Chrollo. "Be unflinching, Machi." When now is upon us we only know it then, so one should move fearlessly into that light. And perhaps one shall happen upon a revelation. Another of his cryptic remarks. Machi shook her head. We'll see soon enough I guess.

Meleoron and Kurapika hit a series of stores, all restaurants. Hiss. Every gas appliance in each being turned on, even going far enough to tear off the pipes. Zazan was not far behind them, racing to each store, not spending enough time to take note of the sounds. All restaurants, I'll just wait at the one after the next one they enter. Chrollo and associates stealthily trailed behind her. "It seems he intends to use the stores as explosive traps. But of course, he knows that wouldn't do much. The utility tunnel is where our meeting shall take place."

Kurapika subverted Zazan's expectations. Being this predictable is a fool's errand. Rather than heading to the next restaurant they moved directly to the utility tunnel. They came up to a massive pipe with numerous valves. He focused aura around his fingers, unscrewing the bolts connecting the pipe's sections. Odourless gas spewed out. This should deter anyone from following me inside. Deterrence, foreign to Chrollo. You don't intend to die here.

Riesa left his post in the control room, meeting with Zazan who was still expectantly waiting for Kurapika. "They're escaping through the utility tunnel." Zazan scowled at him, moving off without a word. "What're you waiting for! Hurry up, Riesa." She reached back, "Don't make me wait." They held hands and sped off in pursuit. Riesa's hand was crushed by her tight grip. Pleasant.

"We should be okay now, an explosion in such a confined space is sure to be deadly even to them." Kurapika turned to look at Meleoron, he wasn't there. "Meleoron?" When turning around further he saw a jarring sight. "Chrollo!?" A knelt Meleoron was bound by thin threads of Nen. Machi stood behind him. "K-Kurapika, a little help here?" He sheepishly smiled. Chrollo stepped forward. "Oh?" Chrollo shaded his eyes with a hand, his blank eyes meeting Kurapika's. "Chain Bastard, is that you? What a surprise." Experiencing such rage, his vision blurred. He held his face. In his hazy vision images of Chrollo overlapped. He dares to show his face to me? No, how did he even know? There's no chance we're here by coincidence. Chrollo planted a foot onto Kurapika's chest. "It looks like you're in a bind." On either side of him, Machi, and Shizuku.

"What do you want?" Kurapika didn't bother raising his arms into a fighting posture. An aggravated Machi leapt toward Kurapika. Denied by Chrollo who held her by the shoulder. "No, Machi." The corners of his lips curled up slightly as he traced a line across the left side of his chest with his index. "Words are unnecessary." Kurapika spat on the ground in response. "Go to hell, Chrollo. The same goes for the rest of you reprobates." He eyed Meleoron. They won't use him as a bargaining chip, they've already got me in this position. "I suppose you know what's filling the air right now." Chrollo nodded. "It seems we're at an impasse. You'd rather die than change your conditions, but I also know you don't want to die." Chrollo tapped his head. "I think you should reconsider" Then pointed to Machi who held a pair of needles against each other as if ready to strike them like matches. "There is no other answer for you." Kurapika clenched his fists. I've unwittingly trapped myself. Sounds of strain exited his mouth.

This scum asks me for forgiveness? "Tell me, Chrollo. When you were slaughtering my clan what did they say?" Kurapika's eyes were the murkiest of reds, full of impurity. "Hmm," Chrollo curled a finger around his chin. "They begged for mercy." Neutrality, remoteness, sheer distance from any form of reproach born of principle, law, or morals. "And what did you say?" The answer came easily to him. "Nothing." Restraint. A word unknown in the face of one's mortal enemy. Almost. No, I get no more closure from killing them than I do from reclaiming the eyes of my brethren from those perverted hands. Still, it's closure. I'd rather them dead than alive. "Why?" The final nail. "I wouldn't know."

He bit his lip, layering it with blood. They can't even recognise their wrongdoing. What did I waste my time doing in Yorknew? Yorknew's condition and the condition of Kurapika's heart imitated the other. "I am not vengeance bound but duty bound, unleashing you onto this Earth would be remiss of me." Chrollo sat down next to him. Fascinating. "Do you hear it?" Cupping a hand to his ear. "I hear it too." One's requiem. For Chrollo, the sound of chaos. For Kurapika, the sound of chaos. "Interpret the sound." The ground they touched became sacrosanct. Neither Machi nor Shizuku were inclined to enter their charged conversation.

