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50% Hunter X Hunter: Royal Guard / Chapter 6: Shaiapouf x Is x Sneaky

Chapter 6: Shaiapouf x Is x Sneaky

Kurapika rested his hand on his neck, applying pressure until, Crack. He looked down to his blood stained clothes which were riddled with holes. An unpleasant result, but I'd rather reserve my Nen for bigger threats. "Meleoron."

Meleoron, the name of the three-fingered humanoid chameleon standing next to him, bound by his Dowsing Chain, a makeshift leash courtesy of Kurapika. He wore a grey jumpsuit. The most notable qualities were his bulbous eyes, a curled tail which poked through the back of the jumpsuit, 

Sorry, Ikalgo. But hey, I tried. Meleoron's eyes lingered on the limp body of his accomplice, but not for long. He was dragged back into reality.

"Oi, I'm talking to you." Kurapika tugged on his chain, pulling Meleoron forward. They were walking along the road on which their showdown had taken place. They were in the south, moving toward the north of Yorknew. The others should be alive, but I'm not sure about Leorio.


"What are you, and what are you doing in this city?" Kurapika's chains rattled as the continued walking. He turned back to Meleoron with a strikingly serene look. Calm with the storm within. "Don't think about trying to mislead me." A low voice verging on a rumble.

Tick. Tock. The ball-shaped weight on the end of his Dowsing Chain swung from side to side in the manner of a pendulum. "But it is your choice after all." Shadows over his eyes despite the glow of flickering lampposts.

The chill of death condensed moisture onto Meleoron's skin. "H-Hey, I'll tell you anything you want... Just stop it with the death stare." He trembled backwards, pulling the chain taut. Everything began to fall out of place, afterimages of unmoving things, dizziness. I don't, I don't want to die. Shaky breaths.

In his doubled vision he saw a smiling Kurapika beckon him.

"Come back here, we're just talking." His index finger circled in the air as he coiled the chain around it, slowly ushering him forward. Rattle. Kurapika's body jerked, blurred, then Boom. A fist burrowing into Meleoron.

Meleoron's body folded over his fist causing his feet to leave the ground. A choke for air, he couldn't make a sound.

"It's still your choice, Meleoron. It always is." He stepped on Meleoron's foot as he tugged on his chain, tripping him up. Meleoron landed on his face.

I didn't even want to be here. Damn it! With the wind knocked out of him he was left gasping for air. Thwack. Kicked in the face before he could recover. 

Just a small taste of the pain he's inflicted on me and others. "Talk to me, Meleoron." His dropping tone reached terminal velocity.

"I'm a squadron leader, the sniper I was with is my subordinate, Ikalgo." He panted like a due to the blood clogging his nostrils. 

Kurapika placed his foot beneath Meleoron's chin, flicking his head upwards with his foot. "Where is the rest of your army headed?"

"They're on the outskirts of the city, working their way to the centre."

I'm effectively trapped. He looked toward the north. I'll have to face whatever monster did this if I head there. "In the north, what was the thing that did this?"

"One of his majesty's royal guards, I don't know which one."

"How many are there in this royal guard?"

"Three. They'll be moving out to the other sections of the city soon, to provide defence from any resistance."

Three of these calamities exist, and they'll be moving out soon. He clamped his eyes shut for a few moments. If I can't make it out before those guards arrive that'll be the end of me. Or if I'm engaged by the rest of the army, I'll risk alerting one of those guards.

Kurapika's now opened eyes glared at Meleoron. "You can live if you assist me." That invisibility will be an asset.

I need to get away from this guy. "Look, I can only make others invisible if I touch their bodies." He looked down to the chains wrapped around him. "I think you see what the issue is here, right?" He laughed sheepishly, shuddering his body just enough for the sweat droplets to be shaken off himself.

Kurapika shook his head whilst pinching his nose bridge.

"If I couldn't figure out your ability, you wouldn't be in this situation." He tauntingly tapped his head twice with his index finger. "I had two ways of figuring you out with the water, tracking the ripples or the gaps. The gaps being where you stood. I chose the ripples seeing as gaps could've been due to the way water was distributed, or the terrain. If it was windy, it'd be the other way around."

Kurapika casually inspected his nails. "I digressed. Your ability works through contact with anything, and whatever you're in contact with makes other things invisible which is why your accomplice Ikalgo is invisible despite you only touching his clothes." 

"I've already fulfilled the condition of your ability by making contact with my chain. All that escape attempt did was guarantee that I do not unbind you." Well, that was a given since I'd rather not chase an invisible enemy.