The sound of Kurapika's chaos faded, perhaps he became a part of the noise. On the other hand, Chrollo's didn't. Being able to quieten the voices of my brothers is more important. "Judgement Chain." It snaked its way toward Chrollo, meandering as if reluctant. Thunk. "You may only use Nen without the intention of committing good or evil. Also, you are forbidden from harming me." This is not forgiveness, just a means to an end. "I won't waste anymore words on you, Chrollo." With this, if he ever develops a conscience he shall die helplessly, knowing his wrongs and watching those he cares for perish. That would be a satisfying retribution even if I say otherwise.

"Interesting condition." Chrollo's Nen overflowed. "Bandit's Secret." A book whose cover was imprinted by a hand appeared in Chrollo's. "Good? Evil? I suppose it best for me to not ponder on that." A psychological game it is. "Release the creature, Machi." She obliged, leaving Meleoron to run over to Kurapika and reinitiate his ability. Kurapika didn't waste time in racing to the end of the utility tunnel. He could see Meleoron's distress. "Save the apologies for later." Flatly quelling his self-reproach.

Clack. Clack. Zazan ran onto the scene. "Truly, you are vermin." Riesa ran in after her. "Shall we?" He adjusted his collar. "We shall." In unison.

At the same time, Shizuku finally blinked. "Should I get rid of the gas?" Blinky manifested itself between her hands. Chrollo shook his head. No use in revealing a card. "I will call on you when needed." He shut down Machi with a look. "The same for you."

"I'll deal with them, my queen." Riesa dashed toward the closest target, Chrollo. "Fun Fun Cloth." Whilst sidestepping Riesa, a billowing brown cloth appeared in his free hand. Riesa's speed was only just below Zazan's, but Chrollo evaded with ease, only receiving minor grazes to his clothing. Abruptly, Riesa was consumed whole by the cloth wrapping itself around him.

"What did you do to him!?" Quaking." I'll… I'll kill you!" Zazan's momentum was killed by a wagging finger. "Tsk, tsk." Chrollo tossed the cloth to Machi then closed in. "Do anything, and we'll kill him." Machi emphasised the point by rolling the cloth between her index and thumb. "It's up to you whether he lives or dies." Chrollo's empty smile unnerved Zazan. "I'll give him back to you if you promise to leave us be." He extended his expectant hand to Zazan. "We'll shake on it, that's what people do to show they're being genuine." It hung there, waiting for Zazan's apprehensive response.  If I make a move, Riesa dies. Her face tensed up as she moved her shaky hand to Chrollo's. They touched; his lips parted. This hand, within it, such a depth that almost feels human. Zazan's hand was supple. Handshakes usually lasted a second or two at most, but this one exceeded that. "Thank you for you cooperation, I'll release him once you've left." He nodded to Machi who tossed it over.

Zazan carefully caught it with both hands, taking care to not crush him. My Riesa. Mine. When she looked up, Chrollo vanished with the others. Prior to, "Teleportation." Clap. A closed book.

On a distant rooftop, three silhouettes overlooking the wreckage. One, with their hands, finely gesturing in the manner of a conductor. "Sun and Moon." In the darkness of the utility tunnel, the mark Chrollo discretely left on Zazan's hand, a Sun with a plus symbol, and the one on the bottom of the cloth, a Moon with a negative symbol glowed. I see, I've become soft. Held between her hands, the cloth in which Riesa was captive. "Really, Riesa." Softness spread through her face. "You're useless." In the darkness of that cloth, I hear what you say, and I know what you mean.


Trusting humans is the greatest folly. Chrollo watched on, indifferent to the collapsing mall and the lives that were within. He held a hand to his heart. Tell me chain, what did you think? No answer. "Our business is done here, you may disband." Machi narrowed her eyes. "You intend to leave the chain's restrictions?" Chrollo didn't respond, turning away as he moved off. Opposites attract seems to be a prophetic saying. A pleased look on his face, insignificant as he always appeared to be such. I guess I'd be in between.

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