Meleoron staggered forward in awe of his clinical dissection. Of all the guys I had to run into, pulling one over on him will be near impossible! I'm screwed. "You're real thorough, you know that? And brutal! Way too brutal!" He fidgeted in his bondage before resigning to his fate. "Fine but know this. My ability only lasts for as long as I can hold my breath." 

I'll have to be selective in its use then. "Brutal? Look at the state of this place, I gave you a fraction of what is deserved." Kurapika began walking further south with Meleoron in tow. I'm sure Gon and Killua are fleeing too. "Now answer my second question." He didn't look back.

"We," Nice one, Meleoron. "No, his majesty intends to use the city as a grounds for consumption." His eyes independently swivelled in different directions, an indicator of his anxiety.

"You mean to say people are being corralled to be consumed like cattle." Worse than I expected.

"Yeah, I mean I haven't eaten any! I'm just following his orders you know!?" A stammering mess. "Really, I don't believe in any of this superiority stuff, I tried to leave really!" Meleoron caught his breath. "We're only allowed to kill those who resist."

"Then why did you attack me? I had not done anything." This is a city of a few million. How large is this army?

"Understandably, you humans don't tend to cooperate, so we choose to weaken them before capture." 

Still in the pool of water, the pale gaunt man's head began to bulge, until Pop. What appeared to be a red octopus with thick lips and equally thick black eyebrows above round eyes slithered out from the body's head. Shit, I need to find a new host. Never mind that, where's Meleoron!? Ikalgo's tentacles wriggled onto the concrete pavement.

"Flutter, we've got a problem over here. Meleoron's been captured."

Over in the north-eastern sector.

That thing's been watching us for some time. Killua looked over his shoulder, noticing the insectoid creature hovering far up in the air and keenly observing them.

"Killua, which way are we going?" Gon finally asked after they had been running for some time.

"Anywhere opposite to that explosion, so we should be entering the east. We need to get out of here, Gon." We haven't run into a single person since we started moving. Is everyone really dead?

Gon was in slight disbelief at Killua's disregard. The crease between his brows said it all. "What do you mean? We should look for Kurapika and Leorio!?" He clenched his fists as he ran.

"Gon, be realistic." Saying something like that to him is like pissing in the wind. "This city is massive. The chances of us just finding one of them is slim." That figure in the corner of his eyes kept nagging at him. That thing in the air is still watching. "I don't plan on sticking around and getting killed by whatever did this."

A cool tone on a cool face. "If you want go looking by yourself, be my guest." Killua's gaze remained fixed on the path ahead.

Why am I the only one who cares about whether they're alive or not!? Gon screeched to a halt, prompting Killua to stop. "Fine then, Killua. I'll go off on my own." He didn't wait for him to reply before mindlessly ran off, heading back toward the north.

Of course he'd accept the invitation. A forked road. Killua looked left to right, weighing his options. Does he even know where he's going? He puffed a breathy sigh. All these things I do for you, Gon.

Killua's expression softened as he began to break into a hushed sprint. He followed after Gon as a hidden presence, deciding to move through buildings along his path. He'll be good bait for anything that comes our way. I'd also like to stay out of view of that thing.

The hovering insect spoke once again. "Rammot, there are two humans roaming in the north-eastern s-"

Rammot interjected. "I know, damn it! And I'm going to grind their bones into dust." The feathered rabbit Killua and Gon encountered was now dragging itself from the remains of a building.

Back in the skyscraper, the king sat on a makeshift throne, resting his head on his fist. "Imhokepri, explain why you wish to leave I, the king unprotected?" His tone was not accusatory, more so inquisitive. "I'm merely curious." My guard wishes to separate himself from me, that sounds rather foolish no matter how much I think on it.

A trick question. Imhokepri restrained the urge to lower his brows in contemplation. The king has never once been concerned about his safety. "Your power is greater than ours, it is unlikely you'd need our protection whilst we occupy the city. And any one of us can reach you if need be."

Clap. Shaiapouf closed his book. "I might add," Shaiapouf rested the length of his finger across his lips. "I would not mind forgoing the privilege of autonomy to be at your side." 

Given the options of a sycophant and Imhokepri, I'm forced to consider my third option. "Neferpitou," The king closed his eyes. "She will be the one to take your position, Imhokepri." It would be remiss of me to not keep an eye on him. Neferpitou has never deviated from expectation, or is that merely an act?

Shaiapouf smiled. A splendid ruling. Do say more, your majesty.

The king stroked himself with his tail. Is this paranoia I'm experiencing!? I stand above all, and this... crooked veins circled the king's eyes. I should simply do away with him. No, that would quickly spiral out of control.

As Komugi has strength on the board, Imokepri! Imhokepri has strength in this mental dance he has us constantly engaged in! I'm a brute. The machinations in the king's mind were silent, not being expressed by even the slightest of movement. 

The king's stinger hovered less than a hair's breadth away from Imhokepri's neck, trembling. Is this your checkmate, to see me reduced to this? I disallow it. He lowered his stinger. "We shall enjoy each other's company, Imhokepri."

I'm shaking? At that moment, Imhokepri was ready to burst through the window to fly away. "..." I can't speak either.

Shaiapouf made no effort to plea on Imhokepri's behalf. Rather, he peered above the pages of the book he was reading, making only his eyes which betrayed his glee visible. This the first step, your majesty.

After some time, he finally spoke. "I wish to be alone for some time." Nen tinged with a violet hue wafted from him like smoke. All games are steeped in paranoia. The next move, what is it?

Before they left. "Neferpitou takes the east, Shaiapouf, the west."

Shaiapouf left the skyscraper through a window, fluttering his wings. It's time I stopped being so passive. He dove towards the ground, wrapping himself in his wings as he spiralled downwards like a bullet. If he's pulling Imhokepri from his post in the south, I can use that gap. "This is my purpose."

He held a hand over his heart. I am not your guard. I am your mentor, so I should forgive you for not knowing what you do. And for not knowing what I do for you, my sacrifice.

A tear ran across his forehead due to him travelling downward at breakneck speed. If something were to happen to Komugi. A shame. Mark her a casualty of war.

Imhokepri was still shaken by his close encounter with death. Although I'm vexed. The king's suggestion is quite sound. If we leave a gap in the south, the humans will pour in from there once they realise. He looked to his fist, shrouding it in Nen shortly. A pipeline for my Orbital Strike.

His thoughts then moved to Shaiapouf. He wishes to curry favour with the king but without care for his image. But he's not a fool. Imhokepri stumbled. Image. Pretence? What could he hope to gain from that? Imhokepri's lips parted while its corners curved into a smirk. He's using the king's disdain for sycophancy against him to maintain a non-threatening position.

He's more brilliant than I am. Imhokepri's heart raced. Scared? No, excited.

Meanwhile, Neferpitou was on the ground patrolling the area. She freely hummed a tune. Nothing yet? She hadn't come across anything during her patrol of the area. "Hmm." 

Aura began to spread from Neferpitou's body, continuing to expand far beyond it. It ballooned in size, engulfing the entire area of the city's northern region in a river of blood coloured Nen.

W-what is this aura? Knov stopped, no, he was halted by the gravity of it. He had entered the north some time ago, buildings were mostly demolished. All options for cover were bits of debris scattered around and the few buildings whose remnants still stood.

Neferpitou rolled her eyes from side to side, with an open smile. Ah, It seems I've caught something in my net. She looked to her right, staring at a concrete wall. Knov was not behind it, of course. It was just an obstacle in the direction in which Knov was located.

She dashed forward, breaking through the walls and all the buildings and debris behind it with her arm outstretched. 

Hearing the approaching destruction in the distance, he began making preparations. It's coming this way!? Futile, futile! Knov knelt down, opening a portal before sinking into the ground. Too close! Even if I used 'Scream' I would've died.

We're playing a game of Whack-A-Mole. He laughed dryly to cope with the overbearing sense of dread consuming him. Whack-A-Knov. He smacked himself on the cheek to get a grip. That must've been one of the royal guard, I must be in the right place then.

He was in a room. A cube shaped white room with multiple doors on each side. It was an attribute of his Nen ability. In simple terms, a pocket dimension he could access.

Neferpitou finally broke through the obstacles, holding a piece of concrete in her hand which she promptly crushed. It disappeared? Her eyes flitted about, scanning the area. I'm sure it was here.

Knov approached another door, poking his head out briefly. 

Now it's there. Neferpitou levelled another series of building remains as she travelled to her left. "I've got you nyow!" Nothing was there. "Eh?" Neferpitou's tail swirled in the air. "So you want to play with me?"

Knov had swiftly closed the door upon yet again hearing destruction approaching. This is far as I get, but I'm in the correct area. He fished about in his pocket, producing a phone. The chairman should be nearby, a hit and run should give me enough time.

Clatter. He dropped his phone. His hand shook violently, forcing him to subdue it with the other. I'm fine. A follicle of his hair dropped to the ground as he walked.

The sixth hour arrived.


